Below is the ultimate pigeon names guide for potential pigeon pet owners.
A pigeon is a great bird to consider as a pet. Pigeons are friendly, smart, and easy to maintain. They also cohabit well with other pets.
If you decide to keep a pigeon as a pet, you are bound to enjoy all the perks of a feathered friend.
But all pets need names which is why we’ve prepared this guide.
Below are several categories of names for pigeons based on gender, cuteness, color, fame, and more.
Consider these categories with hundreds of names to consider for your pigeon. We also cover additional information on coming up with your own pet’s name.
Let’s dive in.
Best Pigeon Names
What makes a good pet name? Well, it can be anything from a popular name to one that is easy to remember. It could also be a human name popular with pets.
We’ve considered this and more in our list below;
- Abigail
- Acer
- Alvin
- Angie
- Ashton
- Ava
- Birdie
- Blinky
- Blue
- Candice
- Casper
- Charlie
- Cleo
- Clucky
- Coco
- Cutie
- Dave
- Derpy
- Fizzy
- Flappy
- Gabby
- Grace
- Hank
- Hermes
- Irvin
- Isabella
- Jackie
- Jamie
- Jeanette
- Jett
- Jewel
- Kiki
- Kora
- Lissu
- Little Man
- Lou Lou
- Lucca
- Luna
- Mason
- Melody
- Minty
- Monte
- Neville
- Nora
- Obie
- Oscar
- PAblo
- Paris
- Patrick
- Payson
- Peter
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Purdie
- Rio
- Ripley
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Rose
- Roxy
- Ryker
- Shygo
- Skittles
- Skye
- Sunny
- Suzaku
- Trevor
- Turul
- Venus
- Viraja
- Zoe
Names For Female Pigeons
Female pigeons are smaller in appearance than their male counterparts. They also differ in head shape i.e., female pigeons have flattened heads while their male counterparts have round heads.
Other notable differences surround the eyes. Female pigeons have rounder eyes.
If you wish to name your female pigeon pet based on their gender-related traits, here are some feminine names to consider.
We’ve also included some great female human names and feminine names;
- Abigail
- April
- Ava
- Baby
- Bangles
- Bella
- Beyonce
- Birdie Bear
- Bluebell
- Bonita
- Candy
- Caroline
- Celeste
- Cher
- Cherry
- Chickpea
- Chipper
- Chiquita
- Chiquitita
- Chloe
- Cleo
- Cleopatra
- Clumsy
- Coco
- Croissant
- Cynthia
- Daisy
- Dotty
- Dusty
- Edith
- Emily
- Ethel
- Eve
- Felicia
- Fifi
- Fizzie
- Flippy
- Flit
- Florence
- Fluffy
- Frankie
- Frida
- Gale
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Girl Nest Door
- Goldie
- Gracie
- Gullfriend
- Haley
- Hanna
- Hedwig
- Hermione
- Iris
- Isabelle
- Jade
- Jelly
- Jenny
- Jessa
- Jessie
- Juniper
- Katie
- Kira
- Kissy
- Kora
- Lacy
- Lady Jane
- Lavender
- Leia
- Lemon
- Lexi
- Lillith
- Lilly
- Lima
- Lola
- Louise
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Mackenzie
- Margot
- Martina
- Mary
- Matey
- Mercedes
- Merlin
- Meryl Cheep
- Minnie
- Miss Mary Quack
- Miss Prissy
- Missy
- Nibbles
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Paris
- Peaches
- Peachy
- Peanut
- Peewee
- Peggy
- Pepper
- Pepperanne
- Pepperoni
- Perchy
- Phoebe
- Pickles
- Pika
- Pixie
- Polly
- Pretzel
- Quacky Quick
- Rihanna
- Rose
- Rosie
- Rosita
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Saffron
- Sally
- Sam
- Sandy
- Sarah
- Sheba
- Sidney
- Snow
- Snowball
- Sophie
- Stella
- Tanny
- Tara
- Tequila
- Thelma
- Tik-Tok
- Tiny
- Tweety
- Velvet
- Waddles
- Wiggles
- YoYo

Names For Male Pigeons
Looking for a masculine name fit for a male pigeon? If yes, we have compiled some great male names, and names representing masculinity below;
- Alfie
- Angry Bird
- Aqua
- Auzzie
- Avocado
- Azul
- Barney
- Beaker
- Bernie
- Billy
- Bloopers
- Boba
- Bobo
- Booboo
- Boychick
- Buddy
- Butterscotch
- Captain Flint
- Cash
- Casper
- Charlie
- Chatterbox
- Cheepskate
- Clucky
- Cracker
- Croissant
- Curly
- Daffy
- Darwin
- Derek
- Dewey
- Dinky
- Domino
- Donald
- Donnie
- Doodles
- Egghead, Jr
- Einstein
- Elvis
- Eugene
- Fawkes
- Flippers
- Flit
- Floyd
- Fred
- Godzilla
- Goof
- Griffin
- Gumby
- Gunther
- Hermes
- Hershey
- Hewey
- Iago
- Icecube
- Incas
- Indie
- Indigo
- Jabba
- Jack Sparrow
- Jaden
- Jazzy
- Jimmie
- Jo
- Jonas
- José Carioca
- Kevin
- Kiwi
- Kowalski
- Leroy
- Levi
- Little Man
- Loudmouth
- Louie
- Lucca
- Mac
- Malcolm
- Mango
- Mike
- Mojo
- Monte
- Nevermore
- Nibbles
- Nigel
- Niko
- Noodles
- Odin
- Oliver
- One Eye
- Oreo
- Orville
- Oscar
- Ozzy
- Paco
- Pappagallo
- Paulie
- Payson
- Pedro
- Pegasus
- Pepe
- Pepper
- Philly
- Pickle
- Pidgeotto
- Pikachu
- Pipsqueak
- Plucky
- Pompadour
- Poncho
- Popcorn
- Purdie
- Quacker
- Quackers
- Quakie Chan
- Rascal
- Ricky
- Rico
- Rio
- Rio Di Nero
- Rog
- Romeo
- Ruffles
- Sinbad
- Sir Chirps
- Sirocco
- Skip
- Skipper
- Smokey
- Sonny
- Soren
- Star
- Tabasco
- Taco
- Tango
- Tengu
- Timothy
- Titan
- Trickster
- Trouble
- Uncle Quacker
- Voldemort
- Willie Wagtail
- Wingman
Unisex Names for Pigeons
Gender may be a sensitive factor when naming a pet. For some neutral names fit for a pigeon, consider our list below;
- Beaker
- Birdie
- Bronco Bird
- Casper
- Chipper
- Chippie
- Crazy Bird
- Cuddles
- Happy
- Harley
- Hershey
- Hunter
- Jazz
- Kudo
- Magic
- Maxi
- Megabyte
- Moo
- Moon Beam
- Moon Dust
- Nibbles
- Ozzy
- Packer
- Peach
- Pepsi
- Peri
- Piglet
- Piper
- Pirate
- Pita
- Poncho
- Royalty
- Scooter
- Silly
- Snickers
- Spice
- Sprite
- Squidward
- Sugar
- Sunshine
- Teale
- Teke
- Tiger
- Toots
- Touche
- Twix
- Whiskey
- Whisper
Cute Pigeon Names
Pigeons are cute birds. Their sheer size and color make them adorable pets.
If you are lucky enough to get a baby pigeon, he/she should get any of the following cute names below;
- Alex
- Alexis
- Alice
- Andrea
- Ash
- Ava
- Baby Doll
- Barney
- Bess
- Betsy
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Brad
- Cathy
- Charlotte
- Chick
- Chip
- Chirpie
- Chloe
- Coco
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Cookie
- Cupcake
- Dina
- Dorothy
- Emerald
- Eugene
- Freddie
- Gail
- Goldie
- Handsome
- Harry
- Honey
- Honey Bear
- Iren
- Ivy
- Jellybean
- Jimmy
- Juntal
- Kate
- Kim
- Koko
- Kyla
- Lawrence
- Leona
- Lexy
- Lime
- Lisa
- Liv
- Lola
- Lora
- Maggie
- Malcom
- Marvin
- Miles
- Muffin
- Natalia
- Natasha
- Nate
- Oats
- Paula
- Payson
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Phoebe
- Pip
- Pixie
- Poochie
- Pretty
- Riley
- Skip
- Sunshine
- Thyme
- Tia
- Tod
- Trish
- Vanilla
- Wiggles
- William

Good Names for Pigeons
A good pet name is one you can live with. If you want pigeon pet names that have been satisfactory to pigeon pet owners, consider our list below.
We’ve compiled many typical names of pets and humans;
- Abby
- Abigail
- Alice
- Alison
- Alistar
- Amelia
- August
- Bonnie
- Brave
- Castello
- Chipper
- Cody
- Corbin
- Daisy
- Dawn
- Derpy
- Fiona
- Flea
- Flippy
- Frank
- Freddie
- Gabby
- Gadget
- George
- Gracie
- Harpy
- Hawkeye
- James
- Jasmine
- Jerry
- Jessie
- Joe
- Julia
- June
- Katie
- Kobie
- Korra
- Little Elvis
- Lola
- Mac
- Margarita
- Mary
- Max
- Maximus
- May
- Merlin
- Mike
- Mitch
- Modena
- Moira
- Mrs. Pigeon
- Paige
- Pinky
- Pixie
- Rocky
- Ryker
- Saffron
- Sammy
- Skittles
- Skylar
- Sydney
- Teddy
- Thema
- Tia
- Tiberius
- Tutu
- Waldo
- William
Funny Names For Pigeons
Funny pet names make pet ownership more fun. We have gotten inspiration from fun things, humor, wordplay, and more.
Pick the funniest pigeon name you can find below;
- Ace Hentura
- Aerial Rodent
- Beak-a-boo
- Bellatrix
- Billy Elliot
- Bird Brain
- Bird Reynolds
- Blunder
- Booby
- Boogie
- Buzzard Aldrin
- Cha Cha
- Chandler Wing
- Chappy
- Chatterbox
- Chip
- Chipper
- Clicker
- Coo Coo Chanel
- Duckbill Gates
- Feather Fawcett
- Feather Flocklear
- Feathers
- Finchton Churchill
- Flappy
- Flight Eisenhower
- Flight Schrute
- Flossie
- Fowlen Angel
- Girl Nest-Door
- Godfeather
- Goldie Hen
- Goose Springsteen
- Hen Night
- Hen Stefani
- Hillary Puff
- Hummus
- Jet
- Jimmy Tallon
- Kanye Quack
- Leonardo Diquackrio
- Luke Skyquacker
- Maleo
- Maple
- Marl-hen Monroe
- Marty McFly
- Meatball
- Michael Parakeeton
- Millenium Squawken
- Monica Geller
- Osprey Winfrey
- Pappagallo
- Peewee
- Piggy
- Poopstar
- Poopster
- Puff Daddy
- Rachel Preen
- Rainbow
- Robin Hood
- Rumple
- Sandra Gullock
- Screech
- Shrimp
- Sir Pufferton
- Spike
- Squawk
- Stephen Squaking
- Stinker
- Swoops
- The Claw
- The New Yorker
- Tony Quark
- Unpleasant
- Waffle
- Wil Tweeton
- Wing Man
- Zazu
Cool Names for Pigeons
A name can portray enthusiasm, friendliness, and popularity. We have names bound to make your pet pigeon popular.
Our list is derived from the coolest characters, people, things, places, and more;
- Baymax
- Drax
- Elvis
- Flash
- Gamora
- Hulk
- Ice
- Mystique
- Rio
- Rocky
- Storm
- Thunder
- Tyson
Unique Pigeon Names
If you want a pet name that is different you will like the unique names that are listed below.
Our list includes names of rare birds;
- Bristlefront – name after another rare bird (Stressmann’s Bristlefront) found in Brazil.
- Brushfinch – name after Antioquia Brushfinch, another rare bird found in Columbia.
- Cebu – name after another rare bird (Cebu flowerpecker) native to Cebu Island, the Philippines.
- Ground Dove – name after blue-eyed ground dove also found in Brazil (Cerrado region).
- Nuthatch – name after another rare bird (Bahama Nuthatch) that is currently listed as endangered.
- Owlet – name after New Caledonia owlet nightjar, a rare bird native to New Caledonian forests.
- Pochard – name after a rare duck Madagascar pochard species unique to Madagascar wetlands.
Famous Pigeon Names
Disney has introduced the world to many pigeons.
Below are cartoon names, pigeon monikers from popular culture, celebrity pigeon names, and more;
- Baby Huey
- Beaky Buzzard
- Becky – a name from Finding Dory
- Blue
- Bugsy – Character from Valiant film. Bugsy is among Valiant’s buddies with notable traits such as being filthy and stinky. Bugsy also has unique feathers.
- Cher Ami – name after legendary messenger pigeon known for saving 200 men from imminent death on 2nd October 1918 during WW1.
- Chilly Willy
- Chris Mcclain
- Commando – name after Commando pigeons that transmitted vital intelligence in WW2.
- Daffy – a name from Looney Tunes
- Daisy – a name from Looney Tunes
- David – Name after David Pigeon, leader of provincial New England militia in the 1700s.
- Diablo – name from Sleeping Beauty
- Dodo
- Flit
- Gleep
- Gogo Dodo
- Hedwig – name from Harry Potter
- Iago – name from Aladdin
- Jewel – name from Rio
- Joey, Bobby & Vinnie: name after characters in Disney animation – Bolt released in 2008. Joey (blue pigeon), bobby (purple pigeon), and Vinnie (green pigeon).
- Jokey Smurf
- Kevin
- Kristy – Name after Kristy Pigeon, a retired U.S. tennis player renowned in the 1960s and 1970s.
- Lofty – Another character from Valiant film. He is also among Valiant’s friends.
- Mallard Fillmore
- Mocker – famous hero pigeon that served in the WW1.
- Mordecai
- Nigel – name from Finding Nemo
- Orville
- Pidgeot
- Pidgey
- Rubik
- Spritle
- Toughwood & Tailfeather – name after twin brothers from Valiant film.
- Tweety – name from Looney Tunes
- Valiant – pigeon name from famous Disney animated film – Valiant released in 2005.
- William of Orange – name after male MI14 pigeon soldier of the British secret service.
- Woodstock – name from Peanuts
- Zazu – name from Lion King
White Pigeon Names
If you get a white pigeon, it’s only right that you give him/her a name that matches or represents its color.
Here are our white pigeon name suggestions;
- Antarctic
- Casper
- Cloudy
- Cream
- Ghost
- Ice
- Ivory
- Nova
- Pure
- Snow
- Snowfall
- Snowflake
- White
Racing Pigeon Names
Pigeon racing involves releasing trained homing pigeons that return to their “home” after flying a specific/measured distance.
Suppose you get pigeons for racing or you want a name related to racing pigeons, we have some suggestions below for renowned racing pigeons;
- Armando – Name after Armando – a racing pigeon that holds the current racing record.
- New Kim – name after Belgium-based racing pigeon by the same name.

Name Inspiration: Help Choosing the Perfect Name
The above names may not be enough for a pigeon owner. If that’s the case with you, there are other tips to consider when choosing the perfect pigeon name.
For instance, you can base your search on special physical/character traits such as tail feathers or type (i.e., rock pigeons) and use that as a basis for naming.
You can also search for names online or seek ideas from family and friends. Once you find potential names, it also helps to choose a name that your pigeon won’t outgrow.
Pigeons can live for 15 or more years. The name you select should factor in longevity.
Pet names should also be easy to pronounce to avoid confusing family members and the pet. The name should also vary from common commands you may issue with your trained pigeon. Contradictory names are hard for birds to internalize.
To choose a perfect new/fresh name fast backed by meanings, FAQs, and other naming resources, consider naming sites like blogoftom.
There you go. We’ve listed hundreds of names for you to choose from.
We have male names, female names, cute names, funny names, famous names, and more. If you need more names, you can follow our pigeon naming inspiration tips.
Asking your friends and family to name your pigeon can help. You could also go online and search.
Your bird’s unique traits can also guide you. Is your pigeon white? find a name that best represents their color i.e., snow or other names under our white pigeon name section. Blue pigeons can be named after the sea, sky, etc.
You could also create a new name from existing common names. For instance, you can translate a name into another language to get a brand-new unique name.
Lastly, you could turn to name resources like blogoftom for a quick, easy, and informative pet naming process.
Most importantly, make sure your pet pigeon doesn’t outgrow the name, or the name doesn’t conflict with common commands.