Choosing a baby name is a significant decision for expecting parents, and if you’re a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic saga, “The Lord of the Rings,” you’re in luck. The rich world of Middle-earth offers a treasure trove of unique and evocative names that stand out from the common choices. From the heroic figures to the enchanting lands, “The Lord of the Rings” baby names encapsulate a wide array of noble, mystical, and adventurous traits.

As you’re leafing through potential names, consider how each one may not only suit your child but also carry the timeless legacy of Tolkien’s work. Whether you’re drawn to the nobility of the characters or the beauty of the Elvish language, selecting a name from this universe can imbue your child’s identity with the magic and depth of Middle-earth. Here’s a compilation of some “Lord of the Rings” baby names to get your imagination wandering through the realms of this beloved fantasy.
Lord of the Rings Baby Names for Your Little One
- Frodo
- Aragorn
- Legolas
- Eowyn
- Samwise
- Galadriel
- Peregrin
- Gimli
- Arwen
- Bilbo
Best Lord of the Rings Baby Names
Choosing a name for your little one can be a precious moment, and if you’re a fan of Middle-earth, what better inspiration than the rich world of “The Lord of the Rings”?
Explore our carefully selected list of names that embody the spirit of Tolkien’s epic tale.
- Aragorn
- Bilbo
- Frodo
- Galadriel
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Eowyn
- Boromir
- Samwise
- Pippin
- Merry
- Arwen
- Faramir
- Denethor
- Elrond
- Théoden
- Éomer
- Haldir
- Celeborn
- Saruman
- Gríma
- Éowyn
- Isildur
- Gollum
- Treebeard
- Gandalf
- Thorin
- Balin
- Dwalin
- Kíli
- Fíli
- Thranduil
- Beorn
- Radagast
- Gil-galad
- Glóin
- Oin
- Bard
- Smaug
- Wormtongue
- Shadowfax
- Sauron
- Shelob
- Tauriel
- Rosie
- Lothlorien
- Rivendell
- Mordor
- Dunharrow
- Entwash
Good Name Ideas for Your Little One Inspired by Lord of the Rings

If you’re a fan of the epic adventures from J.R.R. Tolkien’s world, these names from “The Lord of the Rings” may be the perfect pick for your baby.
Good Name Ideas 1-25
- Aragorn
- Bilbo
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Meriadoc
- Peregrin
- Gandalf
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Éowyn
- Galadriel
- Arwen
- Elrond
- Théoden
- Éomer
- Isildur
- Haldir
- Gollum
- Saruman
- Denethor
- Celeborn
- Gríma
- Radagast
Good Name Ideas 26-50
- Thorin
- Balin
- Dwalin
- Glóin
- Óin
- Bifur
- Bofur
- Bombur
- Dori
- Nori
- Ori
- Kíli
- Fíli
- Tauriel
- Beorn
- Bard
- Tom
- Goldberry
- Treebeard
- Wormtongue
- Smaug
- Shelob
- Beregond
- Húrin
- Tuor
Cool Lord of the Rings Baby Names

Discover enchanting names inspired by the legendary characters of Middle-earth. If you’re looking for unique and memorable baby names, the world of J.R.R. Tolkien offers a treasure trove of options. Here, we’ve curated cool name ideas from “The Lord of the Rings” for your little one’s lifelong adventure.
Cool Lord of the Rings Baby Names 1-25
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Merry
- Pippin
- Aragorn
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Theoden
- Eowyn
- Galadriel
- Celeborn
- Eomer
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Elrond
- Arwen
- Bilbo
- Thorin
- Balin
- Dwalin
- Elendil
- Isildur
- Elessar
- Anarion
- Haldir
Cool Lord of the Rings Baby Names 26-50
- Gollum
- Saruman
- Witch-king
- Grima
- Treebeard
- Denethor
- Beregond
- Barliman
- Celebrian
- Thranduil
- Glorfindel
- Cirdan
- Éothain
- Radagast
- Rosie
- Goldberry
- Tom Bombadil
- Gil-galad
- Halbarad
- Hama
- Ioreth
- Lothiriel
- Madril
- Morwen
- Rohirrim
Badass Lord of the Rings Baby Names

Choosing a name from the Lord of the Rings series can lend an adventurous and heroic flair to your baby’s identity.
1-25 Badass Lord of the Rings Baby Names
- Aragorn
- Gimli
- Legolas
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Éomer
- Saruman
- Théoden
- Denethor
- Haldir
- Isildur
- Celeborn
- Thorin
- Dáin
- Bard
- Elrond
- Galadriel
- Tauriel
- Arwen
- Éowyn
- Gil-galad
- Glóin
- Thranduil
- Elladan
- Elrohir
26-50 Badass Lord of the Rings Baby Names
- Bilbo
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Meriadoc
- Peregrin
- Beorn
- Gandalf
- Radagast
- Wormtongue
- Gríma
- Háma
- Éowyn
- Arwen
- Théoden
- Thorin
- Saruman
- Celebrian
- Durin
- Ecthelion
- Balrog
- Smaug
- Shelob
- Gollum
- Sauron
- Morgoth
Unique Lord of the Rings Baby Name Ideas
If you’re seeking a name as timeless as the tales of Middle-earth, this list of unique baby name ideas captures the essence of Tolkien’s world.
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Aragorn
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Peregrin (Pippin)
- Meriadoc (Merry)
- Bilbo
- Galadriel
- Éowyn
- Arwen
- Elrond
- Faramir
- Boromir
- Théoden
- Éomer
- Celeborn
- Treebeard
- Gollum
- Saruman
- Gandalf
- Denethor
- Haldir
- Glorfindel
- Gríma
- Radagast
- Thranduil
- Bard
- Beorn
- Tauriel
- Elrohir
- Elladan
- Erestor
- Finrod
- Galadhrim
- Gil-galad
- Goldberry
- Idril
- Lothíriel
- Mablung
- Nimrodel
- Oropher
- Orophin
- Rosie (Rose)
- Silvan
- Thorin
- Thrain
- Tom Bombadil
- Turin
- Wormtongue
Catchy Lord of the Rings Baby Names

If you’re looking for a name with a touch of fantasy and adventure for your little one, look no further. Here, you’ll discover names that will remind you of bravery, friendship, and epic journeys.
Catchy Lord of the Rings Baby Names 1-25
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Bilbo
- Peregrin
- Meriadoc
- Aragorn
- Eowyn
- Galadriel
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Boromir
- Arwen
- Faramir
- Eomer
- Theoden
- Elrond
- Celeborn
- Thranduil
- Haldir
- Denethor
- Isildur
- Anarion
- Earendil
- Beregond
- Haldan
Catchy Lord of the Rings Baby Names 26-50
- Glorfindel
- Imrahil
- Radagast
- Cirdan
- Ghan-buri-Ghan
- Ioreth
- Damrod
- Mablung
- Elladan
- Elrohir
- Idril
- Finduilas
- Deagol
- Goldberry
- Tom Bombadil
- Dernhelm
- Eldarion
- Eltarion
- Erkenbrand
- Forlong
- Gil-galad
- Halbarad
- Isengar
- Lothiriel
- Mithrandir
Cute Lord of the Rings Baby Names
When choosing a name for your baby, consider these charming names inspired by the characters of Middle Earth, featuring hobbits, elves, and more.
Cute Lord of the Rings Baby Names 1-25
- Frodo
- Bilbo
- Samwise
- Merry
- Pippin
- Rosie
- Goldberry
- Lily
- Bell
- Daisy
- Primrose
- Ruby
- Elanor
- Estella
- Marigold
- Pearl
- Celandine
- Halfred
- Hob
- Lobelia
- Tobold
- Bandobras
- Holman
- Lotho
- Dinodas
Cute Lord of the Rings Baby Names 26-50
- Arwen
- Eowyn
- Galadriel
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Thranduil
- Tauriel
- Haldir
- Eomer
- Faramir
- Celeborn
- Finduilas
- Idril
- Luthien
- Nellas
- Orophin
- Rian
- Amroth
- Elladan
- Elrohir
- Hirgon
- Isildur
- Anarion
- Beregond
- Damrod
Additional Lord of the Rings Baby Name Ideas
When considering Lord of the Rings baby names, you’ll find a wealth of options drawn from the rich linguistic traditions that J.R.R. Tolkien loved, including Dwarf names influenced by Old English and Norse, as well as names with Welsh and Anglo-Saxon roots.
Lord of the Rings Baby Name Ideas 1-25
- Frodo
- Samwise
- Meriadoc
- Peregrin
- Bilbo
- Gandalf
- Aragorn
- Boromir
- Faramir
- Denethor
- Isildur
- Legolas
- Gimli
- Haldir
- Thranduil
- Éowyn
- Galadriel
- Tauriel
- Arwen
- Éomer
- Theoden
- Saruman
- Elrond
- Gollum
- Radagast
Lord of the Rings Baby Name Ideas 26-50
- Thorin
- Durin
- Dwalin
- Balin
- Kili
- Fili
- Glóin
- Óin
- Bifur
- Bofur
- Bombur
- Gríma
- Beregond
- Damrod
- Hirgon
- Ioreth
- Imrahil
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Lobelia
- Rosie
- Belladonna
- Gil-galad
- Barliman
- Celeborn
- Círdan
Tips for Brainstorming the Perfect Lord of the Rings Baby Name
When delving into the realm of Middle Earth for baby name inspiration, you want a name that captures the essence of adventure and fantasy. Here are some tips:
- Immerse yourself in the languages of J.R.R. Tolkien’s world. Elvish names often have a lyrical quality, while Dwarven names might sound more solid and grounded.
- Consider the characters that resonate with you. Heroes like Aragorn and Frodo bring to mind bravery and resilience.
- Think about the specific regions of Middle Earth. A name like Eowyn might reflect the character’s Rohirric roots.
Brainstorming List:
- Aragorn
- Frodo
- Eowyn
- Legolas
- Thranduil
Remember, the perfect name should be one that feels meaningful to you. It’s not just a name; it’s an echo of an entire universe, ripe with adventure and fantasy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Explore some of the enchanting names from Tolkien’s world that could add a touch of fantasy to your baby’s identity.
What are some popular Lord of the Rings baby names inspired by Middle-earth characters?
- Aragorn
- Gimli
- Théoden
- Boromir
- Faramir
How do you pronounce the name ‘Eowyn’ in ‘The Lord of the Rings’, and what is its significance?
Eowyn is pronounced as ‘EH-o-win’.
Can the name ‘Arwen’ be used for a baby, and what does it represent in the Tolkien universe?
Yes, Arwen can absolutely be used for a baby.
What are the meanings behind the names of prominent ‘Lord of the Rings’ characters such as Frodo and Legolas?
Frodo and Legolas are names that carry historical weight in Middle-earth.
Are there any ‘The Hobbit‘ character names that are suitable for boys?
- Bilbo
- Thorin
- Bard
- Beorn
- Dwalin
Which female character names from ‘Lord of the Rings‘ are trending as baby names?
- Galadriel
- Eowyn
- Arwen
- Rosie
- Tauriel