309+ Star Wars Hamster Names (BEST Ideas!)

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If you’re a Star Wars fan and a hamster owner, you might be looking for a name that combines your two passions.

Naming your hamster after a Star Wars character can be a fun way to show off your love for the franchise.

Here are some Star Wars hamster name ideas to help you get started.

  1. Luke – Named after the iconic hero of the original trilogy.
  2. Leia – Named after the brave and resourceful princess.
  3. Chewie – Named after the lovable Wookiee co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon.
  4. Han – Named after the charming and roguish smuggler.
  5. Yoda – Named after the wise and powerful Jedi Master.
  6. Obi-Wan – Named after the legendary Jedi Knight.
  7. Darth – Named after the infamous Sith Lord.
  8. R2-D2 – Named after the plucky astromech droid.
  9. C-3PO – Named after the protocol droid with a penchant for worrying.
  10. Jabba – Named after the notorious gangster and crime lord.

These are just a few examples of Star Wars-themed names you can give to your hamster. Whether you choose a name that’s inspired by a character’s personality, appearance, or name, your hamster is sure to have a name that’s out of this world.

Best Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re a Star Wars fan and looking for the perfect name for your new hamster, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of the best Star Wars-inspired names for your furry friend.


  1. Chewie
  2. Leia
  3. Luke
  4. Han
  5. Yoda
  6. Obi-Wan
  7. R2-D2
  8. C-3PO
  9. Padme
  10. Anakin
  11. BB-8
  12. Rey
  13. Finn
  14. Poe
  15. Lando
  16. Jabba
  17. Boba
  18. Jango
  19. Mace
  20. Qui-Gon
  21. Kit
  22. Aayla
  23. Plo
  24. Shaak
  25. Ki-Adi


  1. Ahsoka
  2. Asajj
  3. Cad
  4. Ziro
  5. Embo
  6. Fives
  7. Echo
  8. Rex
  9. Wolffe
  10. Gregor
  11. Hera
  12. Kanan
  13. Sabine
  14. Zeb
  15. Chopper
  16. Ezra
  17. Thrawn
  18. Krennic
  19. Tarkin
  20. Vader
  21. Palpatine
  22. Grievous
  23. Dooku
  24. Ventress
  25. Savage

These are just a few of the many Star Wars-inspired names you can choose for your hamster. Whether you’re a fan of the original trilogy, the prequels, or the newer movies, there’s a name that will fit your new furry friend perfectly. So go ahead, choose a name that reflects your love of the Star Wars franchise and enjoy your new hamster!

Good Star Wars Hamster Name Ideas

If you’re a Star Wars fan and you’ve recently adopted a hamster, you may be looking for a suitable name that reflects your love for the franchise. Here are some great name ideas that you can use for your new furry friend.


  1. Yoda
  2. Leia
  3. Chewie
  4. R2-D2
  5. Han
  6. Luke
  7. BB-8
  8. Rey
  9. Finn
  10. Poe
  11. Padme
  12. Anakin
  13. Obi-Wan
  14. Darth
  15. Lando
  16. Jabba
  17. Wicket
  18. Ewok
  19. Jango
  20. Boba
  21. Zam
  22. Hux
  23. Kylo
  24. Phasma
  25. Maz


  1. Grievous
  2. Dooku
  3. Sidious
  4. Ahsoka
  5. Ventress
  6. Asajj
  7. Cad
  8. Hera
  9. Kanan
  10. Chopper
  11. Zeb
  12. Sabine
  13. Ezra
  14. Thrawn
  15. Tarkin
  16. Ackbar
  17. Mon
  18. Nien
  19. Wedge
  20. Porkins
  21. Biggs
  22. Rancor
  23. Tauntaun
  24. Bantha
  25. Dewback

These are just a few of the many possible Star Wars hamster names. You can also get creative and come up with your own name ideas based on your favorite characters, races, or locations from the Star Wars universe.

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Cool Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re looking for cool names for your Star Wars hamster, you’re in the right place. Here are some great options to choose from.


  1. Darth Hamster
  2. Chewie
  3. Leia
  4. Luke
  5. Han
  6. Yoda
  7. Jabba
  8. Ewok
  9. Boba Fett
  10. R2-D2
  11. C-3PO
  12. Wookiee
  13. Padme
  14. Anakin
  15. Obi-Wan
  16. Mace Windu
  17. Qui-Gon Jinn
  18. Jango Fett
  19. Count Dooku
  20. General Grievous
  21. Admiral Ackbar
  22. Lando
  23. BB-8
  24. Rey
  25. Finn


  1. Poe Dameron
  2. Kylo Ren
  3. Supreme Leader Snoke
  4. Captain Phasma
  5. Maz Kanata
  6. Porg
  7. Tauntaun
  8. Bantha
  9. Dewback
  10. Wampa
  11. Sarlacc
  12. Gamorrean
  13. Krayt Dragon
  14. Nexu
  15. Acklay
  16. Reek
  17. Rancor
  18. Rathtar
  19. Gundark
  20. Mynock
  21. Varactyl
  22. Nexu
  23. Zillo Beast
  24. Loth-cat
  25. Loth-rat

These are just a few of the many great Star Wars-inspired names for your hamster. Whether you’re a fan of the creatures, animated series, or the movies themselves, there’s a name out there that’s perfect for your furry friend.

Badass Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re looking for some badass names for your Star Wars hamster, you’re in the right place.

Here are some suggestions that will make your hamster stand out from the crowd.

  1. Darth
  2. Vader
  3. Kylo
  4. Ren
  5. Maul
  6. Grievous
  7. Sidious
  8. Palpatine
  9. Jango
  10. Fett
  11. Boba
  12. Trooper
  13. Storm
  14. Shadow
  15. Phantom
  16. Assassin
  17. Hunter
  18. Savage
  19. Savage Opress
  20. Savage Oppress
  21. Savage Oppres
  22. Savage Oppressor
  23. Anakin
  24. Skywalker
  25. Obi-Wan
  26. Kenobi
  27. Chewbacca
  28. Wookiee
  29. Hutt
  30. Jabba
  31. Greedo
  32. Jawa
  33. Tusken
  34. Raider
  35. Bounty
  36. Hunter
  37. Smuggler
  38. Krayt
  39. Dragon
  40. Rancor
  41. Zabrak
  42. Sith
  43. Lord
  44. Master
  45. Jedi
  46. Knight
  47. Padawan

These are just a few suggestions to get you started. Feel free to mix and match or come up with your own badass names for your Star Wars hamster. May the Force be with you!

Unique Star Wars Hamster Name Ideas

If you’re looking for unique name ideas for your Star Wars hamster, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some creative name suggestions that are inspired by the Star Wars universe.


  1. Chewie
  2. Leia
  3. Han
  4. Luke
  5. Yoda
  6. Obi-Wan
  7. R2-D2
  8. C-3PO
  9. BB-8
  10. Finn
  11. Poe
  12. Rey
  13. Padmé
  14. Anakin
  15. Ahsoka
  16. Mace
  17. Qui-Gon
  18. Jango
  19. Boba
  20. Jabba
  21. Wicket
  22. Logray
  23. Teebo
  24. Chirpa
  25. Paploo


  1. Ewok
  2. Zorii
  3. Lando
  4. Jyn
  5. Cassian
  6. K-2SO
  7. Bodhi
  8. Saw
  9. Hera
  10. Kanan
  11. Zeb
  12. Sabine
  13. Chopper
  14. Ezra
  15. Thrawn
  16. Ventress
  17. Grievous
  18. Dooku
  19. Maul
  20. Sidious
  21. Zam
  22. Dengar
  23. Bossk
  24. IG-88
  25. Cad Bane

These are just a few of the many unique name ideas that you can choose from for your Star Wars hamster. Whether you’re a fan of the Ewoks, Jabba the Hutt, or Rey, there’s a name out there that’s perfect for your furry friend. So go ahead and let your imagination run wild!

Catchy Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re a Star Wars fan and a hamster owner, you might be looking for the perfect name for your furry friend. Here are some catchy Star Wars-inspired hamster names to consider.


  1. Chewie
  2. Leia
  3. Luke
  4. Han
  5. Yoda
  6. R2-D2
  7. C-3PO
  8. BB-8
  9. Rey
  10. Finn
  11. Poe
  12. Padme
  13. Anakin
  14. Obi-Wan
  15. Mace
  16. Qui-Gon
  17. Ahsoka
  18. Ezra
  19. Kanan
  20. Hera
  21. Sabine
  22. Zeb
  23. Chopper
  24. Jyn
  25. Cassian


  1. Lando
  2. Jabba
  3. Boba
  4. Jango
  5. Zam
  6. Watto
  7. Bossk
  8. Dengar
  9. IG-88
  10. Greedo
  11. Nien Nunb
  12. Admiral Ackbar
  13. Mon Mothma
  14. Wedge
  15. Biggs
  16. Porkins
  17. Kit Fisto
  18. Plo Koon
  19. Ki-Adi-Mundi
  20. Shaak Ti
  21. Barriss
  22. Luminara
  23. Asajj
  24. Ventress
  25. Savage

Whether you’re a Jedi, a Rebel, or a fan of Return of the Jedi, there’s a Star Wars-inspired hamster name for you. Choose a name that suits your hamster’s personality and enjoy the force of having a Star Wars-themed pet!

Cute Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re looking for a cute name for your Star Wars hamster, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some name ideas that will make your hamster stand out from the crowd.


  1. Chewie
  2. Leia
  3. Solo
  4. Yoda
  5. Ewok
  6. R2-D2
  7. C-3PO
  8. BB-8
  9. Wicket
  10. Jabba
  11. Padmé
  12. Finn
  13. Rey
  14. Poe
  15. Kylo
  16. Anakin
  17. Luke
  18. Lando
  19. Jyn
  20. Bodhi
  21. Chirrut
  22. Baze
  23. K-2SO
  24. Cassian
  25. Hera


  1. Sabine
  2. Zeb
  3. Kanan
  4. Ezra
  5. Ahsoka
  6. Rex
  7. Cody
  8. Fives
  9. Echo
  10. Hevy
  11. Cut
  12. Gregor
  13. Wolffe
  14. Plo
  15. Kit
  16. Mace
  17. Ki-Adi-Mundi
  18. Shaak Ti
  19. Aayla Secura
  20. Barriss Offee
  21. Quinlan Vos
  22. Asajj Ventress
  23. Savage Opress
  24. Mother Talzin
  25. Pre Vizsla

Whether you’re a fan of the original trilogy or the newer movies, there’s a Star Wars name that will be perfect for your hamster. So go ahead and choose a name that will make your little friend the talk of the galaxy!

Funny Star Wars Hamster Names

If you’re looking for a funny name for your Star Wars hamster, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are some hilarious name ideas to get you started.

  1. Chewie
  2. Hansolo
  3. Leia
  4. Yoda
  5. Jabba
  6. R2D2
  7. C3PO
  8. Darthhamster
  9. Ham Solo
  10. Wookiee
  11. Ham Skywalker
  12. Ham Solo
  13. Emperor Palpawtine
  14. Ham Solo
  15. Boba Fett
  16. Jabbacuddles
  17. Admiral Ackbar
  18. Darth Vader
  19. Princess Ham Leia
  20. Chewbacca
  21. Ham Skywalker
  22. Ewok

Whether you choose a name inspired by a character like Vader or Boba, or a punny name like Ham Solo or Chewie, your hamster is sure to have a name that will make everyone smile.

Tips for Brainstorming the Perfect Name

Naming your pet hamster after a Star Wars character can be a fun and creative way to show your love for the franchise. Here are some tips for brainstorming the perfect name that suits your hamster’s personality and your love for Star Wars.

1. Consider Your Hamster’s Personality

Before you start brainstorming names, take some time to observe your hamster’s behavior and personality. Is your hamster brave and adventurous like Finn? Or is it more playful and mischievous like a Porg? Choosing a name that fits your hamster’s personality can make it easier to come up with a name that you and your hamster will love.

2. Get Inspired by Media

The Star Wars franchise is vast and includes movies, TV shows, books, and comics. Get inspired by the media and characters that you love. You can also search online for lists of Star Wars characters to get more ideas. Some popular Star Wars hamster names include:

  1. Chewie
  2. Yoda
  3. BB-8
  4. R2-D2
  5. Leia
  6. Luke
  7. Han
  8. Rey
  9. Finn
  10. Poe

3. Get Creative with Wordplay

You can also get creative with wordplay to come up with a unique and fun name. For example, you can combine the name of a Star Wars character with a hamster-related word. Some examples include:

  1. Ham Solo
  2. Princess Hamster
  3. Hammy the Hutt
  4. Emperor Palhamster
  5. Darth Hamster

4. Consider the Influence of Star Wars

Star Wars has had a huge influence on popular culture, and many people are familiar with the franchise even if they are not fans. Consider the influence of Star Wars when choosing a name. A name that is recognizable to non-fans can be a great conversation starter and a way to share your love for Star Wars with others.

With these tips in mind, you can brainstorm the perfect Star Wars name for your hamster. Whether you choose a name inspired by media, get creative with wordplay, or consider the influence of Star Wars, your hamster is sure to have a name that is out of this world.

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Tom Derbyshire

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