583+ Pirate Cat Names: Creative Ideas for Your Furry Friend!

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Naming your cat is an important decision, and it can be a lot of fun to choose a name that reflects your own interests or personality.

If you’re a fan of pirates, then why not consider one of the many pirate-inspired names for your feline friend? There are plenty of great options out there, ranging from subtle to outrageous.

Whether you’re looking for something classic like “Blackbeard” or “Long John Silver”, or something more modern like “Captain Jack Sparrow” or “Anne Bonny”, there are plenty of pirate cat names to choose from.

With so many great ideas available, you’ll be sure to find the perfect swashbuckling moniker for your furry companion!

Let’s dive in.

pirate cat

Female Pirate Cat Names

Are you searching for a swashbuckling name for your pirate kitty? Your cat will be proud to have one of these names.

  1. Adrie
  2. Agea
  3. Apulia
  4. Augusta
  5. Azure
  6. Barbra
  7. Bay
  8. Belle
  9. Bertha
  10. Careen
  11. Caspia
  12. Catalina
  13. Catwoman
  14. Celeste
  15. Claire
  16. Coral
  17. Coralie
  18. Cordelia
  19. Corleone
  20. Cyan
  21. Daria
  22. Delmare
  23. Diana
  24. Diondra
  25. Dola
  26. Doris
  27. Dovie
  28. Echo
  29. Elizabeth
  30. Emeraldas
  31. Evalyn
  32. Flora
  33. Freda
  34. Freeda
  35. Gilda
  36. Gloria
  37. Golden
  38. Harlequin
  39. Hulda
  40. Indira
  41. Iona
  42. Isla
  43. Isola
  44. Jade
  45. Justice
  46. Kahlo
  47. Kaia
  48. Kara
  49. Lauretta
  50. Laverne
  51. Loreley
  52. Lucia
  53. Lucy
  54. Lumen
  55. Lyria
  56. Madison
  57. Maiden
  58. Malinda
  59. Marika
  60. Marina
  61. Maris
  62. Marissa
  63. Martha
  64. Mary
  65. Maya
  66. Megan
  67. Melusine
  68. Mercedes
  69. Meredith
  70. Minue
  71. Mizuko
  72. Morgana
  73. Mrs. Business
  74. Myrtle
  75. Nadia
  76. Nagisa
  77. Nahla
  78. Nerissa
  79. Nineve
  80. Nineveh
  81. Olive
  82. Ophelia
  83. Orabelle
  84. Pearl
  85. Rain
  86. Regina
  87. Rita
  88. Rizzo
  89. Rosa
  90. Scarlett
  91. Sela
  92. Selina
  93. Serena
  94. Shizua
  95. Shizuka
  96. Sia
  97. Sidra
  98. Sierra
  99. Storm
  100. Sultana
  101. Tash
  102. Taura
  103. Trixie
  104. Ula
  105. Una
  106. Valerie
  107. Varuna
  108. Vivien
  109. Wave
  110. Wendy
  111. Willow
  112. Wisteria
  113. Wren
  114. Yasha
  115. Yooka
  116. Zelda

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pirate cat

Male Pirate Cat Names

With his brave personality, it’s only suitable to give your male cat a bold name. Here are some great choices:

  1. Aban
  2. Abenahir
  3. Ace
  4. Aden
  5. Admiral
  6. Adrian
  7. Adriaticus
  8. Afshang
  9. Alastair
  10. Alek
  11. Amos
  12. Anchor
  13. Anson
  14. Anton
  15. Archer
  16. Ariel
  17. Atoll
  18. Azure
  19. Balthier
  20. Bane
  21. Barrett
  22. Bartholomew
  23. Bastian
  24. Bismarck
  25. Blackbeard
  26. Blake
  27. Blaze
  28. Bonney
  29. Bootstrap
  30. Brighton
  31. Brishon
  32. Buccaneer
  33. Caelum
  34. Callan
  35. Calico Jack
  36. Cannonball
  37. Captain
  38. Caspian
  39. Cedros
  40. Cerulean
  41. Chase
  42. Chester
  43. Clawdius
  44. Cliff
  45. Cole
  46. Corsair
  47. Cortez
  48. Cragen
  49. Cutlass
  50. Davy
  51. Declan
  52. Destan
  53. Destin
  54. Douglas
  55. Earwyn
  56. Echo
  57. Edward
  58. Finlay
  59. Fischer
  60. Fletcher
  61. Flint
  62. Flynn
  63. Fury
  64. Graeme
  65. Hanno
  66. Harbor
  67. Hook
  68. Horace
  69. Hudson
  70. Irving
  71. Istaso
  72. Jabari
  73. Jack
  74. Jacobe
  75. Jacques
  76. Jaladri
  77. Jaleh
  78. Killian
  79. Kuril
  80. Laszlo
  81. Lorcan
  82. Lyr
  83. Lysander
  84. Magnus
  85. Makara
  86. Murray
  87. Nemo
  88. Neptune
  89. Odysseus
  90. Oskar
  91. Ossian
  92. Ozias
  93. Pagos
  94. Pan
  95. Patrin
  96. Pelagic
  97. Pontus
  98. Poseidon
  99. Ramsay
  100. Regal
  101. Roberts
  102. Rocio
  103. Rudabeh
  104. Rudder
  105. Russel
  106. Seth
  107. Shai
  108. Silas
  109. Sion
  110. Talbot
  111. Tarian
  112. Tasi
  113. Tasman
  114. Thames
  115. Thelonius
  116. Thoreau
  117. Tolan
  118. Torlan
  119. Triton
  120. Tyg
  121. Wade

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pirate cat

Cool Pirate Cat Names

A cool cat deserves a pirate-inspired name. Take a look at our top picks here.

  1. Abenahir
  2. Aden
  3. Admiral
  4. Admiral Meow
  5. Adriaticus
  6. Aegir
  7. Afshang
  8. Ahab
  9. Alon
  10. Anne Bonny
  11. Archer
  12. Ariel
  13. Arno
  14. Azure
  15. Barbossa
  16. Bastian
  17. Black Bart
  18. Black Jack
  19. Bonny Cat
  20. Brishon
  21. Brisson
  22. Caelum
  23. Callan
  24. Captain Claw
  25. Carrach
  26. Caspian
  27. Cedros
  28. Cerulean
  29. Clarion
  30. Cliff
  31. Cole
  32. Corsair
  33. Cortez
  34. Cragen
  35. Cutlass
  36. Danube
  37. Davy
  38. Declan
  39. Destan
  40. Douglas
  41. Dread
  42. Earwyn
  43. Echo
  44. Finlay
  45. Fischer
  46. Fletcher
  47. Furry McPirate
  48. Fury
  49. Glan
  50. Graeme
  51. Hanno
  52. Hook
  53. Hookpaw
  54. Horace
  55. Iliad
  56. Illiad
  57. Irving
  58. Istaso
  59. Jack meowsparrow
  60. Jack Rackham
  61. Jacques
  62. Jaladri
  63. Jaleh
  64. Jean Lafitte
  65. Kitty Silver
  66. Kuril
  67. Laszlo
  68. Leander
  69. Long John Silver
  70. Looty
  71. Lorcan
  72. Lyr
  73. Lysander
  74. Magnus
  75. Makara
  76. Marauder
  77. Marauding Muffin
  78. Meowbeard
  79. Morcan
  80. Morgan
  81. Morgan le Faye
  82. Morrissey
  83. Murray
  84. Neptune
  85. Oskar
  86. Ossian
  87. Ozias
  88. Pagos
  89. Pan
  90. Patrin
  91. Pegleg
  92. Peg Leg Pete
  93. Pelagic
  94. Pirate Pete
  95. Poseidon
  96. Red Beard
  97. Regal
  98. Remi
  99. Rocio
  100. Rudabeh
  101. Rudder
  102. Russel
  103. Ryker
  104. Sadaf
  105. Salty
  106. Scallywag
  107. Silas
  108. Sion
  109. Sparrow
  110. Talbot
  111. Tarian
  112. Tasi
  113. Thames
  114. Thoreau
  115. Wade

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pirate cat

Funny Pirate Cat Names

You may want to choose a funny name for your pirate kitty that brings a smile to your face. If you’re looking for an uplifting pirate name, look no further than this list.

  1. Admiral Davey
  2. Admiral Hawk
  3. Admiral Henry Heart
  4. Admiral Mullins
  5. Admiral Simpson
  6. Admiral Spike
  7. Admiral Storm
  8. Admiral Wade
  9. Admiral Williams
  10. Aye Aye Kitty
  11. Barnacle Bill
  12. Bella O’Greed
  13. Betty Tuna-Breath
  14. Big Jones
  15. Bill Bones
  16. Black Bill The Feared
  17. Buccaneer Booty
  18. Cannonball Conner
  19. Captain Catbeard
  20. Captain Catnip
  21. Captain Claws
  22. Captain Fuzzybritches
  23. Captain Hooks
  24. Carrie Atlantis
  25. Catarrh Morgan
  26. Catbeard
  27. Catsanova
  28. Catsparrow
  29. Cattigan
  30. Cheeky McPirate
  31. Chewbarka
  32. Chipper Goldheart
  33. Churchhill Evans
  34. Clara Shadows
  35. Clawdius Maximus
  36. Cutie Booty
  37. Feline Flintlock
  38. Furrball Fuzzbucket
  39. Furry McPirate
  40. Grog-N-Meow
  41. Grog-N-Purr
  42. Jack Meowsparrow
  43. Kitty Silver
  44. Kitty Swashbuckler
  45. Long John Purr-ly
  46. Marauding Muffin
  47. Meowana
  48. Meowbeard
  49. Mouseratte
  50. Pawbeard
  51. Peg Leg Pete
  52. Pirate Pete
  53. Pirate Purrmaid
  54. Purr-laine O’Toole
  55. Scallywag Scampers
  56. Scallywag the cat
  57. Scurvy Cat
pirate cat

Unique Pirate Cat Names

For an unusual and less common pirate cat name, have a look at the following options.

  1. Aegaea
  2. Aegea
  3. Aegir
  4. Afshang
  5. Alon
  6. Anne Bonny
  7. Anson
  8. Apulia
  9. Arno
  10. Arroyo
  11. Atoll
  12. Atomsk
  13. Augusta
  14. Azure
  15. Bailey
  16. Barbossa
  17. Bastian
  18. Belle
  19. Bismarck
  20. Black Jack
  21. Blake
  22. Bonny
  23. Bootstrap Bill
  24. Brisson
  25. Carrach
  26. Caspia
  27. Clarion
  28. Conway
  29. Coventina
  30. Danube
  31. Davy Jones
  32. Doria
  33. Doris
  34. Doubloon
  35. Dread
  36. Earwyn
  37. Echo
  38. Edward
  39. Eva
  40. Fern
  41. Freeda
  42. Georgina
  43. Glan
  44. Hadrian
  45. Hama
  46. Harbor
  47. Harlequin
  48. Hookpaw
  49. Hudson
  50. Illiad
  51. Iona
  52. Isola
  53. Jack Sparrow
  54. Jacobe
  55. Jacques
  56. Joshamee Gibbs
  57. Kitty Silver
  58. Kraken
  59. Leander
  60. Long John Silver
  61. Looty
  62. Luna
  63. Maccus
  64. Makara
  65. Marauder
  66. Marauding
  67. Maris
  68. Midas
  69. Moonie
  70. Morcan
  71. Morgan
  72. Morrissey
  73. Muffin
  74. Navy
  75. Oceane
  76. Pagos
  77. Pan
  78. Pegy
  79. Pintel
  80. Poseidon
  81. Ragetti
  82. Ramsay
  83. Reina
  84. Remi
  85. Ridley
  86. Rivir
  87. Robeab
  88. Ronan
  89. Rover
  90. Ryker
  91. Sadaf
  92. Salty
  93. Sao Feng
  94. Shai
  95. Skye
  96. Smee
  97. Sparrow
  98. Swann
  99. Thelonius
  100. Tia Dalma
  101. Torlan
  102. Tyg
  103. Umiko
  104. Varuna
  105. Wade
  106. Will Turner
pirate cat

Famous Pirate Names For Cats

Throughout history, adventurers have embarked on thrilling voyages in the pursuit of treasure. If you are looking for a name for your cat, here are a few real-life pirate monikers that may be suitable.

  1. Anne Bonny
  2. Bartholomew Roberts
  3. Benjamin Hornigold
  4. Charles Vane
  5. Cheung Po Tsai
  6. Ching Shih
  7. Christopher Contend
  8. Christopher Moody
  9. Dixie Bull
  10. Edward England
  11. Edward Low
  12. Edward Teach (Blackbeard)
  13. Emanuel Wynn
  14. Francis Drake
  15. Grace O’Malley
  16. Henry Every
  17. Henry Jennings
  18. Henry Morgan
  19. Howell Davis
  20. Jean Lafitte
  21. John Rackham (Calico Jack)
  22. Mary Read
  23. Olivier Levasseur
  24. Paulsgrave Williams
  25. Peter Easton
  26. Richard Worley
  27. Samuel Bellamy
  28. Sayyida al Hurra
  29. Stede Bonnet
  30. Thomas Tew
  31. Turgut Reis
  32. William Kidd
  33. Zheng Yi Sao
pirate cat

Pirates of the Caribbean Inspired Names

If you’re a fan of the classic movie Pirates of the Caribbean, why not give your cat one of these awesome fictional pirate monikers from the film?

  1. Anamaria
  2. Angelica
  3. Barbossa
  4. Beckett
  5. Bellamy
  6. Blackbeard
  7. Bootstrap
  8. Cotton
  9. Cutler
  10. Dalma
  11. Davy Jones
  12. Elizabeth Swann
  13. Gibbs
  14. Giselle
  15. Groves
  16. Hector Barbossa
  17. Henry
  18. Jack (the monkey)
  19. Jack Sparrow
  20. Joshamee Gibbs
  21. Marty
  22. Norrington
  23. Pintel
  24. Ragetti
  25. Salazar
  26. Scarfield
  27. Scarlett
  28. Scrum
  29. Smyth
  30. Spaniard
  31. Swann
  32. Swift
  33. Syrena
  34. Tia Dalma
  35. Turner
  36. Weatherby
  37. William Turner
pirate cat

Selecting the Perfect Name for Your Feline Friend

When choosing a name for your cat, there are a lot of paths you can explore.

It’s important to pick the right one for your pet. Naming it hastily with something randomly chosen will make the moniker unremarkable and, after a while, you might regret it.

This is the tactic we usually follow when choosing a name for a cat.

1. Take their history into consideration.

What is the background of your cat? Did you recently obtain a kitten or an adult cat from a shelter?

Kittens should have names that are soft and sweet, while cats with more life experience are better suited for tougher and stronger-sounding names. A name like Will can be a great match for a young kitten, whereas an older cat may be better suited with something tougher, like Captain Blackbeard.

2. Take their appearance into account.

The look of your cat should be taken into consideration when picking a name. If your cat is dark in hue, a pirate name such as “Blackbeard” could be suitable, whereas a lighter-colored cat would suit the moniker “Captain Silver”. A multi-colored cat could lovingly be referred to as “Ruth O’Patches.”

Cats that have overcome illnesses, attacks, or genetic disorders should feel strong and empowered by their uniqueness. These cats are very unique and their names can reflect this uniqueness.

For example, a cat with one eye can be referred to as “One-Eyed Pete”, while cats with fewer teeth may be called “William One-Tooth”.

No matter the appearance, if a name suits both you and your cat, it will be perfect.

3. Make a list and narrow it down.

Look at various lists of pirate names and make a note of the ones you like best. Test out different pet names to see how your cat responds and if one sticks.

Follow this method by eliminating the names you like the least, and eventually, you’ll be left with a few choices to get your loved ones’ opinions on.

With a little time, you’ll easily identify the perfect name for your adventurous cat.

We hope you’ve come across a pirate-themed name that appeals to you. Finding the perfect name for your new cat may take a while, but when you do, it will be the start of an amazing adventure filled with both laughter and challenges.

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Tom Derbyshire

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