Ah, the Victorian era. Not only does it often evoke images of sophisticated and regal architecture, but it is often heavily associated with the steampunk aesthetic.
Needless to say, there is many a world builder out there that is in need of some Victorian town naming ideas.
After all, it’s not easy to come up with perfect names!
If you are struggling to come up with that perfect name for a Victorian town in your fictional world, look no further.
Today, we are going to provide you with all sorts of interesting naming ideas that are sure to spark your imagination into creating something amazing. There is a lot of value in a name.
Interesting Victorian Town Names
These names for a Victorian town are sure to catch the attention of an audience, whether they are playing a game or reading a book.
From sophisticated to steampunk, you’ll find something here that fits the world you are trying to build.
- Vancairn – A cairn is a mound of stones specifically placed by people to mark something. This town could mark something of importance. Having a prominent tower would add to the theme.
- Aldermore – Victorian town names need to sound sophisticated. Names like this one easily convey that sense of refined elegance and long-established structure.
- Gattermourne – If you want to go steampunk, a name that feels a little haphazard fits very well because steampunk is quite haphazard itself in most of its design elements.
- Umberworth – A name that seems almost posh or snobbish can also fit a Victorian town well, as many people perceive the aesthetic in such a manner.
- Aetherwatch – Aether is known as “the fifth element” in medieval science. A town with this name would be perfect as the home of artificers, sorcerers, magicians, or wizards.
- Vanessa – This might just seem like a person’s name, but don’t forget that many towns and cities were outright named after people. Just pick a person’s name that sounds sophisticated!
- Glimmerhold – An ideal name for a mining town that is well-known for its precious gems and minerals.
- Aerahelm – The vowels A and E lend themselves very well to Victorian town names, as they often help create sounds that are light and airy. Consider using them in unique ways!
- Speelerborough – A borough refers to a self-governing town with walls. You can add whatever you want in front of “borough” and end up with a pretty good name overall.
- Plumeria – Town names that end in a vowel sound a little softer when spoken, which can lend itself well to a perception of a town being upstanding, respectable, or wealthy.
- Nomfort – The Victorian era still had forts and defensible cities. Include any prefix you want before “fort” and it will still sound pretty fitting.
- Chiselmere – If you say “wow, that sounds fancy” after pronouncing a town’s name, it’s a pretty good pick for a Victorian town. This town in particular could be home to skilled artisans.
- Leadengate – A heavy gate is often a potent defense against invaders. A town in a strategically vital chokepoint would benefit greatly from a name that denotes its strength.
- Cinderedge – A town that exists on the rim of a volcano, anyone? Or perhaps it lies on the boundary of a scorched forest?
Catchy Names For A Victorian Town
Sometimes, the most important thing for a name is for it to be catchy.
Catchy names are easier for people to remember and increase the odds of the name becoming an icon to an audience.
Here’s a list of some catchy Victorian town names that may suit your needs.
- Jemmymourne – Sounding a little too posh for its own good can actually be good for a Victorian town name. Of course, that’s only if you want people to get that impression when they hear it.
- Baccaburn – This sounds a lot like Bannockburn, the fateful battle for Scottish independence that the movie Braveheart leads up to.
- Nubbikhagen – We’re not sure what to say about this one. But it sure sounds cool, and any town with a name like this would certainly be of some narrative importance.
- Flamgarde – If this sounds like a town that would be home to warriors associated with flame, you’re probably right. But you could replace “flam” with something else and get the same effect.
- Gizsturm – Even the Victorian era can benefit from a harsher-sounding name every once in a while. This sounds like a steampunk town well-known for its feats of engineering!
- Grimeedge – Feeling a little edgy? Don’t worry, the Victorian era had its fair share of grimness and unpleasantries.
- Astrohallow – Fancy a town of astronomers or astrologers in your fictional world? This name would be a fitting choice for it.
- Erlys – Cutting back on the number of vowels in a name can make for some interesting results. A neat trick is to replace vowels with consonants that sound similar, such as “lease” and “lys.”
- Muffletown – What goes on in Muffletown? We have no idea. We can never hear the townsfolk when they try and tell us about it.
- Lillhelm – This town just sounds like a pleasant place to visit. It would fit right in as a small town in a Victorian setting, perhaps as a detour on the way to a bigger city?
Descriptive Names For A Victorian Town
A town’s name can often be tied to the terrain that surrounds it.
If you know some synonyms for common terrain, you can actually spin a pretty neat name out of it, even if you are just identifying that there are some hills nearby.
This list has some examples of what we mean.
- Heathmoor – A moor is a tract of uncultivated land, so a town surrounded by flat wilderness would fit very well with a name like this.
- Spindlehold – A name more aligned with the steampunk aesthetic, this town is clearly suited to being one of craftsmanship and artisanry.
- Knapbourne – A bourne is another word for a boundary. A town that marks the boundary of something (like territory or a biome) could benefit well from a name like this one.
- Rookvale – A vale is another word for valley. It’s a good way to make a town near a valley sound more interesting and suitable to a fantasy setting.
- Goodbarrow – A barrow is a mountain or a mound, so consider using it instead of adding “mountain” to a town name if you want to try and have a little subtlety and variety.
- Ruehaven – A haven is a sanctuary, a safe place for people to stay. Consider incorporating it into a town that is well-protected or safe from most dangers.
Town Name Inspiration
Inspiration can come from many places. Don’t forget to look at the real world.
There are many Victorian locations in our own world that can give you an idea of how to name Victorian towns in your fictional one.
Keep in mind that Victorian architecture is predominantly European, and English in particular.
You can also look to other works of fiction for inspiration.
Make sure you don’t outright copy their work, but there is no such thing as a truly original idea, and there’s nothing wrong with getting inspiration from another work of fiction so long as you work to truly make the idea that comes to mind your own.
You don’t have to limit your search for inspiration to one media either: consider books, movies, games, and more to ensure you are getting the widest array of ideas possible!
Help Choosing the Perfect Name
There is no such thing as perfect. No matter what name you come up with, some people will think it’s great, while others will think that it’s silly.
The most important thing is for you to be happy with the name you choose. To do that, you should take several things into consideration.
First, consider what kind of atmosphere you want the town to have. Is it bright and cheery? Refined and regal? A minor village that is of little import? The way a town is supposed to feel to the audience should play a big role in how you name it.
Also keep in mind that fiction is fiction, and there is no concrete set of naming conventions you must adhere to.
When you find a name that you feel fits the town you have in mind, you have found the perfect name, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Any name can become meaningful in pop culture if a good story revolves around it.
Coming up with a good name can feel quite difficult, especially if you know that the name cannot be changed after a certain point (like the release of a book, for example). But you don’t have to rush the process.
There are many sources of inspiration out there, and as long as you find one that works for you, you will come up with a great name eventually.