You’re probably here for monkey names because you have decided to have a pet monkey or stuffed monkey.
Whichever it is, we have some great names for you to consider below.
A monkey is a great pet to have because it is intelligent, playful, and offers many other things typical pets offer (like companionship).
Monkeys are also easy to maintain since they eat most human foods.
Once you get your pet monkey, it’s time to name them.
We’ve compiled hundreds of names for pet monkeys below.
Let’s dive in.

Best Monkey Names
We’ve listed the best names that go with pet monkeys below.
These names include popular pet names, popular pet names for monkeys, and more;
- Abu
- Boots
- Bubbles
- Cinderella
- Cuddles
- Darwin
- Flopsy
- Fuzzy
- Honey
- Jane
- King Louis
- Minty
- Miss M
- Muffin
- Nanny
- Poppy
- Queenie
- Smiley
- Sweetie
- Teeny
- Twiggy
- Wendy
- Winkie
- Yoko
- Zoey
Featured post: Gorilla names

Names For Female Monkeys
If you decide to keep a female monkey, the most notable difference from a male monkey is the size.
Female monkeys are slightly smaller when compared to monkeys of the same age and kind.
However, we can’t limit our naming to size only.
Here are some great feminine names for a female monkey to consider;
- Alene
- Anie
- Anise
- Anna
- April
- Bibi
- Bourbon
- Calli
- Chessie
- Coal
- Cocoa Puff
- Ella
- Filomena
- Fiona
- Francine
- French Fry
- Hershey
- Inky
- Ira
- Iris
- Isis
- Kiara
- Kiki
- Kila
- Kira
- Kit Kat
- Koko
- Kye
- Lami
- Lara
- Lavy
- Licorice
- Liliana
- Liz
- Lolly
- Lulu
- Maggie
- Marley
- May
- Maya
- Merri Weather
- Merry
- Mia
- Midnight
- Molly
- Nala
- Nia
- Nica
- Nkima
- Noir
- Oli
- Olive
- Pancake
- Panther
- Pudding
- Rose
- Sable
- Sheila
- Shift
- Smokey
- Star
- Suri
- Tater
- Tina
- Tisa
- Wink
- Zini
- Zuli

Names For Male Monkeys
If you pet a male monkey, consider some masculine names first.
We’ve compiled some popular male monkey pet names to consider.
They include popular masculine names and more!
- Adam
- Albert
- Ape
- Arthur
- Banana
- Bandar
- Beans
- Bear
- Bertie
- Bing
- Brownie
- Bubbles
- Byron
- Caesar
- Carmel
- Cedric
- Charlie
- Cheeks
- Chester
- Chucky
- Cocoa
- Coconut
- Congo
- Conrad
- Cracker
- Cyril
- Dave
- Dippy
- Edward
- Flunkey
- Freedo
- Fudge
- George
- Giggles
- Ginger
- Hazel
- Hector
- Herbie
- Hister
- Hunky
- Jack
- Jared
- Jasper
- Java
- King
- Leo
- Louie
- Mackenzie
- Maria
- Marvin
- Master
- Matilda
- Maurice
- Max
- Mike
- Mila
- Milkshake
- Milo
- Monty
- Ned
- Nutmeg
- Oakley
- Otis
- Peanut Butter
- Pilo
- Pumpernickel
- Rocky
- Roger
- Snappy
- Snoopy
- Soot
- Spanky
- Squeaky
- Steve
- Titano

Unisex Names for Monkeys
You shouldn’t be confined by gender if you prefer a non-binary pet monkey moniker.
Here are some top unisex names to consider for your monkey;
- Alaska
- Alex
- Ash
- Aspen
- Bingo
- Black
- Brownie
- Charlie
- Cheeky
- Coco
- Colby
- Domino
- Elf
- Frankie
- Happy
- Lucky
- Muffin
- Nugget
- Pebbles
- Pumpkin
- Sam

Cute Names for Monkeys
Monkeys, especially small ones, can be very cute.
If you have an adorable monkey for a pet, you can call him/her any of the cute names below;
- Abi
- Amy
- Andross
- Ansel
- Apina
- Ari
- Baby
- Beans
- Bear
- Big Guy
- Bing
- Bingo
- Bits
- Blade
- Bonzo
- Boo
- Boss
- Caldwell
- Cameron
- Cedric
- Charlie
- Chimp
- Chip
- Chuck
- Chuckles
- Clements
- Clownie
- Coltrane
- Congo
- Cort
- Cuinn
- Dane
- Dodger
- Dopey
- Dunston
- Ed
- Faith
- Farynne
- Flo
- Gaga
- Griffin
- Hunky
- Jack
- Jingles
- Kari
- Kelwyn
- King
- Koko
- Kyra
- Lolo
- Luke
- Lyna
- Mellie
- Meredit
- Milo
- Mini
- Mireille
- Monica
- Montana
- Monty
- Mora
- Nikko
- Ophion
- Radcliffe
- Rio
- Rocket
- Rover
- Smokey
- Spike
- Sun
- Sydney
- Twiggy
- Virgil
- Walt
- Whistles
- Yono

Names For A Baby Monkey
Some pet owners prefer smaller pets.
If you want a baby monkey for a pet or a small monkey, he/she can be named in accordance with their size or other qualities like adorableness.
Below are some top baby monkey monikers to consider;
- Batman
- Champ
- Cheeks
- Clifford
- Daisy
- Deirdre
- Desmond
- Dumbo
- Elisha
- Ellisha
- Eva
- Fabi
- Faye
- Fluffball
- Fringe
- Fritz
- Gavin
- Geralyne
- Ginger
- Incy Wincey
- Itsy Bitsy
- Judy
- Keye
- Kiki
- Linette
- Littleman
- Miniature
- Mr. Smally
- Petty
- Quintin
- Radcliffe
- Tiny
- Tobias
- Yules
- Zavrina
- Zaza
- Zevir

Good Names for Monkeys
A pet name can be satisfactory. You can settle for some good names below that are fit for a great pet monkey.
Our list includes some good names of places, people, things, etc., that can double up perfectly as pet names.
- Abe
- Adeline
- Affe
- Apina
- Biri
- Braelyn
- Cairo
- Charlotte
- Criss
- Gambie
- Ghana
- Harriet
- Hart
- Jarl
- Kenya
- Kilimanjaro
- Kirkland
- Leela
- Liab
- Loma
- Luc
- Lynna
- Macoco
- Majmum
- Malawi
- Malpa
- Manuki
- Mavy
- Maymun
- Mico
- Mono
- Nadim
- Namibia
- Obo
- Opice
- Oralie
- Scimmia
- Sheena
- Singe
- Stuart
- Tabitha
- Toug
- Victoria

Funny Monkey Names
Monkeys are fun pets. Their mannerisms can exhibit laughter.
If your funny pet monkey makes you laugh, you can choose the perfect cute and funny name for them below.
Our selection includes many names bound to put a smile on your face.
- Aldo
- Anne
- Baldin
- Beans
- Bigears
- Big Guy
- Bing
- Bingo
- Bonkers
- Bonzo
- Bootsie
- Boss
- Bubbles
- Charleen
- Charles
- Charlie
- Chickpea
- Chip
- Chuck
- Chuckles
- Cinderella
- Cleopatra
- Climber
- Clownie
- Coconut
- Colette
- Congo
- Connor
- Cort
- Cracker
- Cuddles
- Cupcake
- Dakota
- Dalbert
- Darlin
- Dippy
- Dopey
- Dunston
- Flo
- Flopsy
- Foxy
- Fuzzy
- Gaga
- George
- Georgy Clooney
- Giggles
- Gonzo
- Goofy
- Honey
- Hoo-ha
- Houdini
- Huck Finn
- Hunky
- Jane – a name from Tarzan
- Jingles
- Joe
- Josette
- Kari
- King
- King Kong
- Koko
- Lena
- Loco
- Loopy
- Lucy
- Milo
- Minty
- Miss M.
- Mohawk
- Montana
- Monty
- Mozart
- Mr. Banana
- Muffin
- Nanny
- Noodles
- Nugget
- Nutty
- Perky
- Picasso
- Pipsqueak
- Poppy
- Queenie
- Rain
- Robin Hood
- Rocket
- Rocky
- Saucy
- Shaggy
- Skips
- Skywalker
- Sly Guy
- Smiley
- Smitty
- Snappy
- Sneaks
- Snoopy
- Spanky
- Sparky
- Spicy
- Squeaky
- Sticklimbs
- Stinker
- Stormy
- Sugarbowl
- Sweetie
- Sweetpea
- Swingy
- Tonka
- Treelover
- Trick
- Twiggy
- Walt
- Wendy
- Whistles
- Wilder
- Wiley
- Willy Wonka
- Winkie
- Yoko
- Zippy

Cool Names for Monkeys
Monkeys are very intelligent. They can do many amazing tricks, including riding bikes, mimicking behavior, and more.
If your monkey exhibits such or related cool behavior, you should name him/her accordingly using the names below;
- Achilles
- Aladdin
- Alissa
- Angelo
- Annabel
- Bella
- Breana
- Briant
- Brina
- Bubbles
- Carly
- Chris
- Chubby
- Claiborne
- Dana
- EveSteven
- Flo
- Floriana
- Fred
- Grace
- Guenevere
- Izabella
- Jannis
- Jerry
- Jessamina
- Jimi
- Kari
- Leon
- Lilliana
- Lolita
- Lori
- Louis
- Luis
- Mindy
- Mooney
- Moryn
- Nina
- Rooney
- Rover
- Scot
- Smokey
- Sophia
- Sylvara
- Thom
- Zara
- Zoey

Unique Names For A Monkey
Pet names can be as unique as a pet owner likes.
We’ve listed some names below that include other languages, names from Africa, and more;
- Abe – monkey in Danish
- Affe – monkey in German
- Apina – monkey in Finnish
- Biri – monkey in Hausa
- Cairo – name monkey after the capital of Egypt
- Congo – name monkey after a country in Africa
- Gambie – name your monkey after an African river
- Ghana – name monkey after an African country
- Kenya – name after African Country
- Kilimanjaro – named after a mountain in East Africa
- Liab – the name of a monkey in Hmong
- Limpopo – name monkey after African river
- Loma – name after an African mountain range
- Macoco – monkey in Portuguese
- Majmum – monkey in Albanian
- Malawi – Name your monkey after an African country
- Malpa –Monkey in Polish
- Manuki – Monkey in Samoan
- Maymun – Monkey in Turkish
- Mico – Monkey in Spanish
- Mono – Monkey in Galician
- Monyet – Monkey in Indonesian
- Namibia – Name your monkey after an African country
- Obo – Monkey in Yoruba
- Opice – Monkey in Czech
- Sahara – a name after a place in Africa.
- Savannah – a name after a place in Africa
- Scimmia – Monkey in Italian
- Simia – Monkey in Latin
- Singe – Monkey in French
- Tsoko – Monkey in Shona
- Tumbili – Monkey in Swahili
- Ungoy – Monkey in Filipino
- Victoria – Name after place – Victoria falls
- Zambezi – Name after famous African river
Cartoon and Famous Monkey Names
For those pet monkey owners who prefer a famous name or name after a famous monkey in a cartoon, we have some notable names below from movies, TV, and more, including names of Disney monkeys.
- Abu – Monkey from Aladdin
- Albert – Monkey from First Monkey in Space
- Aldo – Monkey from Planet of Apes
- Amy – Monkey from Jeremy & Amy
- Baboon – Monkey from Skunk Fu
- Bear – Name from B.J. & the Bear
- Betsy – Name from Outbreak
- Bingo – Name from The Banana Splits
- Blip – Name from Space Ghost
- Bo-oby – Name from Perman
- Bonnie
- Boots – Name from Dora the Explorer
- Bubbles – Name from Dragon Ball Z
- Caesar – Name from Rise of Planet of Apes
- Cheeta – Name from Tarzan the Ape Man
- Chim Chim – Name from Speed Racer
- Cornelius – Name from Planet of Apes
- Crystal – Name from Hangover Part II
- Darwin – Name from The Wild Thornberrys
- Donkey Kong – Name from Donkey Kong
- Dr. Zaius – Name from Planet of the Apes)
- Ella – Name from Monkey Shines
- George – Name from Curious George
- Gleek – Name from Super Friends
- Grape Ape – Name from Great Grape Ape Show
- Jack – Name from Pirates of the Caribbean
- Joe – Name from Mighty Joe Young
- Kiki – Name from Magical Sentosa
- King Louie – Name from The Jungle Book
- Klaus – Name from Saturday Night Live
- Kong – Name from King Kong
- Lancelot Link – Name from Secret Chimp
- Lazlo – Name from Camp Lazlo
- Marcel – Name from Friends
- Maurice – Name from Marsupilami
- Monkey – A name from Dexters Lab
- Mr. Teeny – Name from The Simpsons
- Professor Bobo – Name from Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Rafiki – Name from Lion King
- Sieg Heil – Name from Raiders of Lost Ark
- Soni – Name from Underground
- Spike – Name from Ace Ventura- Pet Detective
- Tala– Name from Shimmer and Shine
- Terk – Name from Tarzan
- Utan – Name from Vandread
- Virgil – Name from Project X
- Winston – Overwatch videogame
- Yoyo – Name from (Blinky Bill’s – Extraordinary Balloon Adventure)

Monkey God Names
If you wish for some deity names, here are some notable monkey God names to call your pet monkey;
- Babi – Named after an Egyptian deity
- Hanuman – name after Hindu deity and Ramayana Epic character
- Sun Wukong – named after a Taoist deity (a Buddhist deity)
- Sarugami – name after evil Japanese deities

Names For A Pirate Monkey
If you fancy some pirate names for your monkey, we have some suggestions for you below;
- Aban
- Abenahir
- Adriaticus
- Adrie
- Afshang
- Anson
- Archer
- Ariel
- Atoll
- Augusta
- Azure
- Bastian
- Bertha
- Blake
- Brishon
- Callan
- Careen
- Caspia
- Catalina
- Cedros
- Celeste
- Claire
- Coral
- Coralie
- Cragen
- Cyan
- Daria
- Davy
- Delmare
- Diondra
- Dovie
- Earwyn
- Echo
- Edward
- Evalyn
- Finlay
- Fischer
- Flora
- Fury
- Graeme
- Hanno
- Harlequin
- Horace
- Irving
- Istaso
- Jacobe
- Jade
- Kaia
- Kuril
- Laszlo
- Lauretta
- Laverne
- Lorcan
- Lyr
- Lyria
- Lysander
- Madison
- Magnus
- Makara
- Malinda
- Marina
- Maris
- Marissa
- Mizuko
- Morgana
- Murray
- Myrtle
- Nadia
- Nagisa
- Nerissa
- Olive
- Ophelia
- Oskar
- Ossian
- Pearl
- Pelagic
- Ramsay
- Regal
- Rudabeh
- Rudder
- Russel
- Serena
- Shizua
- Sia
- Sierra
- Silas
- Sion
- Talbot
- Tarian
- Tasi
- Taura
- Thames
- Torlan
- Una
- Valerie
- Vivien
- Wave
- Willow
- Wisteria
Names Of Pokémon Monkeys
For monkey-based Pokémon names, here are some notable suggestions;
- Aimpom
- Ambipom
- Chimchar
- Infernape
- Mankey
- Monferno
- Primeape
- Slaking
Names For An Orange Monkey
Care for some orange-inspired names for your orange monkey?
Here are some names inspired by orange food, spices, flowers, cartoons, and more!
- Azrael
- Buttercup
- Cheeto
- Chili
- Cinnamon
- Clementine
- Clove
- Cosmos
- Creamsicle
- Dorito
- Fanta
- Frito
- Garfield
- Ginger
- Heathcliff
- Hobbes
- Honey
- Lantana
- Marigold
- Marmalade
- Mimosa
- Mr. Jinks
- Mustard
- Nutmeg
- Orangina
- Paprika
- Pepper
- Poppy
- RiffRaff
- Saffron
- Shere Khan
- Simba
- Sunflower
- Sweet potato
- Tabasco
- Tiger Lily
- Tigger
- Toulouse
- Tulip
- Zinnea
Names For A Brown Monkey
- Anise
- Bourbon
- Brownie
- Carmel
- Chessie
- Cocoa
- Cocoa Puff
- French Fry
- Fudge
- Ginger
- Hazel
- Hershey
- Java
- Kit Kat
- Milkshake
- Nutmeg
- Oakley
- Pancake
- Peanut Butter
- Pudding
- Pumpernickel
- Soot
- Tater

Help Choosing the Perfect Name
We’ve listed many monkey monikers above. If you still need more suggestions, we have some tips you can consider.
First and foremost, pet names can be derived from observing the unique traits and/or characteristics of your pet.
You can even take into account the type of monkey you are naming and find words related to the monkey’s species.
If you don’t get clues you can use as a basis for naming, proceed and seek suggestions from friends or family members.
Those who’ve interacted with your pet can offer some great pet names.
You can name your pet monkey after a famous person or character you like. Consider wordplay to create new names.
You can also translate a common name into another language for a unique pet name.
Most importantly, test the name. Monkeys are very intelligent and bound to respond to their name. Considering they’ll use the name forever, be patient.
If you want more inspiration, consider other naming guides from blogoftom for a simple and quick pet naming process.
Naming anything, including your pet is incredibly simple with blogoftom.
What’s the monkey from the lion king called?
What is the name of Alladin’s monkey?
What’s the monkey in Dora the explorer called?
Boots Boots
What was Michael Jackson’s monkey’s name?
What was Tarzan’s monkey name?
Hopefully, you will discover a name that is appropriate for your monkey regardless of whether he or she is a spider monkey, capuchin monkey, or squirrel monkey.
If not, you can go to our name inspiration section and use our tips to create fresh new pet money names.
Also, you can consider using blogoftom for additional inspiration. This resource offers fresh new pet names.