Crab Names (999+ Best, Funny, Cute, & Famous Ideas)

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Anyone who wishes for a unique pet can think of keeping a crab. Hermit crabs and fiddler crabs are great freshwater crabs to consider as pets. Besides living for decades, they are relatively easy to maintain. A crab will cost less to maintain than typical pets like dogs and cats. They are also better than fish in this regard and more.

Once you’ve gotten your pet crab, you need to choose suitable crab names. We’ve prepared this detailed crab naming guide to give you an extensive list of probable pet names to choose from. The names are in categories ranging from male or female crab names to names based on coolness, pop culture, Disney, cartoons, and more.

Let’s dive in.

Best Crab Names

You’re obviously not the first crab pet owner. Many have come before you and have had naming preferences.

The names listed below are some of the most popular names people choose for their pet crabs. They range from human names to names representing popular crab traits/characteristics and more;

  1. Abby
  2. Alaric
  3. Alfred
  4. Alvaro
  5. Ameer
  6. Anemone
  7. Aphrodite
  8. Arian
  9. Axl
  10. Ayan
  11. Aydin
  12. Azael
  13. Azriel
  14. Bait
  15. Blue
  16. Bob
  17. Bode
  18. Boppity
  19. Brayan
  20. Brown
  21. Bubbles
  22. Bungie
  23. Cain
  24. Canaan
  25. Cantankerous
  26. Captain Hook
  27. Caramel
  28. Carl
  29. Chip
  30. Chuck
  31. Claude
  32. Claudia
  33. Claws
  34. Clicker
  35. Clifford
  36. Clipper
  37. Coconut
  38. Cora
  39. Coral
  40. Crabby
  41. Crabcake
  42. Crabella
  43. Crabette
  44. Crabina
  45. Crab Meister
  46. Crosby
  47. Crusty
  48. Digger
  49. Dwebble
  50. Eddie Izzard
  51. Edward Scissorhands
  52. Elon
  53. Eugene
  54. Fish-ish
  55. Fish-ishAbby
  56. Franco
  57. Gabby
  58. Garry
  59. Gordon
  60. Gordon Ramsey
  61. Groucho
  62. Grumpy
  63. Gunther
  64. Harry
  65. Heidi
  66. Herbert
  67. Herman
  68. Hermie
  69. Hermione
  70. Hermit
  71. Homer
  72. Honey
  73. Hopper
  74. Hors d’oeuvre
  75. Huffy
  76. Hydra
  77. Idris
  78. Jabby
  79. Jacoby
  80. Jaws
  81. Jenabell
  82. Jerry
  83. Jet-Li
  84. Joey
  85. Jojo
  86. Kellen
  87. Kelvin
  88. Kermit
  89. King
  90. Kirby
  91. Kraken
  92. Kristian
  93. Krusty
  94. Kvetch
  95. Kylen
  96. Lady Quinn
  97. Legs
  98. Leroy
  99. Little Creep
  100. Little Man
  101. Long John
  102. Lucy
  103. Marilyn
  104. Matilda
  105. Missy
  106. Molly
  107. Moreno
  108. Mr. Krabs
  109. Mr. Pinch
  110. Mr Crab
  111. Ms. Krabapel
  112. Mumpy
  113. Mustafa
  114. Nazar
  115. Nemo
  116. Norbert
  117. Omega
  118. Pearl
  119. Peek-a-boo
  120. Peeves
  121. Penny
  122. Picher
  123. Pincher
  124. Pinchy
  125. Pokemon
  126. Poodle
  127. Poops
  128. Poopsie
  129. Pootie
  130. Prince
  131. Pustelnik
  132. Ricky
  133. Rocky
  134. Roshel
  135. Sally
  136. Sand
  137. Sandy
  138. Sandy Bottom
  139. Sashimi
  140. Scrab
  141. Scuttle
  142. Sea-more
  143. Sea crab
  144. Sebastian
  145. Shelby
  146. Shell-by
  147. Shell-don
  148. Shelly
  149. Shelsy
  150. Sidewalker
  151. Sideways
  152. Sidewinder
  153. Skittle
  154. Snapper
  155. Snappy
  156. Snip
  157. Snowy
  158. Speedy
  159. SpongeBob
  160. Squeezy
  161. Squirt
  162. Stabby
  163. Stallion
  164. Stan
  165. Starla
  166. Stinky
  167. Stoney
  168. Sulky
  169. Surly
  170. Sushi
  171. Taz
  172. Tetchy
  173. Timon
  174. Tom
  175. Turner
  176. Ulises
  177. Valentin
  178. Van
  179. Wallace
  180. Wave
  181. Wendy
  182. Zavier

Female Crab Names

Assuming you have a female crab pet, what should you name her?

Well, we have an assortment of names representing femininity, famous female characters, human female names, and more!

  1. Abby
  2. Alex
  3. Allison
  4. Amber
  5. Angel
  6. Angelica
  7. Anna
  8. Aphrodite
  9. Ariana
  10. Ariel
  11. Ava
  12. Baby
  13. Beatrice
  14. Bella
  15. Betty
  16. Bff
  17. Bindy
  18. Birdie
  19. Bitsy
  20. Blanche
  21. Blondie
  22. Blossom
  23. Brenda
  24. Britney
  25. Brittany
  26. Bubbles
  27. Buttercup
  28. Candy
  29. Carly
  30. Carmen
  31. Carol
  32. Carolina
  33. Caroline
  34. Cassandra
  35. Cathy
  36. Cherie
  37. Cherry
  38. Chloe
  39. Christine
  40. Christy
  41. Claudia
  42. Claudine
  43. Cleo
  44. Coco
  45. Connie
  46. Coral
  47. Crabina
  48. Cutie
  49. Dana
  50. Daphne
  51. Dixie
  52. Dolly
  53. Edna
  54. Elena
  55. Ellie
  56. Emma
  57. Eva
  58. Felicia
  59. Felicity
  60. Fergie
  61. Fiona
  62. Gabby
  63. Gail
  64. Gemma
  65. Genevieve
  66. Gina
  67. Ginny
  68. Goldie
  69. Gorgy
  70. Gracie
  71. Gwen
  72. Haley
  73. Heidi
  74. Helga
  75. Hermilia
  76. Hermione
  77. Hilda
  78. Holly
  79. Honey
  80. Hydra
  81. Indy
  82. Iris
  83. Ivory
  84. Jade
  85. Jasmine
  86. Jenna
  87. Jenny
  88. Jess
  89. Jessica
  90. Jessie
  91. Joy
  92. Juley
  93. Justine
  94. Karen
  95. Kate
  96. Keisha
  97. Kelly
  98. Kelsie
  99. Kiki
  100. Krabba
  101. Lana
  102. Lexi
  103. Lexy
  104. Lily
  105. Linda
  106. Liz
  107. Lizzy
  108. Louis
  109. Lucy
  110. Macy
  111. Maggie
  112. Maria
  113. Marina
  114. Mary
  115. Maryanne
  116. Matilda
  117. Meenie
  118. Mildred
  119. Mildy
  120. Millie
  121. Mindy
  122. Mino
  123. Mirabel
  124. Mirah
  125. Moana
  126. Molly
  127. Munchy
  128. Nancy
  129. Nellie
  130. Nelly
  131. Niki
  132. Nola
  133. Oceana
  134. Olive
  135. Palm
  136. Patty
  137. Paulina
  138. Pearl
  139. Pearly
  140. Peeka
  141. Penelope
  142. Penny
  143. Penny Pincher
  144. Pixie
  145. Princess
  146. Queen
  147. Queenie
  148. Rachel
  149. Rainbow
  150. Rosie
  151. Ruby
  152. Sally
  153. salty
  154. Sam
  155. Sandra
  156. Sandy
  157. Scarlet
  158. Shania
  159. Shelby
  160. Shelly
  161. Shina
  162. Shini
  163. Silver
  164. Skye
  165. Sookie
  166. Sophia
  167. Sparkle
  168. Spongy
  169. Sunshine
  170. Swirly
  171. Taylor
  172. Terri
  173. Tess
  174. Tori
  175. Tracy
  176. Tweeny
  177. Ursula
  178. Vanilla
  179. Wanda
  180. Weeny
  181. Wendy
  182. Whitney
  183. Winnie
  184. Yolanda
  185. Zendaya

Male Crab Names

Male crabs tend to have bigger claws when compared to their female counterparts. Their unique characteristics can be used for naming.

We have some interesting male crab names below covering masculinity, unique traits, and more!

  1. Aaron
  2. Adam
  3. Adan
  4. Alex
  5. Anthony
  6. Apollo
  7. Arnold
  8. Arthur
  9. Bait
  10. Benet
  11. Billy
  12. Billy Bob Joe
  13. Biter
  14. Blaze
  15. Bob
  16. Bobby
  17. Bond
  18. Bourne
  19. Brett
  20. Bruce
  21. Brucie
  22. Brutus
  23. Bubba
  24. Buddy
  25. Burt
  26. Buster Crab
  27. Carl
  28. Carlos
  29. Chance
  30. Charlie
  31. Chester
  32. Christopher
  33. Chuck
  34. Chucky
  35. Clark
  36. Claude
  37. Claw
  38. Cobalt
  39. Collin
  40. Copper
  41. Corky
  42. Coulson
  43. Crabcake
  44. Craig
  45. Crash
  46. Crusher
  47. Crusty
  48. David
  49. Davy
  50. Dax
  51. Derek
  52. Diamond
  53. Dino
  54. Dudley
  55. Dylan
  56. Earnest
  57. Edgar
  58. Edward Scissorhands
  59. Ellis
  60. Elmo
  61. Elvis
  62. Enoch
  63. Fang
  64. Ferguson
  65. Fernando
  66. Fiddler
  67. Flounder
  68. Fred
  69. Freddie
  70. George
  71. Gerald
  72. Gilbert
  73. Gilligan
  74. Godzilla
  75. Harold
  76. Harvey
  77. Henry
  78. Herbert
  79. Herman
  80. Hermie
  81. Hopper
  82. Howard
  83. Hydra
  84. Indiana
  85. Jacques
  86. James
  87. Jamie
  88. Jason
  89. Jaws
  90. Jensen
  91. Jerome
  92. Jimmie
  93. Jimmy
  94. Johnathan
  95. Johnny
  96. Johnson
  97. Jones
  98. Jordan
  99. Joseph
  100. Kermit
  101. Kirby
  102. Koenigg
  103. Leopold
  104. Li
  105. Mace
  106. Maverick
  107. Max
  108. Maxie
  109. Michael
  110. Mike
  111. Moe
  112. Morgan
  113. Mr. Claws
  114. Mr. Uglison
  115. Navy
  116. Neil
  117. Nigel
  118. Niko
  119. Nipper
  120. Obi-Wan
  121. Ollie
  122. Oreo
  123. Oscar
  124. Otto
  125. Paul
  126. Peele
  127. Phillip
  128. Pike
  129. Pip
  130. Prince
  131. Quentin
  132. Quincy
  133. Radar
  134. Rex
  135. Richard
  136. Rick
  137. Ricky
  138. Ronnie
  139. Rudy
  140. Rusty
  141. Ryan
  142. Sam
  143. Sammie
  144. Scribbles
  145. Scuttle
  146. Seabiscuit
  147. Seamore
  148. Sebastian
  149. Shark
  150. Sharp
  151. Shelby
  152. Sheldon
  153. Sherwin
  154. Simon
  155. Snappy
  156. Speedy
  157. Spider
  158. Spike
  159. Surf
  160. Teal
  161. Terrance
  162. Tide
  163. Timmy
  164. Tobey
  165. Tommie
  166. Tony
  167. Tritan
  168. Vernon
  169. Vince
  170. Wallace
  171. Werner
  172. Yohan
  173. Zack
  174. Zorro

Unisex Names For Crabs

Assuming you don’t know your crab’s gender, what do you name him/her?

Here are some popular unisex pet names to consider;

  1. Backpacker
  2. Crawler
  3. Dash
  4. Hustler
  5. Lookout
  6. Pathfinder
  7. Plodder
  8. Ripper
  9. Scully
  10. Seeker
  11. Shillyshally
  12. Slasher
  13. Slow Joe
  14. Speedy
  15. Splash
  16. Sprinter
  17. Spy
  18. Sully
  19. Tiny
  20. Zipper
  21. Zippy

Cute Names For Crabs

Baby hermit crabs can be very cute in appearance and mannerisms.

Here are names to represent a cute crab;

  1. Abby
  2. Azzi
  3. Baby
  4. Bella
  5. Benny
  6. Best
  7. Bielka
  8. Bitty
  9. Blaze
  10. Blue
  11. Bob
  12. Brenda
  13. Brian
  14. Brown
  15. Bruce
  16. Bryan
  17. Bubba
  18. Bubbles
  19. Buster Crab
  20. Candy
  21. Caramel
  22. Carl
  23. Carlos
  24. Christopher
  25. Cindy
  26. Claude
  27. Cleo
  28. Clyne
  29. Cobo
  30. Coral
  31. Crabby
  32. Crabcake
  33. Craig
  34. Crane
  35. Crusty
  36. Cutie
  37. Dan
  38. Digglet
  39. Dwebble
  40. Ella
  41. Fabian
  42. Felicia
  43. Fendi
  44. Gail
  45. Gamecocks
  46. Gilbert
  47. Gilligan
  48. Groucho
  49. Harry
  50. Harvey
  51. Hazel
  52. Honey
  53. Hors d’oeuvre
  54. Huffy
  55. Jabby
  56. Jacques
  57. Jaws
  58. Jenny
  59. Jimmie
  60. Kanye
  61. Kate
  62. King
  63. Kirby
  64. Kraken
  65. Lexie
  66. Lilly
  67. Liv
  68. Lizzy
  69. Luis
  70. Maggie
  71. Maja
  72. Mikey
  73. Moe
  74. Mouthfull
  75. Mr. Crabs
  76. Ms. Krabapel
  77. Mumpish
  78. Nazar
  79. Nelly
  80. Nelson
  81. Nipper
  82. NorRoverHomer
  83. Nutmeg
  84. Olive
  85. Oreo
  86. Oscar
  87. Pearl
  88. Pebbles
  89. Peddley
  90. Penny
  91. Perpetual
  92. Perry
  93. Peurto
  94. Pincer
  95. Pinchy
  96. Pixie
  97. Pokemon
  98. Poops
  99. Purple Passion
  100. Queen
  101. Randy
  102. Richie
  103. Ricky
  104. Rio
  105. Rose
  106. Rover
  107. Rudy
  108. Rusty
  109. S-don
  110. Sally
  111. Sam
  112. Samantha
  113. Sammy
  114. Sandra
  115. Sandy
  116. Scuttle
  117. Sebastian
  118. Shabastin
  119. Shelby
  120. Sheldon
  121. Sideways
  122. Snip
  123. Snips
  124. Spike
  125. Spikes
  126. SpongeBob
  127. Squeezy
  128. Squirt
  129. Stabby
  130. Stan
  131. Strawberry
  132. Sugar
  133. Sulky
  134. Taz
  135. Teddy
  136. Timon
  137. Venus
  138. Wendi
  139. Yolanda
Chicken Crab

Good Names For Crabs

Your pet crab can take a simple name. Here are some satisfactory names for your consideration;

  1. Anemone
  2. Angel
  3. Azilia
  4. Azz
  5. Bam-Bam
  6. Biggie
  7. Blazer
  8. Bounce
  9. Brittany
  10. Bruce
  11. Bryan
  12. Buddy
  13. Buttons
  14. Cantankerous
  15. Caps
  16. Champagne
  17. Chance
  18. Charmander
  19. Checkers
  20. Churl
  21. Clark
  22. Claws
  23. Cobo
  24. Crabby
  25. Craberella
  26. Crusher
  27. Dazzle
  28. Deja Vu
  29. Dino
  30. Edward
  31. Elmo
  32. Elvis
  33. Fang
  34. Fish-ish
  35. Flexi
  36. Frank
  37. Georgie
  38. Gill
  39. Gimli
  40. Giraffe
  41. Gordon Ramsay
  42. Groucho
  43. Grumpy
  44. Harriot
  45. Harry
  46. Hermann
  47. Huffy
  48. Jade
  49. Jaws
  50. Jenny
  51. Jerry
  52. Judy
  53. Julie
  54. Kani
  55. King Crab
  56. Lexie
  57. Lillian
  58. Lily
  59. Maggie
  60. Malcolm
  61. Mike
  62. Mikey
  63. Milo
  64. Mr. Tudball
  65. Mumpish
  66. Nipper
  67. Orange Sherbet
  68. Ormond
  69. Oscar
  70. Pearl
  71. Peeves
  72. Pepsi
  73. Pique
  74. Pixie
  75. Prickle
  76. Rafael
  77. Recluse
  78. Rocky
  79. Rusty
  80. Ryan
  81. Sally
  82. Salty
  83. Sam
  84. Sand
  85. Scrab
  86. Seamore
  87. Shell-by
  88. Shell-don
  89. Shelly
  90. Snappy
  91. Spike
  92. Star
  93. Starla
  94. Sulky
  95. Surly
  96. Sushi
  97. Tetchy
  98. Tom
  99. Tony
  100. Topper
  101. Twister
  102. Venus
  103. Wave
  104. Wendi
  105. Wendy
  106. Will
  107. Zippy

Funny Crab Names

If you are a fun of funny pet names, we have some great ones for your crab below;

  1. Attie
  2. Backhoe
  3. Backspace
  4. Bait
  5. Batman
  6. Biggie
  7. Big Mac
  8. Blinky
  9. Boo
  10. Cantankerous
  11. Carl
  12. Casey
  13. Cassie
  14. Charger
  15. Chewy
  16. Clawdia
  17. Coco
  18. Coconut
  19. Crabby
  20. Crabcake
  21. Crabso
  22. Cracked
  23. Craggy
  24. Crawler
  25. Crusty
  26. Digger
  27. Dwibble
  28. Edward Scissorhands
  29. Fish-ish
  30. Foam
  31. Gilly
  32. Groucho
  33. Grouchy
  34. Grump
  35. Grumpy
  36. Hardball
  37. Hardy
  38. Heidi
  39. Helmet
  40. Hermit
  41. Hidey
  42. Homebody
  43. Home Boy
  44. Home Girl
  45. Homey
  46. Hulk
  47. Huncho
  48. Husker
  49. Iguana
  50. Jamal
  51. Jawbone
  52. Jaws
  53. Jumpy
  54. Kraken – name after giant crab
  55. Landrover
  56. Lenny Krabitz
  57. Leonardo DaPinchy
  58. Mole – name from digging trait
  59. Moody
  60. Motley
  61. Packer
  62. Patchy
  63. Peeves
  64. Penny Pincher
  65. Pinchy
  66. Pokemon
  67. Poops
  68. Precious
  69. Prickle
  70. Q-T
  71. Ridge Rider
  72. Rocky
  73. Rounder
  74. Rover
  75. Sand-bender
  76. Sand Tank
  77. Sandy
  78. Santa Claws
  79. Sashimi
  80. Scarlet
  81. Scissors
  82. Scuttle
  83. Scuttle Bug
  84. Seabiscuit
  85. Seamore
  86. Sebastian
  87. Shelby
  88. Sheldon
  89. Shelldon
  90. Shelly
  91. Sides
  92. Sideways
  93. Skeletor
  94. Snapper
  95. Sneaky
  96. Speedy
  97. Spiney
  98. Spooky
  99. Squeezer
  100. Squirt
  101. Sunny
  102. Sushi
  103. Teensy
  104. Teeny Weeny
  105. Terra
  106. Terri
  107. Tongs
  108. Trumpy
  109. Turbo
  110. Water
  111. Wink
  112. Zyon

Cool Names For Crabs

Crabs are unique pets to have, given they aren’t your typical pet. Crabs also exhibit unique behavior.

Here are some unique names to match your cool hermit crab;

  1. Adler
  2. Alfonso
  3. Alistair
  4. Allan
  5. Anders
  6. Aphrodite
  7. Aries
  8. Avyaan
  9. Azalea
  10. Azrael
  11. Bear
  12. Billy Bob
  13. Black
  14. Blinky
  15. Blondie
  16. Blue
  17. Boden
  18. Boppity
  19. Bowie
  20. Braden
  21. Branson
  22. Brecken
  23. Brennan
  24. Bronson
  25. Bubbles
  26. Burt
  27. Cake
  28. Cal
  29. Calum
  30. Cancer
  31. Candy
  32. Captain Hook
  33. Chewy
  34. Chip
  35. Clawdia
  36. Claws
  37. Clicker
  38. Clipper
  39. Coconut
  40. Colten
  41. Coral
  42. Coraline
  43. Crabby
  44. Dagger
  45. Damari
  46. Damir
  47. Dane
  48. Davion
  49. Deandre
  50. Demetrius
  51. Dilan
  52. Dior
  53. Doberman Pincer
  54. Dominik
  55. Dory
  56. Eithan
  57. Eliel
  58. Elio
  59. Eliseo
  60. Elisha
  61. Ernesto
  62. Everest
  63. Felipe
  64. Fisher
  65. Foam
  66. fox
  67. Gary
  68. Gill
  69. Gordon Ramsey
  70. Granger
  71. Graysen
  72. Grit
  73. Groucho
  74. Grumpy
  75. Hammerhead
  76. Harlem
  77. Harley
  78. Henrik
  79. Herbert
  80. Herman
  81. Homer
  82. Hopper
  83. Howard
  84. Huffy
  85. Hydra
  86. Ishaan
  87. Jabari
  88. Jabby
  89. Jacques
  90. Jadiel
  91. Jair
  92. Jakai
  93. Jakob
  94. Jakobe
  95. Jaws
  96. Jaxtyn
  97. Jaxx
  98. Jeremias
  99. Jericho
  100. Jesiah
  101. Jiraiya
  102. Jon
  103. Jones
  104. Jovanni
  105. Judson
  106. Kabir
  107. Kace
  108. Karsyn
  109. Kase
  110. Kellan
  111. Kenji
  112. Khalid
  113. King
  114. Kole
  115. Korbin
  116. Kristopher
  117. Krusty
  118. Kye
  119. Kyng
  120. Larry
  121. Legs
  122. Leighton
  123. Little Man
  124. Long John
  125. Lucy
  126. Madden
  127. Matey
  128. Matilda
  129. Maurice
  130. Mccoy
  131. Mekhi
  132. Moe
  133. Mr. Crabs
  134. Mr. Krabs
  135. Mr. Pinch
  136. Niklaus
  137. Nova
  138. Orca
  139. Oscar
  140. Osiris
  141. Pearl
  142. Peeves
  143. Penny
  144. Pincher
  145. Pootie
  146. Porpoise
  147. Poseidon
  148. Puddle
  149. Randy
  150. Ray
  151. Reuben
  152. Robin
  153. Rudy
  154. Salvatore
  155. Sand-bender
  156. Santos
  157. Sashimi
  158. Scrab
  159. Scuttle
  160. Seabiscuit
  161. Seven
  162. Seychelles
  163. Sidewalker
  164. Sidewinder
  165. Skipper
  166. Skittle
  167. Snapper
  168. Snowy
  169. Sponge Bob
  170. Sprinter
  171. Stefan
  172. Stinky
  173. Stoney
  174. Surf
  175. Sushi
  176. Tamatoa
  177. Teensy
  178. Thaddeus
  179. Tide
  180. Trout
  181. Truett
  182. Turtle
  183. Vance
  184. Water
  185. Wes
  186. Yahir
  187. Yehuda
  188. Zahir
  189. Zechariah

Names Of Famous Crabs

If you wish to name your crab after a famous crab, you can call them any of the names below;

  1. Cancer – name after the zodiac sign & constellation
  2. Ms. Krabapel – a name used in the Simpsons

Disney Crab Names

If you’re looking for a cartoon or Disney crab name, we have some names below;

  1. Mr. Krabs – name from SpongeBob
  2. Sebastian – a name from Little Mermaid
  3. Tamatoa – name from Disney movie Moana
Hermit Crab

Help Choosing The Perfect Name

Finding the perfect name can be hard. That’s why we’ve listed hundreds of crab names for you to consider for your pet.

If you need more suggestions, you can consider naming your pet crab by specific crab type. For instance, fiddler crabs can be named after their name or distinct features. The same applies to other pet crabs i.e., a pet hermit crab.

Since you are most likely to pet a fiddler or hermit crab, the above information contains names for cool hermit crabs, male hermit crabs, female hermit crabs, famous crabs (celebrity hermit crabs), and more! You can also name land hermit crabs or any other crab based on habitat.

However, if the crab names above aren’t adequate, you can consider asking for naming ideas from family members, friends, relatives, etc. Observing your crab’s unique traits can also help. You can also turn to blogoftom for more naming inspiration. The resource offers new and fresh pet naming ideas and examples.

Whichever way you consider, ensure you pick a name that feels right since crabs can live for decades (up to 30 years).


Once you get a pet hermit crab or another type of pet crab, you need a name. Our crab name ideas above give several naming categories for your consideration. You can name based on gender, popular culture, famous characters, and more. While you can call your pet crab anything, naming should be meaningful given crabs can live for decades. He/she needs a name you can live with.

If you don’t get a great pet name above, you can turn to name resources like blogoftom. The resource has names, facts, and information, as well as frequently asked questions on countless names.

Blogoftom saves you time and energy. Instead of searching online from multiple sites, you can get a new name for your pet crab within minutes. What’s more, you can use the resource for other naming needs.

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Tom Derbyshire

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