Do you love playing Pokémon games? Skorupi is one of the coolest and most unique-looking creatures in the game, so it’s no wonder that gamers have come up with some amazing nicknames for it.
In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best Skorupi nicknames that we’ve seen.
So if you’re looking for some new ideas for your next gaming session, be sure to check out this post!
Best Skorupi Nicknames
- Venom
- Anthrax
- Toxic
- Foxglove
- Hemlock
- Larkspur
- Monkshood
- Nightshade
- Oleander
- Indigo
- Pinchy
- Rosethorn
- Scorpio
- Snuggles
- Poison
- Spike
- Stinger
- DoomPiercer
Female Skorupi Nicknames
For the female names, we will look at several different categories. Due to its pale purple coloring, we will look at female names that mean or relate to the color purple.
We will also look at historic figures and gods. Finally, we will look at good nicknames related to marshes and deserts since Skorupi can dwell there.
Female Nicknames That Mean Purple
- Amethyst
- Calfuray
- Fialova
- Hyacinth
- Iolanthe
- Iris
- Lavender
- Lila
- Lilac
- Roxa
- Salvia
- Sigal
- Sumire
- Suren
- Temenuzhka
- Wisteria
Historic Figures And Gods
- Agrippina the Younger – Roman noble who helped her son become emperor
- Arsinoe – half-sister to Cleopatra
- Artemis – goddess of hunting (Greek)
- Athena – goddess of wisdom (Greek)
- Bastet – cat goddess (Egyptian)
- Cleopatra – Egyptian pharaoh
- Hatshepsut – Egyptian pharaoh
- Isis – Egyptian goddess
- Livia Drusilla – wife of Roman emperor Augustus
- Nefertiti – Egyptian pharaoh
- Serket – scorpion goddess (Egyptian)
Related To Marshes
- Brei
- Brey
- Briella
- Briet
- Malie
- Marais
- Marlania
Related To Sand Or Desert
- Alba
- Arava
- Baluka
- Eremita
- Merisa
- Noya
- Sahra
- Saya
- Sharen
- Sharina
- Sikata
- Valuka
- Zabrina
Male Skorupi Nicknames
For the male names, we will look at several different categories. Due to its pale purple coloring, we will look at male names that mean or relate to the color purple.
We will also look at historic figures and gods. Finally, we will look at nicknames related to marshes and deserts since Skorupi can dwell there.
Male Nicknames That Mean Purple
- Burgandy
- Dhumra
- Hadlee
- Heliotrope
- Kovidar
- Morado
- Murasakino
- Plum
- Porfirio
Historic Figures And Gods
- Anubis – Egyptian god of the dead
- Apollo – Greek god of the Sun
- Basiliscus – Roman emperor
- Britannicus – son of Roman emperor Claudius
- Caesar Augustus—the first Roman emperor
- Caligula – selfish Roman emperor
- Caracalla – Roman emperor
- Carausius – Roman military commander
- Carinus – Roman emperor
- Carus – Roman emperor
- Horus – sky god (Egyptian)
- Macrinus – Roman emperor
- Magnus – Roman emperor
- Majorian – Roman emperor
- Mareades – Roman rebel
- Nero – Roman emperor
- Osiris – god of the underworld (Egyptian)
- Seth – god of chaos (Egyptian)
- Thor – God of thunder
- Zeus – God of the sky
Related To Marshes
- Annaduff
- Bray
- Carson
- Cork
- Culloden
- Fenton
- Fenwick
- Karr
- Kiarr
- Moarlan
- Sellers
- Taft
Related To Sand Or Desert
- Cargan
- Daku
- Dyssodia
- Emathion
- Forsaken
- Marudeva
- Oasis
- Ramil
- Reti
- Sahara
- Saichi
- Sinai
- Sofian
- Thachi
Pokémon Nickname Inspiration
Coming up with creative nicknames for your Pokémon can be a fun and challenging part of the game. Whether you’re trying to think of a clever name for your starter Pokémon or want to give your team a unified theme, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, consider the Pokémon’s appearance, personality, and moveset. What makes this Pokémon unique? You can also look at the Pokédex entry for inspiration, as well as any legendary backstory the Pokémon might have.
Once you have a few ideas, try experimenting with different combinations of letters and syllables until you find something that sounds just right.
With a little imagination, you’re sure to come up with the perfect nickname for your Pokémon companion.

Help Choosing The Right Name
Here are a few tips to help you choose the perfect nickname for your Pokémon:
- Consider the Pokémon’s appearance. What colors does it have? What does it look like?
- Think about the Pokémon’s personality. Is it calm or energetic? Friendly or fierce?
- Look at the Pokémon’s moveset. Does it have any unique or powerful attacks?
- Check the Pokédex entry for inspiration. What does it say about the Pokémon’s behavior or habitat?
- Research any legendary backstory the Pokémon might have. This can be a great source of nickname ideas.
- Experiment with different combinations of letters and syllables until you find something that sounds right.
With these tips in mind, you’re sure to come up with the perfect nickname for your Pokémon companion.
Pokémon nicknames can be inspired by a variety of things, from the Pokémon’s appearance and personality to its moveset and legendary backstory.
With a little imagination, you’re sure to come up with the perfect nickname for your Pokémon companion.