Good Names For Chimchar (65 Awesome Ideas)

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If you’re a Pokemon fan, then you know that Chimchar is one of the coolest starters in the game. If you’re looking for a good name for your Chimchar, look no further!

In this blog post, we will provide 65 good names for your little fire monkey. Whether you’re looking for a cool and tough name or something more cute and cuddly, we have got you covered.

So what are you waiting for? Check out 65 good names for Chimchar below!

  1. Ace
  2. Agni – This name is of Hindi origin and means “fire.”
  3. Apollo – This name is of Greek origin and means “sun.”
  4. Ares – The Greek God of War would be a good namesake for a Chimchar with an aggressive personality.
  5. Ash
  6. Ashen
  7. Aten
  8. Baal
  9. Babi
  10. Blaine
  11. Blaze – This name is perfect for a Chimchar with an fiery personality.
  12. Brigid
  13. Bukit Timah
  14. Char
  15. Chimp
  16. Cinder – A good name for a Chimchar that loves to play with fire.
  17. Cinders
  18. Coal
  19. Dante
  20. Dionysus
  21. Ember – Another good name for a Chimchar that loves to play with fire.
  22. Fira
  23. Fireball
  24. Flare
  25. Fuego – This name is of Spanish origin and means “fire.”
  26. Gatling – A good name for a Chimchar that can’t stop firing off attacks.
  27. Glimmer – A good name for a Chimchar that always shines brightly.
  28. Glint – Another good name for a Chimchar that always shines brightly.
  29. Glow – A good name for a Chimchar that is always surrounded by light.
  30. Hades
  31. Hephaestus
  32. Horus
  33. Howler
  34. Huitzilopochtli
  35. Ignis – This name is of Latin origin and means “fire.”
  36. Indra
  37. Inferno
  38. Ishtar
  39. Jueyuan
  40. Khepri
  41. Kong
  42. Lava – A good name for a Chimchar due to its matching fire type.
  43. Loki
  44. Maui
  45. Mictlantecuhtli
  46. Monkey King
  47. Morgan
  48. Odin
  49. Orpheus
  50. Pele
  51. Phaethon
  52. Phoenix – A fitting name for a legendary Chimchar.
  53. Prometheus
  54. Pyrite
  55. Pyro – A good name for a Chimchar that loves to play with fire.
  56. Quetzalcoatl
  57. Ra
  58. Ragnarok
  59. Sol
  60. Spark – This name is perfect for a Chimchar with an electric personality.
  61. Sulfur
  62. Sunny
  63. Torch
  64. Vanara
  65. Volcano – A good name for a Chimchar that is always erupting with energy.
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Help Choosing The Right Name

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect name for your Chimchar:

  • If you’re looking for a tough and cool-sounding name, consider something with Greek or Latin origins.
  • If you’re looking for a more cute and cuddly name, consider names of animals or objects that start with the letter “B.”
  • Consider the personality of your Chimchar when choosing a name. If your Chimchar is fiery, consider names like “Blaze” or “Flare.”
  • Have fun with it! Choosing a name for your Chimchar should be an enjoyable experience.
Child Playing Nintendo Switch


Chimchar is one of the most popular starter Pokemon in the game. If you’re looking for a good name for your Chimchar, consider one of the awesome names on this list.

Have fun with it and make sure to choose a name that represents the personality of your Chimchar.

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Tom Derbyshire

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