999+ Tiger Names (Best Male & Female Naming Ideas)

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Tiger Names Infographic

If you want an extremely unique pet or a cool or badass name for a domestic cat, you can consider tiger names.

Tigers can be intimidating as house pets since they are big cats. The sight of a tiger in a home is bound to keep many people off.

However, there are rules to keeping large cat species like tigers. Once you get past such rules, you can enjoy the perks of having a tiger as a pet. Tigers are beautiful animals. Baby tigers can also be cute and cuddly, like typical cats.

After legally getting a tiger as a pet or if you have recently received a stuffed tiger toy, it’s time to look for names that match him/her.

You can name your tiger pet by its stipes, gender, cuteness, names of famous tigers, and more.

Let’s dive in.


Best Tiger Names

Your tiger isn’t the first pet. Many have come before him or her. You can use popular names as inspiration or use actual names.

Naming can also be based on famous tigers, popular names, tiger habitats, translations meaning or related to tigers, and more.

Pick a suitable name from our list of the best tiger monikers below;

  1. Ade – meaning royal in Afrikaans
  2. Aine – meaning fire and vibrancy in Celtic
  3. Airlia – meaning ethereal in Greek
  4. Alain – meaning bright in Gaelic
  5. Alani – meaning orange blossom tree in Hawaiian
  6. Alegra – meaning cheerful & vibrant in Italian. Fit for a tiger with the same traits.
  7. Amber – name meaning orange gemstone
  8. Azeil – name meaning God’s strength in Hebrew
  9. Babur – name meaning tiger in Urdu
  10. Camo – the name is a shortform for camouflage
  11. Catrina
  12. Cuddles – name fit for a baby tiger pet
  13. Dawon – name meaning lion in Hindu mythology
  14. Edan – name meaning fire in Celtic
  15. Elektra – name meaning fiery sun in Greek
  16. Freda – name meaning peaceful ruler in German
  17. Harimau – name meaning Tiger in Indonesian
  18. Henith –Name fit for a male tiger in Indian
  19. Imani – name meaning faith in Swahili
  20. Indraa – name meaning tigress in Indian
  21. Kali – name meaning tough in Swahili
  22. Kano – name meaning masculine in Japanese
  23. Kaplan – name meaning tiger in Turkish
  24. Kapono – name meaning righteous one in Hawaiian
  25. Kawan – name meaning strong & powerful in Korean
  26. Kehar – name meaning tiger in Hindi
  27. Kellen – name meaning powerful in Afrikaans
  28. Kenway – name meaning courageous warrior
  29. Kenzo – name meaning healthy and powerful
  30. King
  31. Macan – name meaning tiger in Japanese
  32. Maoz – name meaning strength and power in Hebrew
  33. Maynard – name meaning courageous and strong
  34. Minus – name meaning stripes in Latin
  35. Nala
  36. Nepal
  37. Nimbus
  38. Nimer – name meaning tiger in Arabic
  39. Nova – name meaning new in Latin
  40. Numair – name meaning tiger cub in Muslim
  41. Osiris – named after Egyptian God
  42. Phoenix – name after mythical bird portraying strength
  43. Prada
  44. Prince
  45. Puli
  46. Puli – name meaning tiger in Indian
  47. Rajah – name from Disney’s hit film “Aladdin”
  48. Rayas – name meaning stripes in Spanish
  49. Razor
  50. Rocky
  51. Rugir – the name means roar in French
  52. Rusty
  53. Ryker – name meaning superior strength in Danish
  54. Sangha – name from “Two Brothers” film
  55. Shadow
  56. Sheba
  57. Shere Khan – a name from Jungle Book
  58. Shiro
  59. Shiva – a name from “The Walking Dead” TV show
  60. Simba – name means lion in Swahili
  61. Snowy – name after a great white tiger
  62. Striber – the name means stripes in Danish
  63. Sud – name meaning tiger in Thai
  64. Sunset
  65. Suri – name meaning red rose in Persian
  66. Tabbart – name meaning brilliant in German
  67. Tag – name meaning handsome in Irish
  68. Taiga – name after cold forest
  69. Taika – the name means tiger in Maori
  70. Takoda – the name means everyone’s friend in Native American
  71. Taleb – the name means seeker in Arabic
  72. Tamala – the name means dark tree in Afrikaans
  73. Tamara – name after palm tree in Hebrew
  74. Tana – name after fire/star goddess in Greek
  75. Taren – name after thunder in Welsh
  76. Temple – name after sanctuary in Latin
  77. Terrin – name meaning earthman in English
  78. Thor – Named after the Marvel superhero
  79. Tier – means tiger in Afrikaans
  80. Tiger Lily – Named after large orange flowers
  81. Tiger Woods – name after professional US golfer
  82. Tigger – a name from Winnie-the-Pooh
  83. Tigresa – means tiger in Portuguese
  84. Tigrio – means tigress in Latin
  85. Tigru – means Tiger in Romanian
  86. Tipu – means Tiger in Hindi
  87. Tony – name after Frosted Flakes mascot
  88. Topaz – meaning beautiful gemstone
  89. Tora – meaning tiger in Japanese
  90. Torey – meaning thunder bear in Swedish
  91. Tyga – name after famous American rapper
  92. Tyger – name from Tyger Drew-Honey
  93. Tygra – a name from the animated series “Thundercats.”
  94. Yacoub – means from the forest in Greek
  95. Yanamarie – meaning blossom in Native American
  96. Yasmin – meaning Jasmine in Turkish
  97. Yepa – meaning praised in Hebrew
  98. Yoana – a name from Norse mythology
  99. Yura – meaning youthful

Featured post: Lion Names (169+ Best Male & Female Naming Ideas)

Siberian Tiger with Cub

Female Tiger Names

Female tigers are generally smaller than their male counterparts.

You can name your pet tiger using unique physical attributes, traits, or feminine names.

Here’s our list of names for female tigers to consider, which also included wordplay;

  1. Alice
  2. Amber
  3. Ariel
  4. Arrow
  5. Asia
  6. Aurora
  7. Autumn
  8. Bella
  9. Catarina
  10. Catherine
  11. Catrina
  12. Charlotte
  13. Cherie
  14. Chloe
  15. Chy
  16. Clawdia
  17. Cleo
  18. Coco
  19. Cybil
  20. Daisy
  21. Delia
  22. Diamond
  23. Diva
  24. Electra
  25. Ellie
  26. Evie
  27. Fang
  28. Felice
  29. Felicia
  30. Flame
  31. Flash
  32. Fran
  33. Freya
  34. Gail
  35. Galaxy
  36. Ginger
  37. Grace
  38. Gracie
  39. Hadley
  40. Hera
  41. Holly
  42. Hunter
  43. Ice
  44. Indi
  45. India
  46. Izzy
  47. Java
  48. Jazz
  49. Jenny
  50. Jessica
  51. Karma
  52. Katie
  53. Kendall
  54. Kendra
  55. Kiki
  56. Kora
  57. Lana
  58. Lexi
  59. Lila
  60. Lilly
  61. Lily
  62. Lizzy
  63. London
  64. Louis
  65. Lulu
  66. Luna
  67. Maggie
  68. Maisy
  69. Mango
  70. Marya
  71. Matilda
  72. Maya
  73. Medusa
  74. Millie
  75. Milly
  76. Molly
  77. Moon
  78. Nala
  79. Nitro
  80. Olympia
  81. Paula
  82. Pauline
  83. Pawline
  84. Perla
  85. Piper
  86. Pixie
  87. Puli
  88. Purrrrfect
  89. Red
  90. Rosie
  91. Roxy
  92. Ruby
  93. Sally
  94. Samantha
  95. Sandra
  96. Sandy
  97. Sasha
  98. Scarlet
  99. Sissy
  100. Sophie
  101. Tabby
  102. Tasha
  103. Theresa
  104. Tiggy
  105. Tracy
  106. Trixie
  107. Trudy
  108. Tulip
  109. Ursula
  110. Wendy
  111. Wicca
  112. Willow
  113. Winnie
  114. Xena
  115. Yulip
  116. Zara
  117. Zelda
  118. Ziggy
  119. Zora

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Male Tiger Names

Male tigers can be 1.7 times bigger or more than their female counterparts.

If you get a male tiger pet, he’ll obviously be big with notable masculine features.

We’ve compiled some of the most masculine names below;

  1. Abraham
  2. Adam
  3. Adonis
  4. Adrian
  5. Albert
  6. Alex
  7. Amarillo
  8. Amigo
  9. Andre
  10. Andy
  11. Angel
  12. Angus
  13. Apollo
  14. Archer
  15. Archie
  16. Arnie
  17. Arnold
  18. Aron
  19. Arthur
  20. Aslan
  21. Aspen
  22. Aston
  23. Austin
  24. Avalon
  25. Avenger
  26. Axel
  27. Baggy
  28. Bailey
  29. Barkley
  30. Barney
  31. Baxter
  32. Benny
  33. Bernard
  34. Bert
  35. Billy
  36. Blade
  37. Blake
  38. Blaze
  39. Bobby
  40. Bogart
  41. Bone
  42. Bonnie
  43. Boomer
  44. Boots
  45. Boris
  46. Brad
  47. Bradley
  48. Brandy
  49. Brett
  50. Brown
  51. Bruce
  52. Caesar
  53. Calvin
  54. Captain
  55. Carl
  56. Carter
  57. Caspy
  58. Charles
  59. Charlie
  60. Chester
  61. Cheyenne
  62. Chip
  63. Chuck
  64. Citrus
  65. Clifford
  66. Clyde
  67. Colby
  68. Colin
  69. Conrad
  70. Cornelius
  71. Cruz
  72. Damian
  73. Daniel
  74. Dennis
  75. Dexter
  76. Diamond
  77. Dorito
  78. Drake
  79. Duke
  80. Duncan
  81. Dusty
  82. Earl
  83. Elvis
  84. Ember
  85. Emperor
  86. Eric
  87. Ernest
  88. Ernie
  89. Ernier
  90. Erwin
  91. Ezra
  92. Falcon
  93. Felix
  94. Figaro
  95. Fonzie
  96. Frank
  97. Frankie
  98. Fraser
  99. Fred
  100. Freddie
  101. Frederick
  102. Gambler
  103. George
  104. Ghost
  105. Gibson
  106. Gideon
  107. Gilbert
  108. Gizmo
  109. Glitter
  110. Gomer
  111. Gordon
  112. Gunn
  113. Hamlet
  114. Hardy
  115. Harley
  116. Harold
  117. Harry
  118. Harvey
  119. Hector
  120. Hendrix
  121. Henry
  122. Hercules
  123. Higgins
  124. Hobbes
  125. Hopper
  126. Hugo
  127. Hunter
  128. Ice
  129. Inferno
  130. Jack
  131. Jackson
  132. Jacob
  133. Jake
  134. James
  135. Jare
  136. Jared
  137. Jasper
  138. Jax
  139. Jazz
  140. Jerome
  141. Jerry
  142. Jesse
  143. Jet
  144. John
  145. Johnny
  146. Joker
  147. Jonny
  148. Jordan
  149. Jude
  150. Julius
  151. Jumpy
  152. Juno
  153. Kamper
  154. Kato
  155. Kimono
  156. Kip
  157. Kyle
  158. Lance
  159. Leo
  160. Lester
  161. Linus
  162. Lionel
  163. Logan
  164. Lucas
  165. Mallory
  166. Mark
  167. Marshall
  168. Marvin
  169. Mason
  170. Matthew
  171. Maverick
  172. Max
  173. Maximilian
  174. Maximus
  175. Maxwell
  176. Michael
  177. Mickey
  178. Milano
  179. Miles
  180. Miller
  181. Milo
  182. Mitchel
  183. Mocha
  184. Monty
  185. Morris
  186. Murphy
  187. Nate
  188. Neil
  189. Nelson
  190. Nicky
  191. Nigel
  192. Ninja
  193. Noah
  194. Norman
  195. Obed
  196. Oliver
  197. Onyx
  198. Orion
  199. Orville
  200. Oscar
  201. Otto
  202. Ozzy
  203. Pancho
  204. Parker
  205. Patrick
  206. Patron
  207. Percy
  208. Pete
  209. Peyton
  210. Pharaoh
  211. Phillip
  212. Pirate
  213. Prince
  214. Princeton
  215. Quincy
  216. Rachel
  217. Ralph
  218. Rambo
  219. Ramses
  220. Randy
  221. Raphael
  222. Ray
  223. Raymond
  224. Rocket
  225. Rocky
  226. Ronan
  227. Rory
  228. Rufus
  229. Ryan
  230. Sam
  231. Sammy
  232. Sampson
  233. Samuel
  234. Sanchez
  235. Scott
  236. Seb
  237. Sebastian
  238. Shadow
  239. Shaggy
  240. Sherman
  241. Sherwin
  242. Sherwood
  243. Simba
  244. Skippy
  245. Smokey
  246. Spike
  247. Stan
  248. Steve
  249. Tarzan
  250. Theo
  251. Theodore
  252. Thomas
  253. Thompson
  254. Thunder
  255. Tiberius
  256. Tigger
  257. Timber
  258. Timmy
  259. Tobias
  260. Toby
  261. Tom
  262. Tommy
  263. Twister
  264. Viking
  265. Vincent
  266. Walter
  267. Wilson
  268. Winston
  269. Xander
  270. Zack
  271. Zane
  272. Zeus
  273. Zodiac
  274. Zoro

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Bengal tiger

Unisex Names for Tigers

Your pet tiger moniker doesn’t have to be gender-based.

Here are some neutral names to consider;

  1. Bean
  2. Beast
  3. Bingo
  4. Binx
  5. Catpernicus
  6. Confetti
  7. Cosmo
  8. Crow
  9. Denali
  10. Dune
  11. Ebony
  12. Echo
  13. Fable
  14. Graphite
  15. Hero
  16. Java
  17. Jazz
  18. Jet
  19. Lucifer
  20. Marbles
  21. Merlot
  22. Midnight
  23. Mosaic
  24. Noir
  25. Nova
  26. Onyx
  27. Paris
  28. Patches
  29. Peace
  30. Pepper
  31. Pig
  32. Pitch
  33. Pooch
  34. Raven
  35. River
  36. Sage
  37. Simba
Sumatran tiger
Portrait of Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) resting

Cute Tiger Names

Baby tigers can be really adorable. Their sheer size, playfulness, and fluffiness make them irresistible.

We’ve compiled a list below of the cutest names you could ever call a pet;

  1. Abby
  2. Angel
  3. Archie
  4. Ariel
  5. Baby
  6. Baby doll
  7. Bailey
  8. Barry
  9. Bashir
  10. Bella
  11. Ben
  12. Bianca
  13. Blossom
  14. Boo
  15. Brownie
  16. Bruce
  17. Bubbles
  18. Buttercup
  19. Butterscotch
  20. Callie
  21. Candy
  22. Catie
  23. Catkin
  24. Champ
  25. Chi
  26. Chibella
  27. Cinnamon
  28. Claw (from the Disney show Gargoyles)
  29. Clementine
  30. Cleopatra
  31. Coco
  32. Coffee
  33. Cubby
  34. Cuddle bug
  35. Cuddle tiger
  36. Cupcake
  37. Cutie Pie
  38. Cybil
  39. Dahlia
  40. Daisy
  41. Delilah
  42. Diamond
  43. Diego
  44. Doodles
  45. Dumpling
  46. Dylan
  47. Eli
  48. Ella
  49. Ellie
  50. Emily
  51. Eva
  52. Felino
  53. Felix
  54. Finn
  55. Fiona
  56. Flower burger
  57. Fluffball
  58. Fluffers
  59. Frosty
  60. Gail
  61. Gavin
  62. Ginger
  63. Gloria
  64. Gracie
  65. Hannah
  66. Hera
  67. Hermione
  68. Honey
  69. Icy paws
  70. Iris
  71. Isla
  72. Issac
  73. Iyla
  74. Jasmine
  75. Josephine (Josie)
  76. Juno
  77. Kadar
  78. Kendra
  79. Kiki
  80. Kittenpuff
  81. Kora
  82. Ladybird
  83. Ladybug
  84. Layla
  85. Leonie
  86. Lilly
  87. Lily
  88. Little Paws
  89. Lizzie
  90. Louie
  91. Louison
  92. Lulu
  93. Maggie
  94. Maisie
  95. Mandy
  96. Minerva
  97. Minus
  98. Misty
  99. Mochi
  100. Moka
  101. Molly
  102. Moon
  103. Mrs. Puffin Pants
  104. Muffin
  105. Munchkin
  106. Nathan
  107. Nibblet
  108. Nora
  109. Nova
  110. Olivia
  111. Ophelia
  112. Pal
  113. Patrina
  114. Peaches
  115. Penelope
  116. Pepper
  117. Phoebe
  118. Pixie-bob
  119. Pokey
  120. Poppy
  121. Purrfect Kitty
  122. Queenie
  123. Rainy
  124. Rajah
  125. Ramona
  126. Rhubarb
  127. Ruby
  128. Ryker
  129. Sasha
  130. Sassy
  131. Serafina
  132. Shazzy
  133. Skye
  134. Smooches
  135. Snugglebuns
  136. Snugglepaws
  137. Snuggybuns
  138. Spangles
  139. Spookems
  140. Squishy
  141. Starlight
  142. Sugar
  143. Sugar belly
  144. Sugar pants
  145. Sugar tiger
  146. Tabby
  147. Tala
  148. Tamsin
  149. Teddy
  150. Teigan
  151. Terry
  152. Tess
  153. Theo
  154. Tiana
  155. Tiger Bunches
  156. Tiger Lily
  157. Tiggerrrr
  158. Tilly Winklebottom
  159. Tootles
  160. Torey
  161. Tulip
  162. Tycoon
  163. Ursula
  164. Vanilla
  165. Varya
  166. Velvet
  167. Vesper
  168. Yum Yum

Good Names for Tigers

Tiger pets and those in zoos have some common names. Those are the names we’re interested in below and other satisfactory names that would work well for your tiger pet.

  1. Ade
  2. Aine
  3. Airlia
  4. Alain
  5. Astro
  6. Aurora
  7. Azeil
  8. Babur
  9. Battle Cate
  10. Baylor
  11. Belle
  12. Bengi
  13. Benny
  14. Blaze
  15. Blizzard
  16. Boo
  17. Bracken
  18. Bramble
  19. Caesar
  20. Cara
  21. Caroline
  22. Carolyn
  23. Cato
  24. Chalky
  25. Chase
  26. Chester
  27. Chilly
  28. China
  29. Clash
  30. Claudia
  31. Clawdia
  32. Cloud
  33. Cosimia
  34. Cotton
  35. Cuddles
  36. Dave
  37. Dawon
  38. Diarmid
  39. Drive
  40. Duncan
  41. Edan
  42. Emerson
  43. Emily
  44. Emma
  45. Emory
  46. Ethelbert
  47. Everest
  48. Falcon
  49. Fast paw
  50. Felix
  51. Fern
  52. Ferret
  53. Finn
  54. Fletcher
  55. Flush
  56. Flynn
  57. Forest
  58. Foster
  59. Freda
  60. Frisky
  61. Ginger
  62. Gizmo
  63. Gulliver
  64. Harry
  65. Hawk
  66. Henith
  67. Hero
  68. Hobbes
  69. Ice Princess
  70. Indra
  71. Isabella
  72. Issac
  73. Ivory
  74. Jaggar
  75. Jay
  76. Jet
  77. Jinx
  78. Joh
  79. Jungle
  80. Kadar
  81. Kara
  82. Kilau
  83. Killer
  84. King
  85. Kuat
  86. Larson
  87. Leonard
  88. Liam
  89. Lily
  90. Lionel
  91. Logan
  92. Louie
  93. Makalu
  94. Manasi
  95. Marbles
  96. Masalah
  97. Maze
  98. Moka
  99. Mountain
  100. Nala
  101. Nero
  102. Oliver
  103. Paws
  104. Poacher
  105. Prada
  106. Prey
  107. Princeton
  108. Prowler
  109. Queen
  110. Quest
  111. Raid
  112. Rain
  113. Rainier
  114. Raja
  115. Rakan
  116. Ranger
  117. River
  118. Roca
  119. Rock
  120. Rocky
  121. Rokku
  122. Saber
  123. Sage
  124. Sahasi
  125. Sasser
  126. Scout
  127. Selva
  128. Shikar
  129. Shredder
  130. Shure
  131. Sky
  132. Spook
  133. Stripepaw
  134. Striper
  135. Taco
  136. Tahan
  137. Tanvir
  138. Taylor
  139. Taz
  140. Teddy
  141. Teejay
  142. Thicket
  143. Thunder
  144. Thunderpaw
  145. Tigger
  146. Titan
  147. Tom
  148. Tony
  149. Top
  150. Tora
  151. Trail
  152. Valley
  153. Willy
  154. Xavier
  155. Yan
  156. Master Tigress (from Kung Fu Panda)

Funny Tiger Names

Care for some fun names, we have everything from wordplay to funny human names and more!

  1. Bubbles
  2. Cheddar
  3. Dame
  4. Fish bait
  5. Jiggles.
  6. Katy Purry
  7. Kit-Kat
  8. Madame
  9. Meowise
  10. Mr Mistoffelees
  11. Mushu
  12. Puddy Tat.
  13. Rambo
  14. Skimbleshanks
  15. Tesla
  16. Thumper
  17. Tigger hooves

Cool Names for Tigers

We also have some cool and badass names for your pet tiger.

We have names of actors, famous individuals, cool regular names, and other things (i.e., places, names, etc.) that represent coolness.

Take your pick!

  1. Adam
  2. Alvin
  3. Amigo
  4. Asia
  5. Autumn
  6. Axel
  7. Baggy
  8. Bale
  9. Barker
  10. Barkley
  11. Barry
  12. Brad
  13. Bunny
  14. Candy
  15. Carl
  16. Carlos
  17. Catrina
  18. Cendelth
  19. Chuck
  20. Citrus
  21. Daisy
  22. Dave
  23. David
  24. Davies
  25. Debbie
  26. Deborah
  27. Dennis
  28. Duke
  29. Ella
  30. Ellen
  31. Elliott
  32. Elvis
  33. Emily
  34. Emperor
  35. Felix
  36. Fendi
  37. Fredrick
  38. Freson
  39. Gabby
  40. Gabriel
  41. Gail
  42. Gailey
  43. Gary
  44. Harold
  45. Harry
  46. Henderson
  47. Hera
  48. Hero
  49. Honey
  50. Imani
  51. Indiana
  52. Ivory
  53. Jack
  54. Jackson
  55. James
  56. Jiba
  57. Joel
  58. John
  59. Joker
  60. Jones
  61. Katy
  62. Ken
  63. Kendall
  64. Kendrick
  65. Kevin
  66. King
  67. Kourtney
  68. Lana
  69. Larry
  70. Lennon
  71. Leo
  72. Lewis
  73. Mandy
  74. Marshall
  75. Melanie
  76. Mercy
  77. Milian
  78. Mojo
  79. Nale
  80. Natalie
  81. Nathan
  82. Nelly
  83. Neo
  84. Nina
  85. Obed
  86. Olive
  87. Olivia
  88. Ophelia
  89. Parker
  90. Paul
  91. Percy
  92. Peter
  93. Prada
  94. Pride
  95. Prince
  96. Queen
  97. Quirky
  98. Randy
  99. Ranger
  100. Rascal
  101. Rex
  102. Ryan
  103. Sally
  104. Samantha
  105. Sammy
  106. Sandra
  107. Seymour
  108. Simba
  109. Snoopy
  110. Sunset
  111. Tabitha
  112. Taffy
  113. Tassie
  114. Titan
  115. Toby
  116. Tom
  117. Vanilla
  118. Vegas
  119. Violet
  120. Wendy
  121. Winner
  122. Winnie
  123. Winston
  124. Woody
  125. Xena
White tiger

Unique Tiger Names

Considering tigers aren’t regular pets, choosing the most unique name you can find is a great approach.

We have some unique Hawaiian names, Indian names, Bengal names, tiger names in other languages, and more.

  1. Agu – meaning tiger in Nigerian
  2. Akela
  3. Aloha
  4. Astro
  5. Babar – a name for tiger in the African language
  6. Babur – a name for tiger in Persian
  7. Baylor
  8. Bengal
  9. Bengi
  10. Brad
  11. Caesar
  12. Cara
  13. Carolyn
  14. Cato
  15. Duncan
  16. Emily
  17. Emma
  18. Garry
  19. Gulliver
  20. Halia
  21. Harimau – tiger in Indonesian
  22. Hendon
  23. Hoala
  24. Honi
  25. Honolulu
  26. Iniki
  27. Inoki
  28. Jet
  29. Jinx
  30. Kahili
  31. Kahuna
  32. Kaila
  33. Kailani
  34. Kane
  35. Kaplan – tiger in Turkish
  36. Kaplony – tiger in Hungarian
  37. Kara
  38. Kehar – tiger in Hindu
  39. Lahela
  40. Laki
  41. Lani
  42. Luana
  43. Macan – tiger in Japanese
  44. Mahalo
  45. Mahina
  46. Mana
  47. Mau Loa
  48. Moana
  49. Moss
  50. Nero
  51. Nimer – tiger in Arabic
  52. Odum – tiger in Biafran
  53. Ohana
  54. Oliver
  55. Paws
  56. Pualani
  57. Rocky
  58. Rokku
  59. Sage
  60. Sud – tiger in Thai
  61. Taika – tiger in Maori
  62. Taylor
  63. Teddy
  64. Tier – tiger in Africaans
  65. Tigresa – tiger in Portuguese
  66. Tigre – tiger in Spanish
  67. Tigrio – tiger in Latin
  68. Tipu – tiger in Hindi
  69. Tommy
  70. Tora – tiger in Japanese
  71. Willy
  72. Xavier
  73. Yan
Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)
Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Amur tiger.

Names Of Famous Tigers

Many tigers have featured in TV and film over the years.

We’ve included such tigers and other characters that are famous for other reasons;

  1. Aladar – Dinosaur name
  2. Azrael
  3. Bagheera – a name from Jungle Book 2)
  4. Baloo – TaleSpin
  5. Baloo – The Jungle Book
  6. Byakko – White tiger (Japanese mythology)
  7. Dawon – Tiger from Hindu Mythology
  8. Garfield
  9. Hatari & Mheetu – name from The Lion Guard
  10. Hobbes – Calvin and Hobbes
  11. Jacob – name from Doctor Doolittle
  12. Jing & Yang – name from Kung Fu Panda-3
  13. Jussuf – name from Der Tiger Jussuf
  14. Kovu & Kiara – name from The Lion King
  15. Kumal and Sangha – name from Two Brothers
  16. Mowgli – a name from The Jungle Book
  17. Mufasa – a name from Lion King
  18. Nala
  19. Patrina – name from a tiger walks
  20. Puss in Boots
  21. Rajah – name from Aladdin
  22. Richard Parker – name from Life of Pi
  23. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi – name from The Jungle Book
  24. Shiva – a name from the walking dead
  25. Simba & Kiara – name from The Lion King
  26. Simba & Nala – name from Zootopia
  27. Tigey – a name from Garfield
  28. Tigger – a name from Winnie the Pooh
  29. Tiggra – a name from Tigers’ Quest
  30. Tigra – a name from marvel comics Heroine
  31. Ursula – name from The Little Mermaid
  32. Zabu – name from Marvel Comics hero
Cartoon tiger

Names Of Cartoon Tigers

Many tigers have been featured in Disney cartoons.

Their names are also included in this list;

  1. Ajay – name from The Proud Family
  2. Chandu – a name from Sindbad’s Storybook Voyage
  3. Claw – a name from Gargoyles
  4. Rajah – name from Aladdin
  5. Raja – name from Tiger Trouble
  6. Shere Khan – a name from The Jungle Book
  7. Sultan – name from Palace Pets
  8. Tigger – a name from Winnie the Pooh
  9. Tycoon – a name from the wuzzles
  10. Varya – a name from The Lion Guard

Help Choosing the Perfect Name

The above name categories offer hundreds of names to choose from. Whether you want a unique/badass tiger name, good tiger name, female name, or more, we have enough names to choose from.

However, you may still want additional naming inspiration. If that’s the case, you can name your pet tiger by its unique physical traits i.e., white coat or black stripes. You can also use size and other physical attributes for inspiration.

Tigers can also be named by type or location (the origins of your tiger i.e., city, country, or location/where you got the pet tiger from). Your family members and friends can also give you pet naming ideas.

If you need additional inspiration, use pet naming resources like blogoftom.


Tigers are beautiful and exotic pets to have. If the laws allow it, you should get a baby tiger and tame him/her from birth. You’ll also need a pet name you will love using for the rest of your pet’s life.

We have hundreds of names for tigers for you to choose from. If you need more inspiration, consider our tips above.

You can also use blogoftom for fresh pet ideas with little to no effort.

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Tom Derbyshire

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