Table Of Contents
If you’re looking for rat names, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got over 1000 different ideas for you to choose from.
Whether you’re looking for a funny name or a cute one, we’ve got you covered. We also have cool and badass pet rat monikers if that’s more your style.
So whatever kind of rat parent you are, we have the perfect name for your new furry friend!
Best Rat Names
Here is a list of some of the best names for pet rats:
- Bert – Disney’s Cinderella
- Brain – Pinky and the Brain
- Django
- Fang
- Luke – Disney’s Cinderella
- Mappy
- Marrill – Pokémon
- Mary – Disney’s Cinderella
- Master Splinter – from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Mert – Disney’s Cinderella
- Minccino – Pokémon
- Minun – Pokémon
- Morpeko – Pokémon
- Nibbles
- Nigel Ratburn – from the TV show Arthur
- Oreo
- Perla – Disney’s Cinderella
- Pikachu – Pokémon
- Pinky – Pinky and the Brain
- Plusle – Pokémon
- Ratbert – from the comic series Dilbert
- Raticate – Pokémon
- Rattata – Pokémon
- Rex
- Squeak
- Suzy – Disney’s Cinderella
- Templeton – from Charlotte’s Web
- Whiskers
Names For Male Rats
Want to know what are some awesome names for male rats? Read on!
Male names are just as important as female names for your pet rat. You want your pet rat to have a name that is just as original and special.
Here are a few great choices:
- Adam
- Ajax
- Alex
- Andy
- Artie
- Atticus
- Axel
- Bane
- Barney
- Benji
- Benny
- Beowulf
- Billy
- Bob
- Boomer
- Boris
- Brutus
- Bullet
- Buster
- Captain America
- Carl
- Charlie
- Chester
- Chip
- Conan
- Connor
- Cooper
- Cowboy
- Crockett
- Cupid
- Dave
- Diesel
- Duke
- Elvis
- Fang
- Felix
- Finn
- Freddy
- George
- Gizmo
- Goofy
- Grendel
- Greystone
- Grizzly
- Gus
- Hank
- Harley
- Harry
- Heisenberg
- Hopper
- Hudson
- Hulk
- Ike
- Ike
- Irwin
- Jack
- Jackie
- Jagger
- Jim
- Jimmy
- Joey
- Joker
- Kong
- Kong
- Lance
- Liam
- Magnum
- Max
- Maximus
- Merlin
- Miami
- Mike
- Miles
- Mojo
- Monster
- Mozart
- Murphy
- Napoleon
- Neo
- Newt
- Niko
- Nitro
- Norman
- Odie
- Odin
- Optimus
- Ozzie
- Pablo
- Pac-Man
- Peanut
- Pete
- Phoenix
- Pikachu
- Plato
- Prince
- Rambo
- Rascal
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Ronny
- Roscoe
- Rusty
- Ryder
- Sam
- Sasquatch
- Sawyer
- Scarface
- Scrappy
- Sherman
- Shrek
- Simba
- Sinatra
- Smokey
- Socks
- Sonic
- Sparky
- Spartan
- Spike
- Spot
- Stone
- Stryker
- Stuart
- Sylvester
- Tank
- Taz
- Terminator
- Theodore
- Thor
- Tiberius
- Tiger
- Tiny
- Topper
- Trevor
- Turbo
- Ty
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vader
- Virgil
- Vlad
- Waffles
- Wallace
- Wally
- Wario
- Willy
- Wolverine
- Woody
- Xander
- Yoda
- Zeus
Names For Female Rats
Do you want to learn about some amazing names for lady rats? Continue reading to discover them!
Female names are just as essential as male names for your squeaky friend. You wish your pet rat’s name was equally unique and distinctive.
Here are a few outstanding options:
- Ariel
- Ashley
- Athena
- Aurora
- Becky
- Bella
- Britney
- Buttercup
- Carmen
- Carmen
- Chelsea
- Cindy
- Claudia
- Courtney
- Crystal
- Dani
- Daphne
- Debbie
- Delilah
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Diana
- Dixie
- Donna
- Dottie
- Ebony
- Echo
- Elaine
- Elle
- Emma
- Emmy
- Erica
- Esmeralda
- Evangeline
- Faye
- Fiona
- Foxy
- Ginger
- Gracie
- Gwen
- Hailey
- Harley
- Harper
- Hazel
- Heidi
- Hollywood
- India
- Isabelle
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jazz
- Jessie
- Josie
- Judy
- Juliette
- Kaitlyn
- Kansas
- Karen
- Kate
- Kelly
- Kendra
- Kinsey
- Kira
- Kirsten
- Lacey
- Lakisha
- Layla
- Liberty
- Lilac
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lola
- London
- Lucy
- Luna
- Maddie
- Madison
- Mae
- Mandy
- Marie
- Marigold
- Maxine
- Maya
- Melissa
- Mercedes
- Mia
- Miley
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Minerva
- Misty
- Molly
- Mystique
- Nala
- Nancy
- Naomi
- Nefertiti
- Neon
- Nicki
- Nicole
- Nike
- Noelle
- Nora
- Nyx
- Opal
- Oprah
- Pandora
- Paris
- Peach
- Persia
- Phoebe
- Pixie
- Quinn
- Rachel
- Rapunzel
- Rebecca
- Reese
- Rogue
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Sahara
- Sally
- Sandy
- Scarlett
- Selena
- Selene
- Shelby
- Sierra
- Simba
- Sonya
- Sophia
- Spice
- Stella
- Sydney
- Tabby
- Tawney
- Taylor
- Tiffany
- Tinkerbell
- Trixie
- Tuesday
- Uma
- Vanessa
- Venus
- Vienna
- Violet
- Willow
- Yasmine
- YoYo
- Zelda
Cute Names For Rats
Check out some of these adorable names for your rat if you’re searching for one.
- Angie
- April
- Baby
- Biscuit
- Blossom
- BooBoo
- Brandy
- Britney
- Bubbles
- Buffy
- Bunny
- Buttercup
- Cadeau
- Candy
- Carrot
- Charlotte
- China
- Cookie
- Cottonball
- Cowboy
- Crackers
- Cuddles
- Daphne
- Dave
- Debbie
- Diego
- Doris
- Dusty
- Flower
- Francesca
- Freddy
- Galaxy
- Gidget
- Gina
- Gingerbread
- Glitter
- Goldie
- Goose
- Gypsy
- Halo
- Happy
- Hazel
- Heaven
- Honey
- Jackie
- Jazz
- Jessie
- Jewel
- Jimmy
- Josie
- JuJu
- Junebug
- Karma
- Kermit
- Kimmy
- Kisses
- KitKat
- Kobe
- Lady
- Layla
- Liberty
- Lola
- London
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Maddy
- Mae
- Maize
- Maple
- Marshmallow
- Maxine
- Meatball
- Merlot
- Mia
- Mickey
- Minnie
- Mochi
- Molly
- Moonbeam
- Moses
- Mystic
- Nala
- Olive
- Opal
- Oreo
- Pebbles
- Penny
- Peppermint
- Phil
- Princess
- Punkin
- Quesadilla
- Quinn
- Ramona
- Rascal
- Rebel
- Reddy
- Reeses
- Remi
- Ricky
- Rio
- Rosie
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Salty
- Sam
- Sarah
- Scooby
- Snickers
- Snowball
- Sookie
- Soup
- Starburst
- Stormy
- Sugarplum
- Sundae
- Sunny
- Supergirl
- Sweetie
- Taffy
- Target
- Tequila
- Thalia
- Thelma
- Tiffany
- Tinker
- Toy
- Trixie
- Truffles
- Turbo
- Twix
- Uzi
- Waffles
- Willow
- Wine
- Wiz
Good Names For Rats
If you’re looking for a good name for your rat, check out some of these:
- Ace
- Alex
- Andy
- Angel
- Artie
- Baby
- Bandit
- Baxter
- Belle
- Benny
- Big Boy
- Bishop
- Blackie
- Blaze
- Blue
- Boomer
- Boris
- Brandy
- Britney
- Brooklyn
- Butters
- Buzz
- Cadet
- Cajun
- Calliope
- Camaro
- Candy
- Capone
- Carbon
- Cashmere
- Castor
- Chardonnay
- Chase
- Cheeks
- Chenille
- Chevy
- Chilli
- Chip
- Chopper
- Chuck
- Cinnamon
- Cleo
- Clipper
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cola
- Comet
- Cookie
- Copper
- Cowboy
- Crackers
- Cruiser
- Cupcake
- Cutie
- Daisy
- Dallas
- Daphne
- Dave
- Debbie
- Diesel
- Diva
- Doobie
- Draco
- Duckling
- Dusty
- Easter
- Eddy
- Effie
- Elle
- Elvis
- Emerald
- Enzo
- Ernie
- Ethel
- Euro
- Evergreen
- Fabio
- Faith
- Fawn
- Ferrari
- Fifi
- Finn
- Flash
- Forrest
- Foxxy
- Freedom
- Frisky
- Froggy
- Fury
- Gabby
- Gatsby
- Gemini
- Geno
- George
- Ghost
- Gibson
- Gigi
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Goose
- Graffiti
- Gracie
- Grape
- Great White
- Grizzly
- Guinness
- Gus
- Halo
- Hammy
- Harley
- Harry
- Havana
- Heidi
- Hemingway
- Hennessy
- Hero
- Houdini
- Houston
- Hugo
- Hurricane
- Ike
- India
- Indy
- Inky
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackie
- Jammer
- Java
- Jazz
- Jessie
- Jet
- Jett
- Jolly
- JuJu
- Junebug
- Jupiter
- Kacey
- Kale
- Kanan
- Kanye
- Kapone
- Karma
- Katy
- Keisha
- Kenzie
- Khloe
- Knox
- Kodiak
- Kong
- Lacey
- Lake
- Lambo
- Latte
- Layla
- Lemon
- Leo
- Liberty
- Lilo
- Lily
- Limo
- Link
- Lippy
- Lisa
- Lloyd
- London
- Lotus
- Luca
- Lucy
- Luke
- Mac
- Madison
- Magnum
- Mahogany
- Major
- Mango
- Marbles
- Marco
- Mars
- Maxine
- May
- Mayhem
- Mercedes
- Merlin
- Miami
- Mickey
- Miles
- Milo
- Mini
- Mint
- Missy
- Misty
- Mocha
- Molly
- Monaco
- Money
- Montana
- Monte
- Moore
- Mozart
- Murphy
- Mustang
- Mystic
- Nala
- Napoleon
- New York
- Niko
- Ninja
- Nixon
- Noble
- Nori
- Nova
- Oasis
- Ocean
- Olivia
- Opal
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Otis
- Ox
- Pandora
- Paris
- Patriot
- Pebbles
- Pepsi
- Phantom
- Phoenix
- Picasso
- Pistol
- Pluto
- Pogo
- Popcorn
- Porsche
- Precious
- Princeton
- Prissy
- Racer
- Raiden
- Rambo
- Rascal
- Raven
- Rebel
- Reddy
- Reese
- Remi
- Remy
- Rico
- Rio
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Rose
- Royce
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Salty
- Samson
- Santana
- Sapphire
- Scout
- Seattle
- Sensation
- Shadow
- Shelby
- Sierra
- Sinatra
- Sky
- Slider
- Smokey
- Snickers
- Snowball
- Sonic
- Sonya
- Spice
- Spirit
- Splendor
- Sport
- Starburst
- Stormy
- Sugarplum
- Sundae
- Sunny
- Supergirl
- Sydney
- Taz
- Teddy
- Thunder
- Tigger
- Timber
- Tito
- Tokyo
- Tony
- Turbo
- Twix
- Uzi
- Vegas
- Vienna
- Viper
- Voodoo
- Wally
- Warhol
- Washington
- Watson
- Whisky
- Willow
- Wine
- Wiz
- Xander
- Yankee
- Yogi
- Ziggy
- Zorro
Funny Names For Pet Rats
If you’re searching for a funny name for your rat, here are some suggestions:
- Hamlet
- Speedy
- Biscuit
- Cupcake
- Fuzzy
- Doodle
- Skippy
- Jumpy
- Smoochie
Unique Names For Pet Rats
If you’re seeking a distinctive name for your rat, consider these:
- Admiral Ackbar
- Albus Dumbledore
- Anakin Skywalker
- Angus – The name of a Scottish king
- Artie the Aardvark
- Attila the Hun
- Bella – Name of the protagonist in Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
- Benjamin Button
- Bertram
- Bruce Wayne
- C-Cup
- Captain Jack Sparrow
- Chewbacca
- Cinderella
- Darth Maul – Sith lord from Star Wars movies
- Dopey – One of the seven dwarfs from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- Draco Malfoy – Harry Potter character
- Eddie Murphy
- Elmo – The loveable red Muppet from Sesame Street
- Ewok – A small, furry creature from the planet Endor in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- Fang – For a tough rat
- Frodo Baggins
- Gandalf – The wizard from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies
- Gene Simmons
- Gomez Addams
- Governor Ratcliffe – Villain from Pocahontas
- Han Solo – Rebel pilot in Star Wars
- Hermione Granger – Harry Potter character
- Hoggle – A dwarf in the 1986 fantasy film Labyrinth, directed by Jim Henson
- Indiana Jones
- Iggy Pop
- Jabba the Hut – The slug-like crime lord from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- Jar Jar Binks – Comic relief character in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
- Jed Clampett – Character from the TV sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies
- J.D. Salinger
- Kermit the Frog – Muppet from Sesame Street and star of The Muppets Show
- Lassie – Famous Collie dog character from movies and television
- Leia Organa – Rebel leader and member of the Galactic Senate in Star Wars
- Loki – Norse god and mischief-maker
- Lucy Ricardo – Character from TV sitcom I Love Lucy
- MacGyver
- Maggie Simpson – One of the main characters on The Simpsons, an animated show that started airing in 1989
- Mickey Mouse
- Minnie Mouse
- Montgomery Burns – A famous character from the TV sitcom The Simpsons
- Ned Flanders – Character from the TV sitcom The Simpsons
- Oscar the Grouch – A Muppet on Sesame Street who lives in a trash can
- Pee-Wee Herman
- Peter Pan
- Pinocchio
- Pongo – One of the dogs in 101 Dalmatians
- Ralphie Parker – The kid from the movie A Christmas Story
- Rambo
- Remus Lupin – A fictional character from Harry Potter series
- Rocky Balboa
- Ron Weasley – Harry Potter character
- Rosie O’Donnell
- Scooby-Doo
- Snow White
- Spider-Man
- Spock – Star Trek character
- Stewie Griffin – One of the main characters on Family Guy, an animated TV show that started airing in 1999
- Tigger – The energetic tiger from Winnie-the-Pooh
- Tony Soprano – Mobster from the HBO TV series The Sopranos
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- Yoda – Jedi master and mentor to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars movies
Weird Names For Rats
If you want to go for a really weird name, check out some of these:
- Bacon Bits
- Belchinator 5000
- Billy Butt-Head
- Bobo the Hobo
- Booger Brain
- Brains – A zombie rat
- Butt-Head – Beavis and Butt-Head character
- Captain Crotchrot
- Cheddar Cheese Puff
- Chip
- Chuck Testa
- Cock-A-Doodle Dung
- Corn
- Dammit
- Doofus
- Droppings
- E.T.
- Farticus McBoogerballs
- Garbage
- Gonorrhea
- Hanky Panky
- Harry Pooper
- Hoover
- Icky Ricky
- Jabba
- Loser
- Master Blaster
- Monkey
- Mouse
- Mr. Poopybutthole – A character from the TV show Rick and Morty
- Number Two
Famous Rat Names
Looking for a famous name for your rat? Check out these:
- Ben the Rat
- Brain – Pinky and the Brain
- Cluny the Scourge – from the series Redwall
- Django
- Emile – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Justin
- Kylie
- Mappy
- Master Splinter – from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Mrs. Brisby
- Nicodemus – from the movie The Secret of NIMH
- Nigel Ratburn – from the TV show Arthur
- Pinky – Pinky and the Brain
- Professor Ratigan – from the movie The Great Mouse Detective
- Rat – Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Ratbert – from the comic series Dilbert
- Raticate – Pokemon
- Rattata – Pokemon
- Rattus Rattus
- Ratty
- Remy – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Rizzo the Rat – from The Muppets Show
- Samuel Whiskers – An old rat from one of Beatrix Potter’s stories
- Scabbers – from the Harry Potter series
- Socrates – from the movie Willard
- Steve McQueen – from the TV series House
- Templeton – from Charlotte’s Web
- Warren T. Rat
- Yolanda the Rat
Rat Names From Movies
Here are a few choices that have made an appearance in movies:
- Emile – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Master Splinter – from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Rat – Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Raticate – Pokemon
- Rattata – Pokemon
- Remy – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
Cool Names For Your Pet Rat
If you want to go with a cool name, check out these:
- Alvin
- Axel
- Bandit
- Bane
- Batman
- Bellatrix – Female Harry Potter character
- Black Widow – A superhero in the Marvel comics and movies
- Butch Cassidy – Outlaw of the Old West
- Caesar – The name of a Roman emperor
- Catwoman – A supervillain and antihero in the DC comics universe
- Che Guevara
- Clint Eastwood
- Conan
- Crispin – Name of several saints, including Saint Crispin who is the patron saint of shoemakers
- Darth Maul
- Dexter – Serial killer from the TV show Dexter
- Diego – Sabertooth tiger from the movie Ice Age
- Doc Savage
- Dracula
- Eddie Murphy
- El Chapo – Mexican drug lord and head of the Sinaloa Cartel
- Flash Gordon
- Fonzie – Character from the TV sitcom Happy Days
- Grizzly Adams
- Han Solo
- Indiana Jones
- James Bond
- Judge Dredd
- Kato – Green Hornet’s sidekick from the TV series and movie of the same name
- Lara Croft – The main character in the Tomb Raider video game series
- Leo
- Loki – Norse god of mischief and one of Thor’s adopted brothers in Marvel comics and movies
- Mace Windu – Jedi master in Star Wars prequel trilogy
- Maximus Decimus Meridius – Character from Gladiator
- Michelangelo – One of the four main characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Morpheus – Character from The Matrix
- Nemesis – Greek goddess and personification of vengeance
- Ninja – Stealthy assassins that originated in Japan
- Optimus Prime – Leader of the Autobots in the Transformers movie franchise
- Patton Oswalt
- Pirate
- Rambo
- Rapunzel
- Sauron – The main antagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic high fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings
- Scarface
- Schwarzy
- Sebastian – The crab from the movie The Little Mermaid
- Sherlock Holmes
- Sinbad
- Snake Eyes – A character in the G.I. Joe comics and movies
- Spartacus
- Spock – Star Trek character played by Leonard Nimoy
- Terminator
- The Hulk
- Thor – Norse god of thunder and one of the most popular Avengers in Marvel comics and movies
- Tiger
- Van Helsing
- Vicious – One of the main characters in the anime series Cowboy Bebop
- Wolverine – X-Men character played by Hugh Jackman
- Zorro
Goth Names For Rats
Here are some more ideas for names if you’re looking for something a little more unique:
- Abandoned
- Aloof
- Anarchist
- Bad Attitude
- Barely Alive
- Black Widow
- Bloody Mary
- Blueberry Muffin
- Boiler Maker
- Bratwurst the Rat
- Bruiser
- Bug-eyed Benny
- Bullet
- Butterball
- Cadillac Jack
- Casanova
- Chaos
- Claw Marks
Japanese Rat Names
If you want to name your rat in Japanese, here are some ideas:
- Akira – Clear
- Akemi – Bright, beauty
- Baka – Crazy
- Chibi – Small or cute
- Gaki – Hungry
- Hana – Flower
- Haruka – Distance or faraway place
- Karei – Beautiful
- Kumo – Spider
- Midori – Green
- Neko – cat
- Ritsu – Law
- Sakura – Cherry blossom tree and flowers
- Yuki – Snow
- Zoku – Tribe or clan
Names For Brown Rats
Own a brown rat? Check out these names for brown rats:
- Aladdin
- Bandit
- Biscuit
- Bones
- Brownie
- Bugsy
- BulletProof
- Butter Bean
- Cheeks
- Cookie
- Cotton Tail
- Crackle
- Dapper Dan
- Droppings
- Ebony
- Ginger Snap
Disney Rat Names
Here are a few choices from Disney films:
- Django – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Emile – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Git – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
- Remy – from Pixar’s Ratatouille
Cinderella Rat Names
The mice from Cinderella offer up some great names for your rat:
- Bert
- Luke
- Mary
- Mert
- Perla
- Suzy
Names For Albino Or White Rats
Is your rat an albino? Check out these names for albino rats:
- Aurora
- Blizzard
- Candle
- Casper
- Crystal
- Diamond
- Elfin
- Frosty
- Ghostie
- Glimmer
- Iceberg
- Lilypad
- Midnight Sun
- Moonbeam
- Neptune
- Polar Bear
- Snowball
- Sterling Silver
- Sunny-Side Up
- Twinkle
- Unicorn
Names For Black Rats
Looking for a new name for your black rat? Check out these names for black rats:
- Alley Cat
- Annie
- Bad news
- Bandit
- Bane
- Batman
- Black Diamond
- Black Ice
- Blade Runner
- Blaze
- Bloody Mary
- Bomb Squad
- Bones
- Brooklyn
- Butterfly
- Cabernet
- Candlelight
- Carbon Copy
- Catwoman
- Chocolate Chip
- Darth Vader
- Doomsday
- Ebony
- Empire
- Exterminator
- Fang
- Foxy Lady
- Gotham
- Hades
- Hitman
- Kingpin
- Lethal Weapon
- Mamba
- Mastermind
- Maximus
- Midnight
- Ninja
- Outlaw
- Panther
- Pepper
- Punisher
- Rattler
- Revenge
- RoboCop
- Scarface
- Savage
- Shadow
- Silencer
- Sinatra
- Smokey
- Spartacus
- Steeler
Names For Black And White Rats
When choosing a name for your clean and affectionate pet rat the first thing you’ll want to do is look at their coloring.
If they’re black and white, here are some names to consider:
- Oreo
- Penguin
Magical Names For Your Rat
If you’re looking for a more whimsical name for your rat, check out these magical names:
- Butterfly
- Doodlebug
- Dorothy – Wizard of Oz character
- Dragonfly
- Fairy
- Friar Tuck
- Goblin
- Griffon
- Hagrid – Harry Potter character
- Hermione – Harry Potter character
- Leprechaun
- Lion – Wizard of Oz character
- Little John
- Luna
- Merlin
- Morgaine le Fay – A powerful sorceress and antagonist in Arthurian legend
- Nimbus – The magical flying broomstick in the Harry Potter series
- Owl
- Pegasus – A winged horse from Greek mythology
- Phoenix – A mythical bird that is reborn from its ashes
- Pixie
- Ron – Harry Potter character
- Santa Claus (or Father Christmas)
- Scarecrow – Wizard of Oz character
- Sirius Black – Harry Potter character
- Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Mickey Mouse character
- Tinker Bell – Peter Pan’s fairy friend Tinker Bell is often referred to as a pixie. She has also been played by Mae Whitman in the Disney movies
- Tin Man – Wizard of Oz character
- Will Scarlet
Halloween Names For Rats
If you’re looking for a spooky name for your rat, check out these Halloween-themed names:
- Abaddon – The Destroyer in the Bible
- Angela – An evil witch from Sleeping Beauty
- Anubis – God of the underworld in Egyptian mythology
- Baba Yaga – A wicked witch from Russian folklore
- Banshee – A spirit of Irish legend who wails outside homes to foretell death
- Bellatrix – A Death Eater in the Harry Potter series
- Bloody Mary – An urban legend about a woman who appears in a mirror when summoned
- Boris – The giant, man-eating plant from Little Shop of Horrors
- Casper – The friendly ghost
- Chucky – The murderous doll from Child’s Play
- Count Dracula
- Cujo – A rabid dog in Stephen King’s novel of the same name
- Cyclops – One-eyed giants from Greek mythology
- Frankenstein’s Monster
- Ghostbuster
- Grim Reaper
- Halloween
- Jigsaw – Character from the Saw movie series
- Jack O’Lantern
- Linda Blair – Actress who portrayed a possessed girl in the horror film The Exorcist
- Lord Voldemort – Villain in the Harry Potter series
- Maleficent – The wicked fairy from Sleeping Beauty
- Michael Myers – Serial killer in the Halloween movie series
- Norman Bates – Protagonist of Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho and its sequels
- Pennywise – The evil clown from Stephen King’s It
- Psycho
- Regan MacNeil – The possessed girl from The Exorcist
- Scream
- Skeletor – Lord of Destruction in the Masters of the Universe cartoon series
- Slasher
- T-1000 – Robot assassin from Terminator II: Judgment Day
- The Thing – Alien that can take on the appearance of other life forms in the movie of the same name
- Werewolf
- Zombie
Pokemon Rat Names
If you’re looking for a more lighthearted name, why not consider naming your rat after a Pokemon character?
Here are some possibilities:
- Cyndaquil
- Marrill
- Minccino
- Morpeko
- Nidoran
- Pikachu
- Plusle
- Raticate
- Rattata – a pre-evolution to a Pokemon rat called Raticate
- Zigzagoon
- Minun
Cartoon Rat Names
If you’re looking for a more whimsical name, why not consider naming your rat after a cartoon character?
Here are some possibilities:
- Cyndaquil – Pokemon
- Marrill – Pokemon
- Minccino – Pokemon
- Morpeko – Pokemon
- Nidoran – Pokemon
- Pikachu – Pokemon
- Plusle – Pokemon
- Raticate – Pokemon
- Rattata – Pokemon
- Zigzagoon – Pokemon
- Minun – Pokemon
- Brain – Pinky and the Brain
- Django
- Mappy
- Master Splinter – from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Nigel Ratburn – from the TV show Arthur
- Pinky – Pinky and the Brain
- Ratbert – from the comic series Dilbert
- Templeton – from Charlotte’s Web
- Bert – Disney’s Cinderella
- Luke – Disney’s Cinderella
- Mary – Disney’s Cinderella
- Mert – Disney’s Cinderella
- Perla – Disney’s Cinderella
- Suzy – Disney’s Cinderella
Names For Pairs Of Rats
If you have a pair of rats, why not give them matching names?
- Alvin and Theodore – The Chipmunks
- Alice and Bob – The Brady Bunch
- Barney and Betty – The Flintstones
- Butch and Cassidy – The Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy
- Cagney and Lacey – Female police detectives in the TV series of the same name
- Cheech and Chong – Comedy duo is known for their stoner humor
- China and Glass
- Dopey and Grumpy – The Seven Dwarfs
- Eddie and Lou
- Fred and Wilma – Fred Flintstone and his wife Wilma
- Garfield and Odie
- George and Mildred
- Gomez and Morticia – Gomez Addams and his wife Morticia from the TV show The Addams Family
- Homer and Marge – The Simpsons
- Jack and Jill – A nursery rhyme
- Jekyll and Hyde
- Kermit and Miss Piggy – Kermit is a frog and Miss Piggy is a pig, both from the TV show The Muppet Show
- Lenny and Carl – Characters from the TV show The Simpsons
- Lois and Peter – Characters from the TV show Family Guy
- Lucy and Ricky
- Mickey and Minnie – Mickey Mouse and his girlfriend Minnie Mouse
- Moe and Larry
- Oscar and Felix
- Pam and Tommy
- Ralph and Edna
- Rick and Morty
- Rocky and Bullwinkle
- Scooby-Doo and Shaggy
- Sherlock Holmes and John Watson
Rat Name Inspiration
You may get ideas for your new social animal from anywhere! Some examples of locations where you might discover inspiration include famous rats, well-known cartoons, and more. There are a lot of options when it comes to naming your new rat.
It’s important to have some fun with it and come up with a name that both you and your new social animal will be happy with for years to come.
Help Choosing The Right Name
Here are a few tips to help rat owners pick the perfect name:
1. Picking A Name That Has Personal Meaning
It might be a lot of fun to choose a name for your pet that has personal significance. As a result, you’ll always know the name is special and holds a lot of meaning for you.
Some examples might include your favorite character from a movie or even a name that pays homage to a family member or friend.
Picking a name that has personal meaning can also help your small animal feel more like part of the family.
2. Considering Your Pet’s Personality
When you’re picking a name for your pet rat, it’s important to consider their personality. Do they like to be the center of attention or do they prefer to stay in the background?
Are they playful and active or more laid back? Naming your rat after their personality can help them feel more comfortable and like themselves.
It can also be a lot of fun to give them a name that reflects their personality traits.
3. Choosing A Name That Is Easy To Say
It’s important to choose a name that is easy for both you and others to say. This will help make sure everyone can properly address your pet rat without any confusion.
Short and sweet names tend to work best when it comes to naming rats. You also want to avoid names that are difficult to spell or have multiple syllables.
4. Taking Your Pet’s Breed Into Account
If you’re looking for a more traditional name, it’s important to take your pet rat’s breed into account. Doing so can help you come up with the perfect moniker that fits them perfectly.
For example, if you have a dumbo rat, then consider naming them after something cute like Dumbo or Bambi.
5. Considering The Length And Pronunciation Of The Name
Another thing to keep in mind when picking a name for your rat is the length and pronunciation of the moniker. You want to make sure it’s something that will be easy to say and won’t get shortened over time.
Also, consider how the name sounds when you say it out loud. Does it roll off the tongue or is it difficult to pronounce?
The pet rat name ideas in this article should help you find a perfect moniker for your new furry friend. No matter what type of personality they have, there is sure to be a fitting name to make them feel special and loved!
Need more ideas for your pet rat or mouse? Use a name generator or check out the related section below pet owners for more ideas!