Emus are one of the most interesting and exotic creatures on the planet. Native to Australia, these large birds are the second-largest living birds by height and can grow up to five and a half feet tall and weigh around 80 – 90 pounds.
Emus are soft feathered flightless birds that have long necks and powerful legs. They are omnivorous, feeding on insects, small mammals, reptiles, fruits, and seeds. Emus are excellent swimmers and can run up to 30 miles per hour.
If you are lucky enough to have an emu as a pet, then you need to come up with a suitable name for your new friend.
Here are some of the best, funniest, and cutest ideas for emu names:

Best Emu Names
What is the best name to call your emu? Well, it can be anything from the most popular emu or bird names to great human names that can double up as a name for an emu.
Here are our top suggestions;
- Ava
- Baldy
- Bella
- Biggie
- Birdie
- Charlie
- Chickie
- Chip
- Cleo
- Coco
- Daffy
- Flossy
- Goldie
- Griffin
- Hootie
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jett
- Lark
- Luna
- Ozzy
- Pilot
- Plucky
- Poppy
- Rio
- Rocky
- Screech
- Scruffy
- Shadow
- Skye
- Squawk
- Sunny
- Tweety
- Zazu

Female Names For Emus
Assuming you have a female emu as a pet, what should you call her? Unique characteristics exhibited by different genders can inspire emu naming.
For instance, female emu birds grow larger than their male counterparts. They also weigh slightly more.
The names below include unique female emu traits and feminine traits and names in general;
- Ada
- Alissa
- Allegra
- Amber
- Anabelle
- Angel
- Apple
- Apricot
- April
- Aubrey
- Ava
- Barbie
- Bella
- Beryl
- Betty Boop
- Bianca
- Binky
- Birdie
- Bleu
- Bluebell
- Blueberry
- Caroline
- Cerise
- Cher
- Cher Ami
- Cherry
- Chiquita
- Cleo
- Coco
- Crystal
- Cynthia
- Dahlia
- Dakota
- Darling
- Debbie
- Delilah
- Destiny
- Duchess
- Dusty
- Eliza
- Emerald
- Emily
- Erin
- Faith
- Fern
- Flit
- Flo
- Frida
- Ginger
- Goldie Girl
- Grace
- Grove
- Haley
- Harper
- Hazel
- Heather
- Hedwig
- Hillary
- Hope
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isabelle
- Ivory
- Jade
- Jenny
- Julia
- June
- Katie
- Kiki
- Kira
- Lacey
- Lady Jane
- Lark
- Leah
- Leia
- Lilac
- Lime
- Madison
- Madonna
- Magnolia
- Marisol
- Mary
- Matilda
- Maya
- Melody
- Merle
- Midori
- Miss Prissy
- Nala
- Nina
- Olive
- Olivia
- Opal
- Paisley
- Pandora
- Peanut
- Pearly
- Peggy
- Penny
- Pepper
- Peral
- Pheobe
- Piper
- Polly
- Pretty Bird
- Pretzel
- Pumpkin
- Reba
- Red
- Resin
- Rhea
- River
- Rosa
- Rosie
- Rosy
- Roxy
- Saffron
- Sapphire
- Sarah
- Sheba
- Shirley
- Sidi
- Snow
- Sophie
- Stella
- Sunny
- Sweetie
- Sybil
- Sydney
- Tamar
- Tamarisk
- Tasha
- Thelma
- Thistle
- Tia
- Tina
- Violet
- Viridian
- Wanda

Male Names For Emus
If your emu is male, we have some masculine names below for your consideration;
- Adam
- Aiden
- Aladdin
- Alfred
- Andre
- Apollo
- Aqua
- Archie
- Arin
- Ash
- Barney
- Barry
- Basil
- Benji
- Bernie
- Bill
- Boomer
- Brad
- Brady
- Brian
- Brody
- Brownie
- Bubba
- Buddy
- Bullet
- Butch
- Cameron
- Captain
- Caramel
- Casper
- Castor
- Chace
- Chico
- Chip
- Chirpy
- Chomp
- Christian
- Claw
- Clive
- Cocoa
- Colossus
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Darcie
- Dewey
- Diego
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Eli
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Floyd
- Frank
- Frazier
- Fudge
- Gabriel
- Gadget
- Ghost
- Gideon
- Goliath
- Grant
- Greyson
- Gumby
- Harold
- Harry
- Henry
- Hermes
- Hershey
- Hewey
- Hobbes
- Huey
- Hugo
- Hulk
- Hunter
- Incas
- Indigo
- Indy
- Ink
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jay
- Jayden
- Joel
- Jude
- Julian
- Kevin
- Kowalski
- Lando
- Largo
- Larry
- Latte
- Luiz
- Luke
- Manuel
- Mason
- Matthew
- Maverick
- Miles
- Miller
- Morgan
- Nash
- Nevermore
- Niko
- Noodle
- Odin
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Ovid
- Owen
- Paddy
- Pascal
- Pepper
- Peru
- Pesto
- Peter
- Pierre
- Pikachu
- Poe
- Porter
- Potato
- Prince
- Quacker
- Quentin
- Rafael
- Rambo
- Randy
- Raphael
- Rory
- Roy
- Sam
- Sammy
- Scooby
- Scotch
- Sirocco
- Sky
- Slim
- Slingshot
- Smokey
- Sooty
- Sparky
- Stephen King
- Stitch
- Storm
- Sushi
- Talon
- Terrence
- Tofu
- Tyler
- Van
- Viking
- Vincent
- Wilbur
- William
- Zeke

Unisex Names for Emu’s
Our naming guide also includes gender-neutral names for your consideration, check out the names below;
- Beaker
- Birdie
- Casper
- Chipper
- Crazy Bird
- Cuddles
- Goody
- Harley
- Hershey
- Hunter
- Jazz
- Kudo
- Magic
- Maxi
- Moon Beam
- Moon Dust
- Nibbles
- Ozzy
- Packer
- Peach
- Pirate
- Pita
- Royalty
- Silly
- Spice
- Sugar
- Sunshine
- Tiger
- Toots
- Whisper
Cute Names for Emu’s
Emu’s can be cute even though they are big birds.
Here are some cute names for your baby emu or an emu with cute mannerisms;
- Birdy
- Blondie
- Blueberry
- Booboo
- Booby
- Casper
- Chirp
- Clicker
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cory
- Feathers
- Ginger
- Hawk
- Iris
- Jelly Bean
- Jerry
- Kiki
- Kiwi
- Mac
- Macy
- Mr. Beaks
- Nimbus
- Oats
- Pappagallo
- Pax
- Peanut
- Porkie
- Rainbow
- Rio
- Romeo
- Screech
- Shadow
- Skittles
- Sky
- Sophie
- Sugar
- Vanilla

Good Names for Emu’s
A pet name can be simple and acceptable. Examples of good names for an emu are listed below;
- Baxter
- Beanie
- Bluebell
- Blunder
- Boogie
- Boston
- Brussel Sprout
- Bullet
- Buttons
- Capone
- Chappy
- Chickpea
- Croissant
- Cupid
- Dino
- Duchess
- Echo
- Fawkes
- Fog
- Honey
- Hummus
- Maple
- Marshmallow
- Nibble
- Oreo
- Pancakes
- Pepperoni
- Pickle
- Pidgey
- Potts
- Shadow
- Shrimp
- Simba
- Snoop
- Snowy
- Sponge
- Stinker
- Taco
- Zeus
Funny Names For An Emu
Emu’s are fun pets to keep. They may exhibit funny traits worthy of a funny name.
You may also prefer a funny name that makes you laugh.
Here are our suggestions;
- Brooder
- Chicky
- Chirpy
- Chuckles
- Clucky
- Crow
- Doodles
- Drake
- Dusty
- Eagle Eye
- Feathers
- Flap
- Lurky
- Oreo
- Peck
- Peep
- Penny
- Poochy
- Puddles
- Puff
- Quackers
- Rambo
- Ruffles
- Scratch
- Scruffy
- Snuggles
- Speedy
- Strutter
- Waddles
- Wiggles
Cool Names for Emu’s
You can give your emu a famous name. We have some cool famous names below for your consideration;
- Blue – name from Rio
- Eric – name after parrot in The Muppets
- Hal – name from Angry Birds
- Iago – name from Aladdin
- Pauline – name from Paulie
- Tweety – name after cartoon character
- Senor Tucan – name from Dora the Explorer
Unique Names For An Emu
Still looking for an emu pet name?
Consider our list of unique emu pet names below;
- Ace
- Apollo
- Axel
- Bond
- Bowie
- Comet
- Denali
- Eagle Eye
- Eggo
- Iago
- Kit
- Konga
- Nova
- Phoenix
- Rascal
- River
- Rocky
- Spike
- Zane

Help Choosing the Perfect Name
Naming an emu can be a challenge if you are picky. If you want more inspiration, we have some emu naming tips for your consideration.
You can begin by looking for unique physical and character traits for inspiration. It could be your pet’s color, size, weight, unique mannerisms, etc.
Pet names can also originate from family members. You could also use naming guides/resources like blogoftom that offers fresh new names.
The most important factors to consider include personal preferences and simplicity. You need a simple name that your emu can respond to. It also helps to think of what it’s like to have a name you’ll use for decades.
With these tips, you can land on a good emu name.
The above name guide offers all there is to naming an emu. You can consider gender, funny names, unique names, cool names, and more.
Our naming inspiration tips also offer additional guidance. For instance, you can name by physical attributes/traits. Emu’s are flightless birds that are soft-feathered. They are also large (largest living birds after ostriches).
You can use this information to find a good name.
When all else fails, consider blogoftom – the ultimate pet naming guide/resource for fresh new names.