Eel Names (540 Awesome Naming Ideas)

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Eels are long fish capable of living in oceans, sand, and muddy waters. While some people love eels as food, others love to keep them as pets for their exotic nature. If you decide to keep a pet eel, you need pet eel names to use.

What’s more, you should choose the right type of eel to keep as a pet since some types (like electric eels) are dangerous.

Below are numerous names to choose for your pet eel regardless of gender, character, and other naming factors.

Best Eel Names

Pet eel owners who wish to name their eels as per tested and proven names can consider the names below.

There’s no need to reinvent your own name when you can use great eel names already in use;

  1. Bait
  2. Betty
  3. Elfish
  4. Elsa
  5. Finfrey
  6. Finz
  7. Gandalf
  8. Jack Sparrow
  9. Jose
  10. Kafka
  11. Killer
  12. Lebron Waves
  13. Magneto
  14. Maya
  15. Mitch
  16. Nessie
  17. Oprah
  18. Presley
  19. Roxy
  20. Skip
  21. Space
  22. Steel
  23. Tesla
  24. Tiny Fin
  25. Yale

Male Eel Names

Is your eel aggressive, or tough? Does he exhibit any other typical male tendencies?

If yes, we have some names you can consider below;

  1. Ajax
  2. Apollo
  3. Archie
  4. Arlo
  5. Artie
  6. Astro
  7. Asuka
  8. Axel
  9. Babble
  10. Barnie
  11. Bass
  12. Baxter
  13. Beau
  14. Benjie
  15. Bennie
  16. Betta Max
  17. Bevis
  18. Bingo
  19. Blade
  20. Blue
  21. Bo
  22. Bones
  23. Booker
  24. Boomer
  25. Bosco
  26. Boss
  27. Brownie
  28. Bruce
  29. Bruno
  30. Bub
  31. Bubba
  32. Bubbles
  33. Bubby
  34. Buddy
  35. Bull
  36. Bungie
  37. Burns
  38. Buster
  39. Butch
  40. Captain
  41. Casper
  42. Charlie
  43. Cliff
  44. Clint
  45. Cosmo
  46. Crimson
  47. Crowly
  48. Crush
  49. Daniel
  50. Dasher
  51. Dean
  52. Delta
  53. Delvert
  54. Denzel
  55. Derek
  56. Dexter
  57. Dingo
  58. Drew
  59. Duke
  60. Dumbo
  61. Dusty
  62. Earl
  63. Earnie
  64. Ed
  65. Edmund
  66. Einstein
  67. Elijah
  68. Emerson
  69. Ethan
  70. Finley
  71. Flappy
  72. Flicker
  73. Floyd
  74. Fluffy
  75. Fonzie
  76. Fox
  77. Franky
  78. Freddy
  79. Gandalf
  80. Gavin
  81. Gerard
  82. Gill-bert
  83. Gilligan
  84. Goldof
  85. Gordo
  86. Gravy
  87. Greer
  88. Grout
  89. Gunther
  90. Hal
  91. Henry
  92. Hero
  93. Hondo
  94. Houdini
  95. Hunter
  96. Jack
  97. Jacob
  98. Jimbo
  99. Jimmy
  100. Joe
  101. Johnson
  102. Jupiter
  103. Kermit
  104. Killer
  105. Kofi
  106. Lake
  107. Larry
  108. Leo
  109. Leonardo
  110. Liam
  111. Lieutenant
  112. Loki
  113. Lucky
  114. Mac
  115. Mars
  116. Matt
  117. Melvin
  118. Micky
  119. Mikey
  120. Milk
  121. Moby
  122. Morie
  123. Nemo
  124. Nigel
  125. Noah
  126. Nugget
  127. Obo
  128. Odie
  129. Odin
  130. Oliver
  131. Ollie
  132. Ozzy
  133. Patrick
  134. Pike
  135. Pinball
  136. Plankton
  137. Prancer
  138. Ripper
  139. Rocky
  140. Roger
  141. Rolo
  142. Rudolf
  143. Ruger
  144. Ryan
  145. Sam
  146. Scrappy
  147. Sergeant
  148. Shadow
  149. Skippy
  150. Skor
  151. Slappy
  152. Soda Pop
  153. Spike
  154. Spot
  155. Spuggle
  156. Squirt
  157. Stewy
  158. T-bone
  159. Tabby
  160. Tau
  161. Tom
  162. Tricky
  163. Trout
  164. Vixen
  165. Wiggly
  166. Wiggums
  167. Zeus
  168. Zola

Female Eel Names

You can have a really feminine eel that deserves a matching name.

Here are some female eel names that match any female traits your eel could have;

  1. Adele
  2. Ali
  3. Alley
  4. Althea
  5. Amaka
  6. Amelia
  7. Amie
  8. Angel
  9. Anika
  10. Anne
  11. Ariel
  12. Astrid
  13. Aurora
  14. Baby
  15. Barbie
  16. Berry
  17. Bess
  18. Betty
  19. Bubbly
  20. Buffy
  21. Candy
  22. Carmel
  23. Carrie
  24. Cassie
  25. Chamomile
  26. Cindy
  27. Cleo
  28. Cookie
  29. Coral
  30. Crystal
  31. Cupcake
  32. Daisy
  33. Danika
  34. Dawn
  35. Deb
  36. Delila
  37. Della
  38. Devina
  39. Diva
  40. Doddy
  41. Donna
  42. Dora
  43. Dory
  44. Duchess
  45. Edith
  46. Effie
  47. Emily
  48. Faye
  49. Felicity
  50. Fern
  51. Florence
  52. Flower
  53. Fran
  54. Frannie
  55. Freida
  56. Gail
  57. Gina
  58. Ginger
  59. Ginny
  60. Gisell
  61. Goldie
  62. Gretta
  63. Gwen
  64. Haidi
  65. Hazel
  66. Heidi
  67. Hope
  68. Irene
  69. Jade
  70. Jenny
  71. Jewel
  72. Josie
  73. Juki
  74. June
  75. Karen
  76. Kat
  77. Kendra
  78. Ketki
  79. Kiko
  80. Lavender
  81. Lettie
  82. Lisa
  83. Loren
  84. Louise
  85. Lua
  86. Lucy
  87. Luna
  88. Lycca
  89. Lyn
  90. Mila
  91. Miss
  92. Misty
  93. Mona
  94. Naila
  95. Nan
  96. Nessie
  97. Nightingale
  98. Nila
  99. Nina
  100. Nora
  101. Ophelia
  102. Pam
  103. Paris
  104. Parvati
  105. Penny
  106. Pixie
  107. Polly
  108. Princess
  109. Queenie
  110. Rikki
  111. Risha
  112. Rose
  113. Rosy
  114. Roxy
  115. Sandy
  116. Scarlat
  117. Shelly
  118. Sissy
  119. Sookie
  120. Sophie
  121. Swan
  122. Tara
  123. Thelma
  124. Tigress
  125. Tori
  126. Ursula
  127. Velcro
  128. Velma
  129. Venus
  130. Veronica
  131. Violet
  132. Wavey
  133. Willa
  134. Wyonna
  135. Xena
  136. Yasmin
  137. Yvette
  138. Zahra
  139. Zsa
Electric Eel

Good Names For Eels

Pet names don’t have to be farfetched. You can settle for a satisfactory name that will get the job done.

Here are good names to consider;

  1. Alex
  2. Amber
  3. Angela
  4. Beck
  5. Beth
  6. Buddy
  7. Carl
  8. Charlie
  9. Daisy
  10. Dereck
  11. Ferb
  12. Gerry
  13. Hank
  14. Jane
  15. Jessy
  16. Jim
  17. Lola
  18. Pam
  19. Pinky
  20. Randy
  21. Richie
  22. Ruth
  23. Sally
  24. Sandy
  25. Tess
  26. Tia
  27. Tim
  28. Tony
  29. Zack

Cool Names For Eels

A cool eel should be named accordingly. If your male eel or female eel has cool tendencies of your favorite superstar, you can choose a name that matches that. What’s more, there are many cool human names you can consider for your pet eel.

See some examples below;

  1. Alex
  2. Alpha
  3. Aquamarine
  4. Arya
  5. Asher
  6. Beauty
  7. Bella
  8. Camilla
  9. Charles
  10. Chris
  11. Ciara
  12. Dereck
  13. Dina
  14. Diva
  15. Draco
  16. Elvis Fishley
  17. Emilia
  18. Evans
  19. Finnie
  20. Finning
  21. Fish
  22. Flounder
  23. Hailee
  24. Hercules
  25. Jade
  26. Jean
  27. Joe Ely
  28. Johnny
  29. Johnny Dash
  30. Joker
  31. Kate
  32. Koby
  33. Leia
  34. Lily
  35. Max
  36. Nelly
  37. Noah
  38. Oprah
  39. Phineas
  40. Pinky
  41. Rocky
  42. Sage
  43. Scarlet
  44. Sealy
  45. Shark
  46. Skywalker
  47. Splash
  48. Squishy
  49. Vivian
  50. Wanda
  51. Zorro

Cute Eel Names

Eels have striking looks. If you get yourself the cutest looking eel, name him/her accordingly;

  1. Astro
  2. Blinky
  3. Blue
  4. Bubble
  5. Buck
  6. Chip
  7. Cody
  8. Cookie
  9. Crystal
  10. Glow
  11. Harry
  12. Iren
  13. Ivy
  14. Katy
  15. Kim
  16. Larry
  17. Lisa
  18. Mayo
  19. Mobby
  20. Moby
  21. Nessie
  22. Peaches
  23. Pearl
  24. Plato
  25. Ray
  26. Rose
  27. Roxy
  28. Taylor

Funny Eel Names

A funny eel name is a perfect choice if you want your pet to make you laugh or wish to feel happy every time you call him/her.

Below are some funny eel pet names to consider;

  1. Amore
  2. Ann Chovy
  3. Beck
  4. Bill
  5. Blu
  6. Carl
  7. Carl Longfish
  8. Champ
  9. Clinton
  10. Cordon Bleu
  11. Daisy
  12. Eel Armstrong
  13. Eelon Musk
  14. Eelvis
  15. Eerl
  16. Eli
  17. Everett
  18. Feely’
  19. Finessa
  20. Firebiscuit
  21. Fishtyque
  22. Fuzz
  23. Gill Clinton
  24. Hank
  25. James Pond
  26. Joe Ely
  27. Lee
  28. McGruff
  29. Ms Fish
  30. Phish
  31. Poop
  32. Richie
  33. Robert Eel
  34. Scaley
  35. Sharkira
  36. Snakey
  37. Stinky
  38. Styx
  39. Sushi
  40. Tapeworm
  41. Tartar Sauce
  42. Tess
  43. Trovatore
  44. Tuna
  45. Zack
  46. Zipper

Unique Names For Eels

A unique pet like an eel deserves a unique name. You can choose any of the unique eel names below or use them for inspiration;

  1. Ace
  2. Alicia
  3. Amara
  4. Angus
  5. Boris
  6. Brad
  7. Bronte
  8. Buff
  9. Cadet
  10. Cookie
  11. Creeper
  12. Daphne
  13. Drake
  14. Electric
  15. Ferb
  16. Floaty
  17. Goofy
  18. Hobbs
  19. Kiko
  20. Lenny
  21. Leona
  22. Letty
  23. Limpet
  24. Millan
  25. Moana
  26. Ninja
  27. Norman
  28. Percy
  29. Phantom
  30. Phoenix
  31. Puff
  32. Ray
  33. Shaw
  34. Sinatra
  35. Tank
  36. Tiffany
  37. Tod
  38. Woody
  39. Yoda

Famous Eel Names From Pop Culture

If you wish for a famous eel name that everyone will notice (from famous people to movies and TV) here are some good suggestions;

  1. Atlantis
  2. Brad Pitt
  3. Cleo
  4. Dexter
  5. Dory – a name from Finding Nemo
  6. Flipper
  7. Floater
  8. Flounder – a name from Little Mermaid
  9. Goldie
  10. Jaws
  11. Larry – Name from Shark Tales
  12. Marlin – a name from Finding Nemo
  13. Mrs. Puff – a name from SpongeBob SquarePants
  14. Nemo
  15. Squirtle – a name from Pokémon

Help Choosing the Right Name

If you don’t find suitable eel names to use from our above suggestions, you can consider naming your eel by their unique characteristics or personality.

Provided the name is meaningful in some way, and you like how it sounds, there are no limits to naming pets. It can be a single name or one derived from wordplay. You can also seek pet eel names from family members or friends.

Also, you can use naming resources like blogoftom when you get stuck.


Pet eels are great pets to have if you love fish and want something that stands out. However, you need the best eel name you can find.

The above eel naming guide offers suggested names you can choose based on factors like type (freshwater eels) personality and gender. You can also use the guide for inspiration.

When everything else fails, and you need more naming inspiration or help, consider blogoftom – a great resource for new names and naming ideas.

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Tom Derbyshire

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