Iguana Names (486 Awesome Naming Ideas)

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Iguanas stand out among the most popular pet reptiles in homes today. Iguanas can be defined as herbivorous lizards native to areas like south and central America.

Provided they get the right care, iguanas blend in as family pets perfectly. They are cuddly pets that show affection and bring out unique personalities.

If you don’t mind a reptile pet, iguanas are a great place to begin. However, you should begin by selecting names for your beloved animal friends that resemble snakes and lizards.

This ultimate iguana names guide offers a list of great iguana pet names and lots of advice on selecting suitable names should you fail to secure a name.

Find the perfect or most popular iguana names, gender-based names, cool names, cute names, and more below.

Let’s dive in.

Best Iguana Names

If you don’t wish to reinvent the iguana naming guide, you can simply settle for names that have been proven with iguanas.

The following iguana names are common among many iguana pet owners today;

  1. Abraxas
  2. Ao Kuang
  3. Balerion
  4. Blackbeard
  5. Bluebeard
  6. Claws
  7. Draco
  8. Drake
  9. Elliot
  10. Falcor
  11. Gila
  12. Godzilla
  13. Haku
  14. Jabberwock
  15. Jade
  16. Kimono
  17. Leap
  18. Merlin
  19. Pendragon
  20. Puff
  21. Rainbow
  22. Raptor
  23. Reptar
  24. Rhaegal
  25. Scylla
  26. Sharptooth
  27. Shenron
  28. Smaug
  29. Sobek
  30. Spike
  31. Spook
  32. Tiberius
  33. Viserion
  34. Xerxes

Popular Iguana Names

Pet names can be chosen based on popularity. Of all the best iguana pet names out there, which ones are the most popular?

The names below highlight what most iguana pets are likely to be named;

  1. Cammy
  2. Claws
  3. Freckles
  4. Leap
  5. Littlefoot
  6. Peanut
  7. Rainbow
  8. Scratch
  9. Speedy
  10. Spot
  11. Sweetums
  12. Tiny
  13. Tongues
  14. Toothless

Male Iguana Names

Assuming you have a male iguana, you can select a masculine name that best represents his gender.

Some notable masculine names to consider include;

  1. Achilles – a trojan war hero
  2. Akram – means generous as per Arab origins
  3. Alain
  4. Alejandro
  5. Alex – means warrior in German
  6. Alvaro – means defender in German
  7. Angel – means messenger in Greek
  8. Apollo – means Sun God in Greek
  9. Archie
  10. Asher – means happy in Hebrew
  11. Bastille
  12. Beethoven
  13. Benji – means small in Hebrew
  14. Bowie
  15. Charizard – name after Pokémon character that spits fire
  16. Charlie
  17. Croco – named after a crocodile
  18. Cupid
  19. Dante – means resistant
  20. Darwin
  21. Dexter
  22. Drago
  23. Dragon
  24. Dylan
  25. Elliot
  26. Eros – means God of love
  27. Forest
  28. Franklin
  29. Galileo – named after famous Italian astronomer
  30. Garfield
  31. Giuseppe
  32. Gizmo
  33. Godzilla – popular reptile movie monster resembling a giant mutant iguana
  34. Guillermo
  35. Hercules – named after Greek character renowned for its strength.
  36. Hugo – means intelligent in German
  37. Iceberg – means cold-blooded, just like an iguana
  38. Isaac
  39. Jasper
  40. Jax
  41. Jungle
  42. Kaiser – means emperor
  43. Khalil – means good friend in Arabic
  44. Knox
  45. Lagarto – means lizard in Spanish
  46. Lars
  47. Laurie
  48. Massimo
  49. Matteo
  50. Morfin
  51. Mozart
  52. Mufasa
  53. Nadir – means extraordinary in Arabic
  54. Nixon
  55. Noah
  56. Olly
  57. Oscar
  58. Pringle
  59. Quinn
  60. Raffaello
  61. Ringo
  62. Romeo
  63. Salvador
  64. Sergio – means guardian in Latin
  65. Sinatra – the name of a famous American singer.
  66. Sonic
  67. Spike
  68. Theo
  69. Thor – means God of thunder.
  70. Timmy
  71. Wyatt – means warrior

Female Iguana Names

Like male iguanas, female iguanas should get a name that matches their gender.

Our suggestions include, but aren’t limited to;

  1. Aiden
  2. Aimar
  3. Alba – meaning luminous in Hebrew
  4. Albina
  5. Alessia
  6. Alex
  7. Alexia
  8. Alexis
  9. Alien
  10. Amaia – meaning unlimited
  11. Anastasia – meaning resurrection in Greek
  12. Andy
  13. Angelina
  14. Ariel
  15. Artemis – means goddess of forests in Greek
  16. Arya – name after Game of Thrones actor renowned for bravery and strength
  17. Aventurine – means green gemstone
  18. Avi
  19. Avy – name after avocado. Ideal for a green and rough-looking iguana
  20. Bean
  21. Beast
  22. Belinda
  23. Bella
  24. Berta – meaning bright and popular. Ideal for brightly colored female iguana
  25. Bizzie
  26. Bloom
  27. Blue
  28. Brooklyn
  29. Bubbly
  30. Cameron
  31. Camilla
  32. Carla – means strong in German
  33. Carmen
  34. Chan
  35. Charlie
  36. Chloe – means fertile or blooming
  37. Cleopatra – named after Egyptian pharaoh.
  38. Coriander
  39. Dakota
  40. Dandelion – named after iguana’s popular food
  41. Diana
  42. Drakaina – means female dragon, just like a female iguana
  43. Ellis
  44. Emilia
  45. Eva – means living one
  46. Fizzy
  47. Fran
  48. Francis
  49. Frida – means princess of peace in German
  50. Gertrude
  51. Gila
  52. Gisella
  53. Gypsy
  54. Hazel
  55. Henrietta
  56. Hera – means woman and family goddess in Greek
  57. Hermione
  58. Hibiscus – named after another iguana delicacy (favorite food)
  59. Iggy
  60. Iris
  61. Jade – means green-colored gemstone (ideal name for a green iguana)
  62. Janette
  63. Jess
  64. Jordan
  65. Josephine
  66. Kai
  67. Kiki
  68. Kiwi
  69. Lana
  70. Lara
  71. Lea
  72. Lizard
  73. Lizzie
  74. Luna
  75. Maia
  76. Malala – named after renowned Pakistani human rights activist
  77. Mar
  78. Matilda
  79. Max
  80. Melania – means dark in Greek. Ideal name for a dark-colored iguana
  81. Mia
  82. Midori – means green in Japanese. Name ideal for a green female iguana
  83. Milan
  84. Minerva – named after goddess of wisdom
  85. Minnie
  86. Morgan
  87. Nadia – means hope in Russian
  88. Night
  89. Paris
  90. Parsley
  91. Paula – means small in Latin. Ideal name for a small female iguana
  92. Peace
  93. Peyton
  94. Pixie
  95. Queen
  96. Rainbow
  97. Rebel
  98. Rex
  99. River
  100. Robin
  101. Rosa – means flowers in Latin. Ideal name for a female iguana resembling flowers in color or one that loves feeding on flowers
  102. Rosetta
  103. Roxie
  104. Rylan
  105. Sage
  106. Sahara
  107. Sakra
  108. Saphira
  109. Sawyer
  110. Sierra
  111. Silvia
  112. Skylar
  113. Slappy
  114. Smith
  115. Stalker – name fit for iguana behavior (staring when angry)
  116. Sun
  117. Sunset – ideal name for red iguanas resembling the sunset
  118. Swagger
  119. Talia – means flourishing in Greco-Latin
  120. Tara
  121. Teresa – means hunter in Greek
  122. Tomoe – means samurai warrior. Ideal name for a female iguana with warrior-like tendencies
  123. Viva
  124. Xena
  125. Zara
  126. Zion

Good Iguana Names

Pet iguana owners who simply want a name they can live with can settle for any of the good names for iguanas below;

  1. Charizard
  2. Dexter
  3. Izzy
  4. Kahlua
  5. Kiwi
  6. Littlefoot
  7. Lizzie
  8. Mushu
  9. Natsu
  10. Norbert
  11. Pip
  12. Rango
  13. Speedy Gonzales
  14. Spyro
  15. Toothless

Cool Names For Iguanas

As mentioned above, iguanas can be cool pets. Here are some cool names representative of cool iguana traits or their cool human counterparts, items, or states;

  1. Ace
  2. Adrenaline
  3. Alaska
  4. Aphrodite – means female Goddess
  5. Apocalypse
  6. Apollo
  7. Athena
  8. Atom
  9. Azalea
  10. Bandit
  11. Basilisk
  12. Blade
  13. Blair
  14. Bolt
  15. Bonnie
  16. Brizo – name after female Goddess
  17. Budweiser
  18. Buffy
  19. Butch
  20. Claws
  21. Cleopatra
  22. Cornelia
  23. Crash
  24. Darth
  25. Diablo
  26. Diesel
  27. Dominica
  28. Domino
  29. Elektra
  30. Eowyn – a cool name from Lord of The Rings
  31. Flame
  32. Frankenstein
  33. Furiosa – a name from Mad Max- Fury Road
  34. Godzilla
  35. Grenade
  36. Gunner
  37. Havoc
  38. Hercules
  39. Hulk
  40. Hunter
  41. Indigo
  42. Ivy
  43. Julius
  44. Juno
  45. Karma
  46. Katniss
  47. Leeloo
  48. Magnus
  49. Mania
  50. Medusa
  51. Merida
  52. Monroe
  53. Mortar
  54. Motor
  55. Mulan
  56. Napoleon
  57. Nova
  58. Pandora
  59. Ramona
  60. Razor
  61. Ringo
  62. Rockstar
  63. Rogue
  64. Rouge
  65. Saphira
  66. Saskia
  67. Scorpio
  68. Scout
  69. Senuna
  70. Serena
  71. Shakira
  72. Shuri – cool Black Panther character
  73. Sierra
  74. Skull
  75. Sloane
  76. Sniper
  77. Striker
  78. Tank
  79. Tempest
  80. Terminator
  81. Thor
  82. Thriller
  83. Titan
  84. Tornado
  85. Trinity – a cool character from the Matrix movie
  86. Trojan
  87. Venom
  88. Venus
  89. Vienna
  90. Viper
  91. Voldemort
  92. Volt
  93. Xena
  94. Zelda
  95. Zeus

Cute Iguana Names

Popular pets can be very lovable for their traits, size, and other characteristics.

If you have a baby iguana or an adult iguana that makes you feel warm, call him or her the following;

  1. Aaron
  2. Agatha
  3. Alma
  4. Amaya
  5. Ansel
  6. Ariel
  7. Arrow
  8. Bailey
  9. Balú
  10. Barbu
  11. Basil
  12. Beasley
  13. Bella
  14. Ben
  15. Billy
  16. Blueberry
  17. Bubbles
  18. Buttercup
  19. Butters
  20. Buttons
  21. Cami
  22. Candy
  23. Chiyo
  24. Churro
  25. Cocoa
  26. Diva
  27. Haku
  28. Haruki
  29. Ivy
  30. Kiwi
  31. Lady
  32. Luna
  33. Mandy
  34. Marley
  35. Matcha
  36. Mike
  37. Miso
  38. Mulan
  39. Mushu
  40. Noelle
  41. Noodles
  42. Norbert
  43. Papaya
  44. Peaches
  45. Piccalo
  46. Pistachio
  47. Pita
  48. Pixie
  49. Quasi
  50. Rex
  51. Sephira
  52. Squiggles
  53. Suki
  54. Trixie
  55. Waffles

Funny Names For Iguanas

Pet names should be interesting. Choosing a funny iguana name may be fun and reliving. Here are some top humorous names to consider.

Most of these names are products of wordplay;

  1. Bam
  2. Chamillionaire – named after a famous musician
  3. Cheeto
  4. Eddie Lizard
  5. Elizard beth
  6. Gary Lazer Eyes
  7. Googly
  8. Iggy Lizalea
  9. Iggy Smalls
  10. Lizard McGuire
  11. Mr. Colors
  12. Mr. Shifty
  13. Pretzel
  14. Robert California
  15. Salad Fingers
  16. Sherbert
  17. Sploot
  18. Spots
  19. Spunky
  20. Starburst
  21. Stinky
  22. Tigger
  23. Toothless
  24. Treelon Musk
  25. Trickster
  26. Whiplash
  27. Zips

Famous Iguana Names/Disney Iguana Names

TV and film have introduced many famous lizard, iguana, and other reptile characters over the years.

Some top famous iguanas/iguana names to consider include;

  1. Alduim – named after powerful iguana-like dragon in Skyrim’
  2. Atlas – named after dragon from Naruto’
  3. Bahamut – name from Dungeons & Dragons
  4. Dinobot – name from dinosaur robots in Transformers’
  5. Drachenstein – name from German mythology fire dragon
  6. Dragonite – name from female & male dragon in Pokémon
  7. Fusetsu – name from Naruto’ iguana-like dragon
  8. Gawa – name from dragon in Naruto’
  9. Glaurung – name of the Lord of the Rings dragon
  10. Greedo – name from Star Wars green reptile-like man
  11. Imoogi – named after the Korean mythology dragon
  12. Latios – name after male Pokemon’ dragon
  13. Piccolo – name after iguana like Dragon Ball series’ creature
  14. Rango – name from Rango
  15. Smaug – the name of the male dragon from Hobbit’
  16. Thorn – the name of the red dragon in Eragon’
  17. Yoda – the name of the green character in Star Wars

Names For Blue Iguanas

Suppose you have a colorful iguana whose dominant body color is blue, what do you call him or her?

  1. Agate
  2. Azure
  3. Blue
  4. Blueberry
  5. Curacao
  6. Night Blue
  7. Sapphire
  8. Sky
  9. Smurf

Names For Red Iguanas

Iguanas can also have red as their dominant color. In such a case, suitable iguana names include;

  1. Berry
  2. Blood
  3. Burgundy
  4. Cherry
  5. Chilli
  6. Copper
  7. Crimson
  8. Fireball
  9. Fire Paw
  10. Ginger
  11. Ketchup
  12. Lobster
  13. Magenta
  14. Melon
  15. Paprika
  16. Pomegranate
  17. Radish
  18. Raspberry
  19. Ruby
  20. Rusty
  21. Scarlet
  22. Strawberry
  23. Tomato
Green Iguana

Help Choosing The Right Name

The iguana naming guide above offers hundreds of names to choose from.

However, you may need more inspiration. If that’s the case, you can consider your specific wants in a pet iguana and use that as naming inspiration. Pet owners also consider what they know about their pet, their relationship/interaction with the pet, their pet’s unique personality, and other factors like what makes the best iguana name.

Iguanas love basking, resting, swimming, and climbing. These unique pastimes can also be used to craft a suitable name. You can also seek iguana naming assistance from naming resources like blogoftom that make choosing your next new pet’s name exceedingly fun and easy.


There you go! We wish you find a favorable pet lizard name above. If not, use our inspiration tips above to craft new names based on gender, personality, appearance, and more.

You can also use blogoftom for advice on selecting pet names fast and easy.

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Tom Derbyshire

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