Anyone who wishes for a unique pet can think of keeping a crab. Hermit crabs and fiddler crabs are great freshwater crabs to consider as pets. Besides living for decades, they are relatively easy to maintain. A crab will cost less to maintain than typical pets like dogs and cats. They are also better than fish in this regard and more.
Once you’ve gotten your pet crab, you need to choose suitable crab names. We’ve prepared this detailed crab naming guide to give you an extensive list of probable pet names to choose from. The names are in categories ranging from male or female crab names to names based on coolness, pop culture, Disney, cartoons, and more.
Let’s dive in.
Best Crab Names
You’re obviously not the first crab pet owner. Many have come before you and have had naming preferences.
The names listed below are some of the most popular names people choose for their pet crabs. They range from human names to names representing popular crab traits/characteristics and more;
- Abby
- Alaric
- Alfred
- Alvaro
- Ameer
- Anemone
- Aphrodite
- Arian
- Axl
- Ayan
- Aydin
- Azael
- Azriel
- Bait
- Blue
- Bob
- Bode
- Boppity
- Brayan
- Brown
- Bubbles
- Bungie
- Cain
- Canaan
- Cantankerous
- Captain Hook
- Caramel
- Carl
- Chip
- Chuck
- Claude
- Claudia
- Claws
- Clicker
- Clifford
- Clipper
- Coconut
- Cora
- Coral
- Crabby
- Crabcake
- Crabella
- Crabette
- Crabina
- Crab Meister
- Crosby
- Crusty
- Digger
- Dwebble
- Eddie Izzard
- Edward Scissorhands
- Elon
- Eugene
- Fish-ish
- Fish-ishAbby
- Franco
- Gabby
- Garry
- Gordon
- Gordon Ramsey
- Groucho
- Grumpy
- Gunther
- Harry
- Heidi
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hermie
- Hermione
- Hermit
- Homer
- Honey
- Hopper
- Hors d’oeuvre
- Huffy
- Hydra
- Idris
- Jabby
- Jacoby
- Jaws
- Jenabell
- Jerry
- Jet-Li
- Joey
- Jojo
- Kellen
- Kelvin
- Kermit
- King
- Kirby
- Kraken
- Kristian
- Krusty
- Kvetch
- Kylen
- Lady Quinn
- Legs
- Leroy
- Little Creep
- Little Man
- Long John
- Lucy
- Marilyn
- Matilda
- Missy
- Molly
- Moreno
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Pinch
- Mr Crab
- Ms. Krabapel
- Mumpy
- Mustafa
- Nazar
- Nemo
- Norbert
- Omega
- Pearl
- Peek-a-boo
- Peeves
- Penny
- Picher
- Pincher
- Pinchy
- Pokemon
- Poodle
- Poops
- Poopsie
- Pootie
- Prince
- Pustelnik
- Ricky
- Rocky
- Roshel
- Sally
- Sand
- Sandy
- Sandy Bottom
- Sashimi
- Scrab
- Scuttle
- Sea-more
- Sea crab
- Sebastian
- Shelby
- Shell-by
- Shell-don
- Shelly
- Shelsy
- Sidewalker
- Sideways
- Sidewinder
- Skittle
- Snapper
- Snappy
- Snip
- Snowy
- Speedy
- SpongeBob
- Squeezy
- Squirt
- Stabby
- Stallion
- Stan
- Starla
- Stinky
- Stoney
- Sulky
- Surly
- Sushi
- Taz
- Tetchy
- Timon
- Tom
- Turner
- Ulises
- Valentin
- Van
- Wallace
- Wave
- Wendy
- Zavier
Female Crab Names
Assuming you have a female crab pet, what should you name her?
Well, we have an assortment of names representing femininity, famous female characters, human female names, and more!
- Abby
- Alex
- Allison
- Amber
- Angel
- Angelica
- Anna
- Aphrodite
- Ariana
- Ariel
- Ava
- Baby
- Beatrice
- Bella
- Betty
- Bff
- Bindy
- Birdie
- Bitsy
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Brenda
- Britney
- Brittany
- Bubbles
- Buttercup
- Candy
- Carly
- Carmen
- Carol
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Cassandra
- Cathy
- Cherie
- Cherry
- Chloe
- Christine
- Christy
- Claudia
- Claudine
- Cleo
- Coco
- Connie
- Coral
- Crabina
- Cutie
- Dana
- Daphne
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Edna
- Elena
- Ellie
- Emma
- Eva
- Felicia
- Felicity
- Fergie
- Fiona
- Gabby
- Gail
- Gemma
- Genevieve
- Gina
- Ginny
- Goldie
- Gorgy
- Gracie
- Gwen
- Haley
- Heidi
- Helga
- Hermilia
- Hermione
- Hilda
- Holly
- Honey
- Hydra
- Indy
- Iris
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jenna
- Jenny
- Jess
- Jessica
- Jessie
- Joy
- Juley
- Justine
- Karen
- Kate
- Keisha
- Kelly
- Kelsie
- Kiki
- Krabba
- Lana
- Lexi
- Lexy
- Lily
- Linda
- Liz
- Lizzy
- Louis
- Lucy
- Macy
- Maggie
- Maria
- Marina
- Mary
- Maryanne
- Matilda
- Meenie
- Mildred
- Mildy
- Millie
- Mindy
- Mino
- Mirabel
- Mirah
- Moana
- Molly
- Munchy
- Nancy
- Nellie
- Nelly
- Niki
- Nola
- Oceana
- Olive
- Palm
- Patty
- Paulina
- Pearl
- Pearly
- Peeka
- Penelope
- Penny
- Penny Pincher
- Pixie
- Princess
- Queen
- Queenie
- Rachel
- Rainbow
- Rosie
- Ruby
- Sally
- salty
- Sam
- Sandra
- Sandy
- Scarlet
- Shania
- Shelby
- Shelly
- Shina
- Shini
- Silver
- Skye
- Sookie
- Sophia
- Sparkle
- Spongy
- Sunshine
- Swirly
- Taylor
- Terri
- Tess
- Tori
- Tracy
- Tweeny
- Ursula
- Vanilla
- Wanda
- Weeny
- Wendy
- Whitney
- Winnie
- Yolanda
- Zendaya

Male Crab Names
Male crabs tend to have bigger claws when compared to their female counterparts. Their unique characteristics can be used for naming.
We have some interesting male crab names below covering masculinity, unique traits, and more!
- Aaron
- Adam
- Adan
- Alex
- Anthony
- Apollo
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Bait
- Benet
- Billy
- Billy Bob Joe
- Biter
- Blaze
- Bob
- Bobby
- Bond
- Bourne
- Brett
- Bruce
- Brucie
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Buddy
- Burt
- Buster Crab
- Carl
- Carlos
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chester
- Christopher
- Chuck
- Chucky
- Clark
- Claude
- Claw
- Cobalt
- Collin
- Copper
- Corky
- Coulson
- Crabcake
- Craig
- Crash
- Crusher
- Crusty
- David
- Davy
- Dax
- Derek
- Diamond
- Dino
- Dudley
- Dylan
- Earnest
- Edgar
- Edward Scissorhands
- Ellis
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Enoch
- Fang
- Ferguson
- Fernando
- Fiddler
- Flounder
- Fred
- Freddie
- George
- Gerald
- Gilbert
- Gilligan
- Godzilla
- Harold
- Harvey
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hermie
- Hopper
- Howard
- Hydra
- Indiana
- Jacques
- James
- Jamie
- Jason
- Jaws
- Jensen
- Jerome
- Jimmie
- Jimmy
- Johnathan
- Johnny
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Kermit
- Kirby
- Koenigg
- Leopold
- Li
- Mace
- Maverick
- Max
- Maxie
- Michael
- Mike
- Moe
- Morgan
- Mr. Claws
- Mr. Uglison
- Navy
- Neil
- Nigel
- Niko
- Nipper
- Obi-Wan
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Otto
- Paul
- Peele
- Phillip
- Pike
- Pip
- Prince
- Quentin
- Quincy
- Radar
- Rex
- Richard
- Rick
- Ricky
- Ronnie
- Rudy
- Rusty
- Ryan
- Sam
- Sammie
- Scribbles
- Scuttle
- Seabiscuit
- Seamore
- Sebastian
- Shark
- Sharp
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Sherwin
- Simon
- Snappy
- Speedy
- Spider
- Spike
- Surf
- Teal
- Terrance
- Tide
- Timmy
- Tobey
- Tommie
- Tony
- Tritan
- Vernon
- Vince
- Wallace
- Werner
- Yohan
- Zack
- Zorro
Unisex Names For Crabs
Assuming you don’t know your crab’s gender, what do you name him/her?
Here are some popular unisex pet names to consider;
- Backpacker
- Crawler
- Dash
- Hustler
- Lookout
- Pathfinder
- Plodder
- Ripper
- Scully
- Seeker
- Shillyshally
- Slasher
- Slow Joe
- Speedy
- Splash
- Sprinter
- Spy
- Sully
- Tiny
- Zipper
- Zippy
Cute Names For Crabs
Baby hermit crabs can be very cute in appearance and mannerisms.
Here are names to represent a cute crab;
- Abby
- Azzi
- Baby
- Bella
- Benny
- Best
- Bielka
- Bitty
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bob
- Brenda
- Brian
- Brown
- Bruce
- Bryan
- Bubba
- Bubbles
- Buster Crab
- Candy
- Caramel
- Carl
- Carlos
- Christopher
- Cindy
- Claude
- Cleo
- Clyne
- Cobo
- Coral
- Crabby
- Crabcake
- Craig
- Crane
- Crusty
- Cutie
- Dan
- Digglet
- Dwebble
- Ella
- Fabian
- Felicia
- Fendi
- Gail
- Gamecocks
- Gilbert
- Gilligan
- Groucho
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hazel
- Honey
- Hors d’oeuvre
- Huffy
- Jabby
- Jacques
- Jaws
- Jenny
- Jimmie
- Kanye
- Kate
- King
- Kirby
- Kraken
- Lexie
- Lilly
- Liv
- Lizzy
- Luis
- Maggie
- Maja
- Mikey
- Moe
- Mouthfull
- Mr. Crabs
- Ms. Krabapel
- Mumpish
- Nazar
- Nelly
- Nelson
- Nipper
- NorRoverHomer
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Pearl
- Pebbles
- Peddley
- Penny
- Perpetual
- Perry
- Peurto
- Pincer
- Pinchy
- Pixie
- Pokemon
- Poops
- Purple Passion
- Queen
- Randy
- Richie
- Ricky
- Rio
- Rose
- Rover
- Rudy
- Rusty
- S-don
- Sally
- Sam
- Samantha
- Sammy
- Sandra
- Sandy
- Scuttle
- Sebastian
- Shabastin
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Sideways
- Snip
- Snips
- Spike
- Spikes
- SpongeBob
- Squeezy
- Squirt
- Stabby
- Stan
- Strawberry
- Sugar
- Sulky
- Taz
- Teddy
- Timon
- Venus
- Wendi
- Yolanda

Good Names For Crabs
Your pet crab can take a simple name. Here are some satisfactory names for your consideration;
- Anemone
- Angel
- Azilia
- Azz
- Bam-Bam
- Biggie
- Blazer
- Bounce
- Brittany
- Bruce
- Bryan
- Buddy
- Buttons
- Cantankerous
- Caps
- Champagne
- Chance
- Charmander
- Checkers
- Churl
- Clark
- Claws
- Cobo
- Crabby
- Craberella
- Crusher
- Dazzle
- Deja Vu
- Dino
- Edward
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Fang
- Fish-ish
- Flexi
- Frank
- Georgie
- Gill
- Gimli
- Giraffe
- Gordon Ramsay
- Groucho
- Grumpy
- Harriot
- Harry
- Hermann
- Huffy
- Jade
- Jaws
- Jenny
- Jerry
- Judy
- Julie
- Kani
- King Crab
- Lexie
- Lillian
- Lily
- Maggie
- Malcolm
- Mike
- Mikey
- Milo
- Mr. Tudball
- Mumpish
- Nipper
- Orange Sherbet
- Ormond
- Oscar
- Pearl
- Peeves
- Pepsi
- Pique
- Pixie
- Prickle
- Rafael
- Recluse
- Rocky
- Rusty
- Ryan
- Sally
- Salty
- Sam
- Sand
- Scrab
- Seamore
- Shell-by
- Shell-don
- Shelly
- Snappy
- Spike
- Star
- Starla
- Sulky
- Surly
- Sushi
- Tetchy
- Tom
- Tony
- Topper
- Twister
- Venus
- Wave
- Wendi
- Wendy
- Will
- Zippy
Funny Crab Names
If you are a fun of funny pet names, we have some great ones for your crab below;
- Attie
- Backhoe
- Backspace
- Bait
- Batman
- Biggie
- Big Mac
- Blinky
- Boo
- Cantankerous
- Carl
- Casey
- Cassie
- Charger
- Chewy
- Clawdia
- Coco
- Coconut
- Crabby
- Crabcake
- Crabso
- Cracked
- Craggy
- Crawler
- Crusty
- Digger
- Dwibble
- Edward Scissorhands
- Fish-ish
- Foam
- Gilly
- Groucho
- Grouchy
- Grump
- Grumpy
- Hardball
- Hardy
- Heidi
- Helmet
- Hermit
- Hidey
- Homebody
- Home Boy
- Home Girl
- Homey
- Hulk
- Huncho
- Husker
- Iguana
- Jamal
- Jawbone
- Jaws
- Jumpy
- Kraken – name after giant crab
- Landrover
- Lenny Krabitz
- Leonardo DaPinchy
- Mole – name from digging trait
- Moody
- Motley
- Packer
- Patchy
- Peeves
- Penny Pincher
- Pinchy
- Pokemon
- Poops
- Precious
- Prickle
- Q-T
- Ridge Rider
- Rocky
- Rounder
- Rover
- Sand-bender
- Sand Tank
- Sandy
- Santa Claws
- Sashimi
- Scarlet
- Scissors
- Scuttle
- Scuttle Bug
- Seabiscuit
- Seamore
- Sebastian
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Shelldon
- Shelly
- Sides
- Sideways
- Skeletor
- Snapper
- Sneaky
- Speedy
- Spiney
- Spooky
- Squeezer
- Squirt
- Sunny
- Sushi
- Teensy
- Teeny Weeny
- Terra
- Terri
- Tongs
- Trumpy
- Turbo
- Water
- Wink
- Zyon
Cool Names For Crabs
Crabs are unique pets to have, given they aren’t your typical pet. Crabs also exhibit unique behavior.
Here are some unique names to match your cool hermit crab;
- Adler
- Alfonso
- Alistair
- Allan
- Anders
- Aphrodite
- Aries
- Avyaan
- Azalea
- Azrael
- Bear
- Billy Bob
- Black
- Blinky
- Blondie
- Blue
- Boden
- Boppity
- Bowie
- Braden
- Branson
- Brecken
- Brennan
- Bronson
- Bubbles
- Burt
- Cake
- Cal
- Calum
- Cancer
- Candy
- Captain Hook
- Chewy
- Chip
- Clawdia
- Claws
- Clicker
- Clipper
- Coconut
- Colten
- Coral
- Coraline
- Crabby
- Dagger
- Damari
- Damir
- Dane
- Davion
- Deandre
- Demetrius
- Dilan
- Dior
- Doberman Pincer
- Dominik
- Dory
- Eithan
- Eliel
- Elio
- Eliseo
- Elisha
- Ernesto
- Everest
- Felipe
- Fisher
- Foam
- fox
- Gary
- Gill
- Gordon Ramsey
- Granger
- Graysen
- Grit
- Groucho
- Grumpy
- Hammerhead
- Harlem
- Harley
- Henrik
- Herbert
- Herman
- Homer
- Hopper
- Howard
- Huffy
- Hydra
- Ishaan
- Jabari
- Jabby
- Jacques
- Jadiel
- Jair
- Jakai
- Jakob
- Jakobe
- Jaws
- Jaxtyn
- Jaxx
- Jeremias
- Jericho
- Jesiah
- Jiraiya
- Jon
- Jones
- Jovanni
- Judson
- Kabir
- Kace
- Karsyn
- Kase
- Kellan
- Kenji
- Khalid
- King
- Kole
- Korbin
- Kristopher
- Krusty
- Kye
- Kyng
- Larry
- Legs
- Leighton
- Little Man
- Long John
- Lucy
- Madden
- Matey
- Matilda
- Maurice
- Mccoy
- Mekhi
- Moe
- Mr. Crabs
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Pinch
- Niklaus
- Nova
- Orca
- Oscar
- Osiris
- Pearl
- Peeves
- Penny
- Pincher
- Pootie
- Porpoise
- Poseidon
- Puddle
- Randy
- Ray
- Reuben
- Robin
- Rudy
- Salvatore
- Sand-bender
- Santos
- Sashimi
- Scrab
- Scuttle
- Seabiscuit
- Seven
- Seychelles
- Sidewalker
- Sidewinder
- Skipper
- Skittle
- Snapper
- Snowy
- Sponge Bob
- Sprinter
- Stefan
- Stinky
- Stoney
- Surf
- Sushi
- Tamatoa
- Teensy
- Thaddeus
- Tide
- Trout
- Truett
- Turtle
- Vance
- Water
- Wes
- Yahir
- Yehuda
- Zahir
- Zechariah
Names Of Famous Crabs
If you wish to name your crab after a famous crab, you can call them any of the names below;
- Cancer – name after the zodiac sign & constellation
- Ms. Krabapel – a name used in the Simpsons
Disney Crab Names
If you’re looking for a cartoon or Disney crab name, we have some names below;
- Mr. Krabs – name from SpongeBob
- Sebastian – a name from Little Mermaid
- Tamatoa – name from Disney movie Moana

Help Choosing The Perfect Name
Finding the perfect name can be hard. That’s why we’ve listed hundreds of crab names for you to consider for your pet.
If you need more suggestions, you can consider naming your pet crab by specific crab type. For instance, fiddler crabs can be named after their name or distinct features. The same applies to other pet crabs i.e., a pet hermit crab.
Since you are most likely to pet a fiddler or hermit crab, the above information contains names for cool hermit crabs, male hermit crabs, female hermit crabs, famous crabs (celebrity hermit crabs), and more! You can also name land hermit crabs or any other crab based on habitat.
However, if the crab names above aren’t adequate, you can consider asking for naming ideas from family members, friends, relatives, etc. Observing your crab’s unique traits can also help. You can also turn to blogoftom for more naming inspiration. The resource offers new and fresh pet naming ideas and examples.
Whichever way you consider, ensure you pick a name that feels right since crabs can live for decades (up to 30 years).
Once you get a pet hermit crab or another type of pet crab, you need a name. Our crab name ideas above give several naming categories for your consideration. You can name based on gender, popular culture, famous characters, and more. While you can call your pet crab anything, naming should be meaningful given crabs can live for decades. He/she needs a name you can live with.
If you don’t get a great pet name above, you can turn to name resources like blogoftom. The resource has names, facts, and information, as well as frequently asked questions on countless names.
Blogoftom saves you time and energy. Instead of searching online from multiple sites, you can get a new name for your pet crab within minutes. What’s more, you can use the resource for other naming needs.