Which Diablo 4 Class Should You Choose?

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As Diablo 4’s launch day approaches, players eagerly anticipate choosing their first character and forging ahead into a new demon-slaying crusade.

With summer just around the corner, let’s take a closer look at the five launch day character classes that Diablo 4 presents — the Barbarian, Sorcerer/Sorceress, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer. Each class offers unique gameplay and mechanics, ensuring that there’s a character to suit every player’s style as they embark on this thrilling journey.

From the massive damage-dealing Barbarian to the savage shape-shifting Druid, the flexible Sorcerer/Sorceress to the stealthy Rogue, and the ever-popular Necromancer, players will have plenty of options to choose from as they delve into Diablo 4’s rich world. Exciting changes and enhancements have been made to each class, adding depth and versatility to their gameplay.

So, whether you’re a returning veteran of the series or a newcomer, be prepared for an exhilarating ride as you battle demons and amass epic loot in Diablo 4.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose from five distinct launch day character classes, each with unique gameplay and abilities.
  • Uncover innovative enhancements and mechanics for the Barbarian, Sorcerer/Sorceress, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer.
  • Immerse yourself in the demon-slaying world of Diablo 4, set to release for various platforms on June 6th.


Arsenal System

The Barbarian in Diablo 4 utilizes the Arsenal system, providing a total of four weapon equipped slots. You can equip two one-handed and two two-handed weapons at once, swapping between them freely. Hammers, axes, maces, swords, and polearms are all available for the Barbarian’s equip slots. The bonuses from all four of your equipped weapons always apply, no matter which one is actively being used. Different Barbarian skills require specific weapon types, but the Arsenal system automates the weapon-switching process when activating a skill.

Shouts and Crowd Control

Your Barbarian’s shouts buff and debuff while also incorporating a touch of crowd control to keep your foes where they need to be for maximum damage. Your intimidating war cries and ground-shaking slam attacks can shake the confidence of entire enemy hordes, utilizing your unparalleled strength.

Specializations – Berserker and Warlord

As a Barbarian, you can choose between two specializations – Berserker and Warlord.

  • Berserker: This specialization prioritizes damage output over defense. It allows you to get right up in the enemy’s face, increasing your damage substantially but neglecting defense. Be aware that this specialization might cause you to lower your resistance to damage at times.
  • Warlord: The opposite of Berserker, this specialization focuses on defense and party bonuses without significantly boosting your offensive capabilities. It’s useful for particularly dangerous targets or solo play.

The Barbarian covers the full spectrum of melee combat – brawling, cleaving frenzies, and Berserker rages, all awaiting your command.


Elemental Magic

As a sorcerer or sorceress, you cast lethal spells using the power of elemental magic. Fire spells set enemies ablaze for damage over time and summon devastating meteors. Frost spells impale foes, slowing them down or even freezing them, leaving them vulnerable. Lightning spells electrify multiple enemies, and some lightning abilities create orbs that restore your mana when picked up. This school of magic is not only powerful but also self-sustaining.


Your sorcerer or sorceress character can utilize teleportation skills to stay out of harm’s way. Since your class is a glass cannon, focusing on dealing high damage but lacking strong armor or defenses, teleportation becomes crucial for avoiding close encounters with enemies.

Enchantment System

Diablo 4 introduces the enchantment system for the sorcerer/sorceress class, allowing you to convert any of your active skills into permanent enchantments. For example, if you particularly enjoy casting meteor spells on your foes, you can apply an enchantment that causes your character to automatically cast meteor periodically. This flexibility lets you mix and match combinations of spells to create unique and powerful synergies tailor-made for your playstyle.



The Druid is a tough, versatile damage dealer that offers power comparable to the Barbarian with a little more self-sufficiency. Diablo 4’s Druid doesn’t shapeshift as a standalone action though; you have three forms you can rapidly and fluidly flick between brutal human, vicious werewolf, and towering bear. Many skills require a particular form, and activating a skill will automatically shapeshift you into the form it requires. Druid players can morph between three forms, constantly adapting to the situation literally moment-to-moment.

Woven Companions

Regardless of the form you take, you will also have woven companions helping you out, making you a bit of a one-character nature army.

Talent Trees and Spirit

The talent trees at a Druid’s disposal include powerful physical attacks via shape-shifting forms, storm abilities that call down lightning on foes, Earth Magic that raises rock and stone to pulverize and smash enemies, and wind attacks that turn the very air into cutting blades. Using this Elemental Magic requires generating and spending Spirit, essentially the class’s equivalent of Mana. The more basic skills like wind shear give you Spirit, and the bigger flashier skills like tornado, spend that Spirit doing huge burst damage. Harnessing the full power of nature itself and never giving your enemy a chance to breathe will be your specialty as a druid.


As a Rogue, you’re a versatile, agile warrior capable of wielding daggers, blades, bows, swords, and crossbows with lethal precision. Regardless of the specialization you choose, you excel in stealthily eliminating enemies with either close-range or long-range attacks.

Weapon Imbuing

The imbuing system plays a significant role in enhancing your Rogue’s abilities. You can apply extra effects on your weapons, augmenting their potency:

  • Poison: Increases damage over time.
  • Shadow Imbuement: Curses enemies, causing them to explode upon death and damage those around them.
  • Chill: Works similarly to the Sorceress’s Frost spells, slowing and eventually immobilizing enemies affected by it.

Specializations – Shadow Realm, Combo Points, and Exploit Weakness

As a Rogue, you have three unique specializations to choose from, each catered to different playstyles:

  • Shadow Realm: This stealth ability allows you to enter the shadow realm to hide and even pull enemies into the shadow realm, where they face unfortunate ends.
  • Combo Points: Adds combo points to your standard attacks, which can be spent to trigger further effects and additional skills.
  • Exploit Weakness: This powerful ability turns all your attacks against a specific enemy into critical hits, increasing damage by 60% for enhanced lethality.

By selecting the right combination of weapon imbuing and specializations, you’ll be able to tailor your Rogue to suit your playstyle and become a formidable force in the world of Diablo 4.


As a Necromancer, you have the ability to raise skeletons, golems, and other undead soldiers to do your bidding. In Diablo 4, this class offers even more versatility through Essence Powers and various specializations.

Essence Power

Essence is the key to powering your Necromancer’s conjuring abilities. Channeling it into powerful schools of summoning blood, shadow, and bone can devastate even the toughest foes.

Summoning, Blood, Shadow, and Bone Specializations

The summoning playstyle focuses on raising the various dead minions that comprise your Necromancer’s army. These minions are more self-contained and less reliant on complementary passives, so you’ll have more freedom to experiment with other abilities without negatively impacting their performance.

The blood specialization revolves around blood magic. These abilities tend to drain life from enemies, benefiting both you and your allies. The more enemies you hit with a blood magic ability, the more potent it is. This will be extra valuable against large hordes of monsters since it’s focused on area of effect and offers health benefits. Blood specialization can potentially allow your Necromancer to play more aggressively than a caster normally would.

The shadow playstyle for the Necromancer works similarly to poison effects. Shadow abilities inflict damage over time and have crowd-control potential. Additionally, they’re good at generating Essence, which you use to cast summoning abilities, creating synergy potential.

Finally, the bone skills use Essence to deal massive direct damage. Your staple bone spirit ability belongs to this skill tree and is capable of tearing through enemy ranks with ease. Combined with crowd control abilities like bone prison, which corrals groups into a small area, this could prove to be one of your Necromancer’s most devastating playstyles.

Release Information and Guidance on Which Class To Choose

Diablo 4 is set to release on June 6th, and you’ll have five launch day character classes to choose from. As a player, you’ll be able to pick your favorite class and forge ahead into a new demon-slaying crusade just in time for summer. The five classes are the Barbarian, Sorceress, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer.

As a Barbarian, you’ll deal colossal amounts of damage with unparalleled strength. You’ll have the Arsenal system, which provides a whopping four weapon-equipped slots and access to specializations Berserker and Warlord. If you prefer a classic glass cannon character, you may choose to play as the Sorceress with an enchantment system and lethal spells.

For versatile damage dealing, the Druid class, with its shape-shifting and nature-oriented abilities, might be right for you. You’ll have powerful physical attacks, elemental magic, and helpful companions to assist in battle. On the other hand, if agility and stealth are more your style, the Rogue class offers a variety of weapons and three specializations, as well as an imbuing system for extra effects.

Finally, the ever-popular Necromancer class, with the ability to raise skeletons and golems, will also be at your disposal. Essence powers in Diablo 4 offer summoning, blood, shadow, and bone specializations for you to devastate your enemies.

Diablo 4 is set to release on PC, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on June 6th. With these options in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to make an educated choice on which class is the perfect fit for your demon-slaying crusade.

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Tom Derbyshire

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