Table Of Contents
For as long as there have been squid, there have been people giving them names.
Some of these names are traditional, while others are more creative.
If you’re thinking about getting a pet squid, or if you already own one, here are some naming ideas to get you started.
Let’s dive in.
Top Squid Names
- Inky
- Smudge
- Mr. Inkredible
- Smokescreen
- Dart
- Mrs. Long Legs
- Splodge
- Speedy
Best Squid Names
Some pet names work perfectly for certain pets. We have the best names you could ever call your pet squid.
These names range from famous pet names in general to names that pet squid owners love calling their pets.
- Alexander
- Arctic
- Aries
- Autumn
- Blizzard
- Boyka
- Bruno
- Butterscotch
- Chaser
- Cheeto
- Chief
- Chips
- Cobalt
- Crusher
- Danger
- Dart
- Dash
- Dizzy
- Doofus
- Dorito
- Dotty
- Ember
- Finley
- Finneus
- Floater
- Flotsam
- Franklin
- Garfield
- Hal
- Imre
- Inky
- Iris
- Knucklehead
- Lanky
- Larry
- Light pole
- Marlow
- Miso
- Mocha
- Mr Inkredible
- Mr Long Legs
- Nico
- Odin
- Onyx
- Peaches
- Pirate
- Prism
- Pumpkin
- Quartz
- Randy
- Richie
- Rusty
- Skittles
- Slick
- Slim
- Smokescreen
- Smudge
- Speedy
- Spidzy
- Spirit
- Splodge
- Spot
- Squidy
- Tower
- Tripod
- Veto
- Yoda
- Zara
- Zoom
Female Squid Names
You can differentiate female squids from male squids mainly by their reproductive features. Males have gonads visible inside their mantle cavity located down by their fins.
Females have ovaries. While their reproductive features can’t offer ample inspiration for naming, we’ve considered some top female names or names that represent femininity.
Here are our top female squid name suggestions;
- Aaliyah
- Abby
- Addie
- Akira
- Angel
- Anna
- Anya
- Ariah
- Ava
- Baby
- Bailey
- Basil
- Bella
- Boyka
- Candy
- Casey
- Chelsea
- Chloe
- Cindy
- Clay
- Coco
- Colbie
- Crimson
- Crystal
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Darla
- Diana
- Dillie
- Diva
- Donna
- Ella
- Elsa
- Emily
- Eva
- Fancy
- Fara
- Femi
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flo
- Frieda
- Genevieve
- Gracie
- Granger
- Haven
- Henley
- Hope
- Iggy
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabelle
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jane
- Janie
- Jasmine
- Jess
- Jesse
- Jewels
- Jezebel
- Joji
- Jules
- Karla
- Kate
- Kiki
- Kim
- Kira
- Kirra
- Kitty
- Kiwi
- Kota
- Kraken
- Krystal
- Kylie
- Kyra
- Lavender
- Layla
- Leigh
- Lila
- Lilly
- Lima
- Liza
- Lizz
- Lizzy
- Lola
- Lolly
- Lucy
- LuLu
- Mai
- Mandy
- Mango
- Maple
- Marsha
- Maya
- Megala
- Megan
- Mia
- Milly
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Miriam
- Missa
- Missy
- Molly
- Muffin
- Mya
- Myca
- Nala
- Naomi
- Natalie
- Nilina
- Nina
- Nobia
- Nola
- Oksana
- Olga
- Olina
- Olivia
- Omy
- Orchid
- Pandora
- Paris
- Parisia
- Pearl
- Phantasia
- Phelia
- Polly
- Princess
- Prissy
- Pumpkin
- Quala
- Queen
- Queenie
- Quera
- Quilla
- Quora
- Reign
- Rochelle
- Romy
- Rose
- Rosy
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sabrina
- Saint
- Sakura
- Sara
- Sasha
- Sassy Pants
- Savanah
- Scarlet
- Shana
- Shelby
- Shmoo
- Skyler
- Slimy
- Sophie
- Star
- Stella
- Stephie
- Strawberry
- Suzie
- Sydney
- Taylor
- Tee-tee
- Thea
- Tilly
- Tinkerbell
- Venessa
- Vercalia
- Vernia
- Wings
- Zelda
- Zoe
- Zoey
Male Squid Names
Assuming your pet squid is male or exhibits some masculine qualities, you can name him any of the names below.
We have suggestions ranging from famous male names to names representing masculinity.
- Ace
- Adem
- Akio
- Alex
- Archie
- Arthur
- Aspen
- Barclay
- Barney
- Bart
- Bear
- Benjamin
- Bentley
- Bobby
- Bodie
- Bowie
- Boyka
- Brant
- Brencis
- Brevis
- Brian
- Bruce
- Buck
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Caesar
- Captain
- Ceaser
- Crue
- Dexter
- Diddly
- Dimitri
- Dominic
- Dr Brand
- Dr Octopus
- Duke
- Earl
- Ed
- Eddie
- Ernie
- Fabian
- Felix
- Fitch
- Fred
- Freddy
- Gabriel
- Garrison
- Gatsby
- Gulliver
- Gunther
- Gus
- Harry
- Hastin
- Hercules
- Horton
- Hugo
- Hulk
- Hunter
- Ink-credible
- Inky
- Jacques
- James
- Jamie
- Jem
- Joe
- Joey
- John
- Joji
- Jose
- Jupiter
- Kane
- Kanei
- Kern
- Kylo
- Larry
- Leander
- Leland
- Lennox
- Leon
- Levi
- Linus
- Mart
- Matteo
- Merlin
- Mike
- Miles
- Milo
- Mr Einstein
- Myles
- Napoleon
- Nelson
- Otis
- Ottoman
- Ozias
- Ozy
- Parker
- Paul
- Pip
- Professor X
- Rambo
- Rector
- Reid
- Reiichi
- Ren
- Ricky
- Robin
- Rocco
- Ron
- Rory
- Ross
- Rover
- Ryan
- Rylie
- Sarjan
- Severus
- Shaw
- Shawn
- Sirius
- Spike
- Squidnapper
- Squidward
- Steve
- Stunner
- Tank
- Tesla
- Theo Balder
- Tucker
- Turbo
- Tyrion
- Walter
- Willie
- Zane
Unisex Names for Squids
As mentioned above, the main physical difference between male and female squids is in the reproductive systems.
Since you may be unable to spot the differences to allow you to select a female or male name, you can settle for a unisex name.
Here are our top suggestions.
- Addison
- Alex
- Ari
- Ash
- Brogan
- Cameron
- Dallas
- Erin
- Greer
- Jamie
- Kenzie
- Lane
- Lior
- Marin
- Nima
- Ren
- River
- Ryan
- Sydney
- Trace
Cute Names For A Squid
Squids are cute pets. If you want a warm fuzzy name to call your pet squid or stuffed squid, we have some lovely suggestions below, including things that represent cuteness.
- Alpha
- Alwin
- Angel
- Annabelle
- Applepie
- Aquaman
- Archemedes
- Aristotle
- Aurora
- Ava
- Bella
- Bic
- Billie
- Billy the Squid
- Bitey
- Boo
- Boris
- Boyka
- Bruce
- Bubbles
- Buffy
- Buster
- Buttercup
- Caliban
- Ceaser
- Cephquid
- Chuckles
- Chum
- Coffee
- Cookie
- Coper
- Cosmo
- Creepette
- Crue
- Cupcake
- Curie
- Dimitri
- Doctor Squids
- Dominic
- Dylan
- Elphy
- Emma
- Fido
- Finley
- Fiona
- Fitch
- Floppy Sea Spider
- Freckles
- Fred
- Frostbite
- Fuzzles
- Goldie
- Goomba
- Grande
- Grape
- Gulliver
- Hercules
- Horton
- Hugsie
- Hulk
- Ida
- Inks-a-Lot
- Inky
- Jellybean
- Jester
- Jinx
- Jojo
- Kane
- Kenzie
- Koda
- Kraken
- Laser
- Leggy
- Leo
- Lilly
- Lobster
- Luke Little
- Lyn
- Madonna
- Margherita
- Mario
- Martini
- Maya
- Metis
- Miles
- Mirinda
- Mochi
- Mr Bitey
- Mr Eight
- Mr Invisible
- Mr Leggy
- Mr Small
- Muffin
- Munchkin
- Napoleon
- Nelson
- Nemo
- Nero
- Nibbles
- Nico
- Ocho
- Octava
- Octavia
- Octavius
- Octo-marine
- Octoman
- Octy
- Oriana
- Oswald
- Otis
- Ottoman
- Paul
- Peanut
- Penny
- Pepper
- Piper
- Poppy
- Poseidon
- Pringles
- Quake
- Quinn
- Rae
- Raksha
- Rambo
- Randy
- Redrum
- Ricky
- Rooster
- Rorschach
- Roti
- Rover
- Scout
- Scuba Doo
- Shaw
- Shawn
- Shelby
- Shining
- Simba
- Slinky
- Snack
- Sparky
- Spidey
- Spud
- Squiddly Doodles
- Squishy
- Squitzy
- Stan
- Steve
- Stitch
- Stunner
- Sylvester
- Tiny
- Toby
- Travis
- Triton
- Truffle
- Turbo
- Tyrion
- Waffles
- Willie
- Xael
- Yoda
- Yvette
- Zahara
- Zara
- Ziggy
- Zoey
- Zuri
Good Names for Squids
If you want a good name that will work, consider the following names that include good people names, good pet names, names representing squid mannerisms, habitat, and more.
- Agent S
- Ajax
- Aldo
- Amanda
- Applepie
- Aqua
- Arial
- Arthur
- Astra
- Axel
- Azure
- Babel
- Bahari
- Batman
- Bayou
- Bazoo
- Beau
- Billy Bob
- Binky
- Bishop
- Blanket
- Boogieman
- Bosco
- Briny
- Brizo
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brownie
- Bruce
- Buddy
- Bully
- Buttercup
- Calypso
- Casper
- Caspian
- Cassie
- Cayman
- Celeste
- Cephalo
- Comet
- Cooper
- Cora
- Cordelia
- Corny
- Crimson
- Delta
- Dexter
- Dj Octo
- Doctor
- Draco
- Drake
- Drew
- Eight
- Einstein
- Eissa
- Erik
- Eva
- Finn
- Flimsy
- Genevieve
- George
- Geri
- Glimmer
- Goldie
- Goosie
- Great White
- Grouper
- Hammerhead
- Harbor
- Haven
- Henry
- Hunter
- Hydra
- Icy
- Isabella
- Ivery
- Jasper
- Jellybean
- Jetty
- Johnson
- Jonah
- Juliet
- Jupiter
- Kai
- Kaiyo
- Kelpe
- Knot
- Leapy
- Lee
- Leilani
- Leviathan
- Lord Squiddly
- Louis
- Luna
- Lupin
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Magoose
- Mahi
- Margherita
- Marina
- Martini
- May
- Mercury
- Misty
- Moana
- Moor
- Moore
- Moorea
- Morgan
- Mr. Eight
- Mudwiggle
- Munchkin
- Munchlax
- Murphy
- Neptune
- Oceana
- Ocky
- Octavia
- Octavirus
- Octo
- Octrock
- Orca
- Orion
- Oscar
- Oswald
- Otter
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Penelope
- Plankton
- Poseidon
- Rio
- Ripley
- River
- Rocco
- Romeo
- Sam
- Sandy
- Scout
- Sebastian
- Selkie
- Shaggy
- Shoosh
- Shore
- Sidney
- Silver
- Sirena
- Skinny
- Slimy
- Slinky
- Slippy
- Slithery
- Smudge
- Snack
- Speedy
- Spider
- Splash
- Splish
- Sprint
- Squidditch
- Squirm
- Starlight
- Stella
- Stitch
- Sushi
- Swimmer
- Sydney
- Tallulah
- Tentacle
- Tetra
- Theo
- Tidal Wave
- Tide
- Triton
- Tsunami
- Ursula
- Veiltail
- Whale
- Wonder Ace
- Xena
- York
Funny Squid Names
For not-so-serious names, we have some funny suggestions below.
We’ve used wordplay, funny names from characters in popular culture, and more!
- Blu
- Bone-head
- Bulb
- Cartridge
- Deadshot
- Diddly
- Dr Einstein
- Dr String
- Elastic
- Exra-long
- Fat-head
- Granger
- Hammer
- Hermione
- Ink
- Inkington
- Inkling
- Inky
- Installer
- Iron Man
- Kamani
- Ladder
- Lofty
- Molly
- Mr. Ink-redible
- Mr. Einstein
- Octy
- Professor X
- Python
- Saborsquid
- Scrumsquiddlyumptious
- Sinead
- Sir Squiddy
- Sir Squimbleton
- Sirasquidlington
- Sir Squidworth
- Skipper
- Slabhead
- Squaffles
- Squark
- Squidchip
- Squiddle Squeed
- Squiddy
- Squidlet
- Squidlington
- Squidnapper
- Squido
- Squidsalot
- Squidward
- Squidyboi
- Squiggles
- Squilliam
- Ten-tickles
- Torpedo
Cool Names for Squids
Regular pets like dogs and cats are no match for squids. Their scarcity is cool in itself and a source of naming inspiration.
We’ve compiled all the cool names we could find that work well for a pet squid. They include cool characters, cool human names, and more!
- Bayou
- Caramel
- Catalyst
- Chantz
- Chester
- Chi-Chi
- Clash
- Cocoa
- Cookie
- Coral
- Dash
- Flappy
- Flow
- Gracie
- Guppy
- Harbour
- Hinderblade
- Houdini
- Inky
- Isla
- Jiggle
- Jinkies
- Kiko
- Lenny
- Louie
- Lucky
- Marble
- Marine
- Marlin
- Maryn
- Octavius
- Octy
- Ollie
- Otter
- Paulie
- Plunge
- Popcorn
- Quiggly Wiggly
- Quimby
- Ringo
- Rosie
- Rubert
- Rusty
- Salty
- Sandy
- Sassy
- Satsuma
- Shimmer
- Sidney
- Simba
- Skippy
- Slinky
- Snapper
- Speedy
- Splash
- Squiggles
- Squirm
- Storm
- Straw
- Sundance
- Wayde
Unique Squid Names
You don’t have to settle for regular pet names. We have some unique names bound to turn heads below.
- Alpha
- Aquaman
- Ariel
- Bate
- Bay
- Beaker
- Bella
- Blanket
- Boogieman
- Boyka
- Breaker
- Brooke
- Calamari
- Calypso
- Ceph
- Cerulea
- Cloud
- Coral
- Dante
- Dash
- Death spot
- Diddly
- Diver
- Dj October
- Dr Octovus
- Eight Legs
- Falcon
- Flash
- Flimsy
- Floppy
- Hannibal
- Inkington
- Inky
- Jericho
- Jiggle
- Jonah
- Kai
- Knot
- Kong
- Lagoon
- Luna
- Lupin
- Lux
- Misty
- Molly
- Moor
- Moose
- Mr Grabsalot
- Mr. Strange
- Ocky
- Octavia
- Octrock
- Okki
- Olympus
- Oswald
- Ozy
- Pacific
- Pearl
- Porky
- Power
- Ringo
- Riva
- River
- Saborsquid
- Sailor
- Sandy
- Scout
- Scuba Doo
- Shoosh
- Sinead
- Sir Inks-A-Lot
- Siren
- Slinky
- Slippy
- Smudge
- Sparkle
- Spider
- Spike
- Squark
- Squidchip
- Squilliam
- Squirm
- Squishy
- Stallion
- Stormy
- Stretch
- Swimmer
- Ten-Tickles
- Tentacle
- Terminator
- The Dark Knight
- Tornado
- Triton
- Tumble
- Walter
- Wiggleton
Giant Squid Names
Assuming you have a pet a giant squid, what name will match the size of such a great pet? The size of a giant squid can range anything from 12 to 13 meters for females, and 10 meters for males.
We have some “humongous” names for you to consider below;
- Acrobat
- Alpha
- Anarchy
- Apollo
- Attila
- Batista
- Bear
- Big Show
- Bigfoot
- Bison
- Blaze
- Breaker
- Brutus
- Buster
- Colossus
- Conan
- Copper
- Cujo
- Czar
- Danger
- Dante
- Dark Knight
- Death
- Diesel
- Electra
- Elektra
- Falcon
- Fury
- Genghis
- Goliath
- Grendel
- Griphook
- Groot
- Gunnie
- Hagrid
- Hannibal
- Harbor
- Harley
- Hercules
- Hero
- Hulk
- Jabba
- Jazz
- Jericho
- Justice
- Kong
- Lagoon
- Lagune
- Lash
- Long Arms
- Lux
- Lycan
- Magnus
- Major
- Mammoth
- Mars
- Maryn
- Maximus
- Meansy
- Mitzy
- Moose
- Neptuna
- Onyx
- Porky
- Power
- Prometheus
- Rebel
- Reef
- Rhodes
- Ripley
- Rogue
- Rumer
- Scooter
- Scully
- Sephiroth
- Shooter
- Sirene
- Smudge
- Spartacus
- Spike
- Squiddy
- Squiggles
- Squirm
- Stallion
- Stallone
- Steamboat
- Stormy
- Striker
- Sumo
- Suvorov
- T-Bone
- Taboo
- Taz
- Terminator
- Tex
- the rock
- Titan
- Tornado
- Trixy
- Ultimate Warrior
- Venom
- Venus
- Waggle
- Wahoo
- Wilder
- Yeti
- Zen
- Zeus
Famous Names For A Pet Squid
Popular culture has featured some squids. We have such names below, including superhero names, names from Minecraft, and other popular names that can work well for squids;
- Abalone
- Aquaman
- Beaks
- Blotch
- Bruce
- Captain
- Cyborg
- Davy
- Dyve
- Flash
- Garrison
- Green Arrow
- Harbor
- Hercules
- Hulk
- Kitty
- Lagune
- Luke Cage
- Maryn
- Mr Strange
- Mysterio
- Natasha
- Nemo
- Oceane
- Peirene
- Pisces
- Razzle
- Riva
- Robin
- Sailor
- Salty
- Sandy
- Siren
- Splosh
- Squiddly Diddly
- Steve
- Thor
- Venom
- Whiplash
- Wiggle
- Wolverine
Name Inspiration: Help Choosing the Perfect Name
We have hundreds of names for your consideration for your pet squid above. You can name your female squid, male squid, giant squid, or any other squid category.
However, you may still want more suggestions. If that’s your case, you can consider your squid’s unique traits. Observe your squid and see if you get some naming inspiration.
Your family members can also help you with suggestions. What’s more, you can turn to Google for inspiration.
However, you should be patient when searching for names. If you want new pet names that are unique but you lack time, you can consider popular naming resources like blogoftom.
Squids are great pets to keep if you have the space. You’ll probably need a huge tank to keep a squid comfortably.
What’s more, you need to feed them adequately otherwise he/she might turn to other tank mates. Alternatively, you can keep him alone.
The above names are fit for any squid. However, if you want more suggestions and added resources like pet name meanings, consider the naming inspiration tips above or head over to blogoftom.
Pet naming and naming in general couldn’t be easier with a unique naming resource.