Every fox needs a name, and sometimes it can be challenging to find the perfect one.
We have compiled 809 fox names from the internet for you!
These fox names are organized by gender so that finding the ideal fox name will be easier than ever before.
Choose a fox name today and get your life back on track!
Here are the best fox names for males and females:

Best Fox Names
- Ace
- Alaric
- Asher
- Atreus
- Basil
- Beckett
- Branson
- Brodie
- Cashmere
- Chase
- Cody
- Cooper
- Darius
- Dexter
- Ethan
- Foxy
- Gage
- Havoc
- Ivy
- Justice
- Kai
- Landon
- Leo
- Maximus
- Maxine
- Madoc
- Madden
- Maddox
- Makenzie
- Maddox
- Magnus
- Olivia
- Pax
- Quinn
- Rhett
- Sage
- Sienna
- Spruce
- Thor
- Toby
- Victoria
- Wren
- Xena
- Zane
- Zenith
- Fantastic Mr. Fox
Featured post: Wolf names

Cute Fox Names
Looking for a cute fox name? Look no further!
These names are perfect for your little cutie.
- Ace
- Adonis
- Arrow
- Bambi
- Beary
- Belle
- Bessie
- Blondi
- Boone
- Butterscotch
- Candyfloss
- Chesterfield
- Chirpy
- Clover
- Cottonball
- Cowgirl
- Dancer
- Deerfoot
- Dooby
- Dreamer
- Elfin
- Fawnie
- Freckles
- Frisky
- Gizmo
- Goofy
- Graceful
- Gypsy
- Happy
- Hazelnut
- Heartbreaker
- Heidi
- Hopper
- Icicle
- Jolly
- KitKat
- Ladybird
- Lassie
- Munchkin
- Nibblesnout
- Pashmina
- Patches
- Petal
- Rose
- Paw
- Shimmer
- Sparkles
- Fluffy
- Sunny
- Tigger
- Twinkie
- Waffles
- Whiskers
- Whisper
- Willow

Names For Male Foxes
Needing a name for a male fox? Look no further!
These names are perfect for your little guy.
- Ajax
- Atticus
- Axel
- Bandit
- Bane
- Barron
- Bayou
- Beaufort
- Bearcub
- Bishop
- Blade
- Bolt
- Bowie
- Brooklyn
- Butch
- Cantara
- Cedar
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chesterfield
- Chief
- Crackerjack
- Dante
- Dashiell
- Dexter
- Dobbs
- Dusty
- Emmett
- Fang
- Farley
- Fernando – Pronounced “Fur” “Nando” foxes have fur and also like chickens so we are sure they’d like a Nandos!
- Flash
- Ford
- Fox McCloud – From the video game Star Fox
- Frankie
- Gander
- Garfield
- Griffin
- Gunner
- Hamilton
- Harvey
- HawkEye
- Heathcliff
- Hercules
- Hopper
- Hunter
- Jasper
- Kamikaze
- Kitchener
- Knox
- Landon
- Leo

Names For Female Foxes
Looking for a female fox name? Look no further!
These female fox names are perfect for your little girl.
- Ace
- Athena
- Bambi
- Bonita
- Bridey
- Caitlyn
- Callie
- Cashmere
- Chantilly
- Cherry
- Chloe
- Darling
- Daisy
- Diego
- Diablo
- Livvy
- Diamond
- Delaney
- Danica
- Daylinn
- Diana
- Dixie
- Elsie
- Ember
- Emmy
- Evita
- Foxy (A classic fox female name)
- Fiona
- Firecracker
- Freya
- Gabby
- Gypsy
- Halle
- Harper
- Hayley
- Honesty
- India
- Jade
- Karma
- KitKat
- Lacey
- Ladybug
- Leia
- Liberty
- London
- Lucy
- Lou
- Luxe
- Mackenzie
- Maddie
- Mae
- Maggie
- Major
- Marina
- Mia
- Monet
- Mystic
- Nova
- Oakley
- Paisley
- Petal
- Phoenix
- Rainbow

Baby Fox Names
Having trouble figuring out what to name your baby pet fox? Look no further!
These baby fox names are perfect for any new addition.
- Bambi
- Banjo
- Beaker
- Beechnut
- Bella
- Blondie
- Bluebell
- Boone
- Buckaroo
- Casper
- Chewie
- Choo-Choo
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Comet
- Cricket
- Cubby
- Curly
- Dandelion
- Dashiell
- Dewdrop
- Digger
- Dimples
- Dixie
- Dooby
- Duckling
- Dusty
- Elliott
- Fancy
- Fawn
- Fern
- Fiona
- Foxy
- Franklin
- Frosty
- Gizmo
- Gracie
- Gumdrop
- Harlan
- Harper
- Hazel
- Honeybun
- Hootie
- Indy
- Jamboree
- Jayne
- Jellybean
- Jersey
- JuJu
- Junebug
- Knox
- Latte
- Lenny
- Liberty
- Lilac
- Lincoln
- Lou
- Lucky
- Maci
- Maple
- Mayzie
- Miles
- Mitzi
- Mochi
- Monroe
- Moonbeam
- Nacho
- Nibbler
- Noel
- Nugget
- Nyx
- Oasis
- Obie
- Opal
- Orbit
- Oreo
- Otter
- Paddle
- Pop
- Panda
- Patch
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Petunia
- Pickles
- Pixie
- Poppy
- Primrose
- Punkin
- Rascal
- Rebel
- Reddy
- Reuben
- Rhubarb
- Rocky
- Roscoe
- Romeo
- Roo
- Rowan
- Rusty
- Sage
- Scooby
- Scout – A name of French origin
- Serendipity
- Shadow
- Shaggy
- Slippers
- Smokey
- Snickers
- Spunky
- Speckles
- Sugarfoot
- Sunny
- Taffy
- Tinker
- Toy
- Trinket
- Truffle
- Twinkle
- Waffles
- Whimsy
- Winkie
- Woodsy
- Yum-Yum
- Zipper

Cool Fox Names
Needing a cool name for your pet? Look no further!
These names are perfect for your little guy or gal.
- Acer
- Alaric
- Atlas
- Attila
- Azrael
- Badger
- Bandit
- Bayou
- Beowulf
- Bison
- Blakely
- Blitz
- Bolt
- Bronson
- Brooklyn
- Bruce Wayne
- Caitlinn
- Calixte
- Cashmere
- Chaos
- Chestnut
- Cody
- Cooper
- Cujo
- Dallas
- Darius
- Dexter
- Diesel
- Dimitri
- Echo
- Edgar
- Elijah
- Emma
- Enzo
- Eros
- Fang
- Fenrir
- Foxx
- Frankie
- Gage
- Gallagher
- Garland
- Gecko
- Gunner
- Haley
- HawkEye
- Henry
- Holden
- Houston
- Hulk
- Iceman
- Indy
- Jagger
- Judah
- Juniperus
- Kaneohe
- Kona
- Bear
- Kea
- Ki’i
- Kai
- Kali
- Kellin
- King Kong
- Kira
- Kodiak
- Konkani
- Kylie
- Landon
- Lazarus
- Leonardo
- Lexx
- Lex Luthor
- Luna
- Lyric
- Magnus
- Malcolm
- Mamba
- Marceline
- Marshall
- Maximus
- Maya
- Mercury
- Midnight
- Miles Morales
- Monroe
- Neptune
- Nova
- Odin
- Oracle
- Orion
- Pablo Escobar
- Paris Hilton
- Phoenixfire
- Quartz
- Quinn
- Raven
- Reaper
- Red Riding Hood
- Remi
- Reno
- Rocket
- Rogue
- Saber Tooth
- Salem
- Samurai
- Scarlett O’Hara
- Scoutmaster
- McGruff
- Shelby
- Sinatra
- Smokey
- Sonic
- Spyro
- Stardust
- Starling
- Stitches
- Storm
- Shadow
- Strider
- Tahoe
- Talon
- Tarantula
- Taz
- Tesla
- Thalia
- Thorin
- Tiberius
- Timberwolf
- Valentino
- Vandalia
- Velocity
- Veritas
- Waldo
- Warrior
- Xena

Good Fox Names
Happen to be looking for a good name for your fox? Look no further! These names are perfect for your little guy or gal.
- Aaliyah
- Abby
- Ace
- Adamantium
- Adelaide
- Ahri
- Alana
- Alden
- Alexa
- Ali
- Alice
- Alpha
- Amaya
- Ambros
- Apple Blossom
- Artemis
- Bramble
- Cadence
- Calixta
- Callista
- Capri
- Cashmere
- Chesterfield
- Clover
- Dakota
- Delta
- Dixie
- Doheny
- Echo
- Elise
- Fennec
- Frankie
- Georgia
- Gizmo
- Hadley
- Haley
- Hamilton
- Harper
- Indigo
- Iris
- Ivy
- Isis
- Jade
- Jefferson
- Jewel
- Juliette
- Kali
- Kate
- Katniss
- Kimberly
- Lawrence
- Liberty
- Lilac
- Lucas
- Lugo
- Lucille
- Lucy
- Lumiere
- Lyla
- Lynx
- Madeline
- Madison
- Morgan
- Moxie
- Nala
- Neroli
- Nicolette
- Nori
- Nova
- Oakley
- Opal
- Oreo
- Orion
- Paisley
- Paris
- Phoenix
- Quartz
- Radiance
- Ravenna
- Remi
- River
- Rogue
- Sable
- Sabrina
- Sadie
- Salem
- Sapphire
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Scout
- Serenity
- Shadow
- Sheldon
- Sherlock
- Sirius
- Skye
- Spock
- Timber
- Twilight
- Velvet

Funny Fox Names
It’s not always easy to come up with a funny names for a fox. That’s why we have this list of funny names for foxes that are perfect for naming your furry big-eared friend.
Some of these names might be too clever, but they should still get you laughing. It doesn’t matter if it’s because the name is incredibly punny or just absurd, either way, it’s sure to make you laugh!
- Anchovies
- Banana
- Biscuit
- Butterfly
- Cement Truck
- Cheetos
- Chipmunk
- Clouds
- Confetti
- Dandelion Seeds (or just Dandelion)
- Donald Trump (or The Donald for short)
- Fanny Pack
- Giraffe
- Hamburgers
- Hot Sauce
- Marshmallow
- Megan (Megan Fox)
- Mittens
- Onion Ring
- Pancakes
- Pepperoni
- Pizza
- Pond
- Root Beer Float
- Sandwich
- Sugar Cookie
- Sunflower
- Taco Bell
- Tomato Soup
- Truffles
- Waffle
9 Tailed Fox Names
While many foxes have only one tail, some are able to grow up to nine tails!
If you happen to own or know someone who owns a Japanese demon with this number of tails then they will need the perfect name for their furry companion.
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Athena
- Cinnamon
- Dulce
- Ebony
- Emerald
- Evergreen
- Fern
- Garnet
- Honeysuckle
- Jade
- Khloe
- Kurama
- Midnight
- Ninetails
- Onyx
- Opal
- Sapphire
- Snowflake
- Topaz
- Uzumaki
- Violet
- Wisteria
- Xander

Arctic Fox Names
If you find yourself with a new arctic fox or simply want to give your current one an upgrade, be sure to check out this list of names for your furry friend.
- Anna
- Anya
- Aurora
- Becca
- Crystal
- Dawn
- Eve
- Frosty
- Gemma
- Icy
- Jenna
- Kenzie
- Lily
- Mia
- Neptune
- Northstar
- Pearl
- Polaris
- Quartz
- Sierra
- Snowball
- Stella
- Tundra
- Violette
- Zoey
Japanese Fox Names
If you’re looking for a name that honors your Japanese-themed fox, then this list of names is perfect.
- Aiko
- Akira
- Azuki
- Midori
- Mochi
- Nami
- Sakura
- Sayuri
- Shizuku
- Sora
- Takara
- Yuki
Anime Fox Names
Are you looking for an anime-inspired name? If so, then they need a name that is just as unique and special as they are.
Check out this list of anime-inspired names for your favorite furry friend.
- Amatsu
- Beerus
- Chibi Kitsune
- Fox
- Fox Spirit Child
- Gintarou
- Haru
- Hayate
- Imayou
- Inari
- Inari Kami Uke
- Jillas
- Kinko
- Kitsune
- Kofuyu
- Koharu
- Konatsu
- Kurama
- Kyuubi
- Mr. Kokkuri
- Ninetails
- Nora Gitsune
- Renamon
- Saerabu
- Sajin Komamura
- Sereb
- Smirre Fox
- Tails (Sonic)
- Tama
- Vulpix
Cartoon Famous Fox Names
Sometimes your pet needs a name that is just as cartoon-like and adorable!
Check out these famous fox names for some ideas:
- Braixen (Pokémon)
- Delphox (Pokémon)
- Eevee (Pokémon)
- Fennekin (Pokémon)
- Fix and Foxi
- Fox (Animals of Farthing Wood)
- Little John (Disneys Robin Hood)
- Maid Marian (Disneys Robin Hood)
- Nickit (Pokémon)
- Ninetails (Pokémon)
- Robin (Disneys Robin Hood)
- Thievul (Pokémon)
- Tod (The Fox and the Hound)
- Vulpix (Pokémon)
- Zoroark (Pokémon)
- Zorua (Pokémon)
Mythical Fox Names
Do you have a mythical fox? If so, then they need a special name to match their unique personality.
Check out this list of names inspired by myths and legends.
- Arianrhod
- Artio
- Atalanta
- Branwen
- Cerberus
- Diana (Artemis)
- Drake
- Freyja (Freya)
- Kitsune
- Luna
- Morrigan
- Nahualtcoatl
- Nehalennia
Red Fox Names
Here are some ideas if you own a fox that is red in color.
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Blaze
- Charmander
- Coral
- Crimson
- Ember
- Garnet
- Maroon
- Ruby
- Rusty
- Scarlet
- Sienna
White Fox Names
If you have a white fox, then they need the perfect name to match its beautiful fur.
- Alabaster
- Amber
- Arctic
- Blanca
- Blanche
- Buttercup
- Cotton
- Cotton Candy
- Crystal
- Daisy
- Dove
- Ebony
- Frost
- Frostbite
- Frosty
- Glisten
- Icicle
- Ivory
- Luna
- Opal
- Powderpuff
- Sapphire
- Shimmering Ice
- Sky
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Starlight
- Storm
- Sugar
- Sugar Cube
- Tiffany
- Vanilla
- Velvet
- Winter
Names For Silver Foxes
Here are some ideas for naming a silver or gray fox.
- Aurora
- Blanche
- Cerulean
- Crystal
- Ebony
- Fawn
- Glimmer
- Glimmering Mist
- Grayce
- Hazelnut
- Ice
- Jade
- Lark
- Mist
- Misty – a female name of American origin
- Pearl
- Pixie
- Shine
- Smoke
- Snow
- Stormy
Names For A Fennec Fox
If you have a fennec fox, then they need the perfect name to match its beautiful fur.
Check these names for your large eared, ear flopping, tail-wagging pal:
- Amber
- Angel
- Ashanti
- Bella
- Celeste
- Cinnamon
- Daphne
- Fennekin (Pokémon)
- Kody
- Lakota
- Leila
- Nova
- Phoenix
- Skye
- Sonic
- Tails (Sonic)

Fox Nickname / Name Inspiration
Inspiration for naming your clever fox can come from anywhere from tv shows to movies to books. The only limit is your creativity!
Here are a few ideas of places to get started:
- TV shows
- Nature
- Books
- Place names
- Music
Help Choosing The Right Name
Here are a few tips to help you choose the right name for your fox.
1. Come Up With A List Of Qualities That Are Important To You
When naming your fox, think about the qualities that are important to you. Do you want a name that is spunky and energetic? Or maybe something more mellow and relaxed?
Some things to consider:
- How does the name sound when you say it aloud?
- Is the name easy to spell and pronounce?
- Does the name have a good meaning?
- Is the name unique?
Once you have a list of qualities that are important to you, it will be easier to find the right name for your fox.
2. Narrow Down Your List By Considering How The Name Will Sound When You Call Your Pet
After you have your list of qualities that are important to you, think about how the name will sound when you call your fox. For example:
Do you want a short and sweet name? A long complex name? Or something in between?
Will the pet respond better if its name is short or long? Complex or simple?
If you have a specific name in mind, try saying it out loud to see how it sounds.
The best way to find the perfect name for your exotic pet is to experiment until you find one that you love!
3. Ask Friends And Family For Their Opinions On Your Top Choices
Once you have a few names in mind, it’s always a good idea to get opinions from friends and family. They can help you narrow down your list and may even have some great suggestions of their own!
Remember, the best name for your fox is the one that YOU love the most! So don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the perfect one.
4. Go With Your Gut Instinct And Choose The Name That Feels Right For You And Your Pet
The right name will just “feel” right. You’ll know when you hear it or see it that this is the perfect name for your pet. Trust yourself and go with what feels best!
Where To Get More Ideas For Naming Your Fox?
Here are a few ideas to help get those creative juices flowing:
- Google search lists of fox names
- Look up baby name websites for more ideas
- Check out your favorite books, movies, and tv shows for inspiration
- Think about nature names or place names that have special meaning for you
- Browse through a list of dog names for more ideas
When all else fails, just go with your gut instinct! The perfect name will jump out at you when it’s meant to be.
These tips should help get your creative juices flowing and give you the inspiration needed to find the perfect name for your new pet!
This blog post has given you some awesome ideas for naming your new pet. And if none of these names strike a chord, don’t worry!
The best name is the one that YOU love the most. So take this list as inspiration and experiment until you find the perfect fit.
If all else fails, try a fox name generator, or just go with your gut instinct! The perfect name will jump out at you when it’s meant to be.
Good luck with finding an awesome moniker for your bushy-tail friend!