Piplup Nicknames (150 Awesome Naming Ideas)

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Do you have a Piplup on your Pokémon team? If so, you might be looking for some nicknames for it.

In this blog post, we will list some of the best Piplup nicknames that we have come across.

Keep in mind that these nicknames are just suggestions – you can choose whatever nickname you want for your Piplup!

Best Piplup Nicknames

Check out our picks for the absolute best nicknames for your Piplup below!

  1. Pippin
  2. Bubbles
  3. Imperio
  4. Scuba
  5. Poseidon (god of the sea in ancient Greek mythology)
  6. Pietro
  7. Napoleon
  8. Poppy
  9. Atlantic
  10. Torpedo
  11. Pollux
  12. Pearl
  13. Pacifica 
  14. Flipper
  15. Pebbles
  16. Robin 
  17. Tux – official penguin mascot of the Linux kernel
  18. Disco
  19. Rockhopper – species of penguin known for hopping between stones
  20. Athena
  21. Emperor species of penguin admired for their elegant appearance
  22. Empress
  23. Pirate
  24. Puffin – species of penguin beloved for their cute looks
  25. Jolly
  26. Pengy
  27. Quinn
  28. Polo
  29. Captain
  30. Pinguino
  31. Beaker
  32. Dawn
  33. Ollie
  34. Iceburgh – the official mascot of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team
  35. Snowball
  36. Pike
  37. Tiplouf – alternative french name for Piplup
  38. Spiffy
  39. Greta
  40. Piquant
  41. Pengdori
  42. DeVito – referencing Danny DeVito, who plays Penguin in “Batman Returns”
  43. Henry
  44. Rocky
  45. Oswald
  46. Popper – referencing the popular children’s book “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”
  47. Snorkeler

Cute Nicknames For Piplup

Looking for something adorable to call your Piplup? We got you covered!

Here are the cutest nicknames for your penguin pokemon.

  1. Waddles
  2. Pipsqueak
  3. Tuxedo
  4. Pip pip
  5. Chirpy
  6. Poncho
  7. Plump
  8. Snowcone
  9. Tulip
  10. Scrapy
  11. Fishy
  12. Aunt Arctica – Play on words combining “Aunt” with “Antarctica”
  13. Bubblefin
  14. Powder
  15. Icecube
  16. Noodles
  17. Pepper
  18. Skippy
  19. Snowflake
  20. Tummyslide – referencing how penguins move by sliding
  21. Groovy Bird
  22. Freezer
  23. Roundboi
  24. Peppy
  25. Cozy Heart – a penguin from the Care Bears
  26. Munchkin
  27. Teeny
  28. Lil Bird
  29. Pippi – referencing the children’s book character Pippi Longstocking
  30. Mr. Penguin – based on the children’s book series of the same name
  31. Tubs
  32. Linux
  33. Sassy

Water-based Piplup Names

Here is a list of names related to Piplup being a water-type pokemon.

  1. Mizutori – the Japanese word for “waterfowl” or “bird of the water”
  2. Riptide
  3. Splashy
  4. Squirt
  5. Aqua
  6. Torrent
  7. Whirlpool
  8. Suds
  9. Flotsam
  10. Tsunami
  11. Surfer 
  12. River
  13. Soaker
  14. Aegean – a sea located in the Mediterranean renowned for its beauty
  15. Admiral
  16. Sprinkler
  17. Wasser – the German word for “water”
  18. Jetsam
  19. Ocean
  20. Diver
  21. Foamy
  22. Anchor
  23. Wavey

Piplup Nicknames Based on the Color Blue

Below are some names based on Piplup’s iconic blue hues.

  1. Lazuli – a type of gemstone prized for its deep blue color
  2. Cobalt
  3. Blu
  4. Aquamarine
  5. Icy
  6. Lapus
  7. Ao – the Japanese word for “blue”
  8. Azure
  9. Sapphire
  10. Indigo
  11. Azul – the Spanish word for “blue”
  12. Cerulean
  13. Midnight
  14. Cornflower – flower with a deep blue color
  15. Turquoise
  16. Bleu – the French word for “blue”
  17. Beryl – a gemstone with a light blue color
  18. Cyan
  19. Kyanite
  20. Navy
  21. Baby Blue

Piplup Names from Movies, TV, and Games

Next, let’s look at some Piplup names inspired by our favorite shows, movies, and games.

  1. Pingu – from the beloved claymation TV series “Pingu”
  2. Happy Feet – from the animated film “Happy Feet”
  3. Mumble – from the animated film “Happy Feet”
  4. Onk Beakman – from the Skylanders video game series
  5. Pokey – from the “Pokey the Penguin” online comic strip
  6. Wheezy – from the Disney film “Toy Story 2”
  7. King Dedede – Antagonist from Nintendo’s Kirby video game series
  8. Skipper – from the Dreamworks animated film “Madagascar”
  9. Rico – from the Dreamworks animated film “Madagascar”
  10. Private – from the Dreamworks animated film “Madagascar”
  11. Kowalski – from the Dreamworks animated film “Madagascar”
  12. Chilly Willy – from the “Chilly Willy” series of animated shorts
  13. Parker – from the hit musical “Love Birds”
  14. Feathers – penguin villain from the “Wallace; Gromit” series
  15. Big Z – legendary surfing penguin from the film “Surf’s Up”
  16. Cody – from the animated film “Surf’s Up”
  17. The Penguin – recurring villain from the Batman series
  18. Pablo from the Nickelodeon series “Backyardigans”
  19. Triton – from the Disney film “The Little Mermaid”
  20. Pororo – baby penguin from the TV series “Pororo the Little Penguin”
  21. Penta – short-tempered penguin from the Crash Bandicoot video games
  22. Playboy – penguin from the animated series Looney Tunes
  23. Sparky – from the satirical comic strip series “This Modern World”
  24. Chill – penguin-themed boss from the game Mega Man X
  25. Pentaro – from the satirical video game series “Parodius”
  26. Tip – from the Disney film “The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea”
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Pokémon Nickname Inspiration

Whether you’re just starting your Pokémon journey or are a seasoned trainer, coming up with nicknames for your Pokémon can be tough. After all, you want to choose a name that not only reflects your Pokémon’s personality but is also unique and memorable.

Thankfully, there are a few simple tips you can follow to help you come up with the perfect nickname for your beloved Pokémon.

First, consider your Pokémon’s species and look for inspiration in its appearance or behavior. For example, if you have a Pikachu, you might want to consider names like “Sparky” or “Zap”. Alternatively, if you have a Charmander, “Flare” or “Blaze” could be good options.

You can also look to pop culture for inspiration. For example, if you’re a fan of the Harry Potter series, you might want to consider naming your Pokémon after one of the characters in the books or movies.

Another option is to choose a name that reflects your Pokémon’s moveset. For example, if your Pikachu knows the move “Thunderbolt”, you might want to consider naming it “Bolt”.

Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative and have fun with it! After all, this is your Pokémon and you can choose any name you want.

Child Playing Nintendo Switch

Help Choosing The Right Name

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect nickname for your Piplup:

  • Try to keep the nickname short, sweet, and easy to remember.
  • Think about your Piplup’s personality and try to find a name that fits.
  • Avoid using inside jokes or references that only you and your friends will get.
  • Steer clear of names that could be considered offensive or rude.


When it comes to nicknaming your Pokémon, the sky’s the limit! With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find a name that perfectly reflects your Pokémon’s personality and style.

So get creative and have some fun with it! If you need help coming up with a nickname, be sure to check out our list of tips above.

Happy nickname hunting!

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Tom Derbyshire

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