627+ Pet Lobster Names (Unique and Creative Ideas)

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Looking for a unique and creative name for your pet lobster? Look no further!

In this blog post, we will provide a list of over 627 names that you can choose from.

Whether you are looking for something cute, funny, or badass, we have got you covered.

So what are you waiting for? Start brainstorming today and find the perfect name for your new best friend!

Best Pet Lobster Names

Check out our list of the best pet lobster names below:

  1. Hermit
  2. Clawdia
  3. Pinchy
  4. Snappy
  5. Jumbo
  6. Goliath
  7. Kong
  8. Brutus
  9. Caesar
  10. Godzilla
  11. Titan
  12. Gamera
  13. Mothra
  14. Destoroyah
  15. Clover
  16. Shamrock
  17. Lucky
  18. Jasper
  19. Onyx
  20. Opal
  21. Ace
  22. Apollo
  23. Baxter
  24. Benjamin
  25. Blu
  26. Boomer
  27. Brutus
  28. Bubbles
  29. Buckley
  30. Buttercup
  31. Casanova
  32. Champ
  33. Chester
  34. Coconut
  35. Comet
  36. Crush
  37. Dasher
  38. Dexter
  39. Diesel
  40. Domino
  41. Douglas
  42. Dusty

Names For A Male Lobster

Here are some great names for a male lobster:

  1. Achilles
  2. Adonis
  3. Apollo
  4. Archie
  5. Baxter
  6. Benjamin
  7. Bernard
  8. Bruce
  9. Bruno
  10. Caesar
  11. Charles
  12. Chester
  13. Clark
  14. Clifford
  15. Cyril
  16. Dominic
  17. Douglas
  18. Edward
  19. Earl
  20. Edgar
  21. Elvis
  22. Ernest
  23. Fang
  24. Felix
  25. Franklin
  26. Frederick
  27. George
  28. Gizmo
  29. Grady
  30. Harvey
  31. Henry
  32. Hercules
  33. Homer
  34. Howard
  35. Hugo
  36. Hunter
  37. Jack
  38. Jake
  39. James
  40. Jasper
  41. Jeffrey
  42. Jerry
  43. Joey
  44. John
  45. Jonathan
  46. Joseph
  47. Joshua
  48. Julius
  49. Leo
  50. Levi
  51. Lucky
  52. Luigi
  53. Mario
  54. Marshall
  55. Max or Maximus
  56. Melvin
  57. Michael
  58. Milo
  59. Moose
  60. Murphy
  61. Napoleon
  62. Neo
  63. Nigel
  64. Odin
  65. Oliver
  66. Orion
  67. Oscar
  68. Owen
  69. Phillip
  70. Prince
  71. Quigley
  72. Radar
  73. Rambo
  74. Rex
  75. Riley
  76. Rocky
  77. Romeo
  78. Roscoe
  79. Samson
  80. Scoobert
  81. Scooter
  82. Shadow
  83. Silas
  84. Simon
  85. Sinbad
  86. Sparky
  87. Spencer
  88. Spike
  89. Stella
  90. Steve
  91. Stewart
  92. Sunshine
  93. Tank
  94. Teddy
  95. Theodore
  96. Thunder
  97. Timothy
  98. Tucker
  99. Tyson
  100. Victor
  101. Vincent
  102. Walter
  103. Winston
  104. Wyatt
  105. Xavier
  106. Zeus

Names For A Female Pet Lobster

Below are some great names for a female pet lobster:

  1. Abby
  2. Adeline
  3. Agatha
  4. Aileen
  5. Alexandra
  6. Alice
  7. Alyssa
  8. Amelia
  9. Anastasia
  10. Andrea
  11. Angel
  12. Angela
  13. Anna
  14. Annabelle
  15. Ariel
  16. Ashley
  17. Audrey
  18. Aurora
  19. Barbara
  20. Bella
  21. Belle
  22. Bernadette
  23. Bethany
  24. Betty
  25. Blossom
  26. Bonnie
  27. Buffy
  28. Callie
  29. Cameron
  30. Caroline
  31. Catherine
  32. Charlotte
  33. Chloe
  34. Christina
  35. Claire
  36. Cleo
  37. Coco
  38. Colleen
  39. Daisy
  40. Daphne
  41. Deborah
  42. Delilah
  43. Diana
  44. Elizabeth
  45. Ella
  46. Ellie
  47. Emily
  48. Emma
  49. Erica
  50. Evelyn
  51. Faith
  52. Gabby
  53. Gabrielle
  54. Gemma
  55. Gina
  56. Ginger
  57. Grace
  58. Hannah
  59. Harper
  60. Heather
  61. Isabelle
  62. Isabella
  63. Jasmine
  64. Jennifer
  65. Jessica
  66. Joan
  67. Jordan
  68. Julia
  69. Karen
  70. Kate
  71. Katie
  72. Kelly
  73. Kendra
  74. Kimberly
  75. Kristen
  76. Lillian
  77. Lily
  78. Lisa
  79. Madison
  80. Maggie
  81. Maria
  82. Martha
  83. Mary
  84. Megan
  85. Melanie
  86. Mia
  87. Michelle
  88. Miley
  89. Millie
  90. Miranda
  91. Morgan
  92. Natalie
  93. Nicole
  94. Olivia
  95. Paige
  96. Pamela
  97. Rachel
  98. Rebecca
  99. Rose
  100. Ruth
  101. Samantha
  102. Sarah
  103. Savannah
  104. Shannon
  105. Stephanie
  106. Sophia
  107. Sophie
  108. Stella
  109. Sydney
  110. Taylor
  111. Theresa
  112. Tiffany
  113. Ursula
  114. Vanessa
  115. Victoria
  116. Violet
  117. Virginia
  118. Wendy
  119. Whitney
  120. Zoe
  121. Zoey

Sea-Themed Names For Your Lobster

If you are looking for a sea-themed name for your pet lobster, check out the list below:

  1. Ariel
  2. Atlantis
  3. Barnacle
  4. Bikini
  5. Coral
  6. Diver
  7. Dory
  8. Flounder
  9. Gill
  10. Kraken
  11. Lagoon
  12. Marina
  13. Nemo
  14. Neptune
  15. Oasis
  16. Octopus
  17. Pirate
  18. Poseidon
  19. Sandy
  20. Scuba
  21. Seahorse
  22. Shell or Shelly
  23. Shipwreck
  24. Starfish
  25. Sunshine
  26. Tidal Wave
  27. Treasure
  28. Triton
  29. Tsunami
  30. Undertow

Cute Lobster Names

Below are some of the cutest lobster names that you can choose from:

  1. Alfie
  2. Bambi
  3. Biscuit
  4. Bitsy
  5. Blu or Blueberry
  6. Buddy
  7. Buttercup
  8. Button
  9. Candy
  10. Charlie
  11. Cheeky
  12. Chewie
  13. Chichi
  14. Cleo
  15. Cocoa
  16. Coconut
  17. Cuddles
  18. Daisy
  19. Dinky
  20. Dolly
  21. Fifi
  22. Fluffy
  23. Gizmo
  24. Goofy
  25. Guinness
  26. Hershey
  27. Kiki
  28. Lacey
  29. Lady or Ladybug
  30. Lollipop
  31. Lovebug
  32. Lucky
  33. Maggie
  34. Marshmallow
  35. Max or Maxine
  36. Missy
  37. Mo or Mowgli
  38. Molly
  39. Nugget
  40. Oreo
  41. Peanut or Peanuts
  42. Pebbles
  43. Pickles
  44. Precious
  45. Pumpkin
  46. Rascal
  47. Rocky
  48. Rosie or Rosebud
  49. Roxy
  50. Ruby
  51. Sassy
  52. Scrappy
  53. Sheba
  54. Snickers
  55. Snowball or Snowflake
  56. Stella
  57. Sugar or Sugarplum
  58. Sweetie or Sweet Pea
  59. Teddy
  60. Thumbelina
  61. Tinkerbell or Tinky
  62. Trinity
  63. Twix
  64. Winnie or Winston
  65. Ziggy
  66. Zoe or Zoey

Cool Lobster Names

If you are looking for a cool pet lobster name, check out the list below:

  1. Ace
  2. Alpha
  3. Apollo
  4. Archie
  5. Artemis
  6. Atlas
  7. Bam-Bam
  8. Bandit
  9. Batman
  10. Bear
  11. Beau or Beauty
  12. Biscuit
  13. Blackjack
  14. Blade
  15. Bolt
  16. Boogeyman
  17. Boulder
  18. Brady
  19. Brick
  20. Brody
  21. Bruiser
  22. Bubbles
  23. Buck
  24. Buddy
  25. Bullet
  26. Butch
  27. Buzz
  28. Cain
  29. Champ
  30. Chance
  31. Charger
  32. Chase
  33. Chief
  34. Cinder
  35. Cleopatra
  36. Cougar
  37. Crash
  38. Cyclone
  39. Dallas
  40. Dash
  41. Delta
  42. Demon
  43. Diesel
  44. Digger
  45. Dodger
  46. Domino
  47. Dracula
  48. Dragon
  49. Eddie
  50. Electra
  51. Enigma
  52. Evel Knievel
  53. Fang
  54. Flash
  55. Flint
  56. Freakshow
  57. Gargoyle
  58. Ghost
  59. Grizzly
  60. Gunther
  61. Hades
  62. Havoc
  63. Hawkeye
  64. He-Man
  65. Heatwave
  66. Highlander
  67. Hulk or The Hulk
  68. Hurricane
  69. Iceman
  70. Indiana Jones
  71. Inferno
  72. Ironman
  73. Jacques Cousteau
  74. Jaws
  75. Jersey Devil
  76. Jet
  77. Kamikaze
  78. King Kong
  79. Knight Rider
  80. Legend
  81. Lightning
  82. Mack Truck
  83. Magician
  84. Magnum P.I.
  85. Maverick
  86. Mayhem
  87. Mercury
  88. Midas
  89. Mighty Mouse
  90. Mongoose
  91. Montana
  92. Mr. Freeze
  93. Mr. Wonderful
  94. Napoleon
  95. Neo
  96. Nitro
  97. Nomad
  98. Ogre
  99. Outlaw
  100. Panther
  101. Phantom
  102. Pharao
  103. Predator
  104. Quarterback
  105. Rambo
  106. Ranger
  107. Riddler
  108. Roadrunner
  109. Rogue
  110. Sargeant
  111. Sasquatch
  112. Scarface
  113. Scorpion
  114. Sgt. Pepper
  115. Sheriff
  116. Shredder
  117. Skullduggery
  118. Skydiver
  119. Sledgehammer
  120. Slim Shady
  121. Slugger
  122. Spaceman or Spaceboy
  123. Spiderman
  124. Spike
  125. Stingray
  126. Storm
  127. Superman or Superwoman
  128. Tank
  129. Terminator
  130. The Rock
  131. Thor
  132. Tiger
  133. Tiny
  134. Titan
  135. Toxic
  136. Trojan
  137. Typhoon
  138. Viking
  139. Viper
  140. Wolverine
  141. Zorro

Unique Pet Lobster Names

Do you want a pet lobster name that is unique and different from the rest?

Check out the list below for some inspiration:

  1. Ajax
  2. Aladdin
  3. Einstein
  4. Anubis
  5. Apocalypse
  6. Ares
  7. Schwarzenegger
  8. Athena
  9. Atlantis
  10. Bane
  11. Barney Rubble
  12. Beethoven
  13. Blackbeard
  14. Black Panther
  15. Black Widow
  16. Boba Fett
  17. Boomer
  18. Boo
  19. Boudicca
  20. Brutus
  21. Buck Rogers
  22. Bullseye
  23. Buttercup
  24. C-3PO
  25. Captain America
  26. Captain Hook
  27. Chewbacca
  28. Christina
  29. Clint
  30. Coco
  31. Count Chocula
  32. Count Dracula
  33. Cruella De Vil
  34. Darth Vader
  35. David Bowie
  36. Deadpool
  37. Deathstroke
  38. Del Boy Trotter
  39. Dick Tracy
  40. Doctor Who
  41. Donald Duck
  42. Donatello
  43. Dumbo
  44. E.T. (the Extra-Terrestrial)
  45. Edward Cullen
  46. Ellen DeGeneres
  47. Elton John
  48. Emperor Palpatine
  49. Ewok
  50. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  51. Falcor
  52. Flash Gordon
  53. Frankenstein’s Monster
  54. Fred Flintstone
  55. Frodo Baggins
  56. Gandalf
  57. Genie
  58. George Clooney
  59. Ghandi
  60. Gingerbread Man
  61. Gizmo
  62. Godzilla
  63. Gollum
  64. Gomez Addams
  65. Gonzo
  66. Gordon Ramsay
  67. Grimace
  68. Grizzly Bear
  69. Hercules
  70. Hermione Granger
  71. Highlander
  72. Holly Golightly
  73. Home Alone
  74. Inspector Gadget
  75. Iron Giant
  76. Isaac Newton
  77. Jack Sparrow
  78. Jafar
  79. James Bond
  80. Jar Jar Binks
  81. Jay-Z

Blue Lobster Names

If you are looking for a blue pet lobster name, check out the list below:

  1. Azure
  2. Baby Blue
  3. Bing Crosby
  4. Blu or Blueberry
  5. Casper
  6. Cobalt
  7. Duke Ellington
  8. Frank Sinatra
  9. Iceman
  10. Indigo
  11. Midnight
  12. Navy
  13. Neon
  14. Ocean
  15. Periwinkle
  16. Powder Blue
  17. Royal Blue
  18. Sapphire
  19. Smurf or Smurfette
  20. Snowball or Snowflake
  21. Stormy Daniels
  22. Turquoise

Red Lobster Names

If you are looking for a red pet lobster name, check out the list below:

  1. Big Red
  2. Cherry
  3. Crimson
  4. Elmo
  5. Fanta
  6. Fireball or Firefly
  7. Ginger or Gingersnap
  8. Kool-Aid
  9. Little Red Riding Hood
  10. Lucky Charms
  11. Mac
  12. Mr. Rogers
  13. Neon
  14. Red Hot Chili Pepper
  15. Salsa
  16. Scarlett

Names Of Famous Cartoon Lobsters

If you are looking for a cartoon pet lobster name, check out the list below:

  1. Dr. John A. Zoidberg (or Zoidberg) – Futurama
  2. Larry The Lobster – SpongeBob SquarePants
  3. Sebastian – The Little Mermaid

Help Choosing The Right Name

When it comes to naming a pet lobster, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The first thing to consider is the lobster’s gender. Lobsters can be male or female, and the name you choose should reflect that. If you have a male lobster, you might want to name him Rocky or Brutus. If you have a female lobster, you might want to name her Lady or Scarlett.

Another thing to consider is the lobster’s personality. Does your lobster have a playful personality? If so, you might want to name him/her Boomer or Bubbles. Does your lobster like to stay hidden under rocks? If so, you might want to name him/her Loki or Stealth.

Finally, think about what you want your lobster’s name to represent. Do you want your lobster’s name to be cute and funny? Or do you want it to be strong and fierce? It’s up to you! Just make sure the name you choose is one that both you and your lobster can live with.

Here are a few tips for choosing the right name for your pet lobster:

  1. Choose a gender-appropriate name.
  2. Consider the lobster’s personality.
  3. Choose a name that represents the lobster’s personality.
  4. Make sure the name is one both you and your lobster can live with!


Naming your pet lobster can be a lot of fun, but it’s important to choose the right name.

The list of 627+ names we’ve provided should give you some inspiration, but remember to consider the lobster’s gender and personality when making your decision.

And most importantly, make sure both you and your lobster are happy with the name chosen!

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Tom Derbyshire

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