Pixie Names have always captured the imagination of those who love folklore and mythical creatures.
But what’s behind these whimsical, enchanting monikers?
Well, grab your fairy dust and come along as we uncover the magical world of pixie names and their origins.
Section 1: Best Pixie Names
1-25 Best Names
Pixie name generators are a great way to find unique and whimsical names for these magical characters. Some of the most charming and captivating names for pixies include:
- Aria
- Mia
- Adelina
- Alette
- Aubrette
- Chepi
- Dela
- Elly
- Fayetta
- Layda
What do you think about these names?
- Linetta
- Marin
- Olette
- Shayleen
- Aine
- Feya
- Grioga
- Meira
- Eberen
- Natany
Isn’t it interesting how unique each name is?
- Cogirn
- Inthyen
- Medhek
- Tewren
- Maethrit
26-50 Best Names
Continuing our list of impressive pixie names that you can generate for your magical little beings, we have:
- Hefagan
- Madis
- Wenmen
- Benegor
- Grythek
- Lamonesek
- Fuatrec
- Joten
- Ruimea
- Nis
How do these names spark your imagination?
- Kara
- Gesund
- Daria
- Evalette
- Hannece
- Ilaria
- Jamara
- Kelara
- Leonine
- Marica
Which of these names catch your attention?
- Nerida
- Othela
- Penara
- Quinelle
- Reyliana
This list of 50 outstanding pixie names offers plenty of inspiration for creating your own enchanting characters.
Section 2: Good Pixie Name Ideas
Coming up with good pixie names can be a fun and creative process, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources such as British folklore and the various characteristics often attributed to these delightful beings.
In this section, we have compiled a list of 50 good names for your pixie characters, divided into two subsections.
1-25 Good Names
- Wings
- Button
- Ainslee
- Alfre
- Alvar
- Aubri
- Ayesha
- Beagan
- Carina
- Dorielle
- Elberta
- Elfie
- Firtha
- Joyce
- Kinsley
- Lara
- Nellie
- Polina
- Quinella
- Rosabel
- Sylvie
- Talina
- Ursula
- Vespera
- Wilma
How do these names inspire ideas for your pixie characters?
26-50 Good Names
- Xara
- Yumiko
- Zaida
- Adair
- Bellamy
- Calliope
- Dawn
- Eirwen
- Faye
- Garnet
- Hestia
- Indira
- Juniper
- Keeva
- Lilith
- Meadow
- Niamh
- Ondine
- Persephone
- Quintessa
- Rhiannon
- Seren
- Thora
- Ume
- Viveca
With these names, the possibilities for creating unique and interesting pixie characters are endless. Enjoy exploring the magic and wonder of these good names as you bring your pixie creations to life.
Section 3: Female Names
In this section, we’ll explore female pixie name ideas.
1-25 Female Names
- Charlotte: A classic and elegant choice.
- Aurora: Inspired from the polar lights.
- Mariam: A lovely and unique option.
- Liliana: For a more delicate, floral-themed pixie.
- Alina: Graceful and mysterious.
- Fiona: Perfect for a fair, gentle sprite.
- Carina: Inspired by the stars.
- Ivy: For your more earthy, nature-bound fairies.
- Zara: Sounds exotic and enchanting.
- Elara: A beautiful choice with celestial origins.
- Nyx: A name both strong and captivating.
- Melody: For fairies with a talent for song.
- Anara: Light and graceful, like a pixie.
- Luna: For those who shine brightly in the night.
- Freya: A powerful, enchanting option.
- Odelia: For a confident, expressive fairy.
- Savannah: Ideal for nature-themed fairies.
- Selene: Another mysterious, celestial name.
- Willow: Inspired by the beauty of willow trees.
- Esmeralda: A rich, colorful name.
- Amara: A sweet and beautiful choice.
- Jasmine: A lovely floral name.
- Rosalie: For a fairy with a rosy demeanor.
- Daphne: A unique and enchanting option.
- Flora: The ideal pick for a flower-loving fairy.
26-50 Female Names
- Seren: For a fairy who shines like a star.
- Ophelia: A mysterious and captivating choice.
- Moder: A strong, legendary name.
- Giselle: Elegant and balletic, like a fairy’s dance.
- Phoebe: Inspired by the goddess of the Moon.
- Celeste: Perfect for cosmos-oriented sprites.
- Imogen: A unique and enchanting option.
- Iris: A lovely floral name.
- Aurelia: Inspired by the golden hour just before the sunset.
- Sylvia: For fairies with woodland origins.
- Dahlia: A beautiful, floral choice.
- Aria: For songbirds and music lovers.
- Rhea: A name with history and depth.
- Lyra: A celestial name with an inspirational story.
- Octavia: A powerful and captivating choice.
- Lila: Delicate and exquisite, like a pixie.
- Tallulah: A fun, unique, and playful option.
- Petra: A sturdy, earthy name.
- Zinnia: A vibrant and colorful choice.
- Eloise: A classic and elegant choice for fairies.
- Vesper: A unique and mysterious, twilight-inspired name.
- Daisy: A fresh and cheerful pick.
- Mirabelle: Charming and sweet.
- Delilah: A captivating, enchanting name.
- Elowen: Ideal for fairies with a forest origin.
Section 4: Male Names
Pixie Name Ideas offer creative inspiration for magical male names.
1-25 Male Names
- Alderc
- Bramwin
- Cillian
- Darril
- Eldrich
- Flendour
- Gavrich
- Hemwin
- Innil
- Jerian
- Kylan
- Lormis
- Malcenos
- Nerlion
- Orlann
- Perdal
- Quillix
- Rianor
- Sander
- Tendril
- Urien
- Vaelen
- Wistrix
- Xamion
- Yorvel
Which name would your male pixie choose?
26-50 Male Names
- Zalos
- Aldwyn
- Baridor
- Celos
- Dwyn
- Elethor
- Finreel
- Galvor
- Herin
- Ishnar
- Jollan
- Kirnan
- Liandor
- Merlor
- Novian
- Olvan
- Paxon
- Qentor
- Raelnar
- Silros
- Turwin
- Ulric
- Vorian
- Wihar
- Xanthus
There’s a plethora of male pixie names to choose from!
Section 5: Unisex Names
Pixie name ideas can be found in various sources, and unisex names are no exception. These names can be used for both male and female pixies, making them versatile and suitable for a wide range of characters. In this section, we will explore 50 unisex pixie names, divided into two subsections to make it easy for you to browse and select the perfect name.
1-25 Unisex Names
- Siofra
- Ainsley
- Blair
- Briar
- Casey
- Devon
- Finley
- Harlow
- Jordan
- Keegan
- Linden
- Morgan
- Parker
- Quinn
- Rory
- Sage
- Sawyer
- Skyler
- Tatum
- Teagan
- Tyler
- Waverly
- Whitley
- Zephyr
- River
26-50 Unisex Names
- Rowan
- Sutton
- Robin
- Avery
- Dakota
- Fallon
- Hadley
- Hayden
- Kendall
- Lane
- Logan
- Marlo
- Peyton
- Reese
- Remi
- Riley
- Ripley
- Sailor
- Shiloh
- Sloane
- Sydney
- Tanner
- Taylor
- Tristan
- Yael
While naming your pixie characters, you might consider using a pixie name generator to help you come up with even more creative and original names. These generators often take inspiration from various sources, including folklore, mythology, and even human names to create a unique and memorable moniker for your magical beings.
Section 6: Cool Names
In this section, we will explore cool names for pixies with a magical flair. Whether you’re naming a character in a story or creating a pixie persona, these names are sure to inspire.
1-25 Cool Names
- Aerwyn
- Blythe
- Caelum
- Dahlia
- Elara
- Faylinn
- Gavriel
- Hazel
- Iolanthe
- Jasper
- Kairos
- Lorelie
- Maelstrom
- Nyra
- Oberon
- Persephone
- Querida
- Ravenna
- Sylphina
- Taliesin
- Urial
- Vesper
- Willow
- Xerxes
- Yarrow
26-50 Cool Names
- Zephyr
- Amaranth
- Brindle
- Coriander
- Datura
- Euphemia
- Faolan
- Gossamer
- Hyacinth
- Indigo
- Jubilee
- Kestrel
- Lumina
- Meridian
- Nephele
- Ostara
- Phaedra
- Quixote
- Rowena
- Seraphine
- Tempest
- Urania
- Vale
- Wren
- Xylia
Remember, these cool names are just suggestions and it’s up to you to select the ones that resonate most with your pixie character. Happy naming!
Section 7: Badass Names
Pixie Name Ideas kick off with some unique and badass names for your pixie characters. These names are suitable for characters with fierce and powerful personalities. Let’s dive into two lists of 25 badass names each:
1-25 Badass Names
- Astra
- Blaze
- Crimson
- Demonicus
- Eclipse
- Fury
- Ghost
- Hurricane
- Inferno
- Jinx
- Khaos
- Lycan
- Marauder
- Nemesis
- Obsidian
- Pandora
- Quasar
- Reaper
- Sable
- Talon
- Uproar
- Vendetta
- Warpath
- Xylon
- Zephyra
26-50 Badass Names
- Acerbus
- Bastion
- Calamity
- Dusk
- Enigma
- Frost
- Goblin
- Havoc
- Incantus
- Jagged
- Kismet
- Lament
- Mercurial
- Nightfall
- Orpheus
- Phantom
- Quiver
- Ravage
- Scorch
- Tempest
- Umbra
- Veil
- Wildfyre
- Xenith
- Yarak
Section 8: Unique Names
Pixie name ideas for your fictional characters can be both creative and intriguing. In this section, we’ll explore 50 unique names that will spark your imagination. The names are split into two subsections for easier browsing.
1-25 Unique Names
- Aerilaya
- Blenariel
- Carnysa
- Drimblewisp
- Eltherin
- Faywick
- Glimeria
- Hallaxie
- Ilendra
- Jyxalia
- Kelyrie
- Lumivix
- Mireth
- Nirafaye
- Orinfell
- Pallyndra
- Quinnyx
- Rislynn
- Silverwing
- Thalsira
- Ulliara
- Velindra
- Wrenlia
- Xalvina
- Ysabeau
26-50 Unique Names
- Zephyriana
- Alyssandre
- Briskbreeze
- Calanthia
- Dawnsparkle
- Eilaphine
- Falenriel
- Glimmerblossom
- Harborwillow
- Ivoryshade
- Jadewing
- Kaeloria
- Lysani
- Moonlightgaze
- Narialle
- Oakspryte
- Pearlwhisk
- Questrielle
- Rosewisp
- Silentwhisper
- Tyliana
- Umbrafey
- Velathria
- Willowlaugh
- Xyrethalee
Section 9: Catchy Names
Pixie Name Ideas are essential for adding magical charm. Here, we have two sets of 25 catchy names for you to explore.
1-25 Catchy Names
- Ailora
- Blythia
- Cressa
- Dalia
- Elwood
- Faris
- Gwenel
- Helio
- Ivera
- Jaspera
- Keirley
- Lilura
- Merial
- Nisia
- Orella
- Periwinkle
- Quinlyn
- Rosalina
- Sela
- Talia
- Ulia
- Valina
- Wisp
- Xarina
- Ysmera
26-50 Catchy Names
- Zalea
- Amadyl
- Brisa
- Celandine
- Dray
- Elvina
- Flamia
- Gleaira
- Hyacinth
- Inara
- Joliet
- Kyla
- Lira
- Mabina
- Nera
- Orela
- Petra
- Quinn
- Raelia
- Sivara
- Talula
- Ulyssa
- Verina
- Wisteria
- Xalia
So, here are your catchy Pixie Name Ideas. Enjoy exploring these enchanting names and find the perfect one for your magical little being.
Section 10: Cute Names
Pixie Name Ideas are a delightful way to christen your magical characters. In this section, we’ll explore some adorable monikers perfect for your little fairies.
1-25 Cute Names
- Ashlynn
- Ella
- Humriant
- Gryrok
- Cawallon
- Morder
- Corthyen
- Bleineder
- Faylinn
- Lilura
- Brinxa
- Tierral
- Zephyra
- Nimbus
- Spritz
- Aurelia
- Twinkle
- Glissara
- Petal
- Wisp
- Brixy
- Thistledown
- Kalea
- Skylar
- Sylphina
26-50 Cute Names
- Harmony
- Mystral
- Aisly
- Starla
- Mystiana
- Fizzle
- Meadow
- Willow
- Pippin
- Flutter
- Glimmer
- Iris
- Blossom
- Lilac
- Bramble
- Elara
- Feather
- Cirrus
- Tansy
- Quill
- Ravenna
- Topaz
- Dewdrop
- Celestia
- Fawn
Section 11: Funny Names
Pixie Name Ideas emerge from various sources and styles. In this section, we focus on lighthearted, entertaining names for your pixie characters.
1-25 Funny Names
- Bumbleknot
- Fizzywing
- Glittergiggle
- Jellypuddle
- Noodlepip
- Petalpants
- Picklepetal
- Pipsqueakprance
- Snickerdoodle
- Sprinklespark
- Sugarwisp
- Teenytoe
- Tumbledust
- Twitchyskirt
- Twizzlewhisk
- Whirlybloom
- Wigglebeam
- Wobbletickle
- Yarnflutter
- Zippynoodle
- Gigglespark
- Frostyfrizz
- Bubblewhisk
- Lollyjumper
- Spindlesqueak
26-50 Funny Names
- Fudgepuff
- Gumdropspark
- Honeywhisper
- Jinglesprout
- Kookybreeze
- Peachperch
- Peppermintskip
- Popcorntwinkle
- Raspberryripple
- Scribblechirp
- Sherbetshadow
- Skedaddlesprout
- Squigglefizz
- Starburstbounce
- Sugarsnow
- Sunshinesquiggle
- Sweetpeawhisk
- Taffymeadow
- Tinkertwang
- Toffeebush
- Turbofluff
- Twirlpuff
- Vanillabounce
- Whirligiggle
- Wobblywhisk
Section 12: Tips for Brainstorming the Perfect Name
Pixie Name Ideas are waiting to be discovered. How do you brainstorm the perfect name? Follow these steps:
- Quantity over quality: Generate as many ideas as possible.
- Warm-up exercise: Adjust your mindset to be creative.
- Rapid ideation: Write down ideas in a set amount of time before discussing.
- Name generator: Utilize online tools for inspiration.
Remember to be open-minded and have fun during the process. Good luck!
Frequently Asked Questions
Woodland fairy name ideas?
- Alder
- Bramble
- Fern
- Hazel
- Lichen
- Moss
- Sylvan
- Willow
Flower-themed pixie names?
- Blossom
- Daisy
- Flora
- Iris
- Lily
- Petunia
- Rose
- Violet
Male pixie name suggestions?
- Ash
- Cobweb
- Flicker
- Jasper
- Merrin
- Rook
- Thistle
- Zephyr
DnD-inspired pixie names?
- Breezestrider
- Glimmerwing
- Leafshadow
- Moonbeam
- Nightsprite
- Quickwhistle
- Sparklefoot
- Windwhisper
Dark and evil pixie names?
- Blackbriar
- Cursewing
- Duskthorn
- Gloombreeze
- Malice
- Nightshade
- Razorvine
- Venomglow
Cute and whimsical fairy names?
- Bella
- Crystal
- Frost
- Glimmer
- Luna
- Pixy
- Sunbeam
- Twinkle
- n
- Alder
- Bramble
- Fern
- Hazel
- Lichen
- Moss
- Sylvan
- Willow
“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”_Flower-themed pixie names?_”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
- n
- Blossom
- Daisy
- Flora
- Iris
- Lily
- Petunia
- Rose
- Violet
“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”_Male pixie name suggestions?_”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
- n
- Ash
- Cobweb
- Flicker
- Jasper
- Merrin
- Rook
- Thistle
- Zephyr
“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”_DnD-inspired pixie names?_”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
- n
- Breezestrider
- Glimmerwing
- Leafshadow
- Moonbeam
- Nightsprite
- Quickwhistle
- Sparklefoot
- Windwhisper
“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”_Dark and evil pixie names?_”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
- n
- Blackbriar
- Cursewing
- Duskthorn
- Gloombreeze
- Malice
- Nightshade
- Razorvine
- Venomglow
“}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”_Cute and whimsical fairy names?_”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
- n
- Bella
- Crystal
- Frost
- Glimmer
- Luna
- Pixy
- Sunbeam
- Twinkle