If you want an extremely unique pet or a cool or badass name for a domestic cat, you can consider tiger names.
Tigers can be intimidating as house pets since they are big cats. The sight of a tiger in a home is bound to keep many people off.
However, there are rules to keeping large cat species like tigers. Once you get past such rules, you can enjoy the perks of having a tiger as a pet. Tigers are beautiful animals. Baby tigers can also be cute and cuddly, like typical cats.
After legally getting a tiger as a pet or if you have recently received a stuffed tiger toy, it’s time to look for names that match him/her.
You can name your tiger pet by its stipes, gender, cuteness, names of famous tigers, and more.
Let’s dive in.

Best Tiger Names
Your tiger isn’t the first pet. Many have come before him or her. You can use popular names as inspiration or use actual names.
Naming can also be based on famous tigers, popular names, tiger habitats, translations meaning or related to tigers, and more.
Pick a suitable name from our list of the best tiger monikers below;
- Ade – meaning royal in Afrikaans
- Aine – meaning fire and vibrancy in Celtic
- Airlia – meaning ethereal in Greek
- Alain – meaning bright in Gaelic
- Alani – meaning orange blossom tree in Hawaiian
- Alegra – meaning cheerful & vibrant in Italian. Fit for a tiger with the same traits.
- Amber – name meaning orange gemstone
- Azeil – name meaning God’s strength in Hebrew
- Babur – name meaning tiger in Urdu
- Camo – the name is a shortform for camouflage
- Catrina
- Cuddles – name fit for a baby tiger pet
- Dawon – name meaning lion in Hindu mythology
- Edan – name meaning fire in Celtic
- Elektra – name meaning fiery sun in Greek
- Freda – name meaning peaceful ruler in German
- Harimau – name meaning Tiger in Indonesian
- Henith –Name fit for a male tiger in Indian
- Imani – name meaning faith in Swahili
- Indraa – name meaning tigress in Indian
- Kali – name meaning tough in Swahili
- Kano – name meaning masculine in Japanese
- Kaplan – name meaning tiger in Turkish
- Kapono – name meaning righteous one in Hawaiian
- Kawan – name meaning strong & powerful in Korean
- Kehar – name meaning tiger in Hindi
- Kellen – name meaning powerful in Afrikaans
- Kenway – name meaning courageous warrior
- Kenzo – name meaning healthy and powerful
- King
- Macan – name meaning tiger in Japanese
- Maoz – name meaning strength and power in Hebrew
- Maynard – name meaning courageous and strong
- Minus – name meaning stripes in Latin
- Nala
- Nepal
- Nimbus
- Nimer – name meaning tiger in Arabic
- Nova – name meaning new in Latin
- Numair – name meaning tiger cub in Muslim
- Osiris – named after Egyptian God
- Phoenix – name after mythical bird portraying strength
- Prada
- Prince
- Puli
- Puli – name meaning tiger in Indian
- Rajah – name from Disney’s hit film “Aladdin”
- Rayas – name meaning stripes in Spanish
- Razor
- Rocky
- Rugir – the name means roar in French
- Rusty
- Ryker – name meaning superior strength in Danish
- Sangha – name from “Two Brothers” film
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Shere Khan – a name from Jungle Book
- Shiro
- Shiva – a name from “The Walking Dead” TV show
- Simba – name means lion in Swahili
- Snowy – name after a great white tiger
- Striber – the name means stripes in Danish
- Sud – name meaning tiger in Thai
- Sunset
- Suri – name meaning red rose in Persian
- Tabbart – name meaning brilliant in German
- Tag – name meaning handsome in Irish
- Taiga – name after cold forest
- Taika – the name means tiger in Maori
- Takoda – the name means everyone’s friend in Native American
- Taleb – the name means seeker in Arabic
- Tamala – the name means dark tree in Afrikaans
- Tamara – name after palm tree in Hebrew
- Tana – name after fire/star goddess in Greek
- Taren – name after thunder in Welsh
- Temple – name after sanctuary in Latin
- Terrin – name meaning earthman in English
- Thor – Named after the Marvel superhero
- Tier – means tiger in Afrikaans
- Tiger Lily – Named after large orange flowers
- Tiger Woods – name after professional US golfer
- Tigger – a name from Winnie-the-Pooh
- Tigresa – means tiger in Portuguese
- Tigrio – means tigress in Latin
- Tigru – means Tiger in Romanian
- Tipu – means Tiger in Hindi
- Tony – name after Frosted Flakes mascot
- Topaz – meaning beautiful gemstone
- Tora – meaning tiger in Japanese
- Torey – meaning thunder bear in Swedish
- Tyga – name after famous American rapper
- Tyger – name from Tyger Drew-Honey
- Tygra – a name from the animated series “Thundercats.”
- Yacoub – means from the forest in Greek
- Yanamarie – meaning blossom in Native American
- Yasmin – meaning Jasmine in Turkish
- Yepa – meaning praised in Hebrew
- Yoana – a name from Norse mythology
- Yura – meaning youthful
Featured post: Lion Names (169+ Best Male & Female Naming Ideas)

Female Tiger Names
Female tigers are generally smaller than their male counterparts.
You can name your pet tiger using unique physical attributes, traits, or feminine names.
Here’s our list of names for female tigers to consider, which also included wordplay;
- Alice
- Amber
- Ariel
- Arrow
- Asia
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Bella
- Catarina
- Catherine
- Catrina
- Charlotte
- Cherie
- Chloe
- Chy
- Clawdia
- Cleo
- Coco
- Cybil
- Daisy
- Delia
- Diamond
- Diva
- Electra
- Ellie
- Evie
- Fang
- Felice
- Felicia
- Flame
- Flash
- Fran
- Freya
- Gail
- Galaxy
- Ginger
- Grace
- Gracie
- Hadley
- Hera
- Holly
- Hunter
- Ice
- Indi
- India
- Izzy
- Java
- Jazz
- Jenny
- Jessica
- Karma
- Katie
- Kendall
- Kendra
- Kiki
- Kora
- Lana
- Lexi
- Lila
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lizzy
- London
- Louis
- Lulu
- Luna
- Maggie
- Maisy
- Mango
- Marya
- Matilda
- Maya
- Medusa
- Millie
- Milly
- Molly
- Moon
- Nala
- Nitro
- Olympia
- Paula
- Pauline
- Pawline
- Perla
- Piper
- Pixie
- Puli
- Purrrrfect
- Red
- Rosie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sally
- Samantha
- Sandra
- Sandy
- Sasha
- Scarlet
- Sissy
- Sophie
- Tabby
- Tasha
- Theresa
- Tiggy
- Tracy
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Tulip
- Ursula
- Wendy
- Wicca
- Willow
- Winnie
- Xena
- Yulip
- Zara
- Zelda
- Ziggy
- Zora
Featured post: Top 1000 Baby Girl Names In The US

Male Tiger Names
Male tigers can be 1.7 times bigger or more than their female counterparts.
If you get a male tiger pet, he’ll obviously be big with notable masculine features.
We’ve compiled some of the most masculine names below;
- Abraham
- Adam
- Adonis
- Adrian
- Albert
- Alex
- Amarillo
- Amigo
- Andre
- Andy
- Angel
- Angus
- Apollo
- Archer
- Archie
- Arnie
- Arnold
- Aron
- Arthur
- Aslan
- Aspen
- Aston
- Austin
- Avalon
- Avenger
- Axel
- Baggy
- Bailey
- Barkley
- Barney
- Baxter
- Benny
- Bernard
- Bert
- Billy
- Blade
- Blake
- Blaze
- Bobby
- Bogart
- Bone
- Bonnie
- Boomer
- Boots
- Boris
- Brad
- Bradley
- Brandy
- Brett
- Brown
- Bruce
- Caesar
- Calvin
- Captain
- Carl
- Carter
- Caspy
- Charles
- Charlie
- Chester
- Cheyenne
- Chip
- Chuck
- Citrus
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Colby
- Colin
- Conrad
- Cornelius
- Cruz
- Damian
- Daniel
- Dennis
- Dexter
- Diamond
- Dorito
- Drake
- Duke
- Duncan
- Dusty
- Earl
- Elvis
- Ember
- Emperor
- Eric
- Ernest
- Ernie
- Ernier
- Erwin
- Ezra
- Falcon
- Felix
- Figaro
- Fonzie
- Frank
- Frankie
- Fraser
- Fred
- Freddie
- Frederick
- Gambler
- George
- Ghost
- Gibson
- Gideon
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Glitter
- Gomer
- Gordon
- Gunn
- Hamlet
- Hardy
- Harley
- Harold
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hector
- Hendrix
- Henry
- Hercules
- Higgins
- Hobbes
- Hopper
- Hugo
- Hunter
- Ice
- Inferno
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jake
- James
- Jare
- Jared
- Jasper
- Jax
- Jazz
- Jerome
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- John
- Johnny
- Joker
- Jonny
- Jordan
- Jude
- Julius
- Jumpy
- Juno
- Kamper
- Kato
- Kimono
- Kip
- Kyle
- Lance
- Leo
- Lester
- Linus
- Lionel
- Logan
- Lucas
- Mallory
- Mark
- Marshall
- Marvin
- Mason
- Matthew
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximilian
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Michael
- Mickey
- Milano
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Mitchel
- Mocha
- Monty
- Morris
- Murphy
- Nate
- Neil
- Nelson
- Nicky
- Nigel
- Ninja
- Noah
- Norman
- Obed
- Oliver
- Onyx
- Orion
- Orville
- Oscar
- Otto
- Ozzy
- Pancho
- Parker
- Patrick
- Patron
- Percy
- Pete
- Peyton
- Pharaoh
- Phillip
- Pirate
- Prince
- Princeton
- Quincy
- Rachel
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Ramses
- Randy
- Raphael
- Ray
- Raymond
- Rocket
- Rocky
- Ronan
- Rory
- Rufus
- Ryan
- Sam
- Sammy
- Sampson
- Samuel
- Sanchez
- Scott
- Seb
- Sebastian
- Shadow
- Shaggy
- Sherman
- Sherwin
- Sherwood
- Simba
- Skippy
- Smokey
- Spike
- Stan
- Steve
- Tarzan
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thunder
- Tiberius
- Tigger
- Timber
- Timmy
- Tobias
- Toby
- Tom
- Tommy
- Twister
- Viking
- Vincent
- Walter
- Wilson
- Winston
- Xander
- Zack
- Zane
- Zeus
- Zodiac
- Zoro
Featured post: Top Baby Boy Names In The USA

Unisex Names for Tigers
Your pet tiger moniker doesn’t have to be gender-based.
Here are some neutral names to consider;
- Bean
- Beast
- Bingo
- Binx
- Catpernicus
- Confetti
- Cosmo
- Crow
- Denali
- Dune
- Ebony
- Echo
- Fable
- Graphite
- Hero
- Java
- Jazz
- Jet
- Lucifer
- Marbles
- Merlot
- Midnight
- Mosaic
- Noir
- Nova
- Onyx
- Paris
- Patches
- Peace
- Pepper
- Pig
- Pitch
- Pooch
- Raven
- River
- Sage
- Simba

Cute Tiger Names
Baby tigers can be really adorable. Their sheer size, playfulness, and fluffiness make them irresistible.
We’ve compiled a list below of the cutest names you could ever call a pet;
- Abby
- Angel
- Archie
- Ariel
- Baby
- Baby doll
- Bailey
- Barry
- Bashir
- Bella
- Ben
- Bianca
- Blossom
- Boo
- Brownie
- Bruce
- Bubbles
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Callie
- Candy
- Catie
- Catkin
- Champ
- Chi
- Chibella
- Cinnamon
- Claw (from the Disney show Gargoyles)
- Clementine
- Cleopatra
- Coco
- Coffee
- Cubby
- Cuddle bug
- Cuddle tiger
- Cupcake
- Cutie Pie
- Cybil
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Delilah
- Diamond
- Diego
- Doodles
- Dumpling
- Dylan
- Eli
- Ella
- Ellie
- Emily
- Eva
- Felino
- Felix
- Finn
- Fiona
- Flower burger
- Fluffball
- Fluffers
- Frosty
- Gail
- Gavin
- Ginger
- Gloria
- Gracie
- Hannah
- Hera
- Hermione
- Honey
- Icy paws
- Iris
- Isla
- Issac
- Iyla
- Jasmine
- Josephine (Josie)
- Juno
- Kadar
- Kendra
- Kiki
- Kittenpuff
- Kora
- Ladybird
- Ladybug
- Layla
- Leonie
- Lilly
- Lily
- Little Paws
- Lizzie
- Louie
- Louison
- Lulu
- Maggie
- Maisie
- Mandy
- Minerva
- Minus
- Misty
- Mochi
- Moka
- Molly
- Moon
- Mrs. Puffin Pants
- Muffin
- Munchkin
- Nathan
- Nibblet
- Nora
- Nova
- Olivia
- Ophelia
- Pal
- Patrina
- Peaches
- Penelope
- Pepper
- Phoebe
- Pixie-bob
- Pokey
- Poppy
- Purrfect Kitty
- Queenie
- Rainy
- Rajah
- Ramona
- Rhubarb
- Ruby
- Ryker
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Serafina
- Shazzy
- Skye
- Smooches
- Snugglebuns
- Snugglepaws
- Snuggybuns
- Spangles
- Spookems
- Squishy
- Starlight
- Sugar
- Sugar belly
- Sugar pants
- Sugar tiger
- Tabby
- Tala
- Tamsin
- Teddy
- Teigan
- Terry
- Tess
- Theo
- Tiana
- Tiger Bunches
- Tiger Lily
- Tiggerrrr
- Tilly Winklebottom
- Tootles
- Torey
- Tulip
- Tycoon
- Ursula
- Vanilla
- Varya
- Velvet
- Vesper
- Yum Yum

Good Names for Tigers
Tiger pets and those in zoos have some common names. Those are the names we’re interested in below and other satisfactory names that would work well for your tiger pet.
- Ade
- Aine
- Airlia
- Alain
- Astro
- Aurora
- Azeil
- Babur
- Battle Cate
- Baylor
- Belle
- Bengi
- Benny
- Blaze
- Blizzard
- Boo
- Bracken
- Bramble
- Caesar
- Cara
- Caroline
- Carolyn
- Cato
- Chalky
- Chase
- Chester
- Chilly
- China
- Clash
- Claudia
- Clawdia
- Cloud
- Cosimia
- Cotton
- Cuddles
- Dave
- Dawon
- Diarmid
- Drive
- Duncan
- Edan
- Emerson
- Emily
- Emma
- Emory
- Ethelbert
- Everest
- Falcon
- Fast paw
- Felix
- Fern
- Ferret
- Finn
- Fletcher
- Flush
- Flynn
- Forest
- Foster
- Freda
- Frisky
- Ginger
- Gizmo
- Gulliver
- Harry
- Hawk
- Henith
- Hero
- Hobbes
- Ice Princess
- Indra
- Isabella
- Issac
- Ivory
- Jaggar
- Jay
- Jet
- Jinx
- Joh
- Jungle
- Kadar
- Kara
- Kilau
- Killer
- King
- Kuat
- Larson
- Leonard
- Liam
- Lily
- Lionel
- Logan
- Louie
- Makalu
- Manasi
- Marbles
- Masalah
- Maze
- Moka
- Mountain
- Nala
- Nero
- Oliver
- Paws
- Poacher
- Prada
- Prey
- Princeton
- Prowler
- Queen
- Quest
- Raid
- Rain
- Rainier
- Raja
- Rakan
- Ranger
- River
- Roca
- Rock
- Rocky
- Rokku
- Saber
- Sage
- Sahasi
- Sasser
- Scout
- Selva
- Shikar
- Shredder
- Shure
- Sky
- Spook
- Stripepaw
- Striper
- Taco
- Tahan
- Tanvir
- Taylor
- Taz
- Teddy
- Teejay
- Thicket
- Thunder
- Thunderpaw
- Tigger
- Titan
- Tom
- Tony
- Top
- Tora
- Trail
- Valley
- Willy
- Xavier
- Yan
- Master Tigress (from Kung Fu Panda)

Funny Tiger Names
Care for some fun names, we have everything from wordplay to funny human names and more!
- Bubbles
- Cheddar
- Dame
- Fish bait
- Jiggles.
- Katy Purry
- Kit-Kat
- Madame
- Meowise
- Mr Mistoffelees
- Mushu
- Puddy Tat.
- Rambo
- Skimbleshanks
- Tesla
- Thumper
- Tigger hooves

Cool Names for Tigers
We also have some cool and badass names for your pet tiger.
We have names of actors, famous individuals, cool regular names, and other things (i.e., places, names, etc.) that represent coolness.
Take your pick!
- Adam
- Alvin
- Amigo
- Asia
- Autumn
- Axel
- Baggy
- Bale
- Barker
- Barkley
- Barry
- Brad
- Bunny
- Candy
- Carl
- Carlos
- Catrina
- Cendelth
- Chuck
- Citrus
- Daisy
- Dave
- David
- Davies
- Debbie
- Deborah
- Dennis
- Duke
- Ella
- Ellen
- Elliott
- Elvis
- Emily
- Emperor
- Felix
- Fendi
- Fredrick
- Freson
- Gabby
- Gabriel
- Gail
- Gailey
- Gary
- Harold
- Harry
- Henderson
- Hera
- Hero
- Honey
- Imani
- Indiana
- Ivory
- Jack
- Jackson
- James
- Jiba
- Joel
- John
- Joker
- Jones
- Katy
- Ken
- Kendall
- Kendrick
- Kevin
- King
- Kourtney
- Lana
- Larry
- Lennon
- Leo
- Lewis
- Mandy
- Marshall
- Melanie
- Mercy
- Milian
- Mojo
- Nale
- Natalie
- Nathan
- Nelly
- Neo
- Nina
- Obed
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ophelia
- Parker
- Paul
- Percy
- Peter
- Prada
- Pride
- Prince
- Queen
- Quirky
- Randy
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Rex
- Ryan
- Sally
- Samantha
- Sammy
- Sandra
- Seymour
- Simba
- Snoopy
- Sunset
- Tabitha
- Taffy
- Tassie
- Titan
- Toby
- Tom
- Vanilla
- Vegas
- Violet
- Wendy
- Winner
- Winnie
- Winston
- Woody
- Xena

Unique Tiger Names
Considering tigers aren’t regular pets, choosing the most unique name you can find is a great approach.
We have some unique Hawaiian names, Indian names, Bengal names, tiger names in other languages, and more.
- Agu – meaning tiger in Nigerian
- Akela
- Aloha
- Astro
- Babar – a name for tiger in the African language
- Babur – a name for tiger in Persian
- Baylor
- Bengal
- Bengi
- Brad
- Caesar
- Cara
- Carolyn
- Cato
- Duncan
- Emily
- Emma
- Garry
- Gulliver
- Halia
- Harimau – tiger in Indonesian
- Hendon
- Hoala
- Honi
- Honolulu
- Iniki
- Inoki
- Jet
- Jinx
- Kahili
- Kahuna
- Kaila
- Kailani
- Kane
- Kaplan – tiger in Turkish
- Kaplony – tiger in Hungarian
- Kara
- Kehar – tiger in Hindu
- Lahela
- Laki
- Lani
- Luana
- Macan – tiger in Japanese
- Mahalo
- Mahina
- Mana
- Mau Loa
- Moana
- Moss
- Nero
- Nimer – tiger in Arabic
- Odum – tiger in Biafran
- Ohana
- Oliver
- Paws
- Pualani
- Rocky
- Rokku
- Sage
- Sud – tiger in Thai
- Taika – tiger in Maori
- Taylor
- Teddy
- Tier – tiger in Africaans
- Tigresa – tiger in Portuguese
- Tigre – tiger in Spanish
- Tigrio – tiger in Latin
- Tipu – tiger in Hindi
- Tommy
- Tora – tiger in Japanese
- Willy
- Xavier
- Yan

Names Of Famous Tigers
Many tigers have featured in TV and film over the years.
We’ve included such tigers and other characters that are famous for other reasons;
- Aladar – Dinosaur name
- Azrael
- Bagheera – a name from Jungle Book 2)
- Baloo – TaleSpin
- Baloo – The Jungle Book
- Byakko – White tiger (Japanese mythology)
- Dawon – Tiger from Hindu Mythology
- Garfield
- Hatari & Mheetu – name from The Lion Guard
- Hobbes – Calvin and Hobbes
- Jacob – name from Doctor Doolittle
- Jing & Yang – name from Kung Fu Panda-3
- Jussuf – name from Der Tiger Jussuf
- Kovu & Kiara – name from The Lion King
- Kumal and Sangha – name from Two Brothers
- Mowgli – a name from The Jungle Book
- Mufasa – a name from Lion King
- Nala
- Patrina – name from a tiger walks
- Puss in Boots
- Rajah – name from Aladdin
- Richard Parker – name from Life of Pi
- Rikki-Tikki-Tavi – name from The Jungle Book
- Shiva – a name from the walking dead
- Simba & Kiara – name from The Lion King
- Simba & Nala – name from Zootopia
- Tigey – a name from Garfield
- Tigger – a name from Winnie the Pooh
- Tiggra – a name from Tigers’ Quest
- Tigra – a name from marvel comics Heroine
- Ursula – name from The Little Mermaid
- Zabu – name from Marvel Comics hero

Names Of Cartoon Tigers
Many tigers have been featured in Disney cartoons.
Their names are also included in this list;
- Ajay – name from The Proud Family
- Chandu – a name from Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage
- Claw – a name from Gargoyles
- Rajah – name from Aladdin
- Raja – name from Tiger Trouble
- Shere Khan – a name from The Jungle Book
- Sultan – name from Palace Pets
- Tigger – a name from Winnie the Pooh
- Tycoon – a name from the wuzzles
- Varya – a name from The Lion Guard

Help Choosing the Perfect Name
The above name categories offer hundreds of names to choose from. Whether you want a unique/badass tiger name, good tiger name, female name, or more, we have enough names to choose from.
However, you may still want additional naming inspiration. If that’s the case, you can name your pet tiger by its unique physical traits i.e., white coat or black stripes. You can also use size and other physical attributes for inspiration.
Tigers can also be named by type or location (the origins of your tiger i.e., city, country, or location/where you got the pet tiger from). Your family members and friends can also give you pet naming ideas.
If you need additional inspiration, use pet naming resources like blogoftom.
Tigers are beautiful and exotic pets to have. If the laws allow it, you should get a baby tiger and tame him/her from birth. You’ll also need a pet name you will love using for the rest of your pet’s life.
We have hundreds of names for tigers for you to choose from. If you need more inspiration, consider our tips above.
You can also use blogoftom for fresh pet ideas with little to no effort.