Table Of Contents
Pets don’t get more unique than hermit crabs. If you are tired of a cat or dog, get yourself a hermit crab pet. He/she will be unmatched fun to watch.
Hermit crabs have very unique mannerisms. For instance, they usually hide in their shells and wiggle their antennas before emerging from their shells. They are also low maintenance compared to typical pets.
So, once you get a hermit crab as a pet, you need to choose the best hermit crab names to call him/her.
Luckily, we’ve listed hundreds of names to choose from based on many factors from gender to cuteness, unique traits, popular culture, and more.
A great pet deserves a great name. Let’s dive in.
Some pet names match more perfectly than others. If you wish for names that are considered the best for hermit crabs for various reasons, consider our list of hermit crab ideas below;
Best Hermit Crab Names
- Bait
- Big Mac
- Bob
- Bubbles
- Captain Crab
- Chuck
- Claude
- Claudia
- Claws
- Crabby
- Crabella
- Crabette
- Crab Pants
- Crusty
- Diamond
- Edward Scissorhands
- Gabby
- Garry
- Groucho
- Harold
- Heidi
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hermie
- Hermione
- Hermit
- Homer
- James
- Jet-Li
- Jojo
- Kermit
- Kirby
- Molly
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr Snappy
- Mumpy
- Pearl
- Periwinkle
- Pinchy
- Poodle
- Pustelnik
- Roshel
- Sammie
- Sandy
- Scrab
- Sebastian
- Shelby
- Shell-by
- Shelldon
- Shelly
- Shelsy
- Snappy
Names For Female Hermit Crabs
If you get a female hermit crab, you’ll notice unique traits like dots on their walking legs (back pair). Once you ascertain you have a female crab, it’s time for a feminine name.
We’ve listed some feminine names below including popular female human names;
- Abigail
- Amelia
- Anastasia
- Angel
- Angelia
- Angelica
- Anna
- Aphrodite
- Ariel
- Ashley
- Attie
- Ava
- Avery
- Babe
- Baby
- Barbara
- Bee
- Bella
- Betty
- Beyonce
- Bindy
- Bitsy
- Bitty
- Blanche
- Blinky
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Britney
- Brittany
- Bubbles
- Buttecup
- Camila
- Carly
- Carolina
- Cassie
- Charlotte
- Cherry
- Chi
- Chloe
- Christina
- Christy
- Cisca
- Claudia
- Coco
- Cora
- Coral
- Crabina
- Crusty
- Cyana
- Danielle
- Daphne
- Dimma
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Elena
- Elisabeth
- Ellie
- Emily
- Emma
- Faith
- Felicia
- Fergie
- Floaty
- Gabby
- Gabrielle
- Georgia
- Gilly
- Ginny
- Goldie
- Gorgy
- Gracie
- Gritty
- Hannah
- Harper
- Hayley
- Heidi
- Helga
- Hermione
- Holly
- Home Girl
- Hydra
- Indy
- Iris
- Isabella
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jenna
- Jenny
- Jess
- Jessica
- Joanna
- Josie
- Julia
- Karen
- Katie
- Kehlani
- Keisha
- Kelly
- Kelsie
- Kiki
- Kimberly
- Kinky
- Kirsty
- Krabba
- Krabbe
- Kylie
- Lauren
- Lexy
- Lily
- London
- Lucia
- Lucy
- Madeline
- Maggie
- Maria
- Marina
- Mary
- Maryanne
- Matilda
- Meenie
- Melanie
- Mia
- Migo
- Millie
- Mindy
- Mino
- Moana
- Moe
- Molly
- Munchy
- Nancy
- Natalie
- Nickie
- Nicola
- Niki
- Oceana
- Olivia
- Orange
- Palm
- Patricia
- Patty
- Pearl
- Pearly
- Peeka
- Peeky
- Penelope
- Penny
- Penny Pincher
- Pixie
- Pookie
- Princess
- Queen/Queenie
- Rainbow
- Rosie
- Rosie/Rose
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Saila
- Sally
- Sam
- Sammie
- Sandra
- Sarah
- Scarlet
- Scarlette
- Shelby
- Shelly
- Shina
- Shini
- Silver
- Sparkle
- Spongy
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Swirly
- Taylor
- Tika
- Trish/Tricia
- Tweeny
- Ursula
- Victoria
- Violet
- Wanda
- Wavy
- Weeny
- Yolanda
- Zoe
Names For Male Hermit Crabs
Male hermit crabs can be identified by their claws i.e., one is bigger than the other.
Choose any of the names below that represents masculinity in the pet and human world;
- Aaron
- Abe
- Aiden
- Alex
- Andrew
- Anthony
- Apollo
- Arnold
- Asher
- Bait
- Benjamin
- Blake
- Blaze
- Bling
- Blue
- Bob
- Bruce
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Buddy
- Burt
- Cameron
- Caribbean
- Carter
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chester
- Chris
- Chuck
- Claude
- Claw
- Clifford
- Clips
- Cobalt
- Coconut
- Cool
- Copper
- Corky
- Crabbie
- Crabcake
- Craig
- Crash
- Crazy Joe
- Crusher
- Crusty
- Daniel
- David
- Davy Jones
- Derek
- Diamond
- Dino
- Dominic
- Dudley
- Dylan
- Edward Scissorhands
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Evan
- Eyeball
- Fang
- Ferguson
- Fiddler
- Flounder
- Fred
- Freddie
- Gary
- George
- Godzilla
- Gold
- Graham
- Green
- Harold
- Harrison
- Harvey
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hermie
- Hopper
- Hudson
- Hydra
- Ian
- Isaac
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jamie
- Jason
- Jaws
- Jensen
- Jeremiah
- John
- Jordan
- Julian
- Keith
- Kermit
- Kingston
- Lee
- Lewis
- Liam
- Lucas
- Luke
- Maverick
- Maxwell
- Michael
- Miles
- Moon
- Mr. Beach
- Mr. Claws
- Mr. Deep
- Mr. Hook
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Uglison
- Myles
- Nathan
- Navy
- Nigel
- Nipper
- Noah
- Ocean
- Odie
- Oliver
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Palm
- Pench
- Pip
- Prince
- Radar
- Raf
- Robert
- Ronald
- Rusty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Sand
- Scribbles
- Scuttle
- Seabiscuit
- Seaman
- Seamore/Seymour
- Sebastian
- Shade
- Shark
- Shaun
- Shelldon
- Shield
- Simon
- Snappy
- Speedy
- Spider
- Spike
- Surf
- Teal
- Tide
- Timmy
- Toby
- Tongs
- Tritan
- Twister
- Vince
- Vincent
- Water
- Wesley
- William
- Zorro
Unisex Names For Hermit Crabs
Do you want a gender-neutral name for your hermit crab?
If yes, we have some good unisex names below;
- Beach
- Bling
- Blue
- Blueberry
- Bounce
- Buttons
- Cancer
- Catfish
- Cheeto
- Coconut
- Crabby
- Dash
- Dazzle
- Dolphin
- Flash
- Gill
- Hustler
- July
- Lime
- Lookout
- Mole
- Ocean
- Oreo
- Pebbles
- Pinchy
- Prickle
- Puddle
- Red
- Ripple
- Salty
- Sandy
- Sashimi
- Scout
- Scrabbler
- Slasher
- Snappy
- Speedy
- Splash
- Sprinter
- Spy
- Sunny
- Sushi
- Teal
- Tristan
- Wave
- Zap
Cute Names For Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs are already small and cute. Baby hermit crabs are way cuter. Their tiny size and mannerisms like extreme shyness makes them really adorable to have as pets.
If you get a male or female baby hermit crab, here are some of the cutest names to give him/her;
- Aquamarine
- Bob
- Brucie
- Bubbles
- Clawdia
- Coconut
- Coral
- Cuddly
- Dory
- Dwebble
- Dwibble
- Ellie
- Fred
- Groucho
- Henry
- Hermana
- Horace
- Huncho
- Jacques
- Jams
- Little Creeper
- Marshmallow
- Mimi,
- Mittens
- Moe
- Molly
- Mouthful
- Oreo
- Patchy
- Pearl
- Pebble
- Periwinkle
- Pincer
- Pinchy
- Poops
- Precious
- Princess Peach
- Puddle
- Q-T
- Racer
- Rainbow
- Rover
- Sandy
- Sashimi
- Scrab
- Scuttle
- Seychelles
- Sharky
- Shina
- Sideways
- Snippy
- Squeezy
- Squirt
- Starboy
- Sushi
- Teal
- Teensy
- Twebble
- Water
- Wavy
Good Names For Hermit Crabs
Maybe you are just looking for any acceptable hermit crab name? You can consider the good names listed below;
- Adele
- Aflac
- Albert
- Angelica
- Annie
- April
- Attila the Hen
- Ava Chanel
- Bandit
- Beaker
- Beaky
- Beatrice
- Beethoven
- Benedict
- Billie Jean
- Birdie
- Black Beauty
- Blanche
- Blue
- Bongo
- Bread & Butter
- Buck Beak
- Buffalo Wings
- Bunny
- Burger
- Burrito
- Cammi
- Caribou
- Cheek Cheek
- Chicken Nugget
- Chipmunk Extra Toes
- Cinnamon
- Clairetta
- Clara
- Coco
- Colonel Sanders
- Colton
- Cookies
- Copper
- Cornbread Jones
- Cotton
- Cowie
- Crusty
- Cupcake
- Daliah
- Delta
- Divan
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Dory
- Dottie Kay
- Duck Duck
- Duke
- Dumpling
- Easter
- Edith
- Egger
- Egghead
- Eggy Sue
- Ella
- Eloise
- Emily
- Eugene
- Felicity
- Flash
- Fleeker
- Fluffy Butt
- Foghorn Leghorn
- Francine
- Franny
- French
- Geraldine
- Gertrude
- Ginger
- Gladys
- Goldiboks
- Grey
- Handsome
- Hardball
- Hardy
- Hay Hay
- Heddy
- Helmet
- Henneth Paltrow
- Henny Penny
- Henrietta
- Henry
- Hermit
- Homey
- Hoot
- Hope
- Iris
- Jolene
- Juan
- Jubilee
- Judy B Jones
- Junebug
- Junior
- Kate
- Katie Scarlet
- Ken
- Larry, Moe & Curly
- Lavender
- Layla
- Lay Verne
- Lemon
- Lil’ Peeper
- Lindsay Lo-hen
- Livean
- Liza
- Logan
- Lorettie
- Lucille
- Mabel
- Madison
- Mae
- Maisy & Daisy
- Maple
- Marigold
- Mary Poopins
- Matilda
- May
- Meatloaf
- Meena, Myna & Moe
- Meg
- Merecy
- Meryl Cheep
- Millie
- Miss Prissy
- Molly
- Motley
- Mrs. Hughes
- Muffin
- Nani
- Napoleon
- Netty
- Nutmeg
- Olive
- Olivia
- Omelette
- Oprah Henfrey
- Owlette
- Packer
- Parmesan
- Pattie
- Peach
- Peanuts
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penguin, The
- Petite
- Phoenix
- Picket
- Pinecone
- Pokemon
- Polly
- Potpie
- Princess Lay-a
- Princess Leia
- Pumpkin
- Ranchero
- Reese & Puff
- Rene
- Rhonda
- Robin
- Robot Chicken
- Rooster Cogburn
- Rosey
- Rosie
- Ruffie
- Ruggles
- Ruth Layer-Hensberg
- Samantha
- Sand Piper
- Sassy
- Schnitzel
- Scramble
- Scuttle Bug
- Sesame
- Shadow
- Sheldon
- Shelly
- Skitters
- Smalls
- Snicker
- Snooki
- Sparkle
- Spike
- Strider
- Sugar
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Susie Q
- Tamar
- Tandoori
- Teriyaki
- Terra
- Tetrazzini
- Tillie
- Tinkerbell
- Turkey
- Vera
- Veronica
- Vigorous
- Vinny
- Wickles
- Winifred
- Winny
- Winston
- Xana
- Yolko Ono
- Zazu
- Zippy
Funny Names For Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs can exhibit very funny character traits. As mentioned below, they love hiding in their shells. They are also shy. Observing them can be a lot of fun. We have some fun and funny names you can consider below.
The names capture their unique personality and also include funny names, funny characters, wordplay, and more!
- Anemone
- Backhoe
- Backspace
- Bait
- Batman
- Biggie
- Big Mac
- Cantankerous
- Churl
- Clawdia
- Claws
- Crabby
- Crabcake
- Crab Pants
- DaPinch
- Donkey
- Edward Scissorhands
- Elvis
- Fish-ish
- Fishy
- Gill
- Googly Eyes
- Gordon Ramsey
- Groucho
- Grouchy
- Grumpy
- Hidester
Cool Names For Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs are cool pets by any standards. The fact that they hide, take off at high speed, and exhibit other amazing traits makes them cool.
Below are some pet names symbolizing this coolness. We have cool names of some famous crabs, famous characters in Disney, cartoons, actors, and more.
Choose an ideal cool name that best resonates with you and your pet crab.
- Alladin
- Ariel
- Babe
- Bait
- Batman
- Beyonce
- Biter
- Bling
- Blinky
- Blue
- Boogie
- Bruce
- Bubba Gump
- Buddy
- Cancer
- Captain Ahab
- Captain Crab
- Captain Hook
- Caribbean
- Charmander
- Claw
- Clawdia
- Clips
- Crabcake
- Crabso
- Davie Jones
- Detective
- Diamond
- Dimma
- Dory
- Edward Scissorhands
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Eugene H. Krabs
- Gordon Ramsea
- Gripper
- Gritty
- Gus
- Hammer
- Hawthorne
- Herbert
- Hermione
- Hermit
- Homer
- Huffy
- Hulk
- Hustler
- Hydra
- Ivory
- Jabby
- Jack Sparrow
- Jams
- Jaq
- Jasmin
- Jaws
- JoJo Sea-wa
- Kermit
- Kiera
- King of the Sea
- Kvetch
- Legend
- Legs
- Lenny Crabitz
- Little Beiber
- Mickey
- Moe
- Mole
- Moody
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Limpett
- Mr Snappy
- Mumpish
- Nemo
- Neptune
- Nicky
- Nigel
- Nippy
- Ocean
- Oscar
- Palm
- Pearl
- Peeky
- Peeves
- Penny Pincher
- Pinocchio
- Pokémon
- Poops
- Poopsie
- Poseidon
- Prickle
- Princess Peach
- Quasimodo
- Rebel
- Recluse
- Riptide
- Rocky
- Ronald
- Rover
- Salty
- Sand-ra Dee
- Sand Tank
- Sandy
- Sashimi
- Scissors
- Scrab
- Sea
- Seabiscuit
- SeaBuiscuit
- Seamore
- Sebastian
- Shelby
- Shell-by
- Shell-don
- Shelldon
- Shellena Gomez
- Shelly
- Sides
- Slow Joe
- Snapper
- Snappy
- Speedy
- SpongeBob
- Sprinter
- Squeezy
- Squirtle
- Stabby
- Starla
- Sulky
- Summer
- Surly
- Sushi
- Swimmer
- Tamatoa
- Tetchy
- Tinkerbell
- Trumpy
- Tubo
- Tuffy
- Turf
- Twearker
- Verge
- Wave
- Zippy
Unique Names For Hermit Crabs
If you are that pet owner who wants your pet to stand out, we have some unique names for you to consider.
The names include unique human names, unique things, and more;
- Bashful
- Black
- Blinky
- Blue
- Brute
- Bubbles
- Captain Hook
- Checker
- Chewy
- Chips
- Churl
- Claws
- Clicker
- Clipper
- Coaster
- Coconut
- Copper
- Coral
- Crabby
- Crabette
- Crabina
- Crabmeister
- Cranky
- Criss, Crisscross
- Crusader
- Crusty
- Dagger
- Dash
- Digger
- Dillydally
- Flash
- Foam
- Gripper
- Groucho
- Gunner
- Hardball
- Helmet
- Herman
- Hermit The Crab
- Home Boy/Girl
- Huffy
- Hungry
- Hydra
- Inspector
- King
- Kirby
- Latty, Lattie
- Legs
- Long John
- Marshmellow
- Maverick
- Motley
- Mouthful
- Mr Beach
- Mr Deep
- Nemo
- Nibler
- Nipper
- Nippy
- Pathfinder
- PC Hermit
- Pincer
- Pincher
- Pinchy
- Poopsie
- Potato
- Puddle
- Rainbow
- Rebel
- Recluse
- Renegade
- Rimmy
- Rocky
- Rover
- Salty
- Sand-bender
- Scuttle
- Sea Crab
- Shellfish
- Shelly
- Sidewalker
- Sideways
- Sidewinder
- Skittle
- Snapper
- Snappy
- Snapter
- Snowy
- Spider
- Squaddie
- Squeezy
- Squirt
- Stinky
- Stoney
- Strawberry
- Sulky
- Teensy
- Topper
- Trickster
- Trooper
- Tuffy
- Tweaker
- Verge
- Water
- Water Hogger
- Wave
- Wave Hider
15 Sea-Inspired Hermit Crab Names
Aqua | Atlantis | Blue |
Calypso | Coral | Fin |
Kia | Koi | Lagoona |
Liberty | Luna | Marina |
Marlin | Neptune | Ocean |
Help Choosing The Perfect Name
If you don’t find the perfect hermit crab name above, you can proceed and look for more naming inspiration.
You can start by checking your crab’s unique physical traits and consider such traits as naming inspiration.
You can also name a pet based on suggestions from family and friends. Those who know your pet hermit crab can have some great names for you to consider.
Naming can also be based on wordplay. You can also convert some names into other languages to make them more unique. A pet name doesn’t have to be in English.
Another place you can find great names is from pop culture and tv shows. Do you have a favorite character from a tv series? This is another great place to look when brainstorming ideas for your pet crab.
Lastly, you can consider naming resources like blogoftom for new names in a fast and easy way. When all other avenues of naming fail, go to blogoftom for fresh naming suggestions.
Whichever name you choose for your hermit crab, ensure it is perfect since hermit crabs can live for decades. Since pet names hardly change, choose a name you/your pet can live with.
It also helps to test the name. You can be happy about a name but no one else may like it. While hermit crabs won’t respond to the name, your potential names need to be acceptable to other family members and/or friends that visit you and your pet.
There you go. We’ve compiled one of the most detailed names for hermit crabs ever.
This guide should have a name you wish to use on your pet. We have names for male hermit crabs, female hermit crabs, cool hermit crabs, and more.
Considering hermit crabs are exotic pets, you need to choose a name that matches their status as pets.
If you don’t get a good name from the above suggestions, you can use our naming inspiration tips above or simply go over to blogoftom for a quick and easy name suggestion.