Otter Names (765+ Best & Cute Naming Ideas)

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If you’re searching for otter names, we have hundreds of suggestions below. Otters are great pets. They are weasel family members present in many zoos globally.

Otters are loved for their cuteness, mannerisms, and many other traits. There are several species of otters, with some being more popular. The sea otter, for instance, is popular in the UK and renowned for spending a lot of time in water bodies seeking food.

Generally, any person looking for a unique pet should consider otters. However, they are best kept in natural environments. If you have the ideal habitat for an otter, you can pet one and search for an ideal name below.

Let’s dive in.

Otter Names Infographic

Best Otter Names

After considering many names, there are those that are a perfect match for otters for one or more reasons.

We’ve compiled names of popular otters, otter pet owner suggestions, and more for your consideration;

  1. Apollo
  2. Arry
  3. Ash
  4. Ashley
  5. Aurora
  6. Bennett
  7. Benny
  8. Black Pearl
  9. Blackstar
  10. Blekker
  11. Brownie
  12. Bubbles
  13. Bula
  14. Chab
  15. Chip
  16. Chruk
  17. Cooper
  18. Cuddles
  19. Cuter
  20. Cutie Pie
  21. Cutty
  22. Daddo
  23. Dan
  24. Daxter
  25. Deyna
  26. Diver
  27. Dora
  28. Ed
  29. Elliott
  30. Emmet
  31. Floof
  32. Fluffy
  33. Furmione
  34. Gil
  35. Harry Otter
  36. Heartwood
  37. Jimmy
  38. Joker
  39. Keyla
  40. Lord
  41. Lotta
  42. Luna
  43. Marigold
  44. Mark
  45. Marlene
  46. Martin
  47. Mask
  48. Meeko
  49. Mimi
  50. Mink
  51. Mr. Otter
  52. Mr. Otterton
  53. Mr. Steal Yo Pearl
  54. Muffler
  55. Musa
  56. Nugget
  57. Obi
  58. Odysseia
  59. Olie
  60. Olivia
  61. Ollie
  62. Onyx
  63. Oscar
  64. Oshawott
  65. Oswald
  66. Otis
  67. Otter
  68. Otterdorable
  69. Otterman
  70. Otterminator
  71. Ottermione
  72. Ottermus Prime
  73. Otterton
  74. Otto
  75. Ozzy
  76. Pawsome
  77. Peanut
  78. Pearl
  79. Picklepaws
  80. Pip
  81. Potter
  82. Reedtail
  83. Rover
  84. Ruby
  85. Salt
  86. Sam
  87. Scarf
  88. Scrimmo
  89. Shad
  90. Shiny
  91. Simon
  92. Skipper
  93. Slide
  94. Slotter
  95. Snuggles
  96. Sork
  97. Stacey
  98. Steve
  99. Stitch
  100. Tailspin
  101. Tilly
  102. Toby
  103. Tod
  104. Warthron
  105. Water Kitty
  106. Waterson
  107. Watson
  108. Whiskers
  109. Winston

Names For Female Otters

Male and female otters differ in some ways. For instance, females have four mammae and are slightly smaller in size and weight when compared to their male counterparts.

You can use size differences to name your female otter. There are also countless female or feminine names to consider.

We’ve listed some great ones below;

  1. Ashley
  2. Bella
  3. Benny
  4. Betty
  5. Blackstar
  6. Blondie
  7. Brownie
  8. Cara
  9. Chocolate
  10. Cindy
  11. Claire
  12. Cupcake
  13. Cutie Pie
  14. Cutty
  15. Daisy,
  16. Dancer
  17. Dolly
  18. Elliott
  19. Emily
  20. Floof
  21. Hope
  22. Ivy
  23. Jeeva
  24. Jellybean
  25. Jewel
  26. Juliet
  27. Kelly
  28. Life
  29. Lilly
  30. Lola
  31. Lulu
  32. Luna
  33. Lyn
  34. Mark
  35. Meeko
  36. Mia
  37. Mimi
  38. Molly
  39. Obi
  40. Olie
  41. Olivia
  42. Oreo
  43. Oshawott
  44. Otterminator
  45. Otto
  46. Ozzy
  47. Peanut
  48. Pearl
  49. Pearly
  50. Pickelpaws
  51. Pinky
  52. Rosa
  53. Rose
  54. Rover
  55. Ruby
  56. Shiny
  57. Squishy
  58. Stacey
  59. Waston
Eurasian river otters

Names For Male Otters

If you get a big male otter, he deserves a masculine name.

We’ve complied popular masculine names and included other male names and representations.

  1. Andy
  2. Apollo
  3. Ash
  4. Baby
  5. Bennett
  6. Benny
  7. Bubbles
  8. Buddy
  9. Chip
  10. Clever
  11. Cooper
  12. Daniel
  13. Donald
  14. Ed
  15. Fatty
  16. Fitch
  17. Gidget
  18. Gozer
  19. Humper
  20. Jimmy
  21. Kelly
  22. King
  23. Lincoln
  24. Lotta
  25. Marco
  26. Martin
  27. Max
  28. Mickey
  29. Mink
  30. Moses
  31. Mr. Small
  32. Mr Otterton
  33. Munchkin
  34. Neptune
  35. Olivia
  36. Ollie
  37. Onyx
  38. Otterdorable
  39. Ottermus Prime
  40. Peanut
  41. Phantom
  42. Pounce
  43. Prince
  44. Richi
  45. Robin
  46. Roller
  47. Roo
  48. Rover
  49. Salt
  50. Sam
  51. Sami
  52. Scarf
  53. Scooby
  54. Simon
  55. Snicker
  56. Sniffer
  57. Snuggles
  58. Speedy
  59. Splash
  60. Stacey
  61. Stitch
  62. Teddy
  63. Terry
  64. Tinker Boy
  65. Tiny
  66. Toby
  67. Tucker

Unisex Names for Otters

You don’t have to name your pet based on the confines of gender.

We have some non-binary or neutral names for an otter that is male or female below;

  1. Bailey
  2. Bandit
  3. Casey
  4. Channing
  5. Cheerio
  6. Cupid
  7. Dakota
  8. Emery
  9. Frisky
  10. Glen
  11. Haven
  12. Jade
  13. Jordan
  14. Kit
  15. Lee
  16. Lucky
  17. Nevada
  18. Paws
  19. Puma
  20. Rascal
  21. Sabor
  22. Sidney
  23. Tabby
  24. Taylor

Cute Otter Names

A pet otter can be very loving. Otters are also social animals. Baby otters are the cuttest due to their small size.

If you are keen on finding the cutest names for otters, consider our long list below;

  1. Aika
  2. Alexis
  3. Amalie
  4. Amy
  5. Angel
  6. Angelina
  7. Annaliese
  8. Ariel
  9. Arlo
  10. Ashley
  11. Avonlea
  12. Baby
  13. Bear
  14. Bella
  15. Benny
  16. Billie
  17. Billy Ray
  18. Binky
  19. Black Pearl
  20. Blackstar
  21. Blaise
  22. Browny
  23. Bubbles
  24. Buddy
  25. Buster
  26. Caesar
  27. Candy
  28. Cara
  29. Chandler
  30. Chilly Willy
  31. Chocolate
  32. Cindy
  33. Claire
  34. Cletus
  35. Cocktail Shaker
  36. Cupcake
  37. Cutie pie
  38. Daisy
  39. Dash
  40. Delilah
  41. Devo
  42. Dexter
  43. Dolly
  44. Driver
  45. Ellie
  46. Emalee
  47. Emily
  48. Fatty
  49. Fitch
  50. Flipper
  51. Flopsy
  52. Freda
  53. Frosty
  54. Gidget
  55. Ginger
  56. Girly
  57. Hanna
  58. Hooper
  59. Hope
  60. Hossie
  61. Insanity
  62. Isla
  63. Jeeva
  64. Jellybean
  65. Jewel
  66. Jimmy
  67. Joker
  68. Juliet
  69. Kevin
  70. Lamont
  71. Life
  72. Lilly
  73. Lina
  74. Little
  75. Liz
  76. Lola
  77. Lone Otter
  78. Lord
  79. Luna
  80. Mabel
  81. Max
  82. Mia
  83. Mickey
  84. Mimi
  85. Molly
  86. Mr. Little
  87. Mr. Small
  88. Mr Small
  89. Munchkin
  90. Musa
  91. Nellie
  92. Nessie
  93. Obi
  94. Odda
  95. Odysseia
  96. Oggy
  97. Oliver
  98. Olivia
  99. Oreo
  100. Oscar
  101. Otis
  102. Otsy
  103. Otter
  104. Ottermione
  105. Otty
  106. Peaches
  107. Peanut
  108. Pearl
  109. Pearly
  110. Pinky
  111. Pip
  112. Pippo
  113. Poppy
  114. Potter
  115. Prince
  116. Puff Daddy
  117. Puppy
  118. Raksha
  119. Ralph
  120. Rhea
  121. Romeo
  122. Roo
  123. Rosa
  124. Rover
  125. Rubble
  126. Ruby
  127. Sally
  128. Shelby
  129. Skipper
  130. Slide
  131. Small
  132. Snicker
  133. Steal Yo Pearl
  134. Steve
  135. Susie
  136. Sweet pea
  137. Sybil
  138. Taylor
  139. Teddy
  140. Tiger Otter
  141. Tinker Boy
  142. Toby
  143. Tod
  144. Tommy
  145. Tony
  146. Torpedo
  147. Tritton
  148. Vanessa
  149. Wanda
  150. Water Kitty
  151. Wendell
  152. Winnie
  153. Zephyr
Oriental Short-Clawed Otters

Good Names for Otters

Some pet owners simply want a name they can live with.

We have some good/satisfactory names for otters below based on many factors from typical human names to wordplay and more;

  1. Aika
  2. Amilia
  3. Angel
  4. Apollo
  5. Aurora
  6. Bella
  7. Benny
  8. Billie
  9. Browny
  10. Bubbles
  11. Candy
  12. Cara
  13. Chocolate
  14. Cindy
  15. Cooper
  16. Cuddles
  17. Cupcake
  18. Cutter
  19. Devo
  20. Diver
  21. Dolly
  22. Glory
  23. Hope
  24. Jack Sparrow
  25. Joker
  26. Juliet
  27. Kevin
  28. Liberty
  29. Liz
  30. Lotta
  31. Lulu
  32. Luna
  33. Marco
  34. Martin
  35. Mimi
  36. Mink
  37. Moses
  38. Munchkin
  39. Noah
  40. Nugget
  41. Odysseia
  42. Olie
  43. Opllie
  44. Oswald
  45. Ottermione
  46. Pirate
  47. Potter
  48. Raksha
  49. Romeo
  50. Rover
  51. Ruby
  52. Salt
  53. Scarf
  54. Shiny
  55. Slide
  56. Slotter
  57. Snuggles
  58. Stacey
  59. Steve
  60. Sweet pea
  61. Toby
  62. Tod
  63. Water Kitty
  64. Waterson

Funny Names For Otters

Otters have a funny look/facial expression. They also have funny mannerisms (sneakiness) and inquisitiveness.

If your otter exhibits fun or you just want to be happy when you pronounce his/he name, here are some good names to consider;

  1. Balboa
  2. Bouncy
  3. Bunny
  4. Cali
  5. Copper
  6. Dancer
  7. Dora
  8. Dude
  9. Fanny
  10. Fitch
  11. Fluffer
  12. Frisky
  13. Fynn
  14. Gandalf
  15. Gillian
  16. Gozer
  17. Harry Otter
  18. Hazel
  19. Hoosie
  20. Hulk
  21. Jade
  22. Jessica
  23. Kevin
  24. Kit
  25. Lara
  26. Logan
  27. Luci
  28. Lulu
  29. Marco
  30. Mickey
  31. Missy
  32. Moses
  33. Mr. Otter
  34. Naughty
  35. Neo
  36. Neptune
  37. Nibbles
  38. Nile
  39. Noodles
  40. Ozzie
  41. Panda
  42. Phantom
  43. Pickle
  44. Pinky
  45. Polo
  46. Pounce
  47. Professor X
  48. Rocky
  49. Rogue
  50. Roller
  51. Ruby
  52. Sam
  53. Sawyer
  54. Scooby
  55. Scrappy
  56. Simon
  57. Slick
  58. Sniffer
  59. Sniper
  60. Snipper
  61. Splash
  62. Squishy
  63. Steve
  64. Tarzan
  65. Tessa
  66. Trident
  67. Tugger
  68. Vito
  69. Winkie
  70. Zorro

Cool Names for Otters

Unique pets like otters are cool based on the simple fact that they are rare. They also exhibit cool traits and characteristics.

If you wish to name your otter after a cool character, trait, actor, etc., consider our cool names below;

  1. Archie
  2. Baxter
  3. Beatrix Potter
  4. Benjamin
  5. Bob
  6. Bubbles
  7. Buster
  8. Buttons
  9. Chester
  10. Coco
  11. Daffodil
  12. Doc
  13. Dolly
  14. E.B.
  15. Flower
  16. Fluffy
  17. Freddie
  18. Harley
  19. Harry
  20. Harvey
  21. Miffy
  22. Mortimer
  23. Oliver
  24. Petunia
  25. Snoopy

Unique Names For Otters

Otters aren’t regular pets like dogs or cats. Their uniqueness can offer a good naming opportunity.

We’ve compiled some rare names below that include otters in other languages, their unique traits, wordplay, and more.

  1. Abraham
  2. Amilia
  3. Blackstar
  4. Columbus
  5. Cutty
  6. Dora
  7. Floof
  8. Furmione
  9. Glory
  10. Jack Sparrow
  11. Liberty
  12. Lincoln
  13. Marco
  14. Maverick
  15. Miracle
  16. Moses
  17. Noah
  18. Odell – otter in German
  19. Odie – meaning various origins
  20. Oran – otter in Irish
  21. Oren (Orin) – otter in Hebrew
  22. Orna (Ornat) – otter in Irish
  23. Ottermus Prime – name from wordplay
  24. Pearl
  25. Picklepaws
  26. Pirate
  27. Ranger
  28. Roller
  29. Spirit
  30. Vidra – otter in Serbian

Names Of Famous Otters

Fans of movies and cartoons have probably seen many otter characters.

The list below is composed of famous otters that have been featured in entertainment and other areas.

We’ve also included famous characters.

  1. Ace
  2. Arry
  3. Aurora
  4. Baby Butter – a name of a famous Disney character renowned for being jovial
  5. Balboa
  6. Bennett
  7. Blekker – name from Taggerung – otter in fantasy novel
  8. Blondie
  9. Bluto
  10. Bula – name from Mossflower
  11. Chab – name from High Rhulain
  12. Churk – a name from Triss (fantasy novel written by Brian Jacques
  13. Cuddles
  14. Cuter
  15. Daddo – a name from Legend of Luke (novel series)
  16. Dan
  17. Daxter – a name from Jak & Daxter video game
  18. Deyna – name from Taggerung
  19. Dude
  20. Ed – a name from Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
  21. Emmet – name from Emmet Otter’s – Jug-Band Christmas
  22. Fluffy
  23. Frankenstein
  24. Gandalf
  25. Gil – name from The Rogue Crew
  26. Harry Otter
  27. Heartwood – a name from Outcast of Redwall
  28. Keyla – a name from Martin the Warrior
  29. Kite the Slayer – a name from The Rogue Crew
  30. Logan
  31. Lottie – name from Return to Hundred Acre Wood
  32. Lwei
  33. Marigold – a name from Martin the Warrior
  34. Marlene – a name from Madagascar (female otter character)
  35. Mask – a name from Mossflower
  36. Memsy – a name from High Rhulain
  37. Mr. Otterton – a name from Zootopia
  38. Norman
  39. Nugget
  40. Olie
  41. Opal Otter – a name from another Disney Otter character in the PB & J’ show
  42. Oswald – name from Redwall Winter’s Tale)
  43. Otis
  44. Otterman
  45. Otto – name from Winter Paralympics Mascot
  46. Pawsome
  47. Peanut Otter – the name of a famous Disney otter
  48. Pearl
  49. Pippin
  50. Professor X
  51. Reedtail – a name from Outcast of Redwall
  52. Riverjack – a name from Great Redwall Feast
  53. Root – a name from Mossflower
  54. Rumbol – a name from Triss novel character
  55. Runa Rhulain – a name of a female otter in the fantasy novel High Rhulain
  56. Rushcutter – a name from Pearls of Lutra (a fantasy novel)
  57. Sam
  58. Scrimmo – the name of a young otter from the novel Outcast of Redwall
  59. Shad – the name of the male otter gatekeeper from The Long Patrol novel series
  60. Shaw
  61. Shoredog – the name of the male sea otter from novel Loamhedge
  62. Skipper – name from Mossflower Woods novel
  63. Sleeve – the name of a young otter maid from the novel Triss
  64. Slotter
  65. Smudger – the name of otter in High Rhulain
  66. Sork – the name of an old female otter from Loamhedge
  67. Spraydog – a name from Lord Brocktree’s novel
  68. Spring – a name from Mossflower’s novel
  69. Streamer – a name from a fantasy novel Mossflower
  70. Stugg – the name of inquisitive otter from Loamhedge novel
  71. Swash – name from Taggerung
  72. Tailspin
  73. Tarka – name after Tarka the Otter (novel character)
  74. Tarzan
  75. Terry – a name from the otter character in the animated Disney series “Yin Yang and Yo’
  76. Varon – a name from novel Doomwyte
  77. Vito
  78. Warthorn – name from Mossflower series
  79. Waterson
  80. Whulky – a name from High Rhulain

Sea Otter Names

If you pet a specific type of otter i.e., sea otter, with distinct traits relating to habitat, mannerisms, etc., we have some names that you can choose from below;

  1. Anya
  2. April
  3. Ariel
  4. Bailey
  5. Bazoo
  6. Bella
  7. Bennett
  8. Bianca
  9. Binky
  10. Biscuit
  11. Brandy
  12. Bubbles
  13. Cali
  14. Calypso
  15. Chandler
  16. Cooper
  17. Cuddles
  18. Daisy
  19. Donald
  20. Ellie
  21. Finn
  22. Flipper
  23. Frisco
  24. Fynn
  25. Gillian
  26. Harvey
  27. Hazel
  28. Helix
  29. Hopper
  30. Ivy
  31. Jessica
  32. Jessie
  33. Jojo
  34. Katie
  35. Kelly
  36. Kelpie
  37. Kit
  38. Lucy
  39. Luna
  40. Mikey
  41. Mimi
  42. Monty
  43. Nappy
  44. Nellie
  45. Neo
  46. Neptune
  47. Nessie
  48. Nibbles
  49. Nile
  50. Obi
  51. Odds
  52. Oddy
  53. Otsy
  54. Otta
  55. Otto
  56. Ozzie
  57. Poppy
  58. Rayn
  59. Rosa
  60. Rose
  61. Rusty
  62. Ryan
  63. Sally
  64. Sam
  65. Samantha
  66. Sami
  67. Sammi
  68. Sarah
  69. Sawyer
  70. Selka
  71. Simon
  72. Skipper
  73. Slick
  74. Speedy
  75. Splash
  76. Splish
  77. Taylor
  78. Tessa
  79. Torpedo
  80. Trident
  81. Triton
  82. Watson
  83. Wiley
  84. Zac
  85. Zephyr
Family Oriental small-clawed otter

Help Choosing the Perfect Name

We’ve listed many name categories above, offering hundreds of potential otter monikers for your pet.

However, you may still want other names. If that’s the case, we can offer some naming inspiration tips.

First and foremost, you can consider naming by looks. Otters have unique physical traits ranging from fur to size and feet that you can use to name them. They also have unique abilities. For instance, otters are great swimmers capable of staying underwater for up to eight minutes. You can name your otter after your favorite swimmer.

Naming can also be inspired by friends and family. You can ask a family member to name your otter. You’ll be surprised how many good otter names you’ll get using this tip.

What’s more, you can turn to the internet and do further research. Google search can offer many pet name suggestions.

However, it would be easier and faster to use resources like blogoftom that offer fresh new pet names and meet other naming needs.


Getting an otter for a pet is great. Baby otters are adorable and fun to observe. If you have the right habitat for him/her, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t pet an otter.

However, you’ll need a name after getting your pet. We have numerous categories to consider.

Whether you are naming a male otter, female otter, cute otter, Eurasian otter (or lutra lutra, etc.,) we have many names for you to consider.

You can also do your own research or utilize renowned naming resources like blogoftom. Naming a pet can be a time-consuming and difficult process.

Luckily, there are resources you can rely on fully for great, fresh, and new names that meet the most unique preferences.

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Tom Derbyshire

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