Best Jellyfish Names (459 Awesome Naming Ideas)

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Are you considering purchasing a jellyfish tank for your home or office and can’t find the right name for the marine creatures you are going to put in it?

Well, no worries, we have an amazing list of great names for you.

Whether you are looking for a strong, fierce, and masculine name, sweet and feminine, cute and cuddle, or something as unique as your new pet, there is something in this article perfect for you.

Let’s dive in.

Best Jellyfish Names 

Finding the best name out there for a pet jellyfish can get a little overwhelming; there are endless options available, but only one is going to fit your jellyfish the best.

Below is a list of the 50 top jellyfish names you can choose from when naming your new squishy little friend. 

  1. Kraken
  2. Jelly Bean
  3. Jello
  4. Squishy
  5. Sherman
  6. Sydney
  7. Pacific
  8. Mr. Bubbles  
  9. Speedy  
  10. Small Fry
  11. Captain Jack 
  12. Tetra
  13. Calypso 
  14. Wasabi   
  15. Captain Morgan  
  16. Chips   
  17. Floaty 
  18. Shark
  19. Bob  
  20. Diver  
  21. Foamy  
  22. Eddy (as in the water currents) 
  23. Flotsam
  24. Bubble Fett 
  25. Flash  
  26. Flip
  27. Mahi Mahi  
  28. Angel   
  29. Atlantis 
  30. Soy Sauce 
  31. Skipper
  32. Bubbly
  33. Zippy 
  34. Alpha  
  35. Swedish  
  36. Champagne
  37. Sushi 
  38. Gillbert   
  39. Shipwreck 
  40. Captain Hook 
  41. Suds   
  42. Lake Skywalker
  43. Hydra 
  44. James Pond  
  45. Atlantic
  46. Algae
  47. Jetsam  
  48. King Neptune 
  49. Pip
  50. Gilligan
  51. Bermuda  
  52. Swim Shady

Names For Female Jellyfish

Female jellyfish should get a name that sounds as beautiful as these creatures truly are. Whether you have moon jellies as pets or you are naming a wild marine animal from the aquarium, there is a pretty name out there perfect for your friend.

Here is a list of fabulous names perfect for a female jellyfish, no matter her shape, size, color, or breed.

  1. Flower
  2. Brizo (Greek goddess of sailors)
  3. Annie
  4. Dory
  5. Jelly
  6. LuLu
  7. Luna
  8. Petunia
  9. Pearl
  10. Lila
  11. Letty
  12. Lucia
  13. Chia
  14. Sassy
  15. Glow
  16. Star
  17. April
  18. Flow
  19. Moonlight
  20. Billy
  21. Stormy
  22. Seri
  23. Little Miss Jelly
  24. Bella
  25. Emma
  26. Rory
  27. Kiwi
  28. Kawani
  29. Zipper
  30. Aqua
  31. Cora
  32. Coral
  33. Queen B
  34. Qeeny
  35. Lemon
  36. Harley
  37. KIKI
  38. Coco
  39. Tetra
  40. Missy
  41. Star
  42. Gail
  43. Jojo
  44. Thelma
  45. June
  46. Devine
  47. Drama
  48. Scarlet
  49. Shelly
  50. Candy

Names For Male Jellyfish

Male Jellyfish can have strong, strapping, and courageous names, or they can have names that are suave, and debonair names. No matter which name you choose, think it through carefully because you won’t be able to change it once it sticks.

Here is a list of amazing male names for these deep sea creatures. 

  1. Louie
  2. Rocky
  3. Rex
  4. Bubba
  5. Bubbles
  6. Houdini
  7. Rocket
  8. Surfer
  9. Flipper
  10. Swimmer
  11. Toby
  12. Astro
  13. Wally
  14. Billy
  15. ricky
  16. Floyd
  17. Axel
  18. Gill-bert
  19. T-bone
  20. Keaton
  21. Betta Max
  22. Bungie
  23. Mikey
  24. Ace
  25. Boss
  26. Babble
  27. Skippy
  28. Odin
  29. Cosmos
  30. Flicker
  31. Delta
  32. Captain
  33. Gustav
  34. Squirt 
  35. Wiggums
  36. Spuggle
  37. Zeus
  38. Dexter
  39. Freddy
  40. Earnie
  41. Buster
  42. Lieutenant
  43. Pinbal
  44. Sammy
  45. Spot
  46. Finn
  47. Sprite
  48. Snapper
  49. Gordy
  50. Ollie

Unisex Names For Jellyfish

If you are trying to come up with a fitting name for your new jellyfish but aren’t sure what gender you are getting yet, then looking for a unisex name will be extremely helpful. 

Below is a list of great unisex names that can be used for any occasion; whether your naming the largest jellyfish in the sea or simply coming up with a good name for your child’s newest stuffed animal. 

  1. Ziggy
  2. Cookie
  3. Flipper
  4. Paulie
  5. Wavy
  6. Trinket
  7. Little
  8. Inky
  9. Rose
  10. Devil
  11. Storm
  12. Ash
  13. Felicity
  14. Quake
  15. Sierra
  16. Jet
  17. Penny
  18. Snail
  19. Viper
  20. Max
  21. Arrow
  22. Lucy
  23. Rocky
  24. Hedwig
  25. Fluffy
  26. Hunter
  27. Hercules
  28. Chip
  29. Arya
  30. Ghost
  31. Killer
  32. Spike
  33. Romeo
  34. Moby
  35. Floaty
  36. Fighter
  37. Finny
  38. Captain Ego
  39. Sandy
  40. Cheezit
  41. Waffle
  42. Junior
  43. Venti
  44. Cargo
  45. Nutmeg
  46. Delia
  47. Lady Finger
  48. Jewelz
  49. Bluee
  50. Germany

Cute Jellyfish Names

Jellyfish are super cute and there are a ton of names that can match the way these little guys look. Cute names are easy to come up with and fun to say, making them perfect for a pet jelly.

Here is a list of fantastic cute names you can call your slipper sea creature. 

  1. Atlantis
  2. Inky
  3. Slash
  4. Gizmo
  5. Spa
  6. Charish
  7. Mr. Giggles
  8. Captain Squishy
  9. Smokey
  10. Nessie
  11. Tidal wave
  12. Flex
  13. Popcorn
  14. Joy
  15. Periwinkle
  16. Topaz
  17. Teal
  18. Iris
  19. Space
  20. Mist
  21. Rain
  22. Airforce
  23. Rosa
  24. Orchid
  25. Cotton
  26. Taffy 
  27. Steal 
  28. Indigo
  29. Officer Jello
  30. Cutie
  31. Lovebug
  32. Jellycent
  33. Jilly Billy
  34. Juju
  35. Mushroom
  36. Sweetie pie
  37. Neptune
  38. Jay Jay
  39. Snoopy
  40. Mr. Blob
  41. Nugget
  42. Lucky
  43. Quickster
  44. Ripley
  45. Cors
  46. Audi
  47. Jellz
  48. Slickster
  49. Suite
  50. Squiget

Good Names For Jellyfish

A good name for a jellyfish can look very different depending on the person naming the animal and the situation they are in. Coming up with a good name doesn’t have to be a difficult task as long as you take the time to choose wisely.

To help you out, we created a list of good names for all types of jellyfish.

  1. Barik
  2. Gumbo
  3. Thembi
  4. Ndlovukazi
  5. Shyla
  6. Adonis
  7. Luxor
  8. Adidas
  9. Nike
  10. Sahara
  11. Femi
  12. Fern
  13. Tesla
  14. Berham
  15. Devrit
  16. Ada
  17. Midas
  18. Carlito
  19. Onyx
  20. Knight
  21. Gaza
  22. Tag
  23. Meeko
  24. Fang
  25. Cici
  26. Yuki
  27. Ki
  28. Triton
  29. King Neptune
  30. Tiger
  31. Timber
  32. Aqua Saber
  33. Warrier
  34. Fringe
  35. Wave
  36. Fig 
  37. Olive
  38. Lepper
  39. Midea
  40. Forest
  41. Sea
  42. Starlight
  43. Moonlight
  44. Sunny
  45. Spirit
  46. Pinky
  47. Glow
  48. Happy
  49. Torq
  50. Spark

Cool Names For Jellyfish

If you have ever had the pleasure of getting up close with a jellyfish live, you already know just how cool these marine creatures are. That means they can only have the coolest of names.

Below is a list of 50 cool names you can choose from, or feel free to come up with some of your own. 

  1. Goldie
  2. Minnie
  3. Jewel
  4. Nessie 
  5. Penny
  6. Crystal
  7. Hinkle 
  8. Kai  
  9. Reef  
  10. Brook  
  11. Cantina 
  12. Slimy 
  13. Crimson  
  14. Splash  
  15. RollyPolly
  16. Dusty
  17. Tidal Wave 
  18.  Kyo  
  19. Donald  
  20. Daffy
  21. Jasper  
  22. Gypsy
  23. Bean 
  24.  Igloo 
  25. Gizmo
  26. Batman 
  27.  Alfonzo
  28. Smokey
  29. Astra  
  30. Basslet
  31. Marco
  32. Rollie
  33. Tallulah  
  34. Sherman
  35. Sparkle
  36. Barnacle
  37. Johnson
  38. Stingray
  39. Silvery Star
  40. Aqua
  41. Astra
  42. Bahari (ocean in Swahili)
  43. Cordelia
  44. Crimson
  45. Bayou
  46. Buffy
  47. Comet
  48. Celeste
  49. Poppy
  50. Casper

Unique Names For A Pet Jellyfish

There are so many unique species of jellyfish on the planet today, so giving your pet a unique name is almost a must. You can choose names from your favorite books, movies, or even objects that mean something to you.

Here is a fun list of unique names perfect for a jellyfish.

  1. Azure
  2. BabelBeau
  3. Blue
  4. Caspian
  5. Cayman
  6. Grouper
  7. Hammerhead
  8. Hunter
  9. Fabian
  10. Glimmer
  11. Ella
  12. Jasper
  13. Juliet
  14. Einstein
  15. Genevieve
  16. Jupiter
  17. Jonah
  18. Hydra
  19. Electra
  20. Jacques
  21. Henry
  22. Haven
  23. Great White
  24. Butterscotch  
  25. Unagi
  26. Drake 
  27. Draco 
  28. Chill
  29. Alfredo
  30. Aphrodite
  31. Kaiyo
  32. Electric 
  33. Lenny
  34. Nipper 
  35.  Lemon
  36. Grouper 
  37. Panciano 
  38. Turmeric 
  39. Henry  
  40. TinTin
  41. Terracotta 
  42. Ewok 
  43. Puckerface
  44. Tsunami
  45. Orion 
  46.  Seaweed
  47.  Fonzo
  48. Wally
  49. Poseidon  
  50. Pinky

Names Of Famous Jellyfish

There are so many breeds of jellyfish in the waters of our planet that it would be pretty hard to list them all.

So instead, we decided to list the most famous jellyfish we could find, from movies to video games, and the most unique species alive today.

Here is a list of famous jellyfish you should consider calling your creature from the blue.

  1. Blubber (Jelly Blubber, Catostylus mosaicus)
  2. Iruk (Irukandji Jellyfish, Carukia Barnesi)
  3. Nettle (Atlantic Sea Nettle, Chrysaora quinquecirrha)
  4. Cyanea (Blue Jellyfish, Cyanea lamarckii)
  5. Aurelia (Moon Jellyfish, Aurelia aurita)
  6. Lion (Lion’s Mane, Cyanea Capillata)
  7. Mauve (Mauve Stinger,Pelagia Noctiluca)
  8. Cannonball (Cannonball Jelly, Stomolophus meleagris)
  9. Cassi (Upside down jellyfish, Cassiopeia Andromeda )
  10. Slurp Jellyfish  (Fortnite)
  11. Dark Vanguard Jellyfish (Fortnite)
  12. Cuddle Jellyfish (Fortnite)
  13. Crystal or Victoria (Crystal Jellyfish, Aequorea Victoria)
  14. Peely Jellyfish (Fortnite)
  15. Batya (2007 Film, Jellyfish)
  16. Efron (2012 Film Paperboy)
  17. Sand Jellyfish (2015 Horror Film, The Sand)
  18. Bell (Four-Handed Box Jellyfish, Chiropsalmus quadrumanous)
  19. Norma (Nomura Jellyfish, Nemopilema Nomurai)
  20. Big Red (Deep Red Jellyfish, Crossota Norvegica)
  21. Wasp (Sea Wasp Jellyfish, Chironex fleckerii)
  22. Physa (The Portuguese man o’ war, Physalia physalis)

Cartoon Jellyfish Names

Whether you are looking to name a jellyfish after one seen on the big screen or simply have a favorite from a cartoon or Disney movie, there are tons of animated characters that make ideal inspiration for naming your new jellyfish.

Here are some great names from popular cartoons you might want to think about calling your squishy new pet.

  1. Agnes – The youngest girl from Despicable Me
  2. Ariel – Main Character From Little Mermaid
  3. Scooby – The Pup from Scooby doo
  4. Fiona – Female Ogar from Shrek
  5. Heihe – Chicken From Moana
  6. Sebastian – Crab from the Little Mermaid
  7. Elsa – The Queen From Frozen
  8. Bruce – The shark from Finding Nemo
  9. Lilo – The girl from Lilo and Stitch
  10. Marlin – Nemos dad in Finding Nemo
  11. Gill – Fish in the tank from Finding Nemo
  12. Destiny – Whale on Finding Nemo
  13. Pearl – Flapjack octopus on Finding Nemo
  14. Crush – Turtle in Finding Nemo
  15. Flounder – Fish in Little Mermaid
  16. Ursula – Villian in the Little Mermaid
  17. Bubbles – Yellow fish in Finding Nemo
  18. Baloo – The Bear from The Jungle Book
  19. Daphne – From Scoobie Doo
  20. Bo Peep – From Toystory
  21. Ladydog from Lady and the Tramp
  22. Luca – From the Movie Luca
  23. Bloat – puffer fish from Finding Nemo
  24. Squirt – Baby turtle from Finding Nemo
  25. Alvin – From Alvin and the Chipmunks
  26. Bruno – Character from Encanto
  27. Mrs. Pots – Teapot from Beauty and the Beast
  28. Lafoo – Character from Beauty and the Beast
  29. Scuttle – Seagle from The Little Mermaid
  30. Skipper – Penguin from Madagascar
  31. Gloria – Hipp From Madagascar
  32. Melman – Giraffe from Madagascar
  33. Dave – Octopus from the Penguins of Madagascar
  34. Gurgle – Purple fish on Finding Nemo
  35. Maui – Demi-God from Moana

Name Inspiration

You can find inspiration for jellyfish names from almost anywhere.

People pull ideas from all parts of their lives in order to give their pets a fitting name that will make them smile every time they talk to them.

Here are some things to think about that can help you get inspired when naming your jelly.

  • Pick a name that runs in the family Name the jelly after your dads favorite song, your first car, or a nickname you were given as a child.
  • Choose a name from your favorite song – Do you have a favorite singer or song? Pick a word or name from the music you love to listen to.
  • Watch your favorite movies or TV shows for inspiration – A great way to find a popular name is by choosing one from famous movies or TV shows. 
  • Play with words Mix them, match them, and give them a unique spelling (tentacles on a jellyfish are called oral arms, maybe mix up the word and name your creature, alarms?)
  • Name it after its habitat jellyfish live in all of the oceans around the world, you can name it Atlantic, Coral (coral reef), or Laguna.)
  • Name it after your hero – Do you have a family or friend you look up to? Consider giving it their name, their nickname, or something that makes you think of them.
  • Name it after A hero – There are many types of heroes in the world, name your jelly after one of them. (what about a greek god or goddess?)

Help Choosing The Perfect Name 

It can be difficult finding the perfect name for a new jellyfish. Most people want to pick something that will represent themselves and the aquatic animal in their tank. So, when naming this cute creature, here are some things you should consider.

1. What’s the Jellyfishes’ Personality Like?

Before naming your jellyfish, take a few days to get to know it. What is its personality type, how does it act, and what types of things does it do in the tank?

2. What color is your jellyfish?

Naming it from its color can provide a ton of great options when naming a jellyfish, there are tons of colors out there and many of them go by different names and descriptions, making it easy to choose something great. 

3. Does he/she remind you of a specific person, character, etc.?

Does your jellyfish remind you of something or someone? Naming your pet after something familiar is a good way to provide a perfect name that will be easy to remember.

4. What type of Name Do You want?

Are you looking for something common, popular, unique, cute, strong, etc.? Decide what characteristics and feel you want for your jellyfishes name and use that for inspiration. 

5. Try to Keep it Short and Sweet

Sometimes it can be tempting to name a new animal a long, cute, or funny name, but this really isn’t necessary and can take away from the name you provide it. Stick with one or two words tops.


Jellyfish are fantastic creatures that can be memorizing while floating in their tanks. They are perfect to keep as pets or mystifying to watch in the deep dark waters of the ocean. No matter what you choose to call your jellyfish, give it a name that it truly deserves. 

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Tom Derbyshire

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