Finch Names (249 Amazing Ideas For Your Chirpy Pet)

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If you’re looking for some finch naming inspiration, you’ve come to the right place!

In this blog post, we will provide a list of bird names for male and female finches.

Whether you’re adopting a new finch or just curious about what other people have named theirs, we hope you find this list of finch names helpful!

Let’s dive in.

Zebra Finch

Female Finch Names

Are you looking for a name for your female finch?

Here are some popular bird names for female birds:

  1. April
  2. Bella
  3. Blossom
  4. Bubbles
  5. Candy
  6. Cheerio
  7. Cookie
  8. Daffodil
  9. Daisy
  10. Dawn
  11. Debbie
  12. Diamond
  13. Lola
  14. Lucy
  15. Luna
  16. Miley
  17. Molly
  18. Nova
  19. Penny
  20. Scarlett (Perfect for a red bird)
  21. Sunshine
  22. Willow
  23. Zoey

Male Finch Names

Looking for a name for your male finch?

Here are some popular names for male finches:

  1. Andy
  2. Buddy
  3. Charlie
  4. Coco
  5. Dexter
  6. Finchy
  7. Huey
  8. Jasper
  9. Kiwi
  10. Lenny
  11. Marley
  12. Nacho
  13. Ollie
  14. Pablo
  15. Rico
  16. Sunny
  17. Tico
  18. Willow
  19. Zazu (A famous bird from Disney’s Lion King)

Cute Finch Names

Whether you have a male or female finch, sometimes you just want a name that is cute and unique.

Here are some ideas for cute names for a finch:

  1. Buttercup
  2. Butterfly
  3. Cuddles
  4. Cupcake
  5. Cutie Pie
  6. Daffodil
  7. Fuzzy
  8. Gizmo
  9. Jitterbug
  10. Lil’ Bit
  11. Lollipop
  12. Muffin
  13. Pee Wee
  14. Pumpkin
  15. Snickers
  16. Squeaky
  17. Tinkerbell
  18. Tweety
  19. Wiggles
Zebra Finch

Names For A Zebra Finch

The zebra finch is a popular type of bird that many people own as a pet.

If you’re looking for a name for your zebra finch, here are some ideas:

  1. Bandit
  2. Barney
  3. Bingo
  4. Boots
  5. Boris
  6. Bruno
  7. Coco
  8. Diesel (a perfect moniker for a cool bird)
  9. Domino
  10. Fiesta
  11. Gizmo
  12. Harley
  13. Jagger
  14. Killer
  15. Leo
  16. Lucky
  17. Maximus
  18. Milkshake
  19. Mojo
  20. Napoleon
  21. Oprah
  22. Paco
  23. Peaches
  24. Pirate
  25. Quarterback
  26. Rainbow
  27. Rascal
  28. Rocket
  29. Sandy
  30. Scout
  31. Taco
  32. Ziggy

Badass Names For A Finch

Are you looking for a name that is cool and unique?

Here are some ideas for badass names for your finch:

  1. Ajax
  2. Bane
  3. Blade
  4. Boomer
  5. Brawler
  6. Destroyer
  7. Diesel
  8. Dozer
  9. Drago
  10. Fang
  11. Grizzly
  12. Havoc
  13. Hunter
  14. Maverick
  15. Nitro
  16. Rage
  17. Raider
  18. Rampage
  19. Reaper
  20. Sabre
  21. Savage
  22. Scythe
  23. Thrasher
  24. Tiger
  25. Typhoon
  26. Vandal
  27. Wolverine

Cool Names For A Finch

Looking for a cool name for your finch? Here are some ideas:

  1. Ace
  2. Alpha
  3. Apollo
  4. Atlas
  5. Bandit
  6. Banshee
  7. Batman
  8. Beethoven
  9. Bolt
  10. Comet
  11. Dracula
  12. Einstein
  13. Flash
  14. Gargoyle
  15. Genie
  16. Ghost
  17. Gizmo
  18. Hermes
  19. Houdini
  20. Indiana Jones
  21. Joker
  22. Kong
  23. Laser
  24. Lex Luthor
  25. Merlin
  26. Moby Dick
  27. Ninja
  28. Panther
  29. Phantom
  30. Phoenix
  31. Predator
  32. Quicksilver
  33. Robin
  34. Samurai
  35. Scorpion King
  36. Spock
  37. Superman
  38. Thor
  39. Unicorn
  40. Vader
  41. Viking
  42. Vulcan
  43. Zeus

Funny Names For A Finch

Now onto some funny names for your finch!

Here are some ideas:

  1. Alfred Hitchcock
  2. Big Bird
  3. Bing Crosby
  4. Bob Marley
  5. Bugs Bunny
  6. Donald Trump
  7. Dory
  8. Ghandi
  9. Happy Gilmore
  10. Homer Simpson
  11. Kermit the Frog
  12. Lady Gaga
  13. Michael Jordan
  14. Miley Cyrus
  15. Mr. Bean
  16. Ms. Frizzle
  17. Popeye
  18. Porky Pig
  19. Scooby Doo
  20. Shakespeare
  21. Sherlock Holmes
  22. Spiderman
  23. The Hulk
  24. Toucan

Unique Names For A Finch

Do you want a name that stands out from the rest?

Here are some ideas for unique names for your finch:

  1. Aurora
  2. Bane
  3. Beacon
  4. Blaze
  5. Butterfly
  6. Cameo
  7. Cavalier
  8. Chance
  9. Crystal
  10. Dazzle
  11. Dreamer
  12. Eclipse
  13. Enchantress
  14. Finley
  15. Frosty
  16. Galaxy
  17. Glimmer
  18. Graceful
  19. Harley
  20. Harpy
  21. Hunter
  22. Infinity
  23. Ivy
  24. Journey
  25. Justice
  26. Keeper
  27. Legend
  28. Lucky
  29. Magic
  30. Majestic
  31. Misty
  32. Moonbeam
  33. Neptune
  34. Mystic
  35. Optical
  36. Pegasus
  37. Phoenix
  38. Radiant
  39. Rebel
  40. Rio
  41. Royal
  42. Ryder
  43. Sailor
  44. Sapphire
  45. Shadow
  46. Sky
  47. Starburst
  48. Sterling
  49. Sunrise
  50. Sunset
  51. Supreme
  52. Sweet Symphony
  53. Talisman
  54. Thunder
  55. Titanium
  56. Treasure
  57. Valkyrie
  58. Warrior
  59. Whimsical
  60. Willow
  61. Zeus
  62. Zodiac

Names For A Blue Finch

Here are some ideas if you know a cute blue bird:

  1. Blue
  2. Indigo
  3. Sky
  4. Navy
  5. Royal
  6. Baby
  7. Teal
  8. Lapis
  9. Azure
  10. Cobalt
  11. Cerulean
  12. Sapphire
  13. Denim
  14. Turquoise

Names For A Goldfinch

Looking for ideas for your awesome yellow bird? Check out the below:

  1. Sunny
  2. Goldie
  3. Blaze
  4. Amber
  5. Citrus
  6. Topaz
  7. Canary
  8. Butterscotch
  9. Sherbet
  10. Lemon
  11. Apricot
  12. Banana
  13. Mango
  14. Papaya
  15. Pineapple
  16. Honeydew
  17. Cantaloupe
  18. Gouda
  19. Edamame
  20. Jasper
  21. Amberjack
  22. Brassica
  23. Primrose
  24. Daffodil
  25. Buttercup
Chaffinch On A Branch

Pet Name Inspiration

When choosing a name for your finch, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, think about your finch’s personality. What is their favorite thing to do? If they love to play, consider naming them Pogo or Coco.

Additionally, consider your finch’s coloring. If they have a lot of orange feathers, you might want to choose a name like Chili or Pumpkin.

Finally, be creative! Don’t be afraid to try out different names until you find the perfect one.

Help Choosing The Right Name

The following are some suggestions to assist you in selecting a perfect name for your pet bird:

1. Picking A Name That Has Personal Meaning

Picking a name with personal meaning is a great way to show your finch how much you care about him or her. It also makes it easier for you to feel attached to your finch and gives him or her a sense of identity.

Some examples of names with personal meaning include Buddy, Charlie, and Cody.

Another option is to name your finch after a favorite character from pop culture. Whether it’s from a book, movie, or TV show. This is a great way to give your finch a unique and interesting name.

Some examples of characters that would make great names for finches include Batman, Darwin, and Darth Vader.

Finally, if you want to give your finch a name that has a bit of humor, consider naming him or her after food.

Some examples of funny names for finches include Burrito, French Fry, and Pizza.

2. Considering Your Pet’s Personality

When choosing a name for your finch, make sure that it is something that fits his or her personality. This will help your colorful bird feel more comfortable with its new name.

If your finch is a playful bird, consider naming him or her Pogo or Coco. On the other hand, if your finch is more of a mellow bird, you might want to choose a name like Snuggles or Lily.

When in doubt, it’s always best to go with something simple and easy to remember.

3. Keep It Simple

Naming your finch can be a fun and creative experience. When choosing a name for your finch, try to keep it simple. A short and easy-to-remember name will be easier for both you and your family to use.

Some great examples of simple names for finches include Benny, Harry, and Polly.

Picking a name that is too complicated or difficult to say can be frustrating for both you and your unique feathered head bird.

Remember, the most important thing is that you and your bird are happy with the name that you choose.

4. Avoiding Common Names

There are a few names that are commonly used for finches, but you might want to avoid using these names if you are looking for something unique.

Some examples of common names for finches include Ace, Bandit, and Rocky.

While there is nothing wrong with using a common name for your finch, it might make it harder for him or her to stand out from the crowd especially if you like to share photos of your pet bird on social media.

If you are looking for a unique and interesting name for your finch, try to avoid using common names.

5. Taking Your Pet’s Breed Into Account

When choosing a name for your finch, make sure to consider his or her breed and coloring. This will help you choose a name that is perfect for your pet.

Some examples of names for finches based on their coloration are:

  • Bluey for a blue finch
  • Sunny for a yellow finch
  • Sparky for a red finch

Names like these will help your bird feel like part of his or her breed and make it easier to tell them apart.

6. Considering The Length And Pronunciation Of The Name

When choosing a name for your finch, make sure to consider the length and pronunciation of the name.

A long name might be difficult for you and your family to say, and a name that is hard to pronounce can be frustrating for both you and your pet.

Some examples of names that are difficult to pronounce include Astrid, Circe, and Odette. If you are looking for a name that is easy to say, try to choose one that has a short pronunciation.

Some examples of names with a short pronunciation include Lizzy, Benny, and Harry.


When choosing a name for your pet finch, you’ll want to take into account a variety of factors.

This includes the bird’s breed, personality type, coloration (if applicable), length, and pronunciation.

You might also want to consider naming your finch after a character from a favorite book or movie.

Be sure to check out our related posts section below for more ideas. Your bird deserves only the best names and we hope you soon find the perfect name for your new feathered friend!

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Tom Derbyshire

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