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If you’re here looking for some crocodile names or alligator names because you want to pet a crocodile or alligator, it’s important to understand some things.
First and foremost, crocodiles can be kept as pets but they can’t be tamed. Therefore, these are dangerous pets that must be kept after understanding the risks. You also need a license/permit to keep crocodiles or alligators as pets in the United States as most states restrict ownership of wild animals.
With that said, it’s important to understand the difference between alligators and crocodiles. Alligators are gray or black in color on the top and have a cream-like underside and u-shaped snout. Crocodiles have a lighter brown to olive green color. Alligators are also less aggressive and smaller than crocodiles.
Whatever you decide to pet (alligator or crocodile), you’ll need a pet name. We’ve covered hundreds of names fit for an actual pet crocodile and stuffed crocodile or stuffed alligator.
Let’s dive in.
Best Crocodile and Alligator Names
Do you want a name that best represents your crocodile or alligator pet? The best names offer ultimate representation. They may also be easy to remember and/or popular among pet crocodile owners.
Here are our top names for a crocodile or alligator;
- Achilles
- Alli
- Allie
- Andrea
- Angela
- Armando
- Ashley
- Barbie
- Barney
- Bob
- Brutus
- Bucky
- Calvin
- Calypso
- Capone
- Carl
- Carlos
- Cha Cha
- Chameleon
- Charizard
- Charlie
- Charly
- Charybdis
- Chase
- Chasey
- Chelsea
- Chewy
- Chloe
- Chomp
- Chomper
- Chucky
- Cleo
- Cleopatra
- Clyde
- Conan
- Cranky
- Creature
- Crocky
- Cruella
- Crush
- Crusher
- Derek
- Dexter
- Draco
- Dragonbait
- Drake
- Dundee
- Elliot
- Elvis
- Evil Eye
- Falcor
- Flash
- Flipper
- Fluffy
- Frank
- Frankenstein
- Franklin
- Gamera
- Gator
- George
- Gila
- Godzilla
- Gojira
- Grimace
- Grindylow
- Grizzle
- Grumble
- Gummy
- Haku
- Hook
- Hunt
- Izzy
- Jabberwock
- Jade
- Jaws
- Kahlua
- Kimono
- Kiwi
- Leap
- Leviathan
- Lila
- Lisa
- Lizzie
- Lunge
- Maggie
- Makara
- Melusine
- Merlin
- Monstro
- Morla
- Mr. Bitey
- Mudder
- Mushu
- Natsu
- Nibbles
- Nile
- Norbert
- Olive
- Patty
- Pendragon
- Pickle
- Psycho
- Ra (Egyptian god)
- Rango
- Reptar
- Rex
- Rhaegal
- Ripples
- Rock
- Rollo
- Ruby
- Rumble
- Scaly
- Scylla
- Sharptooth
- Sherlock
- Slim
- Smaug
- Snapper
- Snappy
- Sobek
- Speedy Gonzales
- Spike
- Splash
- Spyro
- Steve
- Sunny
- Susan
- Swampy
- Tiberius
- Toto
- Twiggy
- Violet
- Viserion
- Water Dragon
- Xerxes
- Yoshi
- Zack
Female Names For A Crocodile Or Alligator
If you want to name a crocodile or alligator based on gender, it helps to understand the differences. You can tell male from female crocodiles by their size, reproductive organs, hatching, and raising the young.
Male crocodiles are larger than their female counterparts. A male saltwater crocodile can grow to 17 feet long vs 11 feet for the female salt water crocodile. Females also have slimmer bodies. Other differences can be identified by checking their sex organs. Female crocodiles also hatch and incubate their eggs guarding them religiously from predators. Females also raise their young ones.
You can tell male from female alligators in the same manner in regards to size, body weight, slimness, and nesting. However, while male alligators are still bigger than female alligators, they are slightly smaller than crocodiles i.e., males grow up to fifteen feet.
You can name your female crocodile or alligator based on the above differences. You could also consider some feminine names.
Here are our suggestions covering everything, including some of the most popular female names.
- Addison
- Amber
- Andrea
- Anna
- April
- Arya
- Becky
- Bella
- Bolene
- Carmel
- Chloe
- Cinnie
- Cordelia
- Deidre
- Deva
- Donella
- Doreena
- Doreene
- Earthy
- Edna
- Eisha
- Emma
- Emrys
- Enid
- Evelina
- Fergi
- Fergie
- Fiacra
- Gemma
- Genevieve
- Gia
- Giada
- Gilda
- Ginessa
- Giorgia
- Giuliana
- Greta
- Hannah
- Harper
- Hermia
- Hiquita
- Hirgia
- Holly
- Hydra
- Jill
- Jolene
- Josie
- Julia
- Julie
- Kali
- Katie
- Kayl
- Kayla
- Kobe
- Ladybug
- Latte
- Lola
- Magnolia
- Malibu
- Matte
- Mavis
- Maxine
- Mia
- Millie
- Missy
- Mitzee
- Molly
- Muriel
- Nairobi
- Nareen – contented
- Neo
- Nikita
- Nola
- Oifa
- Oriana
- Oriana – blond
- Ove
- Payten
- Petal
- Plum
- Queen
- Reaghan
- Rosey
- Rowena
- Seismo
- Selma
- Skyler
- Speedy
- Suri
- Svana
- Svane
- Tessa
- Thando
- Ula
- Waterlily
- Wiggles
- Wren
- Zalie
- Zara
Male Names For A Crocodile Or Alligator
If you get a male crocodile or alligator, you can name him on the basis of masculinity. There are many badass, masculine names that are fit for a male crocodile or male alligator below.
We’ve included some popular male names, names renowned for masculinity, names from wordplay, names of places, and more.
- Ace
- Alex
- Allie
- Ameyo
- Archie
- Aspen
- Baby Beast
- Barclay
- Barney
- Bart
- Beefy
- Bentley
- Bobby
- Bodie
- Bruno
- Buck
- Buzz
- Caesar
- Chandler
- Chex
- Chomp
- Chua
- Clive
- Cooper
- Corvus
- Cranky
- Crate
- Creed
- Cricket
- Crocky
- Danger
- Dash
- Deter
- Dexter
- Duke
- Earl
- Earthy
- Ed
- Eddie
- Eli
- Enzo
- Ernie
- Felix
- Fisher
- Franky
- Fudu
- Gator
- Gatsby
- Genbu
- Gus
- Hare
- Hugo
- Hutch
- Hydra
- Jasper
- Jaws
- Jo
- Joe
- Joey
- Johnny
- Jojo
- Kanei
- King
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kurma
- Lashdrive
- Leander
- Lennox
- Leon
- Little Monster
- Lucifer
- Mart
- Mateo
- Matrix
- Maximus
- Merlin
- Messy
- Metal
- Mike
- Milo
- Moby
- Mojo
- Moonpie
- Murphy
- Nagini
- Neo
- Nessie
- Nico
- Noodle
- Onyx
- Orpheus
- Otis
- Ozzie
- Parker
- Paulie
- Peedy
- Pip
- Plum
- Poptart
- Ra
- Racer
- Rector
- Riesling
- Rocky
- Rylie
- Sammy
- Sangone
- Sasha
- Satan
- Saul
- Scoot
- Scout
- Scully
- Sebastian
- Seismo
- Slinky
- Snallygaster
- Snapp
- Snoop
- Spot
- Sprinkles
- Stirling
- Swampy
- Tank
- Tanner
- Teddy
- Theo
- Thor
- Thrash
- Tixie
- Toothless
- Trix
- Tucker
- Ty
- Victor
- Whiz
- Wiggles
- Winston
- Zaratan
- Zeppo
Unisex Names for Crocodiles and Alligators
As mentioned above, it can be difficult telling apart a male from a female alligator simply by looking. In most cases, you’ll need to flip your pet to check.
If you don’t fancy doing that or simply prefer a gender-neutral name, consider the names we’ve listed below.
- Comodo
- Creature
- Cruise control
- Draco
- Dragon bait
- Dundee
- Ely
- Evil eye
- Flash
- Glub Glub
- Godzilla
- Green Scum
- Igor
- Jabberwock
- Kimono
- Leo
- Monstro
- Mushu
- Reptar
- Rhaegal
- Ripples
- Splash
- Swamp Thing
- Twitch
Cute Alligator And Crocodile Names
A baby crocodile or alligator is a cute pet to have. You can keep him/her with ease, hold them in your hands without worrying about an attack.
We have some adorable names below that capture the cuteness of a baby alligator;
- Adi
- Ajat
- Akim
- Apple-pie
- Ares
- Atlas
- Baby Beast
- Bano
- Beefy
- Blossom
- Booboo
- Buckwheat
- Casper
- Champer
- Chandra
- Chex
- Chike
- Chua
- Cirrus
- Cleo
- Climber
- Clive
- Cocktail
- Cocoa
- Corona
- Crate
- Crystal
- Cubchoo
- Darumaka
- Earthy
- Fischer
- Flashdrive
- Fudu
- Genbu
- Gizmu
- Gunma
- Hare
- Hobbs
- Hydra
- Inchyra
- Ippo
- Iris
- Ivory
- Jarvis
- Judah
- Juniper
- Juno
- Kameyo
- Kobe
- Kurma
- Lilly
- Little Monster
- Lucifer
- Maru
- Mattich
- Maximus
- Metal
- Mojo
- Montezuma
- Moonpie
- Munchkin
- Naga
- Nagini
- Nalla
- nchyra
- Neo
- Nessie
- Noodle
- Oliver
- Orpheus
- Plum
- Poptart
- Racer
- Riesling
- Rocky
- Rudra
- Sahara
- Sangone
- Sasha
- Satan
- Scoot
- Seismo
- Shelly
- Sheno
- Slider
- Slinky
- Snallygaster
- Snappy
- Snover
- Speedy
- Spot
- Sprinkles
- Stirling
- Sweetie
- Teeny
- Thrash
- Tiny
- Tixie
- Trix
- Victor
- Whiz
- Wiggles
- Zaratan
Good Names for Crocodiles and Alligators
If you wish for a simple name that will work for your new pet, consider the suggestions below that range from popular pet names to human names that will work for your pet alligator;
- Ace
- Ajax
- Ammo
- Atla
- Balerion
- Batua
- Beat
- Bigia
- Billie
- Bruno
- Buddy
- Bullet
- Casper
- Charizard
- Charybdis
- Cherika
- Chomper
- Cirrus
- Clive
- Corvus
- Crocky
- Crush
- Crystal
- Dexter
- Draco
- Dragonbait
- Drake
- Elliot
- Falcor
- Fischer
- Floyd
- Gamera
- Gila
- Gizmo
- Godzilla
- Gojira
- Grindylow
- Gummo
- Haku
- Hercules
- Hobbs
- Hobby
- Inchyra
- Izzy
- Jabberwock
- Jade
- Jaw
- Jaws
- Jonah
- Journey
- Judah
- Juno
- Kahlua
- Kato
- Kimono
- Kiwi
- Lancelot
- Leap
- Lizzie
- Lootus
- Marvin
- Matrix
- Melusine
- Merlin
- Miles
- Mochi
- Mojo
- Monstro
- Morla
- Moto
- Mushu
- Narla
- Natsu
- Norbert
- Odin
- Ogopogo
- Ollie
- Pendragon
- Rango
- Reptar
- Rex
- Rhaegal
- Rocky
- Scylla
- Sharptooth
- Shelly
- Snoop
- Sobek
- Speedo
- Speedy
- Speedy Gonzales
- Spyro
- Stirling
- Stormi
- Teddy
- Tiberius
- Tixie
- Victor
- Viserion
- Xerxes
- Yudha
- Zeppo
- Zooter
Funny Crocodile and Alligator Names
Wordplay can create some incredibly funny names for your pet. You don’t have to stick to boring names. We have all manner of names below that will make you giggle every time you call your pet alligator or crocodile.
- Albert Gator
- Allie
- Beastie Boy
- Big teeth
- Bog
- Braces
- Brutus
- Bulla Gator
- Chewy
- Chomp
- Crock west
- Crocobot
- Cruise Control
- Cutey
- Danger
- Drogon
- Giant
- Goliath
- Grimace
- Gummers
- Gummy
- Hook
- Jay beast
- King Gator
- Leatherhead
- Leather Tank
- Logjam
- Lyle
- Mean Machine
- Meat
- Mr. Chomps
- Mr. Dentist
- Mr. Vile
- Mr Choms
- Mr Dentist
- Mr Ugly
- Murderlog
- Nero
- New Boots
- Peanut
- Pickle
- Pumpkin
- Scales
- Scaly
- Scummy Green
- Sharpy
- Sherlock the InvestiGator
- Slither
- Smaug
- Snappy Handbag
- Swampy
- Tequila
- Wally Gator
- Yum Yum Chewy
- Zinger
Cool Names for Crocodiles and Alligators
Most people will go for a typical pet. If you get a crocodile or alligator for a pet, you have reached a new level of coolness. Why not select a pet name that resembles this?
Below are some of the coolest crocodile pet names to consider crafted after cool people and cool things. We’ve also utilized wordplay to create cool new names;
- Altamaha
- Baby
- Bayou Blue
- Bolt
- Chewy
- Chomp the MagicGator
- Club Foot
- Clutch
- Coco
- Comodo
- Cranky
- Creature
- Cricket
- Cruise Control
- Dexter
- Dino
- Donatello
- Dundee
- Ely
- Evil Eye
- Fire in the Water
- Flash
- Flick
- Frankenstein
- Freckles
- Glub Glub
- Green Scum
- Igor
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jaws
- Lego
- Lightning
- Lizzie
- Michaelangelo
- Nile
- Psycho
- Puff Daddy
- Pugsly
- Raphael
- Ripples
- Serena
- Splash
- Stubble
- Swamp Thing
- Tarzan
- Teeth
- Termigator
- Titan
- Toothless
- Twitch
- Velcro
- Wylie
Unique Names For Crocodiles and Alligators
For pet owners who want uniqueness, we have some crocodilian species-inspired names below.
We’ve also listed some unusual names you can use with your pet alligator or pet crocodile;
- Acute – name after C. Acutus (American crocodiles)
- Angel
- Catcher – name after M. cataphractus. African slender-snouted crocodile species
- Chaser
- Cotton
- Duke
- Ice
- Iceberg
- Igloo
- Intercom – name after C. intermedius
- John – name after C. johnstoni
- Midnight
- Milky
- Mindcontroller – name from C. mindornesis
- Moony
- Moral – name from C. moreletii
- Mustard
- Nicker – name from C. niloticus (Nile crocodile species)
- Nimbus
- Nova – name from C. novaeguineae
- Paul/Polly – name from C. palustris
- Popcorn
- Porosus – name from C. porosus, saltwater crocodile species
- Rombie – name from C. rombifer, Cuban crocodile species
- Snowbell
- Snowflake
- Speedy
- Teethy
- Teracotta warrior – name from O. tetraspis, African dwarf crocodile species
- Turbo
Names Of Famous Crocodiles and Alligators
Crocodiles have been featured in many animated films, cartoons, gaming, popular culture, fiction, and more.
If you want your croc or alligator to have a famous name, consider any of the following names below;
- Lyle the Crocodile – name from Lyle Crocodile Series
- Makuu – ideal male crocodile name from ‘The Lion Gaurd’
- Mama Croc – name from Brandy & Mr. Whiskers
- Master Croc – name from Kung Fu Panda-2)
- Mr Vile – ideal male crocodile name from ‘Banjo- Kazooie’.
- Mz Ruby – ideal female crocodile name from ‘Sly Cooper’
- Nero – name from ‘The Rescuers’
- Pua – name from The Lion Guard
- Ramon – name from Alligator
- Renekton – name from League of Legends
- Roger – ideal male name from Penguins of Madagascar
- Rosie – ideal female croc name from ‘Maneater’
- Rover – name from Pound Puppies
- Sang Buaya – ideal male name picked from Eastern Timor folklore
- Shirol – ideal male name from Adventures of Binky Bill
- Shiro – name from Love Hina
- Sirol – name from Adventures of Blinky Bill
- Snappy – ideal male name after Snappy the Little Crocodile
- Sobek – ideal male name from Ancient Egyptian folklore
- Solomon – name from ‘Solomon Crocodile’
- Soundwave – name from Beast Wars
- Stan – ideal male crocodile name from The Wild
- Steven – name from 101 Dalmatians Series
- Swampy – name from Frogger 2- Swampy’s Revenge
- Tamka – name from The Lion Guard
- Tick-Tock – ideal male name from Peter Pan film
- Tuba Croc – ideal male croc name from ‘Tuba Croc’
- Vector – name from Knuckles’ Chaotix
- Victor – name from 64 Zoo Lane
- Wally – name from ‘Wally Gator’
Name Inspiration: Help Choosing the Perfect Name
We’ve prepared the above guide with hundreds of names to choose from.
However, you aren’t obligated to choose a pet name you don’t want. You can get further crocodile name or alligator name inspiration by looking at the unique traits of your pet.
For instance, you can name your crocodile by its color. For example, the spectacled caimans common in South America can be named by their yellow-greenish color. You could even combine names such as green monster depicting color and the fierce trait of most crocs. A unique trait like speed can also be used for inspiration.
Traits aside, you can use your pet’s favorite food to name them. If he/she loves chicken, you can pick a name like crochen made from wordplay.
Naming can also be based on translations. Sometimes English names can be limiting. How about translating a name from English to another language? For instance, you can translate crocodile to Swahili (mamba) or Portuguese (crocodilo).
You can also seek some names from those around you. Friends, family members, and colleagues can offer great pet names. It doesn’t hurt to ask those who have interacted with your pet to give name suggestions.
If you still prefer more names, you can turn to Google. Search engines list countless naming sites you can visit for suggestions. You can narrow down your search to be as detailed as possible to get good suggestions. However, you should have time to make this work.
You could also turn to naming resources like blogoftom. If you don’t have time to search the net and explore multiple websites, you can use resources like Blog of Tom that make the process fast and simple. What’s more, you’ll get valuable information, fresh new names, meanings, FAQs, and more.
Once you find suitable names, don’t be in a hurry to use them. The American alligators lifespan is 30-50 years. Saltwater crocodiles can live for 70 years. You should select a name that will last a lifetime.
Avoid names that your pet will outgrow. You should be proud of the name decades to come in the same way you would choose your child’s name.
What’s more, try to choose a name that is simple. Crocodiles and alligators are intelligent animals capable of responding to their names. As a result, select a name that doesn’t conflict with other commands.
The name should also sound good. While you can name your pet anything, avoid offensive names such as names with profanities for obvious reasons.
Naming a pet isn’t easy, more so when the pet in question is a crocodile or alligator. We acknowledge this, which is precisely why we have crocodile and alligator name categories ranging from the best names to names based on gender, cuteness, type of crocodile/alligator, famous names, and more.
However, we acknowledge the fact that some pet alligator owners may want more variety.
If you don’t get a name that works for you above, we have a name inspiration section with valuable tips to consider when looking for more pet names.
You can check the uniqueness of your pet and use that to name them. You could also consider wordplay or translations and create your own unique names. Pet names can also be gotten from friends and family members. You could also search the web for some suggestions or use the fastest and simplest way to get new pet names – blogoftom.
Whichever tip you follow, just make sure you choose a name your pet will live with for decades.