Emu Names (492 Best, Funny & Cute Ideas)

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Emus are one of the most interesting and exotic creatures on the planet. Native to Australia, these large birds are the second-largest living birds by height and can grow up to five and a half feet tall and weigh around 80 – 90 pounds.

Emus are soft feathered flightless birds that have long necks and powerful legs. They are omnivorous, feeding on insects, small mammals, reptiles, fruits, and seeds. Emus are excellent swimmers and can run up to 30 miles per hour.

If you are lucky enough to have an emu as a pet, then you need to come up with a suitable name for your new friend.

Here are some of the best, funniest, and cutest ideas for emu names:

Best Emu Names

What is the best name to call your emu? Well, it can be anything from the most popular emu or bird names to great human names that can double up as a name for an emu.

Here are our top suggestions;

  1. Ava
  2. Baldy
  3. Bella
  4. Biggie
  5. Birdie
  6. Charlie
  7. Chickie
  8. Chip
  9. Cleo
  10. Coco
  11. Daffy
  12. Flossy
  13. Goldie
  14. Griffin
  15. Hootie
  16. Jack
  17. Jackson
  18. Jett
  19. Lark
  20. Luna
  21. Ozzy
  22. Pilot
  23. Plucky
  24. Poppy
  25. Rio
  26. Rocky
  27. Screech
  28. Scruffy
  29. Shadow
  30. Skye
  31. Squawk
  32. Sunny
  33. Tweety
  34. Zazu
Emu in a field

Female Names For Emus

Assuming you have a female emu as a pet, what should you call her? Unique characteristics exhibited by different genders can inspire emu naming.

For instance, female emu birds grow larger than their male counterparts. They also weigh slightly more.

The names below include unique female emu traits and feminine traits and names in general;

  1. Ada
  2. Alissa
  3. Allegra
  4. Amber
  5. Anabelle
  6. Angel
  7. Apple
  8. Apricot
  9. April
  10. Aubrey
  11. Ava
  12. Barbie
  13. Bella
  14. Beryl
  15. Betty Boop
  16. Bianca
  17. Binky
  18. Birdie
  19. Bleu
  20. Bluebell
  21. Blueberry
  22. Caroline
  23. Cerise
  24. Cher
  25. Cher Ami
  26. Cherry
  27. Chiquita
  28. Cleo
  29. Coco
  30. Crystal
  31. Cynthia
  32. Dahlia
  33. Dakota
  34. Darling
  35. Debbie
  36. Delilah
  37. Destiny
  38. Duchess
  39. Dusty
  40. Eliza
  41. Emerald
  42. Emily
  43. Erin
  44. Faith
  45. Fern
  46. Flit
  47. Flo
  48. Frida
  49. Ginger
  50. Goldie Girl
  51. Grace
  52. Grove
  53. Haley
  54. Harper
  55. Hazel
  56. Heather
  57. Hedwig
  58. Hillary
  59. Hope
  60. Iris
  61. Isabella
  62. Isabelle
  63. Ivory
  64. Jade
  65. Jenny
  66. Julia
  67. June
  68. Katie
  69. Kiki
  70. Kira
  71. Lacey
  72. Lady Jane
  73. Lark
  74. Leah
  75. Leia
  76. Lilac
  77. Lime
  78. Madison
  79. Madonna
  80. Magnolia
  81. Marisol
  82. Mary
  83. Matilda
  84. Maya
  85. Melody
  86. Merle
  87. Midori
  88. Miss Prissy
  89. Nala
  90. Nina
  91. Olive
  92. Olivia
  93. Opal
  94. Paisley
  95. Pandora
  96. Peanut
  97. Pearly
  98. Peggy
  99. Penny
  100. Pepper
  101. Peral
  102. Pheobe
  103. Piper
  104. Polly
  105. Pretty Bird
  106. Pretzel
  107. Pumpkin
  108. Reba
  109. Red
  110. Resin
  111. Rhea
  112. River
  113. Rosa
  114. Rosie
  115. Rosy
  116. Roxy
  117. Saffron
  118. Sapphire
  119. Sarah
  120. Sheba
  121. Shirley
  122. Sidi
  123. Snow
  124. Sophie
  125. Stella
  126. Sunny
  127. Sweetie
  128. Sybil
  129. Sydney
  130. Tamar
  131. Tamarisk
  132. Tasha
  133. Thelma
  134. Thistle
  135. Tia
  136. Tina
  137. Violet
  138. Viridian
  139. Wanda

Male Names For Emus

If your emu is male, we have some masculine names below for your consideration;

  1. Adam
  2. Aiden
  3. Aladdin
  4. Alfred
  5. Andre
  6. Apollo
  7. Aqua
  8. Archie
  9. Arin
  10. Ash
  11. Barney
  12. Barry
  13. Basil
  14. Benji
  15. Bernie
  16. Bill
  17. Boomer
  18. Brad
  19. Brady
  20. Brian
  21. Brody
  22. Brownie
  23. Bubba
  24. Buddy
  25. Bullet
  26. Butch
  27. Cameron
  28. Captain
  29. Caramel
  30. Casper
  31. Castor
  32. Chace
  33. Chico
  34. Chip
  35. Chirpy
  36. Chomp
  37. Christian
  38. Claw
  39. Clive
  40. Cocoa
  41. Colossus
  42. Cooper
  43. Cosmo
  44. Darcie
  45. Dewey
  46. Diego
  47. Dusty
  48. Dylan
  49. Eli
  50. Elmo
  51. Elvis
  52. Floyd
  53. Frank
  54. Frazier
  55. Fudge
  56. Gabriel
  57. Gadget
  58. Ghost
  59. Gideon
  60. Goliath
  61. Grant
  62. Greyson
  63. Gumby
  64. Harold
  65. Harry
  66. Henry
  67. Hermes
  68. Hershey
  69. Hewey
  70. Hobbes
  71. Huey
  72. Hugo
  73. Hulk
  74. Hunter
  75. Incas
  76. Indigo
  77. Indy
  78. Ink
  79. Jack
  80. Jackson
  81. Jacob
  82. Jay
  83. Jayden
  84. Joel
  85. Jude
  86. Julian
  87. Kevin
  88. Kowalski
  89. Lando
  90. Largo
  91. Larry
  92. Latte
  93. Luiz
  94. Luke
  95. Manuel
  96. Mason
  97. Matthew
  98. Maverick
  99. Miles
  100. Miller
  101. Morgan
  102. Nash
  103. Nevermore
  104. Niko
  105. Noodle
  106. Odin
  107. Oliver
  108. Ollie
  109. Oscar
  110. Ovid
  111. Owen
  112. Paddy
  113. Pascal
  114. Pepper
  115. Peru
  116. Pesto
  117. Peter
  118. Pierre
  119. Pikachu
  120. Poe
  121. Porter
  122. Potato
  123. Prince
  124. Quacker
  125. Quentin
  126. Rafael
  127. Rambo
  128. Randy
  129. Raphael
  130. Rory
  131. Roy
  132. Sam
  133. Sammy
  134. Scooby
  135. Scotch
  136. Sirocco
  137. Sky
  138. Slim
  139. Slingshot
  140. Smokey
  141. Sooty
  142. Sparky
  143. Stephen King
  144. Stitch
  145. Storm
  146. Sushi
  147. Talon
  148. Terrence
  149. Tofu
  150. Tyler
  151. Van
  152. Viking
  153. Vincent
  154. Wilbur
  155. William
  156. Zeke
Emu walking in nature

Unisex Names for Emu’s

Our naming guide also includes gender-neutral names for your consideration, check out the names below;

  1. Beaker
  2. Birdie
  3. Casper
  4. Chipper
  5. Crazy Bird
  6. Cuddles
  7. Goody
  8. Harley
  9. Hershey
  10. Hunter
  11. Jazz
  12. Kudo
  13. Magic
  14. Maxi
  15. Moon Beam
  16. Moon Dust
  17. Nibbles
  18. Ozzy
  19. Packer
  20. Peach
  21. Pirate
  22. Pita
  23. Royalty
  24. Silly
  25. Spice
  26. Sugar
  27. Sunshine
  28. Tiger
  29. Toots
  30. Whisper

Cute Names for Emu’s

Emu’s can be cute even though they are big birds.

Here are some cute names for your baby emu or an emu with cute mannerisms;

  1. Birdy
  2. Blondie
  3. Blueberry
  4. Booboo
  5. Booby
  6. Casper
  7. Chirp
  8. Clicker
  9. Coco
  10. Cookie
  11. Cory
  12. Feathers
  13. Ginger
  14. Hawk
  15. Iris
  16. Jelly Bean
  17. Jerry
  18. Kiki
  19. Kiwi
  20. Mac
  21. Macy
  22. Mr. Beaks
  23. Nimbus
  24. Oats
  25. Pappagallo
  26. Pax
  27. Peanut
  28. Porkie
  29. Rainbow
  30. Rio
  31. Romeo
  32. Screech
  33. Shadow
  34. Skittles
  35. Sky
  36. Sophie
  37. Sugar
  38. Vanilla

Good Names for Emu’s

A pet name can be simple and acceptable. Examples of good names for an emu are listed below;

  1. Baxter
  2. Beanie
  3. Bluebell
  4. Blunder
  5. Boogie
  6. Boston
  7. Brussel Sprout
  8. Bullet
  9. Buttons
  10. Capone
  11. Chappy
  12. Chickpea
  13. Croissant
  14. Cupid
  15. Dino
  16. Duchess
  17. Echo
  18. Fawkes
  19. Fog
  20. Honey
  21. Hummus
  22. Maple
  23. Marshmallow
  24. Nibble
  25. Oreo
  26. Pancakes
  27. Pepperoni
  28. Pickle
  29. Pidgey
  30. Potts
  31. Shadow
  32. Shrimp
  33. Simba
  34. Snoop
  35. Snowy
  36. Sponge
  37. Stinker
  38. Taco
  39. Zeus

Funny Names For An Emu

Emu’s are fun pets to keep. They may exhibit funny traits worthy of a funny name.

You may also prefer a funny name that makes you laugh.

Here are our suggestions;

  1. Brooder
  2. Chicky
  3. Chirpy
  4. Chuckles
  5. Clucky
  6. Crow
  7. Doodles
  8. Drake
  9. Dusty
  10. Eagle Eye
  11. Feathers
  12. Flap
  13. Lurky
  14. Oreo
  15. Peck
  16. Peep
  17. Penny
  18. Poochy
  19. Puddles
  20. Puff
  21. Quackers
  22. Rambo
  23. Ruffles
  24. Scratch
  25. Scruffy
  26. Snuggles
  27. Speedy
  28. Strutter
  29. Waddles
  30. Wiggles

Cool Names for Emu’s

You can give your emu a famous name. We have some cool famous names below for your consideration;

  1. Blue – name from Rio
  2. Eric – name after parrot in The Muppets
  3. Hal – name from Angry Birds
  4. Iago – name from Aladdin
  5. Pauline – name from Paulie
  6. Tweety – name after cartoon character
  7. Senor Tucan – name from Dora the Explorer

Unique Names For An Emu

Still looking for an emu pet name?

Consider our list of unique emu pet names below;

  1. Ace
  2. Apollo
  3. Axel
  4. Bond
  5. Bowie
  6. Comet
  7. Denali
  8. Eagle Eye
  9. Eggo
  10. Iago
  11. Kit
  12. Konga
  13. Nova
  14. Phoenix
  15. Rascal
  16. River
  17. Rocky
  18. Spike
  19. Zane

Help Choosing the Perfect Name

Naming an emu can be a challenge if you are picky. If you want more inspiration, we have some emu naming tips for your consideration.

You can begin by looking for unique physical and character traits for inspiration. It could be your pet’s color, size, weight, unique mannerisms, etc.

Pet names can also originate from family members. You could also use naming guides/resources like blogoftom that offers fresh new names.

The most important factors to consider include personal preferences and simplicity. You need a simple name that your emu can respond to. It also helps to think of what it’s like to have a name you’ll use for decades.

With these tips, you can land on a good emu name.


The above name guide offers all there is to naming an emu. You can consider gender, funny names, unique names, cool names, and more.

Our naming inspiration tips also offer additional guidance. For instance, you can name by physical attributes/traits. Emu’s are flightless birds that are soft-feathered. They are also large (largest living birds after ostriches).

You can use this information to find a good name.

When all else fails, consider blogoftom – the ultimate pet naming guide/resource for fresh new names.

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Tom Derbyshire

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