999+ Betta Fish Names (Funny & Cute Ideas For Boys & Girls)

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Betta fish (also siamese fighting fish) are a popular pet fish for a reason. Their gorgeous flowing fins and lovely bright colors characterized by deep blues, deep reds, and other color combinations makes them great starter pets. What’s more, they are fairly easy to care for.

Betta fish also have an interesting personality. Male betta fish are aggressive, while females are gentler. When you finally get any type of betta fish, you need to think of some good betta fish names that match your pet.

Since there are thousands of names to consider, we’ve tried to prepare the ultimate beta fish naming guide for you, packed with inspiring names that represent the beauty and uniqueness of betta fish.

We’ve also considered many other factors, including gender and personality. The guide below is bound to lead you to the perfect betta fish names that match your pet perfectly.

While most names are self-explanatory, we’ve tried to elaborate on unique names. The names have also been listed in alphabetical order in most sections to give you an easier time should you have letter preferences.

Lastly, we’ve offered a naming guide for inspiration should you need more guidance on choosing the best name for your fish.

Let’s dive in.

Best Betta Fish Names

If you are searching for some really popular betta fish names that are loved and used by many, here are some considerations based on everything from personality to color to gender.

  1. Finn – named after fins
  2. Johnny depth – named after popular actor Johnny Depp
  3. Rowdy – ideal for a bad-tempered female betta fish
  4. Sassy – bold and cheeky
  5. Scout – ideal for a wandering betta fish
  6. Slick – ideal for slick male betta fish
  7. Tank – meaning fierce, ready for battle
  8. Zelda –meaning blessed

If you don’t find a suitable name, continue looking below.

Betta Fish Names For Girls

Female betta fish have notable characteristics. For instance, they aren’t as colorful. They are also rare.

The names below cover these characteristics and more.

Consider these girls’ names and related names when naming your betta fish.

  1. Abigail
  2. Adrianna
  3. Aerith
  4. Aiza
  5. Ally
  6. Ambar
  7. Amelia
  8. Amy Schumer
  9. Andrea
  10. Angel
  11. Angela
  12. Anthena
  13. Aoi
  14. Apple
  15. Ariel
  16. Athena
  17. Aurora
  18. Avey
  19. Belle
  20. Bess
  21. Bikini
  22. Blanche
  23. Bliss
  24. Bonnie
  25. Boss Lady
  26. Britt
  27. Buffy
  28. Bunny
  29. Butterfly
  30. Callista
  31. Camilla
  32. Cardi B.
  33. Carla
  34. Carly
  35. Cassie
  36. Celeste
  37. Chanel
  38. Cher
  39. Colbie
  40. Coral
  41. Cordelia
  42. Cupcake
  43. Daria
  44. Devine
  45. Dianna
  46. Diva
  47. Donatella
  48. Donna
  49. Doris
  50. Dory
  51. Dotty
  52. Drusilla
  53. Edith
  54. Eleanor
  55. Elizabeth
  56. Ellie
  57. Elsa
  58. Emily
  59. Esther
  60. Eve
  61. Evina
  62. Felicity
  63. Fina
  64. Fleur
  65. Flip Flop
  66. Flower
  67. Francine
  68. Gamora
  69. Ginny
  70. Indira
  71. Isla
  72. Java
  73. Jelly
  74. Jellybean
  75. Jen
  76. Jigglypuff
  77. Jove
  78. Latte
  79. Luna
  80. Marie Kondo
  81. Marina
  82. Mean Girl
  83. Mermaid
  84. Misty
  85. Ms. Marbles
  86. Ms. Piggy
  87. Nerissa
  88. Nicole
  89. Ophelia
  90. Paris
  91. Pearl
  92. Pepper
  93. Pixie
  94. Popcorn
  95. Posey
  96. Princess
  97. Queane
  98. Queen B
  99. Ratu
  100. Rebecca
  101. Roo
  102. Rowena
  103. Saki
  104. Saki
  105. Sarnai
  106. Sela
  107. Starbuck
  108. Sybil
  109. Taylor Swift
  110. Thelma
  111. Tomato
  112. Violet
  113. Willow
  114. Winnie
  115. Xyris
  116. Yuffie
  117. Yzabella
  118. Zelda
  119. Zenaida

Betta Fish Names For Boys

If you have a male betta fish, you should name them accordingly. There are specific names that will work for male betta fish. You can name the fish according to its distinct characteristics like brilliant colors, long fins, fierce temper, intolerance, and aggressiveness.

The unique traits make male betta fish loners. They are either kept alone in a separate bowl or in a large aquarium with ample space.

Here are some good betta fish names for your male betta fish;

  1. Abbott
  2. Abe
  3. Adam
  4. Admiral
  5. Akira
  6. Albert
  7. Albus
  8. Alfalfa
  9. Anakin
  10. Anchor
  11. Andy
  12. Anthony
  13. Apollo
  14. Archie
  15. Ares
  16. Astor
  17. Atticus
  18. Attilla
  19. Balder
  20. Barnaby
  21. Barnes
  22. Bart
  23. Bernard
  24. Bill
  25. Blade
  26. Bobby
  27. Bodhi
  28. Boo
  29. Bravos
  30. Brian
  31. Bruce
  32. Bruno
  33. Bubba
  34. Butch
  35. Caspian
  36. Chips
  37. Christian
  38. Clint
  39. Clyde
  40. Cohen
  41. Costello
  42. Dale
  43. Darius
  44. Dave
  45. Depak
  46. Doc
  47. Doctor
  48. Doug
  49. Draco
  50. Dylan
  51. Earl
  52. Ellis
  53. Elroe
  54. Errol
  55. Flamma
  56. fox
  57. Frank
  58. Galahad
  59. Gary
  60. Gavin
  61. Gentian
  62. George
  63. Giles
  64. Gonzalez
  65. Graham
  66. Gusti
  67. Han
  68. Harry
  69. Hiro
  70. Hollis
  71. Homer
  72. Hungry
  73. Indie
  74. Jacques
  75. James
  76. Jay
  77. Jayson
  78. Jem
  79. Jeremiah
  80. Joey
  81. Johnson
  82. Jonah
  83. Jonathan
  84. Jordan
  85. Jose
  86. Kevin
  87. Kumar
  88. Kylo
  89. Larry
  90. Leland
  91. Leo
  92. Leomord
  93. Leonard
  94. Leonidas
  95. Loki
  96. Louis
  97. Lu Bu
  98. Lucian
  99. Lucius
  100. Luke
  101. Lupin
  102. Mal
  103. Marino
  104. Mars
  105. Matt
  106. Max
  107. Minos
  108. Miyamoto
  109. Moby
  110. Moe
  111. Morado
  112. Morgan
  113. Moses
  114. Mulder
  115. Nigel
  116. Noah
  117. Odin
  118. Ortun
  119. Paul
  120. Peppy
  121. Pike
  122. Quintin
  123. Ragnar
  124. Rosendo
  125. Rusty
  126. Saul
  127. Shadow
  128. Shark
  129. Shiloh
  130. Spartacus
  131. Spike
  132. Squirt
  133. Sun Tzu
  134. Tang
  135. Theordore
  136. Wayne
  137. Wilfred
  138. Will
  139. William
  140. Wolf
  141. Xander
  142. Yang
  143. Zag
  144. Zane
  145. Zappa
  146. Zeus
  147. Ziggy
Red And White Betta Fish

Unisex Betta Fish Names

You may not know the gender of your betta fish. What’s more, you may not bother knowing and prefer a neutral name.

If you prefer a unique unisex name ideal for a male or female betta fish, consider these names;

  1. Ace
  2. Aqua
  3. Bait
  4. Coral
  5. Fin
  6. Fishy
  7. Nemo
  8. Nibbles
  9. Salsa
  10. Shark
  11. Speckles

Cute Betta Fish Names

Naming can be based on appearance or how your pet makes you feel. Individuals who wish for an adorable name that makes you happy can consider the following betta fish names;

  1. Angie
  2. Annie
  3. Baby
  4. Beluga
  5. Billie
  6. Bingo
  7. Cleo
  8. Coco
  9. Dobby
  10. Flower
  11. Freckles – ideal for a spotted colorful fishy
  12. Lenny
  13. Paulie
  14. Quimby
  15. Rocky
  16. Roxy
  17. Sandy
  18. Sassy
  19. Spike
  20. Spot
  21. Sprite
  22. Wavy

Good Names For Betta Fish

Pet names don’t have to be exaggerated. You can choose a simple name that works for you and your pet.

A good name can be anything ranging from a favorite thing to a favorite person’s name.

Examples of satisfactory betta fish names include;

  1. Astro
  2. Bubba
  3. Cookie
  4. Finn
  5. Flash
  6. Flipper
  7. Flounder
  8. Gordon
  9. Gracie
  10. Houdini
  11. Kiko
  12. Louie
  13. Lucky
  14. Marble
  15. Ollie
  16. Otter
  17. Popcorn
  18. Rex
  19. Salty
  20. Sammy
  21. Skippy
  22. Snapper
  23. Surfer
  24. Swimmer
  25. Toby
  26. Ziggy

Funny Betta Fish Names (Including Puns)

Betta fish can have fun/funny characteristics.

For instance, betta fish are known to be very playful when foreign objects are placed in a fish tank. A mirror or a ball can be a fun addition to a fish tank.

Betta fish can also swim majestically and feed from your hand.

If your betta fish exhibits such fun/funny characteristics, you can consider the names below;

  1. Aegir
  2. Algaemaker
  3. Ann Chovy
  4. Aqualad
  5. Aquaman
  6. Ariel
  7. Atlantis
  8. Bait
  9. Barbie
  10. Betta Fett
  11. Betta max
  12. Betta White
  13. Bettamale
  14. Bettaman
  15. Bones
  16. Bubble Fett
  17. Butch
  18. Captain Hook
  19. Ceviche
  20. Chum
  21. Cujo
  22. Dexter
  23. DJ Betta
  24. Erie
  25. Featherweight
  26. Fido
  27. Finley
  28. Fish
  29. Fish Stick
  30. Fishboy
  31. Fishgirl
  32. Fishy
  33. Floater
  34. Flounder
  35. Fried
  36. Gaston
  37. Genghis Karp
  38. Gill Clinton
  39. Goldy
  40. H2O
  41. Harley Finn
  42. Jabberjaw
  43. Jacques Costeau
  44. Jaws
  45. Jumbo
  46. Kermit
  47. Leonardo
  48. Magikarp
  49. Marlin
  50. Melville
  51. Michael Phelps
  52. Michelangelo
  53. Moby Dick
  54. Nemo
  55. Oscar
  56. Sardine
  57. Sharkira
  58. Shrimp
  59. Skipper
  60. Spike
  61. Spongebob
  62. Swedish
  63. Swim Shady
  64. Tartar Sauce & chips
  65. Tiny
  66. Tsunami
  67. Tuna
  68. Tuna Turner
  69. Wasabi

Badass Betta Fish Names

If your betta fish is somewhat intimidating or tough, below are some great names to consider;

  1. Ammo
  2. Armageddon
  3. Bandit
  4. Barb
  5. Brinks
  6. Bruiser
  7. Bully
  8. Dexter
  9. Dynamo
  10. Electra
  11. Force
  12. Forceful
  13. Goodfella
  14. Hannibal
  15. Hawk
  16. Hostile
  17. Hulk
  18. Hurricane
  19. Hyde
  20. Hydra
  21. Intruder
  22. Jekyll
  23. Jet Li
  24. Killer
  25. King Kong
  26. Knuckles
  27. Kratos
  28. Kreig
  29. Mace
  30. Martial
  31. Mr. Grumpy
  32. Ninja
  33. Nipper
  34. Nips
  35. Nuke
  36. Perky
  37. Pistol
  38. Psycho
  39. Pug
  40. Pushy
  41. Quarrel
  42. Roundy
  43. Ruthless
  44. Scrapper
  45. Scrappy
  46. Sea Wolf
  47. Slash
  48. Snap
  49. Snarky
  50. Snipper
  51. Snippy
  52. Spunky
  53. Sting
  54. Stormageddon
  55. Terminator
  56. The Rock (after Dwayne Johnson)
  57. Thunder
  58. Tornado
  59. Trident
  60. Truck
  61. Tuffy
  62. Tyson
  63. Vader
  64. Vavoom
  65. Viper
  66. War
  67. Warrior
  68. Wasabi
  69. Wolverine
  70. Yosemite Sam
  71. Zorro

Cool Names for Betta Fish

If he/she is more of a cool fish, one of the cool betta fish names below can work;

  1. Ackbar
  2. Derp
  3. Doge
  4. Duckface
  5. Ermahgerd
  6. Fail
  7. Gangnam
  8. Gosling
  9. Grumpy cat
  10. Harambe
  11. Keanu
  12. Kermit
  13. Norris
  14. Pepe
  15. Plank
  16. Prince
  17. Rickroll
  18. Slender Man
  19. Trollolo
  20. Wonka
Betta Fish

Unique Names for Betta Fish

If you don’t fancy a common name or any of the above name categories, a unique betta fish name may work.

This category also works if your fish is really unique in many aspects, from color to personality.

  1. Beluga
  2. Brains
  3. Crusher
  4. Diablo
  5. Einstein
  6. Eleven
  7. Fizz
  8. Flow
  9. Ghost
  10. Hulk
  11. Ink
  12. Lux
  13. Nero
  14. Omen
  15. Picasso
  16. Sloth
  17. Viper
  18. Voodoo
  19. Wasabi

Exotic Names for Betta Fish

If your betta fish exhibits exotic characteristics or origins, consider the names below;

  1. Atlantis
  2. Asher
  3. Coral
  4. Dobby
  5. Elf
  6. Elsey
  7. Flip
  8. Gilly
  9. Hank
  10. Kitty
  11. Jello
  12. Necko
  13. OZ

Blue Betta Fish Names

Betta fish feature many colors ranging from shades of blue coupled with indigo, steel, and royal. Their scales have an iridescent color.

Most importantly, different lights can give the fish different appearances. Here are some ideal names for blue betta fish;

  1. Admiral
  2. Aegean
  3. Aqua
  4. Aquamarine
  5. Aragonite
  6. Arctic
  7. Ashlyn
  8. Astro Boy
  9. Asul
  10. Azure
  11. Baby Blue
  12. Berry
  13. Beryl
  14. Betty
  15. Billabong
  16. Blauw
  17. Bleu
  18. Blue
  19. Blue Betty
  20. Blue Boy
  21. Blue Dragon
  22. Blue Mackerel
  23. Blue Moon
  24. Blue-Be-Do
  25. Bluebell
  26. Blueberry
  27. Blueface
  28. Bluefish
  29. Bluestar
  30. Bubbles
  31. Buryu – meaning color blue in Japanese
  32. Cerulean
  33. Cloud
  34. Cobalt
  35. Cookie
  36.  Cornflower
  37. Cyan
  38. DaBaDee
  39. Denim
  40. Dory
  41. Dr. Manhattan
  42. Eeyore
  43. Electric
  44. Estuary
  45. Eulb
  46. Freeze
  47. Frosty
  48. Gatorade
  49. Genie
  50. Ice
  51. Indigo
  52. Iris
  53. Jean
  54. Jesus
  55. Lagoon
  56. Lagoona
  57. Lapis
  58. Luke
  59. Magikoopas
  60. Mande Rae
  61. Marine
  62. Mazarine
  63. Megaman
  64. Megamind
  65. Merryweather
  66. Midnight
  67. Moat
  68. Modrá (color blue in Czech)
  69. Modr
  70. Monday
  71. Moon
  72. Morose
  73. Navy
  74. Nemo
  75. Neptune
  76. Neytiri
  77. Ocean
  78. Peacock
  79. Periwinkle
  80. Pisces
  81. Plavalaguna
  82. Polu
  83. Poseidon
  84. Rain
  85. Richter Belmont
  86. River
  87. Rosie
  88. Royal
  89. Sail Tail
  90. Saladin
  91. Samus Aran
  92. Sapphire
  93. Sea
  94. Sky
  95. Smurf
  96. Sonic
  97. Space
  98. Splash
  99. Spruce
  100. Stitch
  101. Stone
  102. Storm
  103. Sub-Zero
  104. Sully
  105. Tanzanite
  106. Tardis
  107. Tarn
  108. Teal
  109. Tentacool
  110. Thrawn
  111. Topaz
  112. Tsunami
  113. Turquoise
  114. Urdin (means blue in Basque)
  115. Winter
  116. Zir
  117. Zulu
Red Betta Fish

Red Betta Fish Names

If you get red betta fish with a vibrant color combination, you need a name that matches the appearance.

A dominant red color from the head to tail or hues through the scales warrants the following names;

  1. Aka
  2. Apple
  3. Auburn
  4. Autumn
  5. Beets
  6. Berry
  7. Blaze
  8. Blaziken
  9. Blush
  10. Brandy
  11. Brick
  12. Burgundy
  13. Candy Cane
  14. Cardinal
  15. Carrot
  16. Cayenne
  17. Cheeto
  18. Cherry
  19. Chestnut
  20. Cheyenne
  21. Chili
  22. Cinnamon
  23. Claret
  24. Clifford
  25. Copper
  26. Coral
  27. Cranberry
  28. Crimson
  29. Currant
  30. Curry
  31. Dorito
  32. Ellie
  33. Elmo
  34. Ember
  35. Eric
  36. Fanta
  37. Fever
  38. Fiery
  39. Fiona
  40. Flame
  41. Flamingo
  42. Flann
  43. Foxy
  44. Frizzle
  45. Furnace
  46. Garnet
  47. Gilroy
  48. Ginger
  49. Glow
  50. Harkin
  51. Hazel
  52. Hong – meaning red in Chinese
  53. Hydrant
  54. Jam
  55. Jelly Bean
  56. Jess
  57. Ketchup
  58. Kimchi
  59. Lady Bug
  60. Lobster
  61. Lucy
  62. Mahogany
  63. Merida
  64. Merlot
  65. Ol’ Red
  66. Pansy
  67. Paprika
  68. Penny
  69. Peppermint
  70. Pepperoni
  71. Peter
  72. Phineas
  73. Phoenix
  74. Pimento
  75. Poppy
  76. Punainen – means red in Finnish
  77. Punane – means red in Estonian
  78. Radish
  79. Raspberry
  80. Redish
  81. Rhubarb
  82. Rogan
  83. Rojo – means red in Spanish
  84. Rose
  85. Rosebud
  86. Rosie
  87. Rosso – means red in Italian
  88. Rouge – means red in French
  89. Rover
  90. Rowan
  91. Rowena
  92. Ruby
  93. Russet
  94. Rusty
  95. Saffron
  96. Sandy
  97. Sangria
  98. Scarlet
  99. Sebastian (Little Mermaid)
  100. Sienna
  101. Solo
  102. Spark
  103. Strawberry
  104. Sumac
  105. Sunset
  106. Suri
  107. Tiger
  108. Ula
  109. Vermillion

Pink Betta Fish Names

If your betta fish has pink as the dominant color, consider naming him/her any of the following;

  1. Alice
  2. Amaranth
  3. Amethyst
  4. Annabelle
  5. Azalea
  6. Barbie
  7. Bella
  8. Bido
  9. Bing Bong
  10. Blossom
  11. Bubble Gum
  12. Callie
  13. Carmen
  14. Carnation
  15. Cerise
  16. Charlotte
  17. Chloe
  18. Contessa
  19. Cure Flora
  20. Dahlia
  21. DeeDee
  22. Dixie
  23. Dolce
  24. Doll
  25. Easter Bunny
  26. Evie
  27. Fandango
  28. Freya
  29. Froly
  30. Fuchsia
  31. Fuzzy Lumpkins
  32. Geraldine
  33. Giggles
  34. Hibiscus
  35. Hot
  36. Kirby
  37. Lipstick
  38. Magenta
  39. Mauve
  40. Natasha
  41. NiNi
  42. Orchid
  43. Patrick – after starfish in Spongebob
  44. Penelope
  45. Penelope Pitstop
  46. Pina Colada
  47. Pink Panther
  48. Pink Pearl
  49. Pinkie Pie
  50. Pinko
  51. Pinky
  52. Pixie
  53. Porky Pig
  54. Princess Bubblegum
  55. Puffin
  56. Punch
  57. Rainbow Brite
  58. Razzmatazz
  59. Rooter
  60. Rosewood
  61. Rouge
  62. Salmon
  63. Slipper
  64. Thulian
  65. Tickle
  66. Ultra
  67. Valentine
  68. Watermelon
  69. Wewak

Colorful Betta Fish Names

Betta fish that feature many colors as opposed to one distinct color like red or pink can be named any of the following;

  1. Angel
  2. Aurora
  3. Berri
  4. Blot
  5. Butterfly
  6. Crystal
  7. Diamond
  8. Dotty
  9. Firecracker
  10. Freckles
  11. Garden
  12. Grace
  13. Iridescence
  14. Kewel
  15. Kingfisher
  16. Magic
  17. Meadow
  18. Painting
  19. Panda
  20. Patches
  21. Peacock
  22. Picasso
  23. Prism
  24. Rainbow
  25. Rorschach
  26. Ruby
  27. Sheen
  28. Skittles
  29. Splash
  30. Spot
  31. Sprinkles
  32. Twinkles
  33. Twinkly
  34. Zebra
  35. Zigzag

White Betta Fish Names

Betta fish that are white in color can be named after other similar-colored items, places, etc.;

  1. Alabaster
  2. Ansel
  3. Arctic
  4. Argent – means silver in French
  5. Aspen – synonymous with white/snow
  6. Banshee
  7. Beluga
  8. Bijou
  9. Birch
  10. Blizzard
  11. Bones
  12. Bullet
  13. Casper
  14. Chalky
  15. Chiffon
  16. Chrome
  17. Clear
  18. Coastal
  19. Coconut
  20. Cotton
  21. Cream
  22. Crystal
  23. Diamond
  24. Dove
  25. Dusty
  26. Earl Gray
  27. Egg
  28. Feather
  29. Frost
  30. Ghost
  31. Gin – means silver in Japanese
  32. Glacier
  33. Gleam
  34. Glimmer
  35. Gunpowder
  36. Icicle
  37. Island
  38. Jasmine
  39. Kendall
  40. Kesef – means silver in Hebrew
  41. Lace
  42. Luna
  43. Magnolia
  44. Mayo
  45. Milk
  46. Mint
  47. Moonshine
  48. Mushroom
  49. Nail
  50. Oatmeal
  51. Opal
  52. Pale
  53. Pebbles
  54. Plata – means silver in Spanish
  55. Platinum
  56. Polar
  57. Porcelain
  58. Pure
  59. Quartz
  60. Quicksilver
  61. Rice
  62. Scratch
  63. Shade
  64. Sheen
  65. Shimmer
  66. Shine
  67. Silber – means silver in German
  68. Silk
  69. Silver
  70. Smoke
  71. Smokey
  72. Snow
  73. Snowball
  74. Snowdrop
  75. Snowflake
  76. Snowy
  77. Specter
  78. Starlight
  79. Steel
  80. Sterling
  81. Sugar
  82. Swan
  83. Teeth
  84. Tinsel
  85. Tubelight
  86. Umbra
  87. Whisper
  88. Wisp
  89. Wraith

Black Betta Fish Names

If your betta fish is black or dark in color, below are some suitable names to consider;

  1. Angus
  2. Ash
  3. Atlantis
  4. Bear
  5. Beetle
  6. Bernadetta
  7. Black panther
  8. Black Pearl
  9. Blackie
  10. Blackjack
  11. Blake
  12. Bogie
  13. Caspar
  14. Cave
  15. Cesare
  16. Charcoal
  17. Chocolate
  18. Cinderella
  19. Coal
  20. Cocoa
  21. Coffee
  22. Coffee Bean
  23. Cola
  24. Cole
  25. Crow
  26. Cynical
  27. Daegan Kai
  28. Damien
  29. Dante
  30. Dark
  31. Darth Vader
  32. Deep Sea
  33. Diamond
  34. Dodge
  35. Donnie Darko
  36. Dorothea
  37. Dragon
  38. Drakkar Noir
  39. Dugan
  40. Duncan
  41. Dust
  42. Dusty
  43. Ebony
  44. Eclipse
  45. Edelgard
  46. Elvira
  47. Espresso
  48. Ferdinand
  49. Flint
  50. Forest
  51. Gabe
  52. Galaxy
  53. Goth
  54. Graphite
  55. Grimm
  56. Guiness
  57. Hades
  58. Hershey
  59. Hubert
  60. Ink
  61. Inky
  62. Ivory
  63. Jack Black
  64. Jacket
  65. Jaguar
  66. Jamaica
  67. Jett
  68. Johnny Cash
  69. Kieran Mael
  70. Kodiak
  71. Kole
  72. Kuro
  73. Lelia
  74. Licorice
  75. Linhardt
  76. Liquorice
  77. Mamba
  78. Matches
  79. Maverick
  80. Metal
  81. Midnight
  82. Mirage
  83. Mocha
  84. Molasses
  85. Moonlit
  86. Morticia
  87. Musqua
  88. Night
  89. Ninja
  90. Noir
  91. Nuit
  92. Nyx
  93. Obsidian
  94. Oil
  95. Onyx
  96. Orion
  97. Panther
  98. Pearl
  99. Pepper
  100. Petra
  101. Phantom
  102. Photon
  103. Pitch
  104. Rasputin
  105. Raven
  106. Salem
  107. Satchmo
  108. Sea
  109. Sepia
  110. Shadow
  111. Shady
  112. Sharpie
  113. Singularity
  114. Skye
  115. Slate
  116. Smoke
  117. Smokey
  118. Somber
  119. Sooty
  120. Space
  121. Spade
  122. Spooky
  123. Storm
  124. Tar
  125. Tarmac
  126. Thunder
  127. Timber
  128. Tina
  129. Trilby
  130. Twilight
  131. Tynan
  132. Vadar
  133. Vega
  134. Veil
  135. Velvet
  136. Void
  137. Voodoo
  138. Vulcan
  139. Witch
  140. Witcher

Japanese Names For Betta Fish

There are several Japanese names you can consider that match the Betta fish’s personality and appearance. They include;

  1. Kaida – means little dragon
  2. Nami – means ocean wave
  3. Plakat – means biting fish
  4. Samurai – means warrior
  5. Sumo – means wrestler
  6. Yoshe – means beauty
Betta Fish

Help Choosing the Right Name

If you aren’t content with the betta fish names above and want to choose another name, or you have identified several suitable names and can’t make up your mind, there are some tips to consider below.

1. Watch Your Betta Fish

You can get inspiration by watching your fish to see what stands out. If your fish is active, you can choose a betta fish name that matches their energy.

Appearance can also be a source of inspiration. By watching your fish closely, you can identify a dominant color and name him/her based on that.

Personality can also be identified through observation. Fish can be bold, shy, sleek, rough, etc. You can use these observations to pick a suitable name for him/her. Patterns can also be identified from observation.

2. Personal Preferences

Observation aside, you may have specific fish name preferences.

You may have a name already. You can also consider how your fish makes you feel. Try and describe the feeling in a few words.

You may also want a name that reminds you of something or a previous pet.

These preferences should be considered first before choosing common names or following other naming criterion.

3. Gender

Is your fish male or female? The above betta fish naming guide has both male and female betta fish naming ideas to consider. Even if you don’t know the gender, you can consider unisex names.

Gender can also offer other naming ideas since male bettas have distinct characteristics from female bettas.

As mentioned, male bettas have a fiercer temper, longer fins, and more brilliant colors. They also tend to be more intolerant, giving them unique gender-based naming opportunities.

Female bettas are more gentle, paving way for personality-based naming options.

4. Pop Culture, Humor, Puns, And More

You can name your fish after your favorite pop culture icon. Inspiration can also be gotten from humor or puns.

Playing with words, combining words, or naming your fish after your favorite film, video game character, favorite food, etc., is also great.

5. Books And Existing Guides

You could turn to books and existing guides online and offline to get some inspiration. Naming guides can help even if they aren’t specifically for fish names.

Baby-names, for instance, can offer inspiration. You could also browse online to find ideas you can use.

Considering other languages and translating into English can also help. Historical texts can also come in handy.

6. Family And Friends

You can also turn to family or friends for inspiration. There’s nothing wrong with naming a pet after a friend or family member. However, you can seek your loved one’s opinion before naming your fish.

7. Naming By Criteria

Naming a pet can also be easier if you have a criterion in place. For instance, having a preference for a short name over a long one can make your work easier. What’s more, it may be better for memory as long names are easy to forget and tedious to pronounce. You can also purpose to choose a name that won’t stress you.

What’s more, it helps a name you love explaining. Since your family members and friends are bound to get curious about your naming preference, you should choose a name that you can willingly elaborate on multiple times to family, friends, and curious visitors.

Whichever method you choose to get the best betta fish names, it must offer a name/s that feels right. The name should also match your fish’s appearance, personality, temperament, and other unique traits. Whether you prefer naming based on gender, appearance, or personality, this betta fish naming guide is bound to spark your creativity.


Choosing betta fish names can be a daunting task. When you want a unique name that feels right and captures the uniqueness of your fish, you must be ready to go to great lengths. A meaningful name is always better than one that is simply trendy. However, there’s nothing wrong with combining meaning with some fun or celebrated attributes.

We’ve prepared this guide to make your work easier. Hopefully, you can find a name that you love and suits your fish perfectly. If you’d like more information on naming, visit blogoftom.

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Tom Derbyshire

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