Coyote Names (381 Awesome Naming Ideas)

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It’s surprising what you can bring home as a pet. If you aren’t a fan of typical pets, a coyote is a great unique pet to consider. However, you must get a baby coyote and tame him/her from a very young age or expose yourself to some serious risks.

Coyotes are common in North America and are renowned for their howling. They can also be witty. Other unique traits include their commendable predatory skills. Coyotes have great smell, sight, and hearing abilities.

If a coyote pet sounds like a good plan, you need a matching name. Finding good coyote names can be a challenge which is probably why you are here. However, we’ve done most of the work for you. Our names are in different categories ranging from gender to unique traits.

Best Coyote Names

If you want to find the best coyote name ever, probably one used by other coyote pet owners or a popular pet name based on many factors, here are some great names to consider;

  1. Angelina
  2. Baree
  3. Blue
  4. Cami
  5. Cayden
  6. Connery
  7. Connor
  8. Drum
  9. Eskimo
  10. Fang
  11. Gunnolf
  12. Holo
  13. Kavik
  14. Kazan
  15. Kiba
  16. King
  17. Lobo
  18. Lowell
  19. Midnight
  20. Montana
  21. Moon
  22. Moro
  23. Mowgli
  24. Navajo
  25. Odolf
  26. Rafe
  27. Raksha
  28. Sebastian
  29. Sif
  30. Silver
  31. Singer
  32. Tewa
  33. Torak
  34. Totem
  35. Ulrich
  36. Wile E. Coyote – after roadrunner Coyote
  37. Woolsey
  38. Zuni

Male Coyote Names

Pets can be named according to gender, and Coyotes are no different. If you get a male Coyote, he’ll need a masculine name.

We’ve considered masculine traits, masculine male names, and more to come up with the names below;

  1. Adolf
  2. Alberto
  3. Arrow
  4. Arvi
  5. Baxter
  6. Beau
  7. Borris
  8. Bruno
  9. Caesar
  10. Chaser
  11. Chompers
  12. Coco
  13. Copper
  14. Cujo
  15. Elmo
  16. Fera
  17. Finch
  18. Gray Coat
  19. Jack
  20. Kai
  21. Kern
  22. Lavi
  23. Legend
  24. Leo
  25. Levi
  26. Madiba
  27. Mateo
  28. Miko
  29. Mister
  30. Odin – name meaning masculine rage or frenzy
  31. Puma
  32. Rambo
  33. Razor
  34. Red
  35. Ricky
  36. Rollo
  37. Rumi
  38. Rusty
  39. Sage
  40. Sir
  41. Snapper
  42. Spike
  43. Tank
  44. Taz
  45. Thunder
  46. Tobias
  47. Turbo
  48. Twister
  49. Tyr – meaning God of war
  50. Wild
  51. Willy
  52. Zack
  53. Zeus
  54. Zion

Female Coyote Names

If your coyote is female, you can consider some feminine traits, feminine human names, and more for inspiration.

Here are some great female names for Coyote we’ve come up with;

  1. Alpina
  2. Amara – means bitter
  3. Ariel
  4. Ascaris
  5. Athena – named after the Goddess of war
  6. Belle
  7. Birch
  8. Bisa
  9. Bridget
  10. Celia
  11. Coco
  12. Daisy
  13. Dolce
  14. Ember
  15. Eva
  16. Ezra
  17. Gabby
  18. Glimmer
  19. Hazel
  20. Iris
  21. Isla
  22. Issa
  23. Ivy
  24. Khaleesi – royal title – Queen
  25. Kiki
  26. Kiwi
  27. Leigh
  28. Lexie
  29. Luyanda
  30. Maya
  31. Meika
  32. Mia
  33. Millie
  34. Mira
  35. Missy
  36. Mocha
  37. Molly
  38. Myra
  39. Nana
  40. Nani
  41. Nicki
  42. Nova
  43. Penny
  44. Polly
  45. Princess
  46. Rainbow
  47. Ripley
  48. Sakuda
  49. Sandy
  50. Sheba
  51. Shirley
  52. Skye
  53. Suki – means loved in Japanese
  54. Tanya
  55. Theo
  56. Uzi – means power in Hebrew
  57. Vega
  58. Viola
  59. Willow
  60. Yara
  61. Yeti
  62. Zeki – means clever/cunning
  63. Zelda
  64. Zuri – means beautiful in Swahili

Unisex Names For Coyotes

You can name your pet outside the confines of gender. The names touch on favorite places/cities, unisex human names, and other neutral names.

We’ve listed some idea gender-neutral names below for your consideration.

  1. Alexa
  2. Amsterdam
  3. Antalya
  4. Auckland
  5. Baily
  6. Baltimore
  7. Bangkok
  8. Barcelona
  9. Bean
  10. Beijing
  11. Berlin
  12. Bill
  13. Blake
  14. Charlie
  15. Chelsea
  16. Chicago
  17. Chips
  18. Delhi
  19. Denver
  20. Dubai
  21. Dylan
  22. Geller
  23. Greece
  24. Harper
  25. Helsinki
  26. Hong Kong
  27. Istanbul
  28. Jerry
  29. Jordan
  30. Karachi
  31. Kelsey
  32. Lisbon
  33. London
  34. Lucy
  35. Macau
  36. Madagascar
  37. Madrid
  38. Mario
  39. Mat
  40. Max
  41. Mexico
  42. Morgen
  43. Moscow
  44. Mufasa
  45. Nairobi
  46. Nick
  47. Panama
  48. Paris
  49. Peter
  50. Porto
  51. Reagan
  52. Riley
  53. Rio
  54. Riyadh
  55. Rome
  56. Sam
  57. Scout
  58. Seattle
  59. Shanghai
  60. Singapore
  61. Skye
  62. Stockholm
  63. Swift
  64. Sydney
  65. Taylor
  66. Tokyo
  67. Tom
  68. Vienna
  69. Washington

Good Names For Coyotes

If you want a pet Coyote name you will be OK with, we have some suggestions below touching on Coyote traits, pop culture characters, good human names, and other sources of inspiration.

  1. Achilles – name after Trojan war hero
  2. Amos
  3. Arrow
  4. Autumn
  5. Chestnut
  6. Cooper
  7. Cricket
  8. Elijah
  9. Lyle
  10. Maxwell
  11. Meg
  12. Mongrel
  13. Nikolaj
  14. Noah
  15. Oscar
  16. Seuss
  17. Shelby
  18. Sprout
  19. Tucker

Cool Names For A Coyote

A cool pet deserves a cool name. As mentioned above, Coyotes can exhibit unique traits. Their smart nature and aggressive and cunning traits shared by their fox cousins can offer unmatched inspiration for cool names.

Naming can also be after cool characters in real-life pop culture, entertainment, or cool things.

Here are some cool names for Coyotes you may like;

  1. Ace
  2. Afghan
  3. Amir
  4. Blackie
  5. Bond
  6. Boots
  7. Carlyle
  8. Clover
  9. Dollar
  10. Fable
  11. Godzilla
  12. Hunter
  13. Ice – name after cool ice
  14. Jetta
  15. Karma
  16. Kuro
  17. Lupo
  18. Magnus – the name means great. Cool is great!
  19. Mbaku – name after King’s Son
  20. Mekhi
  21. Nova
  22. Piper
  23. Rascal
  24. Scout
  25. Slater
  26. Theo
  27. Titus
  28. Vortex
  29. Wesley

Cute Names For A Coyote

Coyotes can be good-looking, especially when they are young. A cute baby coyote needs a lovely name before they become intimidating and fierce.

We’ve listed all pet names we think are cute and gone further to list cute or lovely things, cute people names, etc.;

  1. Barbie
  2. Benji
  3. Biscuit
  4. Bitsy
  5. Bubbles
  6. Chip
  7. Chocolate
  8. Cocoa
  9. Crimson
  10. Dumdum
  11. Eddie
  12. Ekon
  13. Eli
  14. Fluffy
  15. Jet
  16. June
  17. Lovebug
  18. Marshmallow
  19. Mira
  20. Moe
  21. Mutt
  22. Orchid
  23. Ozzy
  24. Pancake
  25. Peanut
  26. Perry
  27. Pisces
  28. Poodle
  29. Riley
  30. Ringo
  31. Rocky
  32. Roo
  33. Sawyer
  34. Scamp
  35. Scooter
  36. Simon
  37. Sugar
  38. Sweat pea
  39. Tater
  40. Todo
  41. Twinkle
  42. Urchin
  43. Waffles

Unique Names For A Coyote

A coyote is a unique pet that should get a unique name. We have some unique names below that are representative of Coyote or Coyote-like animals (foxes).

We’ve also listed some translations in other languages, unique human names, and more!

  1. Accalia – means She-wolf in Latin
  2. Adalwolf – means Noble wolf in German
  3. Adolfo – means Noble wolf in Latin
  4. Adolph
  5. Akita – means dog in Japanese
  6. Amoux – means Eagle wolf in French
  7. Bardawulf – means Ax wolf in English
  8. Beowulf – means Intelligent wolf in English
  9. Bob
  10. Bobby
  11. Bolt
  12. Boots
  13. Boris – shortform for Wolf in Russian
  14. Bunny
  15. Button
  16. Cebo
  17. Channing – means young wolf in Irish
  18. Charlie
  19. Cleo
  20. Dallas
  21. Diesel
  22. Dinky
  23. Doe
  24. Doodle
  25. Fangs
  26. Fido
  27. Fox
  28. Gia
  29. Gonzalo – means wolf in Spanish
  30. Gorg – means Wolf in Iranian
  31. Jabari – means brave in Swahili. Name fit for a wolf
  32. Kali
  33. Kane
  34. Lupo – means Wolf in Italian
  35. Lupus – means Wolf in Latin
  36. Nashoba – means Wolf in Choctaw
  37. Nico
  38. Norie
  39. Nova
  40. Obi-Wan
  41. Okami – means Wolf in Japanese
  42. Olga
  43. Pointer
  44. Rodolfo – means Famous wolf in Spanish
  45. Rufus
  46. Santa Paws
  47. Snow
  48. Stormi
  49. Taco
  50. Teddy
  51. Tiger
  52. Toffee
  53. Tri
  54. Vilkas – means Wolf in Lithuanian
  55. Volk – means Wolf in Slovenian
  56. Willa
  57. Winnie

Famous Coyote Names

Naming a pet after a famous character or individual is always a great idea. We have several popular native American culture and related names below.

Coyotes are famous in native American culture. They have also been featured in many films, TV, and cartoon series.

Some of our favorite famous names are listed below. Have fun!

  1. Chirich – Name derived from the Arikara mythology. Chirich means coyote deity. As per mythology, Chirich is a greedy, reckless, and boastful character.
  2. Cunawabi – Name derived from the Chemehuevi & Ute mythology. Cunawabi means teacher.
  3. Isily – Name after coyote deity. This Cahuilla tribe character is renowned for socially unacceptable behavior.
  4. Itakatetas – Name derived from the Mandan & Hidatsa tribes. The name means powerful.
  5. Jamul – Name from the Achumawi tribe. Jamul, a coyote deity is renowned for cleverness and wisdom.
  6. Napi – Name means trouble-maker.
  7. Talapus – Name after Chinook tribe mythology. The name means trickster. Ideal for a Coyote with similar traits.
  8. Yelis – Native name for Coyotes. Means hero.

Help Choosing The Right Name

The above Coyote name guide offers many great naming ideas to consider. If you don’t wish to name your Coyote as per the famous, female, male, or other Coyote name category examples listed above, you can consider coming up with your own name/s from scratch.

You can seek inspiration from your Coyote’s unique attributes. It can be his/her hair, physique, eyes, or any other physical attributes. You could seek naming inspiration from color. If your Coyote pet is black, you can name him accordingly i.e., call him dark, night, dark night, suit, black, etc.

Naming can also be done based on unique traits. Is he aggressive, cunning, clever, brave, shy, happy, or sad? Observing your pet is a great way to get awesome naming ideas. You can also ask a family member to help you choose a name. You can get many great pet name suggestions by asking family members for ideas.

The internet can also be used for awesome naming ideas. A simple search online can yield many ideas. However, if you want fresh new names, consider naming sites like blogoftom that offer new pet names and other names fast and easy, allowing you to focus on raising your pet.


Once you tame your Coyote, you can name him/her anything based on the countless names we’ve listed above.

If you want variety, explore the interesting naming ideas above for inspiration. There are many ways to name a Coyote.

When everything else fails, try blogoftom for one of the easiest experiences when choosing a new pet name.

Lastly, after finding a good Coyote name to consider, test them and see which one works best for your pet and you.

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Tom Derbyshire

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