999+ Squid Names (Cute, Funny & Cool Naming Ideas)

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For as long as there have been squid, there have been people giving them names.

Some of these names are traditional, while others are more creative.

If you’re thinking about getting a pet squid, or if you already own one, here are some naming ideas to get you started.

Let’s dive in.

Top Squid Names

  1. Inky
  2. Smudge
  3. Mr. Inkredible
  4. Smokescreen
  5. Dart
  6. Mrs. Long Legs
  7. Splodge
  8. Speedy

Best Squid Names

Some pet names work perfectly for certain pets. We have the best names you could ever call your pet squid.

These names range from famous pet names in general to names that pet squid owners love calling their pets.

  1. Alexander
  2. Arctic
  3. Aries
  4. Autumn
  5. Blizzard
  6. Boyka
  7. Bruno
  8. Butterscotch
  9. Chaser
  10. Cheeto
  11. Chief
  12. Chips
  13. Cobalt
  14. Crusher
  15. Danger
  16. Dart
  17. Dash
  18. Dizzy
  19. Doofus
  20. Dorito
  21. Dotty
  22. Ember
  23. Finley
  24. Finneus
  25. Floater
  26. Flotsam
  27. Franklin
  28. Garfield
  29. Hal
  30. Imre
  31. Inky
  32. Iris
  33. Knucklehead
  34. Lanky
  35. Larry
  36. Light pole
  37. Marlow
  38. Miso
  39. Mocha
  40. Mr Inkredible
  41. Mr Long Legs
  42. Nico
  43. Odin
  44. Onyx
  45. Peaches
  46. Pirate
  47. Prism
  48. Pumpkin
  49. Quartz
  50. Randy
  51. Richie
  52. Rusty
  53. Skittles
  54. Slick
  55. Slim
  56. Smokescreen
  57. Smudge
  58. Speedy
  59. Spidzy
  60. Spirit
  61. Splodge
  62. Spot
  63. Squidy
  64. Tower
  65. Tripod
  66. Veto
  67. Yoda
  68. Zara
  69. Zoom

Female Squid Names

You can differentiate female squids from male squids mainly by their reproductive features. Males have gonads visible inside their mantle cavity located down by their fins.

Females have ovaries. While their reproductive features can’t offer ample inspiration for naming, we’ve considered some top female names or names that represent femininity.

Here are our top female squid name suggestions;

  1. Aaliyah
  2. Abby
  3. Addie
  4. Akira
  5. Angel
  6. Anna
  7. Anya
  8. Ariah
  9. Ava
  10. Baby
  11. Bailey
  12. Basil
  13. Bella
  14. Boyka
  15. Candy
  16. Casey
  17. Chelsea
  18. Chloe
  19. Cindy
  20. Clay
  21. Coco
  22. Colbie
  23. Crimson
  24. Crystal
  25. Dahlia
  26. Daisy
  27. Darla
  28. Diana
  29. Dillie
  30. Diva
  31. Donna
  32. Ella
  33. Elsa
  34. Emily
  35. Eva
  36. Fancy
  37. Fara
  38. Femi
  39. Fifi
  40. Fiona
  41. Flo
  42. Frieda
  43. Genevieve
  44. Gracie
  45. Granger
  46. Haven
  47. Henley
  48. Hope
  49. Iggy
  50. Irene
  51. Iris
  52. Isabelle
  53. Ivory
  54. Jade
  55. Jane
  56. Janie
  57. Jasmine
  58. Jess
  59. Jesse
  60. Jewels
  61. Jezebel
  62. Joji
  63. Jules
  64. Karla
  65. Kate
  66. Kiki
  67. Kim
  68. Kira
  69. Kirra
  70. Kitty
  71. Kiwi
  72. Kota
  73. Kraken
  74. Krystal
  75. Kylie
  76. Kyra
  77. Lavender
  78. Layla
  79. Leigh
  80. Lila
  81. Lilly
  82. Lima
  83. Liza
  84. Lizz
  85. Lizzy
  86. Lola
  87. Lolly
  88. Lucy
  89. LuLu
  90. Mai
  91. Mandy
  92. Mango
  93. Maple
  94. Marsha
  95. Maya
  96. Megala
  97. Megan
  98. Mia
  99. Milly
  100. Mimi
  101. Minnie
  102. Miriam
  103. Missa
  104. Missy
  105. Molly
  106. Muffin
  107. Mya
  108. Myca
  109. Nala
  110. Naomi
  111. Natalie
  112. Nilina
  113. Nina
  114. Nobia
  115. Nola
  116. Oksana
  117. Olga
  118. Olina
  119. Olivia
  120. Omy
  121. Orchid
  122. Pandora
  123. Paris
  124. Parisia
  125. Pearl
  126. Phantasia
  127. Phelia
  128. Polly
  129. Princess
  130. Prissy
  131. Pumpkin
  132. Quala
  133. Queen
  134. Queenie
  135. Quera
  136. Quilla
  137. Quora
  138. Reign
  139. Rochelle
  140. Romy
  141. Rose
  142. Rosy
  143. Roxy
  144. Ruby
  145. Sabrina
  146. Saint
  147. Sakura
  148. Sara
  149. Sasha
  150. Sassy Pants
  151. Savanah
  152. Scarlet
  153. Shana
  154. Shelby
  155. Shmoo
  156. Skyler
  157. Slimy
  158. Sophie
  159. Star
  160. Stella
  161. Stephie
  162. Strawberry
  163. Suzie
  164. Sydney
  165. Taylor
  166. Tee-tee
  167. Thea
  168. Tilly
  169. Tinkerbell
  170. Venessa
  171. Vercalia
  172. Vernia
  173. Wings
  174. Zelda
  175. Zoe
  176. Zoey

Male Squid Names

Assuming your pet squid is male or exhibits some masculine qualities, you can name him any of the names below.

We have suggestions ranging from famous male names to names representing masculinity.

  1. Ace
  2. Adem
  3. Akio
  4. Alex
  5. Archie
  6. Arthur
  7. Aspen
  8. Barclay
  9. Barney
  10. Bart
  11. Bear
  12. Benjamin
  13. Bentley
  14. Bobby
  15. Bodie
  16. Bowie
  17. Boyka
  18. Brant
  19. Brencis
  20. Brevis
  21. Brian
  22. Bruce
  23. Buck
  24. Buster
  25. Butch
  26. Buzz
  27. Caesar
  28. Captain
  29. Ceaser
  30. Crue
  31. Dexter
  32. Diddly
  33. Dimitri
  34. Dominic
  35. Dr Brand
  36. Dr Octopus
  37. Duke
  38. Earl
  39. Ed
  40. Eddie
  41. Ernie
  42. Fabian
  43. Felix
  44. Fitch
  45. Fred
  46. Freddy
  47. Gabriel
  48. Garrison
  49. Gatsby
  50. Gulliver
  51. Gunther
  52. Gus
  53. Harry
  54. Hastin
  55. Hercules
  56. Horton
  57. Hugo
  58. Hulk
  59. Hunter
  60. Ink-credible
  61. Inky
  62. Jacques
  63. James
  64. Jamie
  65. Jem
  66. Joe
  67. Joey
  68. John
  69. Joji
  70. Jose
  71. Jupiter
  72. Kane
  73. Kanei
  74. Kern
  75. Kylo
  76. Larry
  77. Leander
  78. Leland
  79. Lennox
  80. Leon
  81. Levi
  82. Linus
  83. Mart
  84. Matteo
  85. Merlin
  86. Mike
  87. Miles
  88. Milo
  89. Mr Einstein
  90. Myles
  91. Napoleon
  92. Nelson
  93. Otis
  94. Ottoman
  95. Ozias
  96. Ozy
  97. Parker
  98. Paul
  99. Pip
  100. Professor X
  101. Rambo
  102. Rector
  103. Reid
  104. Reiichi
  105. Ren
  106. Ricky
  107. Robin
  108. Rocco
  109. Ron
  110. Rory
  111. Ross
  112. Rover
  113. Ryan
  114. Rylie
  115. Sarjan
  116. Severus
  117. Shaw
  118. Shawn
  119. Sirius
  120. Spike
  121. Squidnapper
  122. Squidward
  123. Steve
  124. Stunner
  125. Tank
  126. Tesla
  127. Theo Balder
  128. Tucker
  129. Turbo
  130. Tyrion
  131. Walter
  132. Willie
  133. Zane

Unisex Names for Squids

As mentioned above, the main physical difference between male and female squids is in the reproductive systems.

Since you may be unable to spot the differences to allow you to select a female or male name, you can settle for a unisex name.

Here are our top suggestions.

  1. Addison
  2. Alex
  3. Ari
  4. Ash
  5. Brogan
  6. Cameron
  7. Dallas
  8. Erin
  9. Greer
  10. Jamie
  11. Kenzie
  12. Lane
  13. Lior
  14. Marin
  15. Nima
  16. Ren
  17. River
  18. Ryan
  19. Sydney
  20. Trace

Cute Names For A Squid

Squids are cute pets. If you want a warm fuzzy name to call your pet squid or stuffed squid, we have some lovely suggestions below, including things that represent cuteness.

  1. Alpha
  2. Alwin
  3. Angel
  4. Annabelle
  5. Applepie
  6. Aquaman
  7. Archemedes
  8. Aristotle
  9. Aurora
  10. Ava
  11. Bella
  12. Bic
  13. Billie
  14. Billy the Squid
  15. Bitey
  16. Boo
  17. Boris
  18. Boyka
  19. Bruce
  20. Bubbles
  21. Buffy
  22. Buster
  23. Buttercup
  24. Caliban
  25. Ceaser
  26. Cephquid
  27. Chuckles
  28. Chum
  29. Coffee
  30. Cookie
  31. Coper
  32. Cosmo
  33. Creepette
  34. Crue
  35. Cupcake
  36. Curie
  37. Dimitri
  38. Doctor Squids
  39. Dominic
  40. Dylan
  41. Elphy
  42. Emma
  43. Fido
  44. Finley
  45. Fiona
  46. Fitch
  47. Floppy Sea Spider
  48. Freckles
  49. Fred
  50. Frostbite
  51. Fuzzles
  52. Goldie
  53. Goomba
  54. Grande
  55. Grape
  56. Gulliver
  57. Hercules
  58. Horton
  59. Hugsie
  60. Hulk
  61. Ida
  62. Inks-a-Lot
  63. Inky
  64. Jellybean
  65. Jester
  66. Jinx
  67. Jojo
  68. Kane
  69. Kenzie
  70. Koda
  71. Kraken
  72. Laser
  73. Leggy
  74. Leo
  75. Lilly
  76. Lobster
  77. Luke Little
  78. Lyn
  79. Madonna
  80. Margherita
  81. Mario
  82. Martini
  83. Maya
  84. Metis
  85. Miles
  86. Mirinda
  87. Mochi
  88. Mr Bitey
  89. Mr Eight
  90. Mr Invisible
  91. Mr Leggy
  92. Mr Small
  93. Muffin
  94. Munchkin
  95. Napoleon
  96. Nelson
  97. Nemo
  98. Nero
  99. Nibbles
  100. Nico
  101. Ocho
  102. Octava
  103. Octavia
  104. Octavius
  105. Octo-marine
  106. Octoman
  107. Octy
  108. Oriana
  109. Oswald
  110. Otis
  111. Ottoman
  112. Paul
  113. Peanut
  114. Penny
  115. Pepper
  116. Piper
  117. Poppy
  118. Poseidon
  119. Pringles
  120. Quake
  121. Quinn
  122. Rae
  123. Raksha
  124. Rambo
  125. Randy
  126. Redrum
  127. Ricky
  128. Rooster
  129. Rorschach
  130. Roti
  131. Rover
  132. Scout
  133. Scuba Doo
  134. Shaw
  135. Shawn
  136. Shelby
  137. Shining
  138. Simba
  139. Slinky
  140. Snack
  141. Sparky
  142. Spidey
  143. Spud
  144. Squiddly Doodles
  145. Squishy
  146. Squitzy
  147. Stan
  148. Steve
  149. Stitch
  150. Stunner
  151. Sylvester
  152. Tiny
  153. Toby
  154. Travis
  155. Triton
  156. Truffle
  157. Turbo
  158. Tyrion
  159. Waffles
  160. Willie
  161. Xael
  162. Yoda
  163. Yvette
  164. Zahara
  165. Zara
  166. Ziggy
  167. Zoey
  168. Zuri

Good Names for Squids

If you want a good name that will work, consider the following names that include good people names, good pet names, names representing squid mannerisms, habitat, and more.

  1. Agent S
  2. Ajax
  3. Aldo
  4. Amanda
  5. Applepie
  6. Aqua
  7. Arial
  8. Arthur
  9. Astra
  10. Axel
  11. Azure
  12. Babel
  13. Bahari
  14. Batman
  15. Bayou
  16. Bazoo
  17. Beau
  18. Billy Bob
  19. Binky
  20. Bishop
  21. Blanket
  22. Boogieman
  23. Bosco
  24. Briny
  25. Brizo
  26. Brook
  27. Brooke
  28. Brownie
  29. Bruce
  30. Buddy
  31. Bully
  32. Buttercup
  33. Calypso
  34. Casper
  35. Caspian
  36. Cassie
  37. Cayman
  38. Celeste
  39. Cephalo
  40. Comet
  41. Cooper
  42. Cora
  43. Cordelia
  44. Corny
  45. Crimson
  46. Delta
  47. Dexter
  48. Dj Octo
  49. Doctor
  50. Draco
  51. Drake
  52. Drew
  53. Eight
  54. Einstein
  55. Eissa
  56. Erik
  57. Eva
  58. Finn
  59. Flimsy
  60. Genevieve
  61. George
  62. Geri
  63. Glimmer
  64. Goldie
  65. Goosie
  66. Great White
  67. Grouper
  68. Hammerhead
  69. Harbor
  70. Haven
  71. Henry
  72. Hunter
  73. Hydra
  74. Icy
  75. Isabella
  76. Ivery
  77. Jasper
  78. Jellybean
  79. Jetty
  80. Johnson
  81. Jonah
  82. Juliet
  83. Jupiter
  84. Kai
  85. Kaiyo
  86. Kelpe
  87. Knot
  88. Leapy
  89. Lee
  90. Leilani
  91. Leviathan
  92. Lord Squiddly
  93. Louis
  94. Luna
  95. Lupin
  96. Maggie
  97. Magnolia
  98. Magoose
  99. Mahi
  100. Margherita
  101. Marina
  102. Martini
  103. May
  104. Mercury
  105. Misty
  106. Moana
  107. Moor
  108. Moore
  109. Moorea
  110. Morgan
  111. Mr. Eight
  112. Mudwiggle
  113. Munchkin
  114. Munchlax
  115. Murphy
  116. Neptune
  117. Oceana
  118. Ocky
  119. Octavia
  120. Octavirus
  121. Octo
  122. Octrock
  123. Orca
  124. Orion
  125. Oscar
  126. Oswald
  127. Otter
  128. Peanut
  129. Pearl
  130. Penelope
  131. Plankton
  132. Poseidon
  133. Rio
  134. Ripley
  135. River
  136. Rocco
  137. Romeo
  138. Sam
  139. Sandy
  140. Scout
  141. Sebastian
  142. Selkie
  143. Shaggy
  144. Shoosh
  145. Shore
  146. Sidney
  147. Silver
  148. Sirena
  149. Skinny
  150. Slimy
  151. Slinky
  152. Slippy
  153. Slithery
  154. Smudge
  155. Snack
  156. Speedy
  157. Spider
  158. Splash
  159. Splish
  160. Sprint
  161. Squidditch
  162. Squirm
  163. Starlight
  164. Stella
  165. Stitch
  166. Sushi
  167. Swimmer
  168. Sydney
  169. Tallulah
  170. Tentacle
  171. Tetra
  172. Theo
  173. Tidal Wave
  174. Tide
  175. Triton
  176. Tsunami
  177. Ursula
  178. Veiltail
  179. Whale
  180. Wonder Ace
  181. Xena
  182. York

Funny Squid Names

For not-so-serious names, we have some funny suggestions below.

We’ve used wordplay, funny names from characters in popular culture, and more!

  1. Blu
  2. Bone-head
  3. Bulb
  4. Cartridge
  5. Deadshot
  6. Diddly
  7. Dr Einstein
  8. Dr String
  9. Elastic
  10. Exra-long
  11. Fat-head
  12. Granger
  13. Hammer
  14. Hermione
  15. Ink
  16. Inkington
  17. Inkling
  18. Inky
  19. Installer
  20. Iron Man
  21. Kamani
  22. Ladder
  23. Lofty
  24. Molly
  25. Mr. Ink-redible
  26. Mr. Einstein
  27. Octy
  28. Professor X
  29. Python
  30. Saborsquid
  31. Scrumsquiddlyumptious
  32. Sinead
  33. Sir Squiddy
  34. Sir Squimbleton
  35. Sirasquidlington
  36. Sir Squidworth
  37. Skipper
  38. Slabhead
  39. Squaffles
  40. Squark
  41. Squidchip
  42. Squiddle Squeed
  43. Squiddy
  44. Squidlet
  45. Squidlington
  46. Squidnapper
  47. Squido
  48. Squidsalot
  49. Squidward
  50. Squidyboi
  51. Squiggles
  52. Squilliam
  53. Ten-tickles
  54. Torpedo

Cool Names for Squids

Regular pets like dogs and cats are no match for squids. Their scarcity is cool in itself and a source of naming inspiration.

We’ve compiled all the cool names we could find that work well for a pet squid. They include cool characters, cool human names, and more!

  1. Bayou
  2. Caramel
  3. Catalyst
  4. Chantz
  5. Chester
  6. Chi-Chi
  7. Clash
  8. Cocoa
  9. Cookie
  10. Coral
  11. Dash
  12. Flappy
  13. Flow
  14. Gracie
  15. Guppy
  16. Harbour
  17. Hinderblade
  18. Houdini
  19. Inky
  20. Isla
  21. Jiggle
  22. Jinkies
  23. Kiko
  24. Lenny
  25. Louie
  26. Lucky
  27. Marble
  28. Marine
  29. Marlin
  30. Maryn
  31. Octavius
  32. Octy
  33. Ollie
  34. Otter
  35. Paulie
  36. Plunge
  37. Popcorn
  38. Quiggly Wiggly
  39. Quimby
  40. Ringo
  41. Rosie
  42. Rubert
  43. Rusty
  44. Salty
  45. Sandy
  46. Sassy
  47. Satsuma
  48. Shimmer
  49. Sidney
  50. Simba
  51. Skippy
  52. Slinky
  53. Snapper
  54. Speedy
  55. Splash
  56. Squiggles
  57. Squirm
  58. Storm
  59. Straw
  60. Sundance
  61. Wayde

Unique Squid Names

You don’t have to settle for regular pet names. We have some unique names bound to turn heads below.

  1. Alpha
  2. Aquaman
  3. Ariel
  4. Bate
  5. Bay
  6. Beaker
  7. Bella
  8. Blanket
  9. Boogieman
  10. Boyka
  11. Breaker
  12. Brooke
  13. Calamari
  14. Calypso
  15. Ceph
  16. Cerulea
  17. Cloud
  18. Coral
  19. Dante
  20. Dash
  21. Death spot
  22. Diddly
  23. Diver
  24. Dj October
  25. Dr Octovus
  26. Eight Legs
  27. Falcon
  28. Flash
  29. Flimsy
  30. Floppy
  31. Hannibal
  32. Inkington
  33. Inky
  34. Jericho
  35. Jiggle
  36. Jonah
  37. Kai
  38. Knot
  39. Kong
  40. Lagoon
  41. Luna
  42. Lupin
  43. Lux
  44. Misty
  45. Molly
  46. Moor
  47. Moose
  48. Mr Grabsalot
  49. Mr. Strange
  50. Ocky
  51. Octavia
  52. Octrock
  53. Okki
  54. Olympus
  55. Oswald
  56. Ozy
  57. Pacific
  58. Pearl
  59. Porky
  60. Power
  61. Ringo
  62. Riva
  63. River
  64. Saborsquid
  65. Sailor
  66. Sandy
  67. Scout
  68. Scuba Doo
  69. Shoosh
  70. Sinead
  71. Sir Inks-A-Lot
  72. Siren
  73. Slinky
  74. Slippy
  75. Smudge
  76. Sparkle
  77. Spider
  78. Spike
  79. Squark
  80. Squidchip
  81. Squilliam
  82. Squirm
  83. Squishy
  84. Stallion
  85. Stormy
  86. Stretch
  87. Swimmer
  88. Ten-Tickles
  89. Tentacle
  90. Terminator
  91. The Dark Knight
  92. Tornado
  93. Triton
  94. Tumble
  95. Walter
  96. Wiggleton

Giant Squid Names

Assuming you have a pet a giant squid, what name will match the size of such a great pet? The size of a giant squid can range anything from 12 to 13 meters for females, and 10 meters for males.

We have some “humongous” names for you to consider below;

  1. Acrobat
  2. Alpha
  3. Anarchy
  4. Apollo
  5. Attila
  6. Batista
  7. Bear
  8. Big Show
  9. Bigfoot
  10. Bison
  11. Blaze
  12. Breaker
  13. Brutus
  14. Buster
  15. Colossus
  16. Conan
  17. Copper
  18. Cujo
  19. Czar
  20. Danger
  21. Dante
  22. Dark Knight
  23. Death
  24. Diesel
  25. Electra
  26. Elektra
  27. Falcon
  28. Fury
  29. Genghis
  30. Goliath
  31. Grendel
  32. Griphook
  33. Groot
  34. Gunnie
  35. Hagrid
  36. Hannibal
  37. Harbor
  38. Harley
  39. Hercules
  40. Hero
  41. Hulk
  42. Jabba
  43. Jazz
  44. Jericho
  45. Justice
  46. Kong
  47. Lagoon
  48. Lagune
  49. Lash
  50. Long Arms
  51. Lux
  52. Lycan
  53. Magnus
  54. Major
  55. Mammoth
  56. Mars
  57. Maryn
  58. Maximus
  59. Meansy
  60. Mitzy
  61. Moose
  62. Neptuna
  63. Onyx
  64. Porky
  65. Power
  66. Prometheus
  67. Rebel
  68. Reef
  69. Rhodes
  70. Ripley
  71. Rogue
  72. Rumer
  73. Scooter
  74. Scully
  75. Sephiroth
  76. Shooter
  77. Sirene
  78. Smudge
  79. Spartacus
  80. Spike
  81. Squiddy
  82. Squiggles
  83. Squirm
  84. Stallion
  85. Stallone
  86. Steamboat
  87. Stormy
  88. Striker
  89. Sumo
  90. Suvorov
  91. T-Bone
  92. Taboo
  93. Taz
  94. Terminator
  95. Tex
  96. the rock
  97. Titan
  98. Tornado
  99. Trixy
  100. Ultimate Warrior
  101. Venom
  102. Venus
  103. Waggle
  104. Wahoo
  105. Wilder
  106. Yeti
  107. Zen
  108. Zeus

Famous Names For A Pet Squid

Popular culture has featured some squids. We have such names below, including superhero names, names from Minecraft, and other popular names that can work well for squids;

  1. Abalone
  2. Aquaman
  3. Beaks
  4. Blotch
  5. Bruce
  6. Captain
  7. Cyborg
  8. Davy
  9. Dyve
  10. Flash
  11. Garrison
  12. Green Arrow
  13. Harbor
  14. Hercules
  15. Hulk
  16. Kitty
  17. Lagune
  18. Luke Cage
  19. Maryn
  20. Mr Strange
  21. Mysterio
  22. Natasha
  23. Nemo
  24. Oceane
  25. Peirene
  26. Pisces
  27. Razzle
  28. Riva
  29. Robin
  30. Sailor
  31. Salty
  32. Sandy
  33. Siren
  34. Splosh
  35. Squiddly Diddly
  36. Steve
  37. Thor
  38. Venom
  39. Whiplash
  40. Wiggle
  41. Wolverine

Name Inspiration: Help Choosing the Perfect Name

We have hundreds of names for your consideration for your pet squid above. You can name your female squid, male squid, giant squid, or any other squid category.

However, you may still want more suggestions. If that’s your case, you can consider your squid’s unique traits. Observe your squid and see if you get some naming inspiration.

Your family members can also help you with suggestions. What’s more, you can turn to Google for inspiration.

However, you should be patient when searching for names. If you want new pet names that are unique but you lack time, you can consider popular naming resources like blogoftom.


Squids are great pets to keep if you have the space. You’ll probably need a huge tank to keep a squid comfortably.

What’s more, you need to feed them adequately otherwise he/she might turn to other tank mates. Alternatively, you can keep him alone.

The above names are fit for any squid. However, if you want more suggestions and added resources like pet name meanings, consider the naming inspiration tips above or head over to blogoftom.

Pet naming and naming in general couldn’t be easier with a unique naming resource.

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Tom Derbyshire

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