Welcome to our comprehensive list of 249+ blue dragon names!
We know that finding the perfect name for your blue dragon can be challenging, which is why we’ve scoured the depths of dragon lore to bring you the best, good, unique, cute, catchy, creative, cool, badass, and funny names for these majestic creatures.
In our selection, you’ll find names like Abazigal, Calabastasingavor, and Saluuknir, which showcase the guttural and powerful essence of blue dragons. But fear not, we’ve also included lighter names like Egarron and Gethynth for those who prefer a gentler touch.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into our impressive collection of names for a blue dragon and find the one that best suits your magnificent creature!

Best Blue Dragon Names
We have compiled a list of the best blue dragon names for your inspiration.
These names are perfect for any blue dragon character or pet you might have.
Let’s start with some of the top names we recommend:
- Azura
- Skystreak
- Glacialfang
- Aquamarine
- Thunderhowl
- Stormgaze
- Windrider
- Snowscale
- Moonslice
- Blazewing
- Oceanshard
- Galaxytor
- Starshatter
- Glacierburst
- Hydrobreath
- Tidalfury
- Nightsurge
- Rayofrost
- Shadowspark
- Tidewisp
- Darkmaw
- Windcharger
- Shocktail
- Sorrowsong
- Velvetwing
Good Blue Dragon Names
In this section, we’ll cover a few good names for a blue dragon for you to consider.
Names that fit these majestic creatures and can inspire awe in the world of fantasy.
What are some good dragon names for a blue dragon?
Here’s a list of 25 good names for a blue dragon that might catch your interest:
- Azuris
- Wavesurge
- Cobaltwing
- Stormscales
- Oceanhorn
- Bluespark
- Frostwhisper
- Seamist
- Glaciertail
- Crystalclaw
- Skygazer
- Azureflame
- Thunderfin
- Moonshiver
- Spiralcrest
- Riverrider
- Tidalbreeze
- Starplume
- Shatterstone
- Torrentscale
- Windswimmer
- Mistmantle
- Snowdancer
- Neptune
- Blazewave
- Viserion – Game Of Thrones

Blue Dragon Female Names
We’ve compiled a list of 25 captivating blue-themed names for female dragons to help you find the perfect name for these magnificent creatures.
- Azurefrost
- Bluescale
- Oceandancer
- Skyspire
- Glimmerwing
- Moonshadow
- Tidechaser
- Galewhisper
- Stardrift
- Crystalglow
- Icyflame
- Ripplewind
- Glaciersong
- Shimmerstorm
- Sapphiremist
- Thunderroar
- Waveglider
- Skytalon
- Blazefrost
- Seabreezewing
- Winterlight
- Echoglide
- Swirlingfire
- Nightspark
- Deepseaflame
Names For A Male Blue Dragon
In this section, we’ll provide you with some fantastic names for a male blue dragon.
These options range from unique and creative to cool, catchy, and even funny names. Each name is sure to make your blue dragon character stand out.
Here are our top 25 names:
- Arcturus
- Boraksaghegirak
- Calabastasingavor
- Dragothor
- Ermordenax
- Frostreaper
- Gethynth
- Helionas
- Icewing
- Kelvanas
- Langdedrosa
- Maelstrom
- Nazirth
- Oceanscourge
- Phargoren
- Quindardon
- Rildryburkyr
- Saluuknir
- Talondar
- Uberonoth
- Vaelithar
- Wyndthros
- Xalanthrax
- Yagador
- Zothar
Unique Names Blue Dragon Name Ideas
In this section, we bring you a list of unique names for a blue dragon. These names are perfect for those who want their blue dragon to stand out from the crowd.
We’ve made sure that these names are creative and catchy, giving your dragon a one-of-a-kind moniker.
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 25 unique names for a blue dragon for you to consider. Remember, a unique name should reflect the dragon’s personality and distinctive attributes.
So, without further ado, here are our top picks:
- Zarelphentris
- Azulthegar
- Frostyxios
- Windelas
- Turquoisorax
- Sapphiriath
- Glacierskor
- Indigonar
- Maelstromvath
- Cerulevian
- Oceanblazen
- Bluespikeon
- Shiverldrak
- Azurender
- Nightshiras
- Neptunalor
- Stormfengor
- Rainsoarus
- Chillventis
- Skystrixis
- Thunderzash
- Whirlwindaz
- Mythrimark
- Starcrystan
- Astroglyfion
Cute Names For A Blue Dragon
As dragon enthusiasts, we have compiled a list of some truly adorable names for blue dragons.
These names are perfect if you’re looking for something endearing and charming to call your blue-scaled friend.
Let’s dive into the cute names for a blue dragon we’ve gathered for you:
- Bluemoon
- Sapphy
- Glimmerwing
- Sparklecrest
- Azurefluff
- Twinkletail
- Bubblebeam
- Wispysnout
- Glitterscale
- Skygaze
- Fluffyclaw
- Stardust
- Featherfin
- Whispertail
- Tidalsplash
- Dewdrop
- Moonbeam
- Cloudskipper
- Breezewhisper
- Skylark
- Snowspire
- Crystalgaze
- Frostspark
- Pebblepaw
- Silvermist

Catchy Blue Dragon Names
As you continue through our list of amazing names for a blue dragon, we’ve gathered some catchy options that will grab your attention.
These names are perfect for those who seek a memorable title for their scaly friends:
- Azurefang
- Oceanflame
- Skyspark
- Stormswoop
- Glacialtalon
- Crystalwing
- Thunderscale
- Frostflare
- Periwinkledawn
- Sapphirewhisker
- Midnightgleam
- Wavecrash
- Riptideclaw
- Galeforce
- Aquabeam
- Zephyrstrike
- Winterscar
- Blueshadow
- Iceblaze
- Glimmerscale
- Moonfrost
- Turbulence
- Raindancer
- Glittergale
- Snowbound
These names not only sound great, but they also evoke a sense of wonder and excitement. Remember, the most important aspect of choosing a name for your dragon is to have fun and pick one that resonates with you.
As you continue exploring name options, don’t forget to also consider other sections in our article, such as good, unique, cute, creative, cool, badass, and funny names for your blue dragon. We’re confident that you’ll find a name that perfectly captures the essence of your magnificent creature.
Creative Names For A Blue Dragon
In this section, we have curated a list of 25 creative names for a blue dragon that will spark your imagination.
These names are unique, catchy, and perfect for any blue-scaled creature in your story or game.
- Alasklerbanbastos
- Ceruleanfire
- Thyszix
- Skylarx
- Tritonblaze
- Cobaltdrift
- Frirsusso
- Hailfrostwings
- Araugauthos
- Saluuknir
- Stormcrest
- Azuretyphoon
- Blueplume
- Seasurge
- Gyndrossoig
- Velvetgaze
- Vomrayn
- Equinoxflare
- Mythrilbreeze
- Blazingsapphire
- Wrathwind
- Sapphiretyrant
- Moonfollower
- Shadowglacier
- Scarlettskale
Let these creative names for a blue dragon inspire you to come up with even more wonderful and intriguing names for your blue-scaled dragons.
Remember, the sky’s the limit when it comes to naming these fantastic creatures!
Cool Names For A Blue Dragon
Blue dragons are known for their majestic and mystical appearances, which inspire a sense of awe and wonder in those who encounter them.
If you’re looking for some cool names to give these magnificent creatures, we’ve got you covered.
In this section, we’ve compiled a list of 25 cool names for a blue dragon that is sure to impress.
- Stormentas
- Azurefrost
- Glaciertide
- Neptune’s Wrath
- Rimefang
- Vortexion
- Chillwhisper
- Thundergale
- Cyanquill
- Oceanguard
- Wavedancer
- Skyshard
- Deepsurge
- Crystalcrest
- Mysticraven
- Tempestwing
- Frostplume
- Hydrascale
- Nimbusclaw
- Blueshard
- Galaxystorm
- Lunarforge
- Spellwyrm
- Tidalfury
- Aethertide
These names reflect the captivating and powerful nature of blue dragons, as well as their connection to the element of water and the icy, mysterious realms they inhabit.
We hope these cool names for a blue dragon provide you with the inspiration you need to create an unforgettable character or story.

Badass Names For A Blue Dragon
When it comes to badass names for a blue dragon, there’s no shortage of impressive options to choose from.
In this section, we aim to provide an extensive list of powerful and awe-inspiring names that will suit the most fearsome blue dragons.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into our top picks for badass names for a blue dragon.
- Thyszix the Destroyer
- Barsomketh the Frostbreaker
- Vasrek the Scourge
- Rildryburkyr the Unstoppable
- Alasklerbanbastos the Dominator
- Araugauthos the Dreaded
- Clytemorrenestrix the Intimidator
- Boraksaghegirak the Ferocious
- Vomrayn the Vengeful
- Nemren the Bonechiller
- Aghorthas the Stormbringer
- Frirsusso the Ravager
- Redhairirth the Ruthless
- Zothae the Savage
- Yntra the Dire
- Ristrozimali the Merciless
- Bimneldrex the Tyrant
- Thizri the Ironscale
- Bitter Nimbleflight the Overlord
- Halfbringer the Stormreaver
- Arharzel the Majestic
- Dashontak the Shadowy
- Kodraeth the Cunning
- Cledemothen the Darkflame
- Maniac Burningsight, the Unyielding
There you have it, our list of badass names for a blue dragon that will bring fear and respect to any dragon in your story or game.
Remember to select a name that captures the essence and power of your blue dragon, making it a force to be reckoned with in any tale or quest.
Funny Names For A Blue Dragon
We understand that not every blue dragon name needs to be serious or intimidating.
Sometimes, a bit of humor can add a unique twist to your character’s story.
Here are 25 funny names for a blue dragon that might bring out a chuckle from you and your fellow players:
- Snicker-Scale
- Gigglestorm
- Chucklefang
- Winged-Wit
- Smirk-Spire
- Joke-Flare
- Grin-Gale
- Pun-Flame
- Witty-Wyrm
- Haha-Horror
- Mirth-Mystic
- Blue-Humor
- Laughing-Legend
- Wagoftheir-Wings
- Guffaw-Glide
- Gremlin-Gleam
- Snort-Sky
- Teehee-Terrordactyl
- Silly-Sapphire
- Chortle-Chiller
- Jester-Jet
- Quip-Quake
- Riddle-Roar
- Hilarity-Howl
- Ludicrous-Lurker
These names will surely lighten the mood and add a touch of playfulness to your blue dragon character.
Remember, it’s all about having fun and finding the perfect name that suits your character’s personality.
Tips for Choosing a Blue Dragon Name
As you browse through the 249+ names for a blue dragon, we want to provide you with some useful tips to make the process of choosing the perfect name much easier.
As you know, dragons are extraordinary creatures with unique attributes, and their names should reflect this.
First, consider the personality and traits of your blue dragon. Are they fierce warriors or gentle giants? This will help you decide if a badass or gentle name is more appropriate.
Next, think about the cultural references behind the name. Is your blue dragon drawn from a specific mythology, such as Greek or Norse? In that case, consider selecting a name that has roots in that culture.
Don’t forget to consider the pronunciation of the name. Remember that dragons are often spoken about in stories and legends, so pick a name that is both easy to pronounce and remember.
Incorporate a touch of creativity into your dragon’s name. Blue dragons are not your ordinary beasts, so avoid generic names and select something that stands out.
Lastly, always remember to have fun! Naming a blue dragon should be enjoyable and be an opportunity to embrace the fantastic world of dragons.
Here are our top picks for a blue colored dragon from each category:
- Best: Aghorthas, Araugauthos, Boraksaghegirak, Rildryburkyr, Vomrayn
- Good: Alasklerbanbastos, Calabastasingavor, Clytemorrenestrix, Frirsusso, Redhairirth
- Unique: Arharzel, Cheorloa, Dagahra, Duzyr, Gudeit
- Cute: Falkor, Langdedrosa, Saluuknir, Abazigal, Darginth
- Catchy: Gyndrossoig, Arman, Phellgyr, Zelgiros, Lomrak
- Creative: Runnosk, Sharnagom, Skarlendyx, Tazmogoroth, Yarildaash
- Cool: Alrarth, Drakygtos, Galagrax, Huzharn, Kbarrilorn
- Badass: Grarlith, Lasciel, Naertar, Siscia, Vralex
- Funny: Brethondra, Hafwyn, Ignithar, Jalmari, Ragelvara